Man Charged With Murder

Off topic, but relevant to the discussion on dangerous dogs:

Monash dog fight: Kerser's fate sealed | Monash Weekly

Council THINK the dog is a Pit Bull. They decide this based on the way the dog looks. Owner doesn't agree, council doesn't care. Dog will be destroyed in a few days.

Would someone - like KG - like to have a look at the photo and see if they know what breed of dog this may be?

It's an American Staffordshire Terrier, according to the caption under the picture. Whether or not that is the same as an American Pit Bull Terrier tends to depend on who you talk to. As I understand it, the American Kennel Club recognizes them as two different breeds, but the UKC considers them the same. What is certain is that they come from the same breeding line and are virtually indistinguishable to anyone who isn't a professional breeder or dog show fanatic.

I have no idea if that helps or not.

The owner THINKS it might be a Staffie, they are not sure what breed of dog it is.

As I said, according to the caption. And it's still essentially the same thing, any way you look at it.
As I said, according to the caption. And it's still essentially the same thing, any way you look at it.

That's what I said. It really depends on who you talk to. In the shelters we try to pin the Staffie label on any dog we can, it helps with adoption. People see pitbull and say hell no. Staffie, not so much. If we can save a dog's life by bending the truth a bit, so be it. Because they are really very much the same breed; the differences are mainly technical.
As I said, according to the caption. And it's still essentially the same thing, any way you look at it.

That's what I said. It really depends on who you talk to. In the shelters we try to pin the Staffie label on any dog we can, it helps with adoption. People see pitbull and say hell no. Staffie, not so much. If we can save a dog's life by bending the truth a bit, so be it. Because they are really very much the same breed; the differences are mainly technical.

It wouldn't bother me if I was told a certain dog was a Pit Bull. I'd gladly adopt it and give it a home.
Yeah, well the guy whose pit bull bit my little dog came wandering around my house tonight. He was stumbling drunk. He had his pit bull on a leash. She was lunging and snarling at my dogs, who were behind our chain link fence.

At first he wouldn't admit his dog had bitten my dog. But then I heard him call her Pebbles, or Piddles or whatever her name is and I knew. I told him, that is the dog. Your dog bit my dog.

I picked up my little dog and held her up so he could see her stitches. I told him my vet bill was $353 and asked if he would pay for it and that if he did I would drop the issue with Animal Control. He dug in his pocket and pulled out $60 which he offered to me. I said no way, it was $353!

Anyway...while he was standing there talking to me he let go of the leash. I asked him why he was letting her go, that someone might come along with a dog and she would attack. He said, no, she's a good dog. :eek:

That guy and his dog are an accident waiting to happen. Well, another accident waiting to happen. The next little dog she grabs might be killed. Or next time it might be a kid.

I am going to send an email to the Animal Control officer and let him know about this incident tonight, with the guy letting go of the leash and all.

I also put my car in the garage tonight, lest it be tampered with. Just to be safe.

Oh, P.S. While he was standing there talking to me, his dog decided to take a shit. I said, I hope you're going to pick that up. But of course he didn't. I asked him to keep his dog away from my fence because I'm afraid when my dogs stick their noses through the chain link she'll bite them. He said he would. We'll see. Next time I catch him on my property, unless he's come to pay me $353, I'm calling the cops on him for trespassing.
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every dog has a right to defend it self

I believe that - but many people don't believe a Pit Bull has that right, simply because its a Pit Bull.

The dog still hasn't attacked anyone, and it is being killed because of the way it looks, which is wrong, IMO.

When it comes to dog attacks, especially at places like dog parks, people blame the dog that attacks first. This is often very mistaken. Rarely does a dog attack another dog without reason, unless it's a red-zone case of dog-aggression, in which case such a dog should not be at a dog park. But 9 times out of 10, the dog being attacked instigated it.

Many owners are completely unaware of the signals their "little angel" sends to other dogs. It's amazing how few owners understand and interpret dominating posture and behavior in their own dogs. Jumping up on you when you come home from work, can be a dominant behavior. As can "asking" to be petted. Many subtle dominant behavior are overlooked, especially in small dogs, because they are "cute"

However, when left uncorrected these behaviors can get the dog in trouble in social settings with other dogs.

I fucking HATE little dogs. Fucking poodles and chihuahuas are the worst. They yap and snarl, and come up to your bigger dog and snap around their feet, and if your bigger dog snaps back, then your dog is in strife!
Instead of putting a muzzle on a Pit Bull, put a muzzle on the little shit stirring toy poodles that cause the problem in the first place!

Wayyyy back in the mists of time, during my misspent youth, I trained to be a pet groomer. It was never the big dogs I felt the need to muzzle so that I could work on them. It was the cocker spaniels. Right about then, our city was experiencing a spate of spaniel fanaticism. EVERYONE had to have one, and backyard breeders were churning them out with little thought for brains, personality, or character. As long as they were pretty. They were even inbreeding brothers and sisters to produce puppies. The result was a large population of stupid, nasty dogs, and God help the hapless groomer who pulled on a knot in their copious fur (because, of course, EVERYONE had to have their dog groomed with the long, full "skirt" that one sees on cockers in dog shows). The little fuckers would whip around and take a chunk out of your arm before you knew it.

I'm still suspicious of strange cocker spaniels to this day.

Yep, I have two Dobermans, a Chinese sharpei, a minpin mix and a purebred min pin, and the only one that has ever bitten me is the littlest one of all...the min pin. : )
Dogs are limited to 3 per household to prevent packs that kill humans & any other animal. 5 dogs in a pack can overwhelm any land animal on the planet.
Dogs are limited to 3 per household to prevent packs that kill humans & any other animal. 5 dogs in a pack can overwhelm any land animal on the planet.

I don't believe anyone has any right to tell me how many dogs I can own. If I can care for them all, I should be allowed to own as many as I please.
Dogs are limited to 3 per household to prevent packs that kill humans & any other animal. 5 dogs in a pack can overwhelm any land animal on the planet.

I don't believe anyone has any right to tell me how many dogs I can own. If I can care for them all, I should be allowed to own as many as I please.

I even have to deal with animal & livestock regulations as a farmer way out in the sticks. Amateurs can easily be overwhelmed by more than 3 dogs. LA law states people need to get a permit showing you can properly control & care for that many. Many big cities require double fence for more than 3 dangerous animals. It is not real life threatening if one dog breaks out of a fenced yard, but when a whole pack follows him through that hole in the fence, lives are most certainly in danger.
I even have to deal with animal & livestock regulations as a farmer way out in the sticks. Amateurs can easily be overwhelmed by more than 3 dogs. LA law states people need to get a permit showing you can properly control & care for that many. Many big cities require double fence for more than 3 dangerous animals. It is not real life threatening if one dog breaks out of a fenced yard, but when a whole pack follows him through that hole in the fence, lives are most certainly in danger.

That's just dumb. Two aggressive GSDs can do far more damage than 8 aggressive min pins. No one is going to tell me how many dogs I can own, provided I can care for them. Dogs are pack animals, and I prefer a pack
Yeah, well the guy whose pit bull bit my little dog came wandering around my house tonight. He was stumbling drunk. He had his pit bull on a leash. She was lunging and snarling at my dogs, who were behind our chain link fence.

At first he wouldn't admit his dog had bitten my dog. But then I heard him call her Pebbles, or Piddles or whatever her name is and I knew. I told him, that is the dog. Your dog bit my dog.

I picked up my little dog and held her up so he could see her stitches. I told him my vet bill was $353 and asked if he would pay for it and that if he did I would drop the issue with Animal Control. He dug in his pocket and pulled out $60 which he offered to me. I said no way, it was $353!

Anyway...while he was standing there talking to me he let go of the leash. I asked him why he was letting her go, that someone might come along with a dog and she would attack. He said, no, she's a good dog. :eek:

That guy and his dog are an accident waiting to happen. Well, another accident waiting to happen. The next little dog she grabs might be killed. Or next time it might be a kid.

I am going to send an email to the Animal Control officer and let him know about this incident tonight, with the guy letting go of the leash and all.

I also put my car in the garage tonight, lest it be tampered with. Just to be safe.

Oh, P.S. While he was standing there talking to me, his dog decided to take a shit. I said, I hope you're going to pick that up. But of course he didn't. I asked him to keep his dog away from my fence because I'm afraid when my dogs stick their noses through the chain link she'll bite them. He said he would. We'll see. Next time I catch him on my property, unless he's come to pay me $353, I'm calling the cops on him for trespassing.

I'd have scooped his dog's poop and neatly piled it on his front porch, with a note: "Your dog lost this in my yard, and I'm returning it to you. You're welcome."
Dogs are limited to 3 per household to prevent packs that kill humans & any other animal. 5 dogs in a pack can overwhelm any land animal on the planet.

Dogs are limited to three per household...where?

I have five dogs and am perfectly legal. I was just talking to Animal Control about my five dogs and I being attacked by a pit bull.

Okay, to my city you can't have more than three dogs (or three cats)...UNLESS you get a special facility license. This involves them coming and inspecting your premises and you paying a fee. I pay $150 every two years which allows me to have up to 20 animals. You can pay $100 every two years and be allowed to have up to 10 animals.

They have the right to do surprise inspections, but I've never had one of those, probably because they don't get any complaints about me and when they do the biennial inspection the place looks so good they don't even walk through the entire house. : ) It's pretty obvious how responsible I am. I have seven cats and there is nary a whiff of cat box odor in this house. : )

I've had five dogs for several years now and have "zero" incidents of my dogs bothering anyone or anything.

So, once again, it's the people, not the dogs.
Even if my dog DOES manage to get out, he just wanders down to the corner, led by the smells left by dogs being walked through the neighborhood, and then gets bored and lonely and comes wandering back, looking for his people. My biggest worries with him are getting hurt or getting stolen because he's so beautiful.

What kind of dog is he, Cecilie?
Unless it was proved that the man ordered the dogs to attack the woman the charge should be negligent homicide or aggravated manslaughter.
Even if my dog DOES manage to get out, he just wanders down to the corner, led by the smells left by dogs being walked through the neighborhood, and then gets bored and lonely and comes wandering back, looking for his people. My biggest worries with him are getting hurt or getting stolen because he's so beautiful.

What kind of dog is he, Cecilie?

Keeshond. Keeshond - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Goodness, they are such big fluffballs! :razz:

How cute. :)
It's mostly because viscous behavior in little dogs has been deemed "cute" by most owners, or at least excusable. As such it has not been bred out like it has in larger dogs, who cannot get away with such behavior because they can do so much more damage.

I did my work experience at a boarding kennel many years ago. One of my tasks was to let out the dogs into the back garden while I cleaned out their cages. The big dogs were fine - big teddy bears. The little dogs, one in particular, a nasty little chihuahua, would snarl and snap every time I tried to pull open the gate. I couldn't get within three feet of the cage without it snapping and trying to bite me through the wire of the cage.
That dog stayed in its cage. The cage wasn't cleaned at all, because I didn't trust that little dog not to bite me.
I spoke to the staff about it, they'd had problems with it as well.

My aunt had a Chihuahua. She called her "Cricket". Everyone else called her "Jaws". Little fucker's favorite game was to hide under the couch and then dart out and attack people's ankles when they walked by, and believe me, she was NOT biting for play. She did that to me once, and I reflexively kicked her across the room. My mom housesat for my aunt once, and made the mistake of rolling over in her sleep. "Jaws" had jumped up on the bed and laid down behind her, and took a chunk out of her back.

Hey now, that last one was self defense...lolol...
Dogs are limited to 3 per household to prevent packs that kill humans & any other animal. 5 dogs in a pack can overwhelm any land animal on the planet.

Dogs are limited to three per household...where?

I have five dogs and am perfectly legal. I was just talking to Animal Control about my five dogs and I being attacked by a pit bull.

Okay, to my city you can't have more than three dogs (or three cats)...UNLESS you get a special facility license. This involves them coming and inspecting your premises and you paying a fee. I pay $150 every two years which allows me to have up to 20 animals. You can pay $100 every two years and be allowed to have up to 10 animals.

They have the right to do surprise inspections, but I've never had one of those, probably because they don't get any complaints about me and when they do the biennial inspection the place looks so good they don't even walk through the entire house. : ) It's pretty obvious how responsible I am. I have seven cats and there is nary a whiff of cat box odor in this house. : )

I've had five dogs for several years now and have "zero" incidents of my dogs bothering anyone or anything.

So, once again, it's the people, not the dogs.

Different cities have different regulations.
In Los Angeles you can have two dogs, or two cats, or two dogs and two cats. You can get a license and a permit for more IF you are zoned for a kennel or cattery facility. The laws are designed to prevent animal hoarding.
Dogs are limited to 3 per household to prevent packs that kill humans & any other animal. 5 dogs in a pack can overwhelm any land animal on the planet.

Dogs are limited to three per household...where?

I have five dogs and am perfectly legal. I was just talking to Animal Control about my five dogs and I being attacked by a pit bull.

Okay, to my city you can't have more than three dogs (or three cats)...UNLESS you get a special facility license. This involves them coming and inspecting your premises and you paying a fee. I pay $150 every two years which allows me to have up to 20 animals. You can pay $100 every two years and be allowed to have up to 10 animals.

They have the right to do surprise inspections, but I've never had one of those, probably because they don't get any complaints about me and when they do the biennial inspection the place looks so good they don't even walk through the entire house. : ) It's pretty obvious how responsible I am. I have seven cats and there is nary a whiff of cat box odor in this house. : )

I've had five dogs for several years now and have "zero" incidents of my dogs bothering anyone or anything.

So, once again, it's the people, not the dogs.

Different cities have different regulations.

Yup! - Where I live there is a 2 dog limit. If you have a male & female & she gets pregnant, you have to get rid of all the pups as soon as they are weaned.

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