Man did Putin outplay Biden or what

The Neo-GOP is thrilled to insult America on the world stage to show their support for Russia.
Xiden isn't America. He's just a puppet planted in power by the Global Power because of the big cheat. But he isn't fking America. So stop already with your fking nonsense.
haha yeah…so helpless he was able to avoid this scenario.
HAHA Avoid what scenario? Possibly he and his friend Putin agreed that Putin would wait until tump was reelected, yes? In that scenario, tump didn't have to answer to anybody. Tump lost and Putin is in full flight. Always an excuse for tump's bad behavior.
Biden is a non issue. He can't negotiate his way to the bathroom. The problem is the shadow government consisting of a bunch of know-nothing radicals who are in charge and supported and protected by Pelosi and her little army.
Thank god that an experienced statesman is representing us, instead of a "locked and loaded" inexperienced fool.
HAHA Avoid what scenario? Possibly he and his friend Putin agreed that Putin would wait until tump was reelected, yes? In that scenario, tump didn't have to answer to anybody. Tump lost and Putin is in full flight. Always an excuse for tump's bad behavior.
Trump will go down in history as one of the most discussed president of all time. The directive of exposing swamp creatures in Government was perhaps the most successful global challenge. The Trucker Convoy in Canada, a great example of the momentum from Trump's supporters to the people over the northern border. The fact you can't post in this forum without mentioning the man is perhaps the greatest achievement of the man. You really fear the dude personally and you don't even know him.

Xiden hasn't done jack shit in 48 years of service. Nadda. Oh wait, he made gas prices go from $2.00 a gallon gas to $5.00 a gallon gas, faster than any person in history. Wow. And the demfoks love it. Maybe someone could explain that logic for me.
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HAHA Avoid what scenario? Possibly he and his friend Putin agreed that Putin would wait until tump was reelected, yes? In that scenario, tump didn't have to answer to anybody. Tump lost and Putin is in full flight. Always an excuse for tump's bad behavior.
this one…putin only invaded russia under xiden and obama watch
Thank god that an experienced statesman is representing us, instead of a "locked and loaded" inexperienced fool.
cause you really like the $3.00 jump in gas prices in one year. Right? hahahaahahahahahahhaha. dude, you're infatuated with the man. He may need you to rub his hairy legs for him. He'll have to tell the kids to wait.
explain then why the President of Ukraine asked Xiden to shut the fk up.

Don't get the connection. Fox was doing the RW propaganda thing and got the foxers all riled up. Course Fox was wrong...
Don't get the connection. Fox was doing the RW propaganda thing and got the foxers all riled up. Course Fox was wrong...
It's what they reported. I used another news outlet to show they didn't make it up. So, if you have some other news they reported in error, feel free to tell me.
When the worldwide media, nato, biden, and the democrats are all against Putin for defying nato and the worldwide new world order globalist movement are against everyone and anyone that stands up to nato and the newworld order globalist movement, who is the bad one again?

How many of us who are on the right are also under the spell of propaganda?

Define a man by his enemies.
They know well what the Russians were intending to do... They are playing the game...

this winter and EU is heavily reliant on Russian Gas... Wait a few weeks for military intervention if needed...

First lets go for heavy sanctions and freezing all Russian foreign Assets. deportation of Russian Oligarchs back to Russia... Find all of Putin nest egg money and seize it...

Start building a Quatar - Europe pipeline for oil and gas...... Inform China to pick a side, you are on the West or Russia... Cancel your new deal or else...

Do this before we start firing shots..
Everyone knows we no longer have a capable military. Unless the basis of war is which military is the most woke, we lose.
Actually, Putin had an obviously dementia driven tump by the short and curlies due to business dealings and moneys borrowed. Tump would be helpless in this scenario, even though you tumphumpers say that "Trump would never have allowed it". Funny, unless NATO (dissed by tump)
would send hundreds of thousands of troops and weaponry to Ukraine, and even then......
Trump does not have dementia. Biden does.

Putin wasn’t all that aggressive while Trump was in charge but is now that Biden is President.
Have give the old czar credit
Not that he was playing against a first stringer

How has Putin "outplayed" Biden???? Even the Chinese are condemning him for violating the sovereignty of the Ukraine. Putin has now backed himself into a corner and started a war he cannot afford, and will never win, and one which the Russian people overwhelmingly do not want.

That dog and pony show he's putting about "protecting ethnic Russians" is the same bullshit he used for his take over of Georgia. And if the Ukrainians are your family and part of your "soul", why are waging war on them? Why aren't you sitting down and talking like brothers?

Only gullible Trump supporters are buying this bullshit. Putin is now in big trouble. The Germans just shut down his new oil and gas pipeline. The oligarchs will lose access to their money, and NATO has never been more united. Not only has Putin healed the NATO fractures that Trump gave him, he's actually strengthened the alliance, and other FSU countries are now asking to join.

How you can see this is anything but the dumbest thing Putin has ever done, is beyond me. And why are you cheering on America's sworn enemy here? Putin wants the Western democracies, including the USA, destroyed. He has interfered with your elections, hacked your infrastructure, and generally done harm to your country at every opportunity.

Putin wants revenge on the USA for the destruction of the USSR. Why are you supporting that?
this one…putin only invaded russia under xiden and obama watch
So what? Proves nothing, except in your uninformed mind. Tump dissed NATO, weakened the alliance, and this may be the result, as NATO has not trusted the U.S. and had started to look in other directions. You know nothing.
It's what they reported. I used another news outlet to show they didn't make it up. So, if you have some other news they reported in error, feel free to tell me.
That does not explain why the Republican propaganda machine was saying Biden was wagging the dog yesterday, and today Russians are in Ukraine. Not a very responsible news organization. Fox knew it was just going for the outrage.

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