Man Charged With Murder

little dogs tend to be nervous biters....

Sometimes. But aggression has not be bred out of smaller breeds to the extent that it has larger ones.

but when it comes to being bitten i will take a nipper over a full on biter....

That's what you think. I'd rather get bitten by a GSD than a chihuahua. Northern breeds like the GSD and husky bite and release, they are like human fighter throwing jabs. Chihuahuas bite and rip. They can actually do more damage than many larger breeds. I had one bite through protective gloves once, something I have never seen a large breed do.
i have been bitten by a boxer, a doberman and all kinds of feral puppies.....i will stick with the more damage? really? you got a link to that bullshit?

you do realize insurance companies ban dog breeds on payouts that are made according to bites?

are there any small ones on that ban list?
peta kills 90% of the animals they take in....

Try 98%

why is it crazy to want to control the overpopulation? it will take a massive crack down but it can be done...the northeast does a much better job of animal control than the south.

For one thing, it is not feasible. For another, there is no need for such massive crackdowns. Lastly, my dogs will never be neutered. I might spay a bitch because it's better for her health in the long run, but I'm not snipping a male. There's no need.
you got a link to that bullshit?

No, just years of experience being bitten by breeds of all sizes.

are there any small ones on that ban list?

LOL, you're going to site insurance companies as paragons of dog knowledge?! HA! Why don't I just call CNN or another media outlet and let THEM tell me what breeds bite more frequently and cause the most injuries.

The more I read your posts, the more I find your knowledge severely lacking in depth
you just blew any validity you had....right need to cut your male.....

Benefits of Neutering (Castrating) Male Dogs & Puppies

Oh my God, seriously? That link was so full of BS it's not even funny. Increased concentration? LOL, I guess that's why police dogs are left intact, no need for trainability there! It is NOT a cure all for aggression, many neutered dogs are just as aggresive as intact ones. Training is far more important than neutering could ever be. It is NOT going to decrease dominant behavior, and it's impact on roaming is overhyped.

Here, have a much more balanced link: Male Dog Neutering - all you need to know.

And as far as testicular cancer, well sure. But you're swapping one set of risks for another, because you are increasing the risk of several other types of cancers. Here's a link for that too:

Spay/neuter and the association with cancer in dogs: part one

Happy readings
ban em dogs etc....pure breeds are being killed just like mutts...ban racing dogs etc

no reason for breeding at this point...hell you can clone dog....a crazy bitch here cloned her damn pitt bull booger....she also raped a mormon minster in england we grow our own special crazy in the mtns

Excuse me, but I'm having trouble understanding why I shouldn't be able to buy a purebred dog from a breeder just because other people abuse, neglect and abandon animals. I have eight rescue animals living at my house in addition to my four "on-purpose" animals. If everyone was like me, there would be no problem. So why do I have to be punished.

I have two Dobermans I raised from the age of six weeks old. I have a minpin and a minpin mix I adopted when they were young adults. I have a sharpei I adopted when she was a young adult.

And this may be a bit controversial, but based on my experiences I'll never keep another rescued dog again. Nor will I ever have another small dog again. And probably not a male dog again.

The love I feel for those dobes I raised far surpasses my feelings for any of the rescued dogs. The dobes are like my babies, my children. Life is too short...if I ever get another dog it will a puppy of a breed and sex I choose. My dobermans light up my life; they can get me to smile when I'm feeling really down. The others...not so much. Don't get me wrong, I love them and care for them...but they're more of a burden than anything. Just talking reality.

And what's with the little dogs? Is it even possible to completely housebreak the little fuckers? At least the girl pees straight down and doesn't lift her leg and pee on the side of things like the male minpin does!

Don't even ask me about the Chinese sharpei.
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I have to say...when people tell me they won't neuter their male dog, I raise my eyebrows. And it often seems to be people with pitbulls and rottweillers who say it. What's up with that?
What about the owner of the Pit Bull who lashed out as a result of being intimidated by the poodle?

every dog has a right to defend it self

I believe that - but many people don't believe a Pit Bull has that right, simply because its a Pit Bull.

American Staffordshire terrier. There's really very little difference I'm afraid.

The dog still hasn't attacked anyone, and it is being killed because of the way it looks, which is wrong, IMO.

When it comes to dog attacks, especially at places like dog parks, people blame the dog that attacks first. This is often very mistaken. Rarely does a dog attack another dog without reason, unless it's a red-zone case of dog-aggression, in which case such a dog should not be at a dog park. But 9 times out of 10, the dog being attacked instigated it.

Many owners are completely unaware of the signals their "little angel" sends to other dogs. It's amazing how few owners understand and interpret dominating posture and behavior in their own dogs. Jumping up on you when you come home from work, can be a dominant behavior. As can "asking" to be petted. Many subtle dominant behavior are overlooked, especially in small dogs, because they are "cute"

However, when left uncorrected these behaviors can get the dog in trouble in social settings with other dogs.

I fucking HATE little dogs. Fucking poodles and chihuahuas are the worst. They yap and snarl, and come up to your bigger dog and snap around their feet, and if your bigger dog snaps back, then your dog is in strife!
Instead of putting a muzzle on a Pit Bull, put a muzzle on the little shit stirring toy poodles that cause the problem in the first place!

Actually, where I am, if you had your pitbull on a leash and an off-leash poodle came running up to it growling and snapping, and the pitbull grabbed the poodle, the pitbull would not be cited or faulted.

People need to control their dogs, no matter what the breed or size.
Thanks for saying it, DarkLion. "Bullshit" was the first word that came to my mind also.

If I had the power, I'd sterilize every single pit bull and pit bull mix on the face of the Earth so they could no longer reproduce and we would not have to deal with them in the future. They are a scourge. Goes for alligators too.

You know nothing about Pit Bulls. Most of them wouldn't hurt a fly. I take it you believe everything you read about them in the media?

Apparently you didn't read the statistics Editec posted a link to on page 5 of this thread.

I'm beginning to think that pitbull owners bother me more than pitbulls do. Because it's usually the owners' neglect, denial, stupidity that leads to problems. And I'm noticing the people whose unleashed pitbull bit my little dog the other day aren't stepping forward to offer to pay my vet bills. Fuckers.
I have to say...when people tell me they won't neuter their male dog, I raise my eyebrows. And it often seems to be people with pitbulls and rottweillers who say it. What's up with that?

There are no real health benefits. For females, there are real, tangible health benefits for spaying. Males, it's much more swapping one set of risks for another. As I said before, there's no need.
I have to say...when people tell me they won't neuter their male dog, I raise my eyebrows. And it often seems to be people with pitbulls and rottweillers who say it. What's up with that?

There are no real health benefits. For females, there are real, tangible health benefits for spaying. Males, it's much more swapping one set of risks for another. As I said before, there's no need.

Actually, regarding the females, there is something I wish I'd known...

If a female dog is spayed before her first estrus she may develop incontinence. One of my dobermans did. She leaks urine. She'd be sleeping on the bed and there'd be this big wet spot. Fortunately, we were able to get it under control with the use of hormone pills (DES). One 1mg pill every three days keeps the problem under control. Thank God! For a couple of years one pill a week was working, but she started leaking again. :( Poor dog.

But I wish I'd known that, I would have waited until after her first estrus to spay her. I hate that she has to take pills her entire life. : ( We're lucky that they're working.
Actually, regarding the females, there is something I wish I'd known...

If a female dog is spayed before her first estrus she may develop incontinence. One of my dobermans did. She leaks urine. She'd be sleeping on the bed and there'd be this big wet spot. Fortunately, we were able to get it under control with the use of hormone pills (DES). One 1mg pill every three days keeps the problem under control. Thank God! For a couple of years one pill a week was working, but she started leaking again. :( Poor dog.

But I wish I'd known that, I would have waited until after her first estrus to spay her. I hate that she has to take pills her entire life. : ( We're lucky that they're working.

That is true. It's always best to wait until the 1st heat has passed, indeed her body may not develop properly unless she has that first heat. But you want to have her spayed soon after, because each subsequent heat she has will increase her risk of mammary cancer.
Actually, where I am, if you had your pitbull on a leash and an off-leash poodle came running up to it growling and snapping, and the pitbull grabbed the poodle, the pitbull would not be cited or faulted.

People need to control their dogs, no matter what the breed or size.

Over here, the owner of the Pit Bull would likely be charged and the dog destroyed.
Actually, where I am, if you had your pitbull on a leash and an off-leash poodle came running up to it growling and snapping, and the pitbull grabbed the poodle, the pitbull would not be cited or faulted.

People need to control their dogs, no matter what the breed or size.

Over here, the owner of the Pit Bull would likely be charged and the dog destroyed.

Okay, and does that seem fair to you? Let's take the pit bull and poodle out of the mix. Let's say I'm obeying the law and walking my golden retriever on a leash. Someone else is disobeying the law and allowing their German shepherd to run loose. The German shepherd runs up to us, growling and snapping. My golden retriever grabs him and bites him.

You think my golden retriever should be charged and destroyed for protecting himself...and me?

That's ridiculous. Ridiculous rules you have there. If you are, in fact, stating them correctly.
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^People hate Pit Bulls here and think they should be rounded up and destroyed. We have council going into people's homes while they are at work, and seizing their dogs because they LOOK like a banned breed of dog. Just like the link I shared the other day - a dog was seized and will be put down because it LOOKS like a Pit Bull.

People are stupid over here. Utterly brainless.
The man didn't murder anyone. Charge him with not keeping his dogs locked up, or something.

Because his negligence led to this woman's death. He knew the dogs were vicious and had attacked other people. Dog owners need to be responsible for their pets' behavior. I agree, however, with another poster. Murder charges will probably not stick. It should be negligent homicide. It's like dangerous driving that results in a death.

If the dogs had attacked other people, why wasn't he charged and ordered to surrender the animals? Why was he allowed to keep animals that had already proven to be dangerous?

Seems to me that this is a problem with appropriate charges not being laid from the start - that could have prevented this.

I'll admit, I'm wondering why these dogs weren't put down the first time they bit someone, which is the usual procedure where I live, if only so that the authorities can then autopsy the dog to find out if it had rabies.
^but whose fault is that? If you are attacked by a dog, would you just let it go unreported?
Because the previous attacks were not reported, they shouldn't be counted against the dogs or the owner.

If the dog attack was serious, it would have required medical attention, and - again, at least where I live - hospitals are required by law to report animal attacks to the police, whatever the victim wants. I remember the neighbor's dog running out of a yard with a badly-latched gate and biting my son on the arm several years ago. I had to take him to the doctor, and next thing I know, there were the cops, because the staff had reported it. Dog was put down, and the neighbor was slapped with a hefty fine.

FYI, wasn't a pit bull, either. Just a medium-size white mutt. Every pit bull of my acquaintance is a sweet, gentle, friendly creature, because they're all owned by caring, responsible people.
^but whose fault is that? If you are attacked by a dog, would you just let it go unreported?
Because the previous attacks were not reported, they shouldn't be counted against the dogs or the owner.

Why do you defend the most heinous things? A responsible pet owner KNOWS what their animals are like; just like a responsble parent knows what their kids are like. Get some common sense!

I am not defending him, I am simply pointing out that if no charges were laid previously, due to attacks not being reported, those attacks cannot be used against the dogs or the owner, because the owner was never convicted.

If the guy gets a lawyer, this is exactly what the lawyer would say.

And the prosecution is going to - rightly - come back with, "Reported or not, YOU knew about the attacks, and you knew your dog was dangerous to the community, but you failed to take the necessary precautions."

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