Man Charged With Murder

The man didn't murder anyone. Charge him with not keeping his dogs locked up, or something.

Because his negligence led to this woman's death. He knew the dogs were vicious and had attacked other people. Dog owners need to be responsible for their pets' behavior. I agree, however, with another poster. Murder charges will probably not stick. It should be negligent homicide. It's like dangerous driving that results in a death.

If the dogs had attacked other people, why wasn't he charged and ordered to surrender the animals? Why was he allowed to keep animals that had already proven to be dangerous?

Seems to me that this is a problem with appropriate charges not being laid from the start - that could have prevented this.

Because governments move slowly for one thing. Also, people are reticent to report bad guys do to fear and sadly, eventually something like this happens which finally takes it out of their hands.
Why should this happen everytime a pitbull kills someone? What if a pit kills while protecting it's owner? Pits aren't any more aggressive than other "dangerous" breeds. I have had pits here that are the sweetest things ever. The owner is to blame, not the animal.

well moron every time a pit bull kills a human you get some bullshit statement that "it's not the dog it's the owner" so when some human is murdered by a pit bull then it's owner should go to prison for murder. It's just that simple.
The man didn't murder anyone. Charge him with not keeping his dogs locked up, or something.

and because he didn't keep his dogs locked up a woman was murdered by them. he the derelict owner should do prison time for that murder.
The man didn't murder anyone. Charge him with not keeping his dogs locked up, or something.

and because he didn't keep his dogs locked up a woman was murdered by them. he the derelict owner should do prison time for that murder.

Well, technically he did keep his dogs locked up - but the fence was low so the dogs were able to jump over it.
The man didn't murder anyone. Charge him with not keeping his dogs locked up, or something.

and because he didn't keep his dogs locked up a woman was murdered by them. he the derelict owner should do prison time for that murder.

Well, technically he did keep his dogs locked up - but the fence was low so the dogs were able to jump over it.

Technically, that is not keeping his dogs confined. So, no, they are not 'locked up.'
Pepper spray doesn't always stop a human, so it may not stop a vicious dog, either. You just can't be sure.
The owner should have taken more care to keep his dogs locked up, because he didn't, a woman is dead.

Pepper spray has an expiration date on it. I don't think people always pay attention to that. Makes me wonder if the cases when it doesn't work well is because it has expired and lost its potency.

Better to have it than not, don't you think? It sure worked great for me. I would have had a bloody dog fight on my hands were it not for that. And it's no trouble to have it along.

Of course, I'm a survivalist. I always think "it" can happen to me. So I am prepared.

And I always have a plan B.
In my neighborhood if you had a gang of pitbulls running loose and terrorizing people, they would be shot dead about the second time they were running loose. The people here wouldn't tolerate it.

Just last summer one of my neighbors shot another neighbor's pitbull that had come in his yard and was fighting with his dog. I didn't like that he did that, but at the same time if somebody's pitbull attacked one of my dobies, I would kill it, too. So, even though I don't like hearing that a dog has been shot, I couldn't really blame him for doing it. Although, if the asshole had a six-foot fence like I do, with no breaks in it anywhere, the pitbull would have never gotten into his yard.

There was another dog running loose, a husky, and some people were saying she was behaving in a threatening manner. I befriended that dog, and she was sweet as could be. She was very wolflike and would kind of shadow you as you walked along, I guess that's why people thought she was threatening. Her owners were assholes, they'd tie her outside and she always managed to get loose. So, before anyone got the idea of shooting her, a friend and I arranged for her disappearance. Let's just say she has a very good home now with a big fenced yard, has two other dogs to play with and gets to go to the dog park every day, never gets tied up and sleeps in her new owner's bed. :)
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The man didn't murder anyone. Charge him with not keeping his dogs locked up, or something.

and because he didn't keep his dogs locked up a woman was murdered by them. he the derelict owner should do prison time for that murder.

Well, technically he did keep his dogs locked up - but the fence was low so the dogs were able to jump over it.

technically his dogs were allowed to roam.....if they can jump the fence and he knew this....technically he allowed vicious dogs to roam and they killed a woman....he is fully responsible..just as i would be if i allowed my doberman to kill the kid next doberman made the mistake of barking at the kids at the bus stop....he is no longer allowed to roam during bus stop hours..all my neighbors have been told the same thing....if push comes to shove and it looks like a child is in danger....shot my would simply break my heart but you must err on the side of safety at all times...

i would rather cry my heart out over my lost dog...than a small child....i would rather cry my heart out over my lost dog than see a small child scarred for life...either way...body or mind..owning any animal that can kill a human is a huge responsibility to be taken seriously
and because he didn't keep his dogs locked up a woman was murdered by them. he the derelict owner should do prison time for that murder.

Well, technically he did keep his dogs locked up - but the fence was low so the dogs were able to jump over it.

Technically, that is not keeping his dogs confined. So, no, they are not 'locked up.'

Then how high should a fence be to keep a dog inside?
The man didn't murder anyone. Charge him with not keeping his dogs locked up, or something.

a kid kills a gator and you are up in arms....dogs kill a woman and its a misdemeanor....what kinda of fucked up mind do you have?

The alligator posed no threat to anyone and was killed for sport. This woman was killed by dogs that were not properly supervised. It's a big difference.
Well, I had my own pitbull attack today. : (

Was walking my dogs, all five of them, and was approaching a park. Saw people had dogs off-leash, including a pitbull, so I pulled out my pepper spray and I stopped to see what they would do. They grabbed their dogs and I continued on. One of the guys, who owned the pitbull came running out to the street to see my dobermans while the other guy held on to the pitbull. He petted my dogs for a bit and then we continued on.

Just then a car was passing by so I was distracted with keeping my dogs off to the side of the road. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that fucking pitbull running at us. For some reason they let go of the pitbull. I had put my pepper spray away because they appeared to be controlling their dog. It all happened so fast, I didn't get my pepper spray back out in time.

The pitbull grabbed my minpin mix by the back of the neck and literally shook her. I was screaming and started kicking the pitbull as hard as I could. The man came along (he didn't seem to be hurrying all that much) and grabbed his dog. He said something like "Pebbles! What's gotten into you?" As if he was shocked that the dog behaved that way.

I screamed at him, you're not going to pay my vet bill are you, you son of a bitch. I was cussing and screaming all the way down the street. Cynthia was injured, too. At first I didn't think so, but she has a bite and will have to go in for stitches tomorrow.

Somebody told me where the guy lives so I went back down there and got his house number and called Animal Control and left a message as to what happened. I will see what they say when they call me back tomorrow. Which they had better do. We have a leash law in this town, and people need to obey it, especially people with vicious fucking mindless dogs like that.

I let Cynthia down. From now on whenever there are dogs within my sight I will have the pepper spray out, and I will spray every dog that comes near us, friendly or not. I let Cynthia down, but I won't do it again.

Someone in the neighborhood is going to shoot that fucking pitbull, and I won't be sorry to hear it. Hope they shoot it before it gets a kid.
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The man didn't murder anyone. Charge him with not keeping his dogs locked up, or something.

a kid kills a gator and you are up in arms....dogs kill a woman and its a misdemeanor....what kinda of fucked up mind do you have?

The alligator posed no threat to anyone and was killed for sport. This woman was killed by dogs that were not properly supervised. It's a big difference.


The 63 year old woman jogger posed no threat to anyone and was killed for sport. Get a fucking brain.
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Well, technically he did keep his dogs locked up - but the fence was low so the dogs were able to jump over it.

Technically, that is not keeping his dogs confined. So, no, they are not 'locked up.'

Then how high should a fence be to keep a dog inside?

For my dobermans I was advised six feet. So I put up a six-foot fence. I don't want to take any chances they get out, not because I think they would hurt anybody, but because I'd be worried that someone would hurt them, thinking that they were dangerous. Or they'd get hit by a car. Whatever it takes to keep them safe is what I do.
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Well, I had my own pitbull attack today. : (

Was walking my dogs, all five of them, and was approaching a park. Saw people had dogs off-leash, including a pitbull, so I pulled out my pepper spray and I stopped to see what they would do. They grabbed their dogs and I continued on. One of the guys, who owned the pitbull came running out to the street to see my dobermans while the other guy held on to the pitbull. He petted my dogs for a bit and then we continued on.

Just then a car was passing by so I was distracted with keeping my dogs off to the side of the road. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that fucking pitbull running at us. For some reason they let go of the pitbull. I had put my pepper spray away because they appeared to be controlling their dog. It all happened so fast, I didn't get my pepper spray back out in time.

The pitbull grabbed my minpin mix by the back of the neck and literally shook her. I was screaming and started kicking the pitbull as hard as I could. The man came along (he didn't seem to be hurrying all that much) and grabbed his dog. He said something like "Pebbles! What's gotten into you?" As if he was shocked that the dog behaved that way.

I screamed at him, you're not going to pay my vet bill are you, you son of a bitch. I was cussing and screaming all the way down the street. Cynthia was injured, too. At first I didn't think so, but she has a bite and will have to go in for stitches tomorrow.

Somebody told me where the guy lives so I went back down there and got his house number and called Animal Control and left a message as to what happened. I will see what they say when they call me back tomorrow. Which they had better do. We have a leash law in this town, and people need to obey it, especially people with vicious fucking mindless dogs like that.

I let Cynthia down. From now on whenever there are dogs within my sight I will have the pepper spray out, and I will spray every dog that comes near us, friendly or not. I let Cynthia down, but I won't do it again.

Someone in the neighborhood is going to shoot that fucking pitbull, and I won't be sorry to hear it. Hope they shoot it before it gets a kid.

sad thing is pits dont have to be raised that way

it is more of the fault of the owner then the dog
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Well, technically he did keep his dogs locked up - but the fence was low so the dogs were able to jump over it.

I would be very interested to know the codes for fencing in his area. I used to live where you could not have a fence over 4 feet high. My neighbors got rid of their beautiful, sweet lab because she kept hopping that fence and because they could not build one high enough to keep her in, they gave her away to someone who could.

Anyway, this man is not guilty of murder. Manslaughter perhaps, but not murder. It frightens me how little people, including DA's apparently, understand the law.
a kid kills a gator and you are up in arms....dogs kill a woman and its a misdemeanor....what kinda of fucked up mind do you have?

The alligator posed no threat to anyone and was killed for sport. This woman was killed by dogs that were not properly supervised. It's a big difference.


The 63 year old woman jogger posed no threat to anyone and was killed for sport. Get a fucking brain.

How do you determine this woman was killed for sport? She was killed by a pack of dogs who were not properly fenced in. It is completely different to actually hunting an animal with the intention of killing it.
Technically, that is not keeping his dogs confined. So, no, they are not 'locked up.'

Then how high should a fence be to keep a dog inside?

For my dobermans I was advised six feet. So I put up a six-foot fence. I don't want to take any chances they get out, not because I think they would hurt anybody, but because I'd be worried that someone would hurt them, thinking that they were dangerous. Or they'd get hit by a car. Whatever it takes to keep them safe is what I do.

But here is the problem - in some places you wouldn't be allowed to have a fence that high. You have to ask the council for their guidelines.
So if the council said that your fence couldn't be any higher than say, three feet, you would find it impossible to keep a dog, because the dog wouldn't be deemed as being properly fenced in.
Well, I had my own pitbull attack today. : (

Was walking my dogs, all five of them, and was approaching a park. Saw people had dogs off-leash, including a pitbull, so I pulled out my pepper spray and I stopped to see what they would do. They grabbed their dogs and I continued on. One of the guys, who owned the pitbull came running out to the street to see my dobermans while the other guy held on to the pitbull. He petted my dogs for a bit and then we continued on.

Just then a car was passing by so I was distracted with keeping my dogs off to the side of the road. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that fucking pitbull running at us. For some reason they let go of the pitbull. I had put my pepper spray away because they appeared to be controlling their dog. It all happened so fast, I didn't get my pepper spray back out in time.

The pitbull grabbed my minpin mix by the back of the neck and literally shook her. I was screaming and started kicking the pitbull as hard as I could. The man came along (he didn't seem to be hurrying all that much) and grabbed his dog. He said something like "Pebbles! What's gotten into you?" As if he was shocked that the dog behaved that way.

I screamed at him, you're not going to pay my vet bill are you, you son of a bitch. I was cussing and screaming all the way down the street. Cynthia was injured, too. At first I didn't think so, but she has a bite and will have to go in for stitches tomorrow.

Somebody told me where the guy lives so I went back down there and got his house number and called Animal Control and left a message as to what happened. I will see what they say when they call me back tomorrow. Which they had better do. We have a leash law in this town, and people need to obey it, especially people with vicious fucking mindless dogs like that.

I let Cynthia down. From now on whenever there are dogs within my sight I will have the pepper spray out, and I will spray every dog that comes near us, friendly or not. I let Cynthia down, but I won't do it again.

Someone in the neighborhood is going to shoot that fucking pitbull, and I won't be sorry to hear it. Hope they shoot it before it gets a kid.

The LAST thing you do is kick an attacking pitt. They are fighting dogs, when they are attacking any pain such as kicking only encourages them and drives them on. You can get them to let go by taking away air. Use a parting stick (hammer handle) put stick at the back of the mouth, behind the molars and apply pressure. Pitts were bred to have this method of breaking the bite, so that dogfighters can easily and quickly seperate the dogs.

A break stick is a device inserted into the mouth of a pit bull (behind the molars) to facilitate the release of its grip on another dog. You can improvise and use your fingers in a pinch. This is a tried and true method of releasing pitbull bites. Dogfighters, scum of the earth that they are, use it all the time.

Never kick or inflict any type of pain, that will only drive it on.
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