Man Arrested For Displaying The Words “I Eat Ass” On His Vehicle

In the sleepy town of Lake City, Florida, where I live a First Amendment battle is brewing over the public display of the word “ass”.

“A Florida man is claiming his First Amendment rights were violated after he was arrested Sunday for sporting an "I Eat Ass" sticker on his truck, which is apparently a violation of the state's obscenity law.”

Florida man arrested for having an 'I Eat Ass' sticker on truck says his rights were violated

I think that anyone who is offended by the word “ass” is a pompous pantywaist who has lived a far too sheltered life. The word permeates our national discourse and flourishes within our entertainment industry.

There are many Bible references to the word “ass”. For example, Christ came triumphantly into Jerusalem riding on an ass. (Matthew 21: 1-5) and Samson killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass (Judges 15:16).
The ass of the bible is not the same as the ass on some clown's crass bumper sticker. But I'm sure you know that.
I remember another case a few decades or so ago where a man was denied a personalized license plate with the word HOOKER. The state said the word was offensive even though the man's last name was Hooker. Fortunately, the man eventually prevailed.

As a parting gift to all the fine folks at USMB, I offer one of my favorite poems:

The was a young lady from Crass
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think;
It was gray, had long ears and ate grass.
I'm in Florida's corner on this. There is no right to
publicly discuss or promote sexual acts. Leave your disgusting personal habits at home.
People that sport swears on clothes and/or cars are trashy, but this case is a silly government overreach. The idea of criminalizing bad taste should frighten us all.
People that sport swears on clothes and/or cars are trashy, but this case is a silly government overreach. The idea of criminalizing bad taste should frighten us all.
Can you decorate your front lawn with signs that feature Hustler style sexually explicit photos?

I am not "frightened" at all that some moron doesn't get to put nasty sexually explicit references on his car.
People that sport swears on clothes and/or cars are trashy, but this case is a silly government overreach. The idea of criminalizing bad taste should frighten us all.
Can you decorate your front lawn with signs that feature Hustler style sexually explicit photos?

I am not "frightened" at all that some moron doesn't get to put nasty sexually explicit references on his car.

No, you’re not allowed to have porngraphic images on your front lawn. Does this standard apply just to cars? I’ve seen some distasteful shirts in my day. Should the police start handing out citations for offending the delicate sensibilities of others? It’s trashy, but doesn’t rise to the level of requiring government intervention. I believe this bumper sticker is protected by the First Amendment.
No, you’re not allowed to have porngraphic images on your front lawn. Does this standard apply just to cars? I’ve seen some distasteful shirts in my day.
Hustler placards on your lawn are a type of self expression the same as this bumper sticker is. Why is one acceptable and the other not?
Where is the consistency in that?
As soon as you admit someone can't express himself in an obscenely offensive manner, on the one hand, you've already cancelled out your own position on the other.

Should the police start handing out citations for offending the delicate sensibilities of others? It’s trashy, but doesn’t rise to the level of requiring government intervention. I believe this bumper sticker is protected by the First Amendment.
I've seen bumper stickers warning tailgaters to watch out for flicked boogers. Horribly tacky tastes are not illegal.
"Eating ass" crosses the line from merely bad manners to obscenity. And as you admit there are lines that cannot and should not be crossed. That is one of them.
No, you’re not allowed to have porngraphic images on your front lawn. Does this standard apply just to cars? I’ve seen some distasteful shirts in my day.
Hustler placards on your lawn are a type of self expression the same as this bumper sticker is. Why is one acceptable and the other not?
Where is the consistency in that?
As soon as you admit someone can't express himself in an obscene or offensive manner on the one hand you've already cancelled out your own position on the other.

Should the police start handing out citations for offending the delicate sensibilities of others? It’s trashy, but doesn’t rise to the level of requiring government intervention. I believe this bumper sticker is protected by the First Amendment.
I've seen bumper stickers warning tailgaters to watch out for flicked boogers. Horribly tacky tastes are not illegal.
"Eating ass" crosses the line from merely bad manners to obscenity. And as you admit there are lines that cannot and should not be crossed. That is one of them.

I am basing my determination on past precedents set by the courts concerning pornography, obscene materials, and the 1st Amendment. I don’t believe this tawdry bumper sticker rises to a criminal level and I think the courts will come to the same conclusion if it’s pursued by the Defendant. Either way, it’s an interesting case that I’ll be watching.
I am basing my determination on past precedents set by the courts concerning pornography, obscene materials, and the 1st Amendment. I don’t believe this tawdry bumper sticker rises to a criminal level and I think the courts will come to the same conclusion if it’s pursued by the Defendant. Either way, it’s an interesting case that I’ll be watching.
Me too should it come to that, which I doubt.

The salient point is the bumper sticker is a public proclamation of this
crude louse and as such it violates obscenity laws.
If he wants to wall paper his home in I Eat Ass wallpaper that's his business.

But when he makes his obscenity a public matter he loses that right to display it just the same as those lawn placards I mentioned would not be legal.

And I'm sure the Supreme Court would rule as such unless there is some Constitutional right to publicly viewed obscenity that I'm not aware of.
In the sleepy town of Lake City, Florida, where I live a First Amendment battle is brewing over the public display of the word “ass”.

“A Florida man is claiming his First Amendment rights were violated after he was arrested Sunday for sporting an "I Eat Ass" sticker on his truck, which is apparently a violation of the state's obscenity law.”

Florida man arrested for having an 'I Eat Ass' sticker on truck says his rights were violated

I think that anyone who is offended by the word “ass” is a pompous pantywaist who has lived a far too sheltered life. The word permeates our national discourse and flourishes within our entertainment industry.

There are many Bible references to the word “ass”. For example, Christ came triumphantly into Jerusalem riding on an ass. (Matthew 21: 1-5) and Samson killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass (Judges 15:16).

I remember another case a few decades or so ago where a man was denied a personalized license plate with the word HOOKER. The state said the word was offensive even though the man's last name was Hooker. Fortunately, the man eventually prevailed.

As a parting gift to all the fine folks at USMB, I offer one of my favorite poems:

The was a young lady from Crass
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think;
It was gray, had long ears and ate grass.
Promoting sodomy?

I don't know. “Eating ass” sounds more like cannibalism than sodomy when applied to the human derriere. What you call sodomy (which includes oral sex) is the norm in today's America. If you don't get that, you are extremely naive.

Am I promoting sodomy, which includes oral sex? You bet your sweet ass I am. Wait, I live in Lake City, Florida and could be arrested for saying that.

PS: If you say you've never done it I will call you a liar.
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In the sleepy town of Lake City, Florida, where I live a First Amendment battle is brewing over the public display of the word “ass”.

“A Florida man is claiming his First Amendment rights were violated after he was arrested Sunday for sporting an "I Eat Ass" sticker on his truck, which is apparently a violation of the state's obscenity law.”

Florida man arrested for having an 'I Eat Ass' sticker on truck says his rights were violated

I think that anyone who is offended by the word “ass” is a pompous pantywaist who has lived a far too sheltered life. The word permeates our national discourse and flourishes within our entertainment industry.

There are many Bible references to the word “ass”. For example, Christ came triumphantly into Jerusalem riding on an ass. (Matthew 21: 1-5) and Samson killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass (Judges 15:16).

I remember another case a few decades or so ago where a man was denied a personalized license plate with the word HOOKER. The state said the word was offensive even though the man's last name was Hooker. Fortunately, the man eventually prevailed.

As a parting gift to all the fine folks at USMB, I offer one of my favorite poems:

The was a young lady from Crass
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think;
It was gray, had long ears and ate grass.
Promoting sodomy?

I don't know. “Eating ass” sounds more like cannibalism than sodomy when applied to the human derriere. What you call sodomy (which includes oral sex) is the norm in today's America. If you don't get that, you are extremely naive.

Am I promoting sodomy, which includes oral sex? You bet your sweet ass I am. Wait, I live in Lake City, Florida and could be arrested for saying that.

PS: If you say you've never done it I will call you a liar.
Why would any sane person lick or suck a butthole?
In the sleepy town of Lake City, Florida, where I live a First Amendment battle is brewing over the public display of the word “ass”.

“A Florida man is claiming his First Amendment rights were violated after he was arrested Sunday for sporting an "I Eat Ass" sticker on his truck, which is apparently a violation of the state's obscenity law.”

Florida man arrested for having an 'I Eat Ass' sticker on truck says his rights were violated

I think that anyone who is offended by the word “ass” is a pompous pantywaist who has lived a far too sheltered life. The word permeates our national discourse and flourishes within our entertainment industry.

There are many Bible references to the word “ass”. For example, Christ came triumphantly into Jerusalem riding on an ass. (Matthew 21: 1-5) and Samson killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass (Judges 15:16).
The ass of the bible is not the same as the ass on some clown's crass bumper sticker. But I'm sure you know that.
I remember another case a few decades or so ago where a man was denied a personalized license plate with the word HOOKER. The state said the word was offensive even though the man's last name was Hooker. Fortunately, the man eventually prevailed.

As a parting gift to all the fine folks at USMB, I offer one of my favorite poems:

The was a young lady from Crass
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think;
It was gray, had long ears and ate grass.
I'm in Florida's corner on this. There is no right to
publicly discuss or promote sexual acts. Leave your disgusting personal habits at home.
Yep. We get all upset when homisexuals lead with their perverted sexuality. Dont need my kids seeing this. Can't imagine any parent thinking this is ok.
I've been really tired lately, so I went to the doctor to find out why.

After a thorough examination, the doctor told me I had a fairly common CHINESE disease.

I'm not Chinese, so I was a little worried. I asked him what this disease is called.

The doctor told me I was suffering from a case of DRAGON ASS.
In the sleepy town of Lake City, Florida, where I live a First Amendment battle is brewing over the public display of the word “ass”.

“A Florida man is claiming his First Amendment rights were violated after he was arrested Sunday for sporting an "I Eat Ass" sticker on his truck, which is apparently a violation of the state's obscenity law.”

Florida man arrested for having an 'I Eat Ass' sticker on truck says his rights were violated

I think that anyone who is offended by the word “ass” is a pompous pantywaist who has lived a far too sheltered life. The word permeates our national discourse and flourishes within our entertainment industry.

There are many Bible references to the word “ass”. For example, Christ came triumphantly into Jerusalem riding on an ass. (Matthew 21: 1-5) and Samson killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass (Judges 15:16).

I remember another case a few decades or so ago where a man was denied a personalized license plate with the word HOOKER. The state said the word was offensive even though the man's last name was Hooker. Fortunately, the man eventually prevailed.

As a parting gift to all the fine folks at USMB, I offer one of my favorite poems:

The was a young lady from Crass
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think;
It was gray, had long ears and ate grass.
Your own limerick shoots your own argument in the foot.
In the sleepy town of Lake City, Florida, where I live a First Amendment battle is brewing over the public display of the word “ass”.

“A Florida man is claiming his First Amendment rights were violated after he was arrested Sunday for sporting an "I Eat Ass" sticker on his truck, which is apparently a violation of the state's obscenity law.”

Florida man arrested for having an 'I Eat Ass' sticker on truck says his rights were violated

I think that anyone who is offended by the word “ass” is a pompous pantywaist who has lived a far too sheltered life. The word permeates our national discourse and flourishes within our entertainment industry.

There are many Bible references to the word “ass”. For example, Christ came triumphantly into Jerusalem riding on an ass. (Matthew 21: 1-5) and Samson killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass (Judges 15:16).

I remember another case a few decades or so ago where a man was denied a personalized license plate with the word HOOKER. The state said the word was offensive even though the man's last name was Hooker. Fortunately, the man eventually prevailed.

As a parting gift to all the fine folks at USMB, I offer one of my favorite poems:

The was a young lady from Crass
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think;
It was gray, had long ears and ate grass.
Your own limerick shoots your own argument in the foot.

So you say.
In the sleepy town of Lake City, Florida, where I live a First Amendment battle is brewing over the public display of the word “ass”.

“A Florida man is claiming his First Amendment rights were violated after he was arrested Sunday for sporting an "I Eat Ass" sticker on his truck, which is apparently a violation of the state's obscenity law.”

Florida man arrested for having an 'I Eat Ass' sticker on truck says his rights were violated

I think that anyone who is offended by the word “ass” is a pompous pantywaist who has lived a far too sheltered life. The word permeates our national discourse and flourishes within our entertainment industry.

There are many Bible references to the word “ass”. For example, Christ came triumphantly into Jerusalem riding on an ass. (Matthew 21: 1-5) and Samson killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass (Judges 15:16).

I remember another case a few decades or so ago where a man was denied a personalized license plate with the word HOOKER. The state said the word was offensive even though the man's last name was Hooker. Fortunately, the man eventually prevailed.

As a parting gift to all the fine folks at USMB, I offer one of my favorite poems:

The was a young lady from Crass
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think;
It was gray, had long ears and ate grass.
Your own limerick shoots your own argument in the foot.

So you say.
No, it’s what you said.
In the sleepy town of Lake City, Florida, where I live a First Amendment battle is brewing over the public display of the word “ass”.

“A Florida man is claiming his First Amendment rights were violated after he was arrested Sunday for sporting an "I Eat Ass" sticker on his truck, which is apparently a violation of the state's obscenity law.”

Florida man arrested for having an 'I Eat Ass' sticker on truck says his rights were violated

I think that anyone who is offended by the word “ass” is a pompous pantywaist who has lived a far too sheltered life. The word permeates our national discourse and flourishes within our entertainment industry.

There are many Bible references to the word “ass”. For example, Christ came triumphantly into Jerusalem riding on an ass. (Matthew 21: 1-5) and Samson killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass (Judges 15:16).

I remember another case a few decades or so ago where a man was denied a personalized license plate with the word HOOKER. The state said the word was offensive even though the man's last name was Hooker. Fortunately, the man eventually prevailed.

As a parting gift to all the fine folks at USMB, I offer one of my favorite poems:

The was a young lady from Crass
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think;
It was gray, had long ears and ate grass.
Promoting sodomy?

I don't know. “Eating ass” sounds more like cannibalism than sodomy when applied to the human derriere. What you call sodomy (which includes oral sex) is the norm in today's America. If you don't get that, you are extremely naive.

Am I promoting sodomy, which includes oral sex? You bet your sweet ass I am. Wait, I live in Lake City, Florida and could be arrested for saying that.

PS: If you say you've never done it I will call you a liar.
Why would any sane person lick or suck a butthole?

It sure as hell ain't my style, Gunny.

What's funny as hell is that some of the same people people who think it's unsanitary not to wash one's hands after going to the bathroom are undisturbed by putting their tongue in someone's anus.

Semper Fi!
In the sleepy town of Lake City, Florida, where I live a First Amendment battle is brewing over the public display of the word “ass”.

“A Florida man is claiming his First Amendment rights were violated after he was arrested Sunday for sporting an "I Eat Ass" sticker on his truck, which is apparently a violation of the state's obscenity law.”

Florida man arrested for having an 'I Eat Ass' sticker on truck says his rights were violated

I think that anyone who is offended by the word “ass” is a pompous pantywaist who has lived a far too sheltered life. The word permeates our national discourse and flourishes within our entertainment industry.

There are many Bible references to the word “ass”. For example, Christ came triumphantly into Jerusalem riding on an ass. (Matthew 21: 1-5) and Samson killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass (Judges 15:16).

I remember another case a few decades or so ago where a man was denied a personalized license plate with the word HOOKER. The state said the word was offensive even though the man's last name was Hooker. Fortunately, the man eventually prevailed.

As a parting gift to all the fine folks at USMB, I offer one of my favorite poems:

The was a young lady from Crass
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think;
It was gray, had long ears and ate grass.
In the sleepy town of Lake City, Florida, where I live a First Amendment battle is brewing over the public display of the word “ass”.

“A Florida man is claiming his First Amendment rights were violated after he was arrested Sunday for sporting an "I Eat Ass" sticker on his truck, which is apparently a violation of the state's obscenity law.”

Florida man arrested for having an 'I Eat Ass' sticker on truck says his rights were violated

I think that anyone who is offended by the word “ass” is a pompous pantywaist who has lived a far too sheltered life. The word permeates our national discourse and flourishes within our entertainment industry.

There are many Bible references to the word “ass”. For example, Christ came triumphantly into Jerusalem riding on an ass. (Matthew 21: 1-5) and Samson killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass (Judges 15:16).

I remember another case a few decades or so ago where a man was denied a personalized license plate with the word HOOKER. The state said the word was offensive even though the man's last name was Hooker. Fortunately, the man eventually prevailed.

As a parting gift to all the fine folks at USMB, I offer one of my favorite poems:

The was a young lady from Crass
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think;
It was gray, had long ears and ate grass.

Funny when you consider that it was likely a reference to pulled pork or pork butt. It's called pork butt or Boston butt as it refers to the upper part of a pork shoulder. Smokers called it cooking up or smoking some ass often.

It would be even funnier if these assholes realized where the concept of so called obsenity comes from and how politically incorrect it really is. It began with the Norman conquest of England when the Norman's tried to force their language on the English. As an example the Saxon word (shyte) shit was denounced as profane while the French word defecate was considered proper. Therefore the very idea of profanity is pure unadulterated bullshit.
This is not the same as cursing or taking the Lord's name in vain, before you shitforbrains even goes there. That's another kettle of fish.
The 1st Amendment is one thing but you gotta watch your ass when it comes to obscenity laws.

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