Man did Putin outplay Biden or what

So what? Proves nothing, except in your uninformed mind. Tump dissed NATO, weakened the alliance, and this may be the result, as NATO has not trusted the U.S. and had started to look in other directions. You know nothing.

So in your mind we would be better off now had Nato countries ... not ... spent more on defence. You just said that. Seriously, that's stupid, even for you. What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, we'd be better off with the Europeans spending less than half their commitment but liking us for paying the rest? My God, Man. Grow a pair.

We can't count on allies who aren't honoring their agreement. Think about it, dumb ass
Trump does not have dementia. Biden does.

Putin wasn’t all that aggressive while Trump was in charge but is now that Biden is President.
Tump has dementia, for sure. Doesn't matter that Putin waited until now. Tump weakened NATO, which has given Putin room to maneuver. Wouldn't surprise me if those 2 pals discussed this issue
and Putin agreed to wait until tump was reelected. But alas.....
That does not explain why the Republican propaganda machine was saying Biden was wagging the dog yesterday, and today Russians are in Ukraine. Not a very responsible news organization. Fox knew it was just going for the outrage.
I gave you the link. read it and learn.
So what? Proves nothing, except in your uninformed mind. Tump dissed NATO, weakened the alliance, and this may be the result, as NATO has not trusted the U.S. and had started to look in other directions. You know nothing.
why didn't he do it while Trump was in office then? I can tell you why, but you're far too ignorant to understand. So let's hear your reasons.
So what? Proves nothing, except in your uninformed mind. Tump dissed NATO, weakened the alliance, and this may be the result, as NATO has not trusted the U.S. and had started to look in other directions. You know nothing.

And yet, the Secretary General of NATO said they were "stronger than ever", after Trump started making them pay their fair share.

Now who should I believe? The Secretary General of NATO or some anonymous poster on an obscure internet discussion board?
How has Putin "outplayed" Biden???? Even the Chinese are condemning him for violating the sovereignty of the Ukraine. Putin has now backed himself into a corner and started a war he cannot afford, and will never win, and one which the Russian people overwhelmingly do not want.

That dog and pony show he's putting about "protecting ethnic Russians" is the same bullshit he used for his take over of Georgia. And if the Ukrainians are your family and part of your "soul", why are waging war on them? Why aren't you sitting down and talking like brothers?

Only gullible Trump supporters are buying this bullshit. Putin is now in big trouble. The Germans just shut down his new oil and gas pipeline. The oligarchs will lose access to their money, and NATO has never been more united. Not only has Putin healed the NATO fractures that Trump gave him, he's actually strengthened the alliance, and other FSU countries are now asking to join.

How you can see this is anything but the dumbest thing Putin has ever done, is beyond me. And why are you cheering on America's sworn enemy here? Putin wants the Western democracies, including the USA, destroyed. He has interfered with your elections, hacked your infrastructure, and generally done harm to your country at every opportunity.

Putin wants revenge on the USA for the destruction of the USSR. Why are you supporting that?
Biden is indeed a "first stringer" and loaded with experience. Tump was a neophyte and used a "locked and loaded" approach, except with Putin, who has him by the short and curlys.
Tump has dementia, for sure. Doesn't matter that Putin waited until now. Tump weakened NATO, which has given Putin room to maneuver. Wouldn't surprise me if those 2 pals discussed this issue
and Putin agreed to wait until tump was reelected. But alas.....

It's cute how Democrats live in your own fantasy world
Biden is indeed a "first stringer" and loaded with experience. Tump was a neophyte and used a "locked and loaded" approach, except with Putin, who has him by the short and curlys.
So why didn't Putin make any moves when Trump was in office? You have logic fail as usual.
Has to be made up.

Wow. So you are saying the Daily Mail justified some how Fox was going with the wag the dog outrage? Whatever man just forget it. Fox is propaganda.
I see you can't state one news item that was wrong. I'm still waiting.
So why didn't Putin make any moves when Trump was in office? You have logic fail as usual.

Because Trump projected and aura of strength, resolve, and action. The only thing Biden projects is weakness, indecision, incompetence, and the foul odor of an old man's incontinence staining his underwear.
Because Trump projected and aura of strength, resolve, and action. The only thing Biden projects is weakness, indecision, incompetence, and the foul odor of an old man's incontinence staining his underwear.
Hey, did you catch Trump's Parkinson's imitation? Tell me again what Trump projected.
Biden is indeed a "first stringer" and loaded with experience. Tump was a neophyte and used a "locked and loaded" approach, except with Putin, who has him by the short and curlys.
That this is your opinion, shared by other communist democrats is part of the reason why it's so delicious to see Putin dancing around the animated corpse of Biden. It's curiously thrilling to see Biden outsmarted every blessed day. Watching Putin jockey our dementia ridden Fuck the last few days dangling invasion and then gleefully watching the inevitable fall was watching a master in action.
It would appear you are supporting the communists purely to see Biden humiliated. How interesting when all you do is hate communism.
You're a real chameleon when it comes to politics of hate. You say anything to destroy democrats. How patriotic of you.
Join the military and get your worthless chickenhawk ass assigned to infantry, Colon.
Biden is indeed a "first stringer" and loaded with experience. Tump was a neophyte and used a "locked and loaded" approach, except with Putin, who has him by the short and curlys.
It was a DEMOCRAT that observed that Xiden has been reliably wrong on every foreign policy issue for forty years.

Even tossing a coin, you can get a few right by accident....Xiden is an incompetent assclown.

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