Man, 25, Beaten Nearly To Death By 40 Teens Using Skateboards

If only they had access to a gun they could have finished the job.

If he had one he wouldn't have beaten, that's for sure, your obvious trolling aside.

That's what it will take. When a mob attacks a person and that person fights back doing real damage, these random mob attacks will stop.

What if the random mobs themselves have guns? its not like its hard to get one in the states.
No one wants to come out and say that most of these mob beatings across the country are perpetrated by blacks. That would be racist.

Were the kids that did this black? looking at the area where this happened I would say no.

I posted a link to a local news report where the father of one of the kids arrested was being interviewed. He was certainly white. It's a safe assumption that the rest were too. Since all four of the teens that were arrested, had records and were on probation, then this man's son must have had a record and been on probation too. Which makes him just another street thug. Heavens it's not like there are no white street thugs. I was just robbed by two of them a week ago! But this is Los Angeles so it would have been a miracle if I hadn't been robbed by somebody.

All four of those arrested are currently on probation for other crimes

Wonder what else they have in common?

No one wants to come out and say that most of these mob beatings across the country are perpetrated by blacks. That would be racist.

Local news puts the attackers as white kids.

Hah, can you come out looking like any more of an asshole? You've taken it to new levels.

I think trying to make an issue like this about politics or race is foolish. People are also trying to make the Cleveland abduction and imprisonment of those 3 women a political and racial issue. These things are social issues, social problems, mental health problems, and many other factors about the human species and human condition that have always existed: they are nothing to do with any current political or racial issues, not local politics or national politics, not racial conflicts, etc.
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