Man did Putin outplay Biden or what

It would appear you are supporting the communists purely to see Biden humiliated. How interesting when all you do is hate communism.
You're a real chameleon when it comes to politics of hate. You say anything to destroy democrats. How patriotic of you.
Lol, the repugs see it as a humiliation mean while bling term military strategy has been to pull Russia and China into the middle east and other smaller conflicts around the globe allowing us to pull back and let these conflicts cost their economy instead of ours.
LOL....The whole "peacekeeper" thing was a nice touch......I bet the dems broke out in little assholes and shat themselves when that one came across the wire. ;)

Now, watch Tater's string pullers insist that we send our own peacekeepers there.....It's really the only move that they have left.
As long as Putin is perceived to have made Biden look bad is aok with Trump's asseaters like you.
Sorry Sweet William, but the Neo-GOP is not Conservative. Conservatives would never create the kind of schism the Trump led Neo-GOP has intentionally created to divide the nation with the Biglie. Not only does that make us look weak in the face of the world but also unreliable and unwilling to live up to our commitments, considering the blows the last GOP Administration did to our alliances across the globe. Putin has been on this crusade since he took control of Russia. This is strategic pay back for 2014.
That's why I said Conservatives and not the GOP.

But, if you think this Trump's fault, why didn't Putin invade before now?
Meh, all I'm saying is Tater and his band of turds thought that they could leverage the Ukraine "crisis" to make them appear to be doing something on the world stage (since their covid gambit petered out at home) and Putin, who was in the cat-bird's seat the whole time anyway, up and stole a march on them.

It just goes to show that the Putins of the world have zero respect for Tater's "leadership". I suspect there will be more to come.
Putin has no respectvfor Biden so you Trump asseaters may as well get your rocks off as well, right jerkoff?
f this doesn't prove Putin had pee tapes of rump nothing does. rump still undermining our Nation.


That's why I said Conservatives and not the GOP.

But, if you think this Trump's fault, why didn't Putin invade before now?

He was allowing the Trump effect to trickle down harming our foreign allegiances. I'm not sure it worked but only time will tell.
Trump had cold water on his face in an easier relationship with Russia. Both nations interested in national boundaries. Like you are promoting globalism but want to live with the wealth of borders. Move your style of living between Haiti's and other nations. After all, we are a globalist government. Biden and the sorority girls in charge will give us this gift. However, the rest of the world powers have men in charge who know what reality is. Conquering.
because Germany wants the gas.

So Biden would rather see Russia supplying Germany with their natural gas, instead of us?

Is that part of his "Make America Shitty Again" policy? He's sure doing a hell of a job at that.
What a brilliant diagnosis
I note you never denied my prediction you are supporting the commUnists on this one.
The same communists who you fear will institute tyranny here but for political reasons you have changed sides. How patriotic of you yet you call yourself a patriot. You're nothing but a brain dead fuckwit.
What is going to happen after today is every increase in prices across the board will be blamed on....Wait for it.... Russia, Russia, Russia.
this one…putin only invaded russia under xiden and obama watch

That's because Putin believes Republican right wing media which consistently tells him Democrats are weak in the area of foreign policy. Right now he's telling himself that America is divided and doesn't want war. If he does this, it may further weaken Biden's position at home, and maybe Donald Trump will be re-elected.

Putin has done everything possible to help keep Trump in office, including waiting until he was gone to invade the Ukraine.

You idiots seem to think you're the only ones watching the American press responses. FOX News is a goldmine for Putin because its pushing the same Russian propaganda and lies and he's telling.

If you're supporting Putin's invasion of the Ukraine, or opposing Biden's work at preventing it, you're a traitor to your nation and everything it stands for.
That's because Putin believes Republican right wing media which consistently tells him Democrats are weak in the area of foreign policy. Right now he's telling himself that America is divided and doesn't want war. If he does this, it may further weaken Biden's position at home, and maybe Donald Trump will be re-elected.

Putin has done everything possible to help keep Trump in office, including waiting until he was gone to invade the Ukraine.

You idiots seem to think you're the only ones watching the American press responses. FOX News is a goldmine for Putin because its pushing the same Russian propaganda and lies and he's telling.

If you're supporting Putin's invasion of the Ukraine, or opposing Biden's work at preventing it, you're a traitor to your nation and everything it stands for.
well, one doesn’t have to listen to right wing media…just look at what the dembot do.

Putin got all he wanted out of Ukraine so far when xiden and the dembots were “more flexible”
That's because Putin believes Republican right wing media which consistently tells him Democrats are weak in the area of foreign policy. Right now he's telling himself that America is divided and doesn't want war. If he does this, it may further weaken Biden's position at home, and maybe Donald Trump will be re-elected.

Putin has done everything possible to help keep Trump in office, including waiting until he was gone to invade the Ukraine.

You idiots seem to think you're the only ones watching the American press responses. FOX News is a goldmine for Putin because its pushing the same Russian propaganda and lies and he's telling.

If you're supporting Putin's invasion of the Ukraine, or opposing Biden's work at preventing it, you're a traitor to your nation and everything it stands for.

Look at you! Another little cultural Marxist all puffed up and posturing like a little midget John Bircher.

Aren't you the cutest little thing?

What is going to happen after today is every increase in prices across the board will be blamed on....Wait for it.... Russia, Russia, Russia.
Of course it is idiot. America didn't start the war.
How can you make Biden? You're brain dead.
That's because Putin believes Republican right wing media which consistently tells him Democrats are weak in the area of foreign policy. Right now he's telling himself that America is divided and doesn't want war. If he does this, it may further weaken Biden's position at home, and maybe Donald Trump will be re-elected.

Putin has done everything possible to help keep Trump in office, including waiting until he was gone to invade the Ukraine.

You idiots seem to think you're the only ones watching the American press responses. FOX News is a goldmine for Putin because its pushing the same Russian propaganda and lies and he's telling.

If you're supporting Putin's invasion of the Ukraine, or opposing Biden's work at preventing it, you're a traitor to your nation and everything it stands for.
With Tater everything is simplified.....He's on the wrong side of everything.

Even the old school dems talked to that point behind his back....And some not so much to his back.

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