Man breaks into house to rape 6 year old

At least they beat his ass in good:

Collar alerted her husband and that’s when he and another roommate took on the intruder, giving him a beatdown of a lifetime.

The group tied up the intruder, later identified as 21-year-old Pedro Santiago Machi-Menchu, with a shoestring to keep him there. They also dragged him into the living room.

hopefully he gets more in prison.
Liberals probably think the illegal rapists civil rights were violated!!

That was the position that liberals had when they demanded that the father be arrested. Fortunately this happened in Texas where liberals were told to stick a sock in it.

Kevin Western?
You were wrong, libtard!!

Help me out, Paul, which of these makes me a liberal?

Is it the fact that I'm a pro-gun supporter who wants to do away with most of the red tape required to own a firearm, the fact that I despise Obama and (much) of the Democratic party in general, the fact that I think Obamacare is a disaster that should be ended immediately, or the fact that I want to significantly lower taxes and shrink the Federal Gov't so that states have more power to decide their own rules/regulations?

Or am I a liberal (or "libtard" as you children like to say) because I was giving NovaSteve a hard time, lol?

Just picking your brain/thought process, Paul. Let me know...

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Kevin Western?
You were wrong, libtard!!

Help me out, Paul, which of these makes me a liberal?

Is it the fact that I'm a pro-gun supporter who wants to do away with most of the red tape required to own a firearm, the fact that I despise Obama and (much) of the Democratic party in general, the fact that I think Obamacare is a disaster that should be ended immediately, or the fact that I want to significantly lower taxes and shrink the Federal Gov't so that states have more power to decide their own rules/regulations?

Or am I a liberal (or "libtard" as you children like to say) because I was giving NovaSteve a hard time, lol?

Just picking your brain/thought process, Paul. Let me know...

You are diverting the subject matter away from the topic in hand.
You don't give a shit about the victim, the horror of the crime, you give the poster of the story a hard time.
Attacking the OP is more important to you than the suffering of the child.
Hiding the crime, covering it up, changing the subject
Liberal tactics.

I'm sure Nova Steve cares much more about starting controversy on this board vs. the well being of that child. I know this because this is not his first post, and he has a history of posting strange stories about sex, transgendered sports, etc that seem to get people (just like you) on both sides all up in a tizzy.

Then he sits back and fails to respond once the questions start to get difficult, like when I asked him what the point of this post was. I wanted to clarify if he's upset that the owner didn't buy a gun, or upset at the laws, etc, so that I could better respond to the OP.

And what are you, NovaSteve's intern or something, lol?
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I wonder too, sometimes see people get the breast cancer awareness style to their name and am never sure what specific offense caused the action.

Poor pauli really seemed to be accelerating his ride off the sanity rails though, he was almost to the point of 90% gibberish.
I don't think libfags support the criminals they just want you to ignore crime when a protected liberal group member commits a heinous crime
I don't think libfags support the criminals they just want you to ignore crime when a protected liberal group member commits a heinous crime
Why poster adheres to this philosophy?

If you've got someone in mind then it makes for an interesting discussion, if not then you're having a discussion with a straw man.
So why do you homos ignore all interracial crime where there is a white victim?

Do your antriretrovirals make you selective?

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