Man Charged With Murder

But, once you've got a dog that hasn't been trained to behave, it is really too late in most cases. They are, as far as temperment, spoiled. Once a dog like this attacks, especially if it kills, the dog has to be put down.

Bullshit. There are VERY few dogs that cannot be rehabilitated. I have watched pitbulls taken from fighting operations, dogs that were mayhem on four legs, and turn into wonderful, trustworthy companions. Your mindset is archaic, dog psychology has taken enormous steps that disprove your very flawed premise.

Thanks for saying it, DarkLion. "Bullshit" was the first word that came to my mind also.

If I had the power, I'd sterilize every single pit bull and pit bull mix on the face of the Earth so they could no longer reproduce and we would not have to deal with them in the future. They are a scourge. Goes for alligators too.
Bullshit. There are VERY few dogs that cannot be rehabilitated. I have watched pitbulls taken from fighting operations, dogs that were mayhem on four legs, and turn into wonderful, trustworthy companions. Your mindset is archaic, dog psychology has taken enormous steps that disprove your very flawed premise.

Thanks for saying it, DarkLion. "Bullshit" was the first word that came to my mind also.

If I had the power, I'd sterilize every single pit bull and pit bull mix on the face of the Earth so they could no longer reproduce and we would not have to deal with them in the future. They are a scourge. Goes for alligators too.

You know nothing about Pit Bulls. Most of them wouldn't hurt a fly. I take it you believe everything you read about them in the media?
i am not for destroying any dog

the owner of the poodle should be charged

for not maintaining control of their animal

What about the owner of the Pit Bull who lashed out as a result of being intimidated by the poodle?

every dog has a right to defend it self

I believe that - but many people don't believe a Pit Bull has that right, simply because its a Pit Bull.

Off topic, but relevant to the discussion on dangerous dogs:

Monash dog fight: Kerser's fate sealed | Monash Weekly

Council THINK the dog is a Pit Bull. They decide this based on the way the dog looks. Owner doesn't agree, council doesn't care. Dog will be destroyed in a few days.

Would someone - like KG - like to have a look at the photo and see if they know what breed of dog this may be?

American Staffordshire terrier. There's really very little difference I'm afraid.

The dog still hasn't attacked anyone, and it is being killed because of the way it looks, which is wrong, IMO.

When it comes to dog attacks, especially at places like dog parks, people blame the dog that attacks first. This is often very mistaken. Rarely does a dog attack another dog without reason, unless it's a red-zone case of dog-aggression, in which case such a dog should not be at a dog park. But 9 times out of 10, the dog being attacked instigated it.

Many owners are completely unaware of the signals their "little angel" sends to other dogs. It's amazing how few owners understand and interpret dominating posture and behavior in their own dogs. Jumping up on you when you come home from work, can be a dominant behavior. As can "asking" to be petted. Many subtle dominant behavior are overlooked, especially in small dogs, because they are "cute"

However, when left uncorrected these behaviors can get the dog in trouble in social settings with other dogs.

I fucking HATE little dogs. Fucking poodles and chihuahuas are the worst. They yap and snarl, and come up to your bigger dog and snap around their feet, and if your bigger dog snaps back, then your dog is in strife!
Instead of putting a muzzle on a Pit Bull, put a muzzle on the little shit stirring toy poodles that cause the problem in the first place!
If I had the power, I'd sterilize every single pit bull and pit bull mix on the face of the Earth so they could no longer reproduce and we would not have to deal with them in the future. They are a scourge. Goes for alligators too.

Your ignorance is as glaring as it is disgusting. Did you know that pitbulls are one of the most people-friendly breeds in the world? They have been bred to be that way, because they are fighting dogs and as such they have to be trusted not to attack their handlers, even when they are pulled off another dog in a fight, when their adrenaline is at its highest.

You know nothing of pitts, and it painfully obvious. Your comment about alligators will go unaddressed, because I can only assume you are joking about the eradication of an entire natural species.
so pits are good but little dogs are bad...kinda like little minds?

Most Pit Bulls are fine - little dogs are often pains in the arses, I put it down to nature. Maybe they go up to the bigger dog to try and tell it that they are not afraid?

It's mostly because viscous behavior in little dogs has been deemed "cute" by most owners, or at least excusable. As such it has not been bred out like it has in larger dogs, who cannot get away with such behavior because they can do so much more damage.
so pits are good but little dogs are bad...kinda like little minds?

Most Pit Bulls are fine - little dogs are often pains in the arses, I put it down to nature. Maybe they go up to the bigger dog to try and tell it that they are not afraid?

It's mostly because viscous behavior in little dogs has been deemed "cute" by most owners, or at least excusable. As such it has not been bred out like it has in larger dogs, who cannot get away with such behavior because they can do so much more damage.

I did my work experience at a boarding kennel many years ago. One of my tasks was to let out the dogs into the back garden while I cleaned out their cages. The big dogs were fine - big teddy bears. The little dogs, one in particular, a nasty little chihuahua, would snarl and snap every time I tried to pull open the gate. I couldn't get within three feet of the cage without it snapping and trying to bite me through the wire of the cage.
That dog stayed in its cage. The cage wasn't cleaned at all, because I didn't trust that little dog not to bite me.
I spoke to the staff about it, they'd had problems with it as well.
require neutering of all dogs/ can store sperm and eggs....for later use once the population is under control....

we, as americans kill so many animals a year for no reason other than over population
require neutering of all dogs/ can store sperm and eggs....for later use once the population is under control....

we, as americans kill so many animals a year for no reason other than over population

Everyone here has to get their animals fixed unless they are a registered breeder.
If I had a dog - other than the ones I already have - I'd allow it to breed once before getting it fixed.
ban em dogs etc....pure breeds are being killed just like mutts...ban racing dogs etc

no reason for breeding at this point...hell you can clone dog....a crazy bitch here cloned her damn pitt bull booger....she also raped a mormon minster in england we grow our own special crazy in the mtns
I did my work experience at a boarding kennel many years ago. One of my tasks was to let out the dogs into the back garden while I cleaned out their cages. The big dogs were fine - big teddy bears. The little dogs, one in particular, a nasty little chihuahua, would snarl and snap every time I tried to pull open the gate. I couldn't get within three feet of the cage without it snapping and trying to bite me through the wire of the cage.
That dog stayed in its cage. The cage wasn't cleaned at all, because I didn't trust that little dog not to bite me.
I spoke to the staff about it, they'd had problems with it as well.

Your kennel experience mirrors mine so closely it's not even funny. I loved big dogs, wonderful critters. Like teddy bears, as you say. But man I'd cringe when I'd see chihuahuas or Pomeranian.... we had one pappilion that was kind of sweet but they suck for the most part too.

I'd be 100% calm and comfortable alone in a room full of pitts, rotties and dobermans. But little dogs? Yikes. It sounds crazy to anyone who hasn't worked with dogs, but I'm sure you know what I mean.
require neutering of all dogs/ can store sperm and eggs....for later use once the population is under control....

we, as americans kill so many animals a year for no reason other than over population

That's the craziest thing I've read in a long time. Let me guess, you're a PETA sympathizer?
Everyone here has to get their animals fixed unless they are a registered breeder.
If I had a dog - other than the ones I already have - I'd allow it to breed once before getting it fixed.

I am against such legislation. I only support spay/neuter if it's for the health of the dog, anyone responsible can prevent unwanted litters without mutilating their pets. It should only be done for the health of the animal. I'd refuse.
little dogs tend to be nervous biters....but when it comes to being bitten i will take a nipper over a full on friends little dog 'flea' bites me.....its nothing.....thor nails you..we are going to the er

right now we are having a dog bite mess.....involves a friends diner, another friends rescue dog and a bitch who stuck her hand thru the gate to unlatch dog people talk..she got was broken but she did not go to the er that anyone knows of...admitted it was her fault for sticking her hand thru she is saying she is the hero for stopping the dog from getting out of the gate she unlatched. she reported the bite to the health department after saying it was fine...etc....i have no idea what she is up to with this or what she is after.
require neutering of all dogs/ can store sperm and eggs....for later use once the population is under control....

we, as americans kill so many animals a year for no reason other than over population

That's the craziest thing I've read in a long time. Let me guess, you're a PETA sympathizer?

take another can go fuck yourself for that post....peta kills 90% of the animals they take in....i dont think anyone who truly works with animal rescue thinks anything different .....concerning peta...and i have been very vocal on this board about peta and my feelings about donating money to peta

why is it crazy to want to control the overpopulation? it will take a massive crack down but it can be done...the northeast does a much better job of animal control than the south.

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