Man Allegedly Pushes Jogger Into Traffic, Because 'I Hate White People'


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
Man Allegedly Pushes Jogger Into Traffic Because I Hate White People
It sounds like a good reason to assault white people just because you hate them. Well it's a good thing he got arrested for ethnic intimidation. That's a good step towards getting rid of reverse racism. However there are still a lot of hate crimes committed by black people which don't get investigated. I hope the trend will change for the better since black people currently commit the majority of crimes in the US.
That's what the attacker told his victim so it's not a generalization.

Every white person should assume that every black feels the same way until they learn differently.
Man Allegedly Pushes Jogger Into Traffic Because I Hate White People
It sounds like a good reason to assault white people just because you hate them. Well it's a good thing he got arrested for ethnic intimidation. That's a good step towards getting rid of reverse racism. However there are still a lot of hate crimes committed by black people which don't get investigated. I hope the trend will change for the better since black people currently commit the majority of crimes in the US.

Well he sounds fucking retarded and this is coming from a black man
"Man Allegedly Pushes Jogger Into Traffic, Because 'I Hate White People'"

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your ignorance of a hasty generalization fallacy.

To the programmer of the C_Clayton_Jonesbot version 1.1.

At your next update, please have ready a patch that enables the Jonesbot to utilize the boards "quote" feature properly.

Also, in future versions if you could give the Jonesbot a larger vocabulary, that enables the Jonesbot to get away from cliche remarks such as "hasty generalization fallacy".

Here's to a future better version of the Jonesbot ! :beer:
Well he sounds fucking retarded and this is coming from a black man
Indeed. I'm not a racist but it would be great if black hate crimes were frowned upon. We need to get rid of all kinds of racism including the black one. America must become free from hatred.
Kill Kill Kill the white man....
Kill Kill Kill him till he is dead.

Mammalooka boobaday....
The Howard Stern Show.
Man Allegedly Pushes Jogger Into Traffic Because I Hate White People
It sounds like a good reason to assault white people just because you hate them. Well it's a good thing he got arrested for ethnic intimidation. That's a good step towards getting rid of reverse racism. However there are still a lot of hate crimes committed by black people which don't get investigated. I hope the trend will change for the better since black people currently commit the majority of crimes in the US.

Majority of crimes in the US are commited by Whites.

"TOTAL 9,390,473 (whites)6,502,919 (blacks)2,640,067"

FBI Table 43
Man Allegedly Pushes Jogger Into Traffic Because I Hate White People
It sounds like a good reason to assault white people just because you hate them. Well it's a good thing he got arrested for ethnic intimidation. That's a good step towards getting rid of reverse racism. However there are still a lot of hate crimes committed by black people which don't get investigated. I hope the trend will change for the better since black people currently commit the majority of crimes in the US.
There is no animal called reverse racism,its just racism,skin color isn't a qualifier.

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