Man Charged With Murder

in that case

it sounds like the other dog owner is at fault

Aah, but only you have the vicious dog, the other dog is a little poodle, say. You cannot destroy a poodle for being aggressive, can you?

i am not for destroying any dog

the owner of the poodle should be charged

for not maintaining control of their animal

What about the owner of the Pit Bull who lashed out as a result of being intimidated by the poodle?
Aah, but only you have the vicious dog, the other dog is a little poodle, say. You cannot destroy a poodle for being aggressive, can you?

i am not for destroying any dog

the owner of the poodle should be charged

for not maintaining control of their animal

What about the owner of the Pit Bull who lashed out as a result of being intimidated by the poodle?

every dog has a right to defend it self
Off topic, but relevant to the discussion on dangerous dogs:

Monash dog fight: Kerser's fate sealed | Monash Weekly

Council THINK the dog is a Pit Bull. They decide this based on the way the dog looks. Owner doesn't agree, council doesn't care. Dog will be destroyed in a few days.

Would someone - like KG - like to have a look at the photo and see if they know what breed of dog this may be?

American Staffordshire terrier. There's really very little difference I'm afraid.
now dark i am gonna disagree with you....its a mixed pitt ...there is a lot of difference....AST in the 50's was the dog of choice for families....peedee on the little rascals was one....
When it comes to dog attacks, especially at places like dog parks, people blame the dog that attacks first. This is often very mistaken. Rarely does a dog attack another dog without reason, unless it's a red-zone case of dog-aggression, in which case such a dog should not be at a dog park. But 9 times out of 10, the dog being attacked instigated it.

Many owners are completely unaware of the signals their "little angel" sends to other dogs. It's amazing how few owners understand and interpret dominating posture and behavior in their own dogs. Jumping up on you when you come home from work, can be a dominant behavior. As can "asking" to be petted. Many subtle dominant behavior are overlooked, especially in small dogs, because they are "cute"

However, when left uncorrected these behaviors can get the dog in trouble in social settings with other dogs.
okay perhaps if i type real slow, you will understand...

when i have a 100 lb dog, they are always named something like killer, chaos etc....while the little 10 lb poodle is named muffie, lovebug etc...regardless of the little mutt's barking etc...its up to me as the owner of the larger dog to keep it under control..which means not biting or killing the little dog...if i am not up to controlling my dog..then i should not have my dog in public....

why? cause more annoying than little dogs...are little kids....they either are scared or want to pet the big dog...which normally means swatting at its poor head with their little hands....thor wont bite...most dogs must be trained to bite....but when he gets excited...he tends to do this full body motion....whipping his head and hind parts back and forth.....when it does it in a group of wee ones...its like a bowling ball striking pins...he can knock down a grown man when he does this...

simply is always up to the owner of the large dog to control it....even around yapping poodles, yorkies, maltese, etc and so forth...when owners of small dogs ask if their dog can 'play' with reply, "sure i have him trained to "give" we can retrieve things pretty far back in his throat" stops that....
now dark i am gonna disagree with you....its a mixed pitt ...there is a lot of difference....AST in the 50's was the dog of choice for families....peedee on the little rascals was one....

So were pitts. In England they were called "nanny dogs" at one time, because of how good they are with kids. They are separate breeds, but the differences are mostly technical.
When it comes to dog attacks, especially at places like dog parks, people blame the dog that attacks first. This is often very mistaken. Rarely does a dog attack another dog without reason, unless it's a red-zone case of dog-aggression, in which case such a dog should not be at a dog park. But 9 times out of 10, the dog being attacked instigated it.

Many owners are completely unaware of the signals their "little angel" sends to other dogs. It's amazing how few owners understand and interpret dominating posture and behavior in their own dogs. Jumping up on you when you come home from work, can be a dominant behavior. As can "asking" to be petted. Many subtle dominant behavior are overlooked, especially in small dogs, because they are "cute"

However, when left uncorrected these behaviors can get the dog in trouble in social settings with other dogs.

dog parks dont know if those dogs are vaccinated etc....too many people from florida...heartworms are becoming a problem here now cause of florida dogs coming in for the summer....i do not understand the dog park concept at all...

when i go out with my dogs..its the back country

that should be buddy in the back and thor in the front
okay perhaps if i type real slow, you will understand...

when i have a 100 lb dog, they are always named something like killer, chaos etc....while the little 10 lb poodle is named muffie, lovebug etc...regardless of the little mutt's barking etc...its up to me as the owner of the larger dog to keep it under control..which means not biting or killing the little dog...if i am not up to controlling my dog..then i should not have my dog in public....

What if the bigger dog attacks another bigger dog? Or it's two small dogs? No, you're passing the buck here. An owner should understand the importance of dominant body language in their dog regardless of size.

why? cause more annoying than little dogs...are little kids....they either are scared or want to pet the big dog...which normally means swatting at its poor head with their little hands....thor wont bite...most dogs must be trained to bite....but when he gets excited...he tends to do this full body motion....whipping his head and hind parts back and forth.....when it does it in a group of wee ones...its like a bowling ball striking pins...he can knock down a grown man when he does this...

There is a huge difference between a child playing and a dominant, threatening dog. Most dogs know the difference. I know it may seem odd, but a large dog can feel threatened by a small one that is displaying dominant behavior. No, it is up to everyone to control their dog. It sounds to me like you want a pass simply because of a dog's size.
dog parks dont know if those dogs are vaccinated etc....too many people from florida...heartworms are becoming a problem here now cause of florida dogs coming in for the summer....i do not understand the dog park concept at all...

when i go out with my dogs..its the back country

that should be buddy in the back and thor in the front

I'm not a big fan of dog parks either
dark i dont have a small dog.well buddy is my small dog....

i am a large dog owners who accepts full responsibility for my dogs behavior....

i wished small dogs owners would but they are not gonna.....simple as that...

jake, my husbands wonderful rescue, who passed in oct of last year.....was a sweet golden mix....
he would fight but loved to go out in public so he would behave for the most part....he apparently was neutered one damn day too late...he would always try to hump the females...he was so rude...we were walking outside the groomers when a lady lets out her poodle..and says...she wants to make friends..within minutes jake was humping the
i am not for destroying any dog

the owner of the poodle should be charged

for not maintaining control of their animal

What about the owner of the Pit Bull who lashed out as a result of being intimidated by the poodle?

every dog has a right to defend it self

That's true. I met with the Animal Control officer about the pitbull attacking my dog, and I commented how lucky it was my two Dobermans didn't decide to go after the pitbull. The Animal Control officer said if that happened, my Dobermans would not be held at fault at all, because A. They were on leash like they were supposed to be and B. They were protecting their own.

But mine didn't, they just stood there, like "Whatever. This is not our fight." LOL For which I am certainly grateful, it was bad enough as it was.

My vet bill, by the way, was $353, and that's a good deal, my vet gives me a break because he knows I've rescued so many animals. I'll post pictures of the wounds later tonight when I have more time.

The pitbull will not be confiscated or put down. But the owners may be given some conditions they have to adhere to if they want to keep the dog. I'll explain more when I post the pictures.
Why should this happen everytime a pitbull kills someone? What if a pit kills while protecting it's owner? Pits aren't any more aggressive than other "dangerous" breeds. I have had pits here that are the sweetest things ever. The owner is to blame, not the animal.

It sounds like, in a circuitous way, you actually agree with the charge, since you are blaming the owner and not the dog. Good owners have good dogs, right?

Exactly. Good owners have good dogs. In the case of having dogs with the potential for violence, an owner needs to be extra vigilant in training, maintaining, and controling the animal(s). Anyone with a large dog should have it behind a fence that cannot be jumped over, dug under, or in any other way penetrated. Also, dogs need to be raised from pups to be properly socialized so as not to chase after anyone or anything, not to jump on people, not to attack, etc. But, once you've got a dog that hasn't been trained to behave, it is really too late in most cases. They are, as far as temperment, spoiled. Once a dog like this attacks, especially if it kills, the dog has to be put down.
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But, once you've got a dog that hasn't been trained to behave, it is really too late in most cases. They are, as far as temperment, spoiled. Once a dog like this attacks, especially if it kills, the dog has to be put down.

Bullshit. There are VERY few dogs that cannot be rehabilitated. I have watched pitbulls taken from fighting operations, dogs that were mayhem on four legs, and turn into wonderful, trustworthy companions. Your mindset is archaic, dog psychology has taken enormous steps that disprove your very flawed premise.
But, once you've got a dog that hasn't been trained to behave, it is really too late in most cases. They are, as far as temperment, spoiled. Once a dog like this attacks, especially if it kills, the dog has to be put down.

Bullshit. There are VERY few dogs that cannot be rehabilitated. I have watched pitbulls taken from fighting operations, dogs that were mayhem on four legs, and turn into wonderful, trustworthy companions. Your mindset is archaic, dog psychology has taken enormous steps that disprove your very flawed premise.

Thanks for saying it, DarkLion. "Bullshit" was the first word that came to my mind also.
Here are a couple pictures of the bite wounds my little dog got from the pit bull. Among the things Animal Control might impose, depending on their assessment of the dog's level of aggression, are:
1) The requirement for a chain link dog run, with a covered top and reinforced at the bottom. In other words, the dog could not just be let out in the yard; 2) A $100 yearly licensing fee in addition to the regular licensing fee; 3) The dog would have to be microchipped; 4) Dog required to be muzzled when taken out on a leash.

I am thinking about writing a letter to the owners and suggesting that if they will reimbuse me for my vet costs I will not pursue further action. But if they won't do that, I guess it's time to learn how small claims court works, plus pursue the matter to the fullest extent with Animal Control.


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