Man caught raping...Um, a car.

How desperate are some of you guys anyway? Sheesh! I hear all kinds of stories about guys doing it with inanimate objects. Picnic tables, park benches, now cars! Lol! :razz:
I think drugs and alcohol tend to be involved in most of those.

Mechaphiliacs actually develop "relationships" with the machines, in a sober state of mind. It's a very significant part of their lives.

IMO, they must be either extremely lonely (to the point of madness) or not playing with a full deck.
They're damaged. Their emotional/sexual drives have been perverted by nature, nurture, or some combination of the two.

That came across clearly in the documentary.

Either that, or they just found a way to wank off without getting a cramp in their arm.
How desperate are some of you guys anyway? Sheesh! I hear all kinds of stories about guys doing it with inanimate objects. Picnic tables, park benches, now cars! Lol! :razz:
Cars don't get upset when you drive another car.
Well, maybe people shouldn't be so quick to jump into a car they are not entirely pleased with. :p
Gotta test drive it to know. :banana:

That is just one reason why I advocate "shacking up" before marrying a person. You really can't know a person until you've lived with that person, and all of their little quirks and aggravating habits, etc.
Mechaphilia is common enough that one of the small US TV stations (I can't recall which one) did a documentary on it about a decade ago. There are online communities devoted to it, many of them on the so-called "deep web" (e.g. TOR).

The documentarians explained that it was exceptionally difficult to get anyone from the group to discuss the perversion on camera. It obviously hasn't reached the "mechaphilia pride" stage yet.

What I found most fascinating is that the men (mechaphiles are almost exclusively men) had remarkably specific preferences for their "partners", and had formed deep emotional attachments. One fellow apparently "loved" a specific helicopter used to film one of the 1970's TV action shows, and would "visit her" frequently until the chopper crashed. He broke down in tears when he described the crash. Sick as he was, he seemed to genuinely "love" the machine.

One can't help but feel sorry for these people. :(
Why feel sorry for them? Mechas can't scream at you, call the cops for a fake domestic abuse accusation, divorce you and take your kids and your house. They will never tell you they're not in the mood or get angry if you get it on with that floozie blender in the kitchen.

There's a lot of upside you're dismissing.
The gentlemen in the documentary were typically "in love" with vehicles, and very clearly personified them. I would call the ones they interviewed 'delusional'.

As far as sexual perversions go, mechaphilia isn't as dangerous as some (e.g. homosexuality, bestiality, asphyxiaphilia, etc.) or as ordure as some that I won't name, but one does get a very strong sense of individuals damaged and suffering. The "relationships" are painfully counterfeit, devoid of the depth of human relationships, let alone the richness of marital relationships. The perversion is often brought on by protracted neglect or emotional trauma.
I don't see anything ethically or morally wrong with someone playing with their own property. He sure doesn't look like he is suffering, and him loving a car doesn't hurt anyone, any more than a vibrator.

That said, there is nothing 'sexually perverted' about having sex with the same sex, and plenty of people have done it with no adverse effects.

So unless you can quote statistics showing most gay people become Hannibal Lector, after having sex, that whole bit of your argument is just damn silly.
I'm not sure where you're getting 'Hannibal Lector' from. My comment re danger refers to incredibly high rates of sexual disease, high levels of promiscuity, severely shortened lifespan, high rates of mental illness, and a litany of other health/emotional risks (see here for an overview).

As for mechaphilia being a sexual perversion, I'll simply point out that a sexual act needn't be harmful to others in order to be perverse.

Mechaphilia wouldn't appear to be a particularly dangerous perversion. There's no risk of disease, for instance. The documentary gave the impression that the mechaphilia was more a symptom of deeper emotional trauma. As I remarked earlier, the men they interviewed were clearly delusional in the degree to which they personified the machines they "loved".

They're damaged. Their emotional/sexual drives have been perverted by nature, nurture, or some combination of the two.

That came across clearly in the documentary.
They used to say that about gays.
People were allowed to, back then.

We should be grateful that we can still decry the perversity of men carrying on sexual relations with their cars circa 2015. A decade from now, we'll have men humping car fenders on parade floats during "mecha pride week", and the PC gestapo will be on patrol for anyone daring to utter "hate speech" in disapproval of it.
I nipped it in the bud when I was a lad.


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