Man did Putin outplay Biden or what

Because Trump projected and aura of strength, resolve, and action. The only thing Biden projects is weakness, indecision, incompetence, and the foul odor of an old man's incontinence staining his underwear.
Because with Trump we held all the cards. We were energy independent and energy exporters. Russia would not dare cut Europe off because we would have become Europe's primary supplier. Now we can't because Russia supplies our energy too. Putin can cut us off. Gasoline will go to ten bucks a gallon and home heating will be a distant memory.

Putin knows that Trump will be the next president. He has to make his move now.
I think they know exactly what Putin is going to do and doing, but do not have a plan of how to stop it.
The Russian knew trump would not mind, and would go along with it, maybe even praising Russia, as he is still pissed off at Ukraine for no kneal for his strong arm tactics to supply dirt on his political opponent.
Yeah, that’s why he waited until the potato you helped elect was in the Oval Office. 🙄

Putin the tyrant dictator has to ask permission to send his military abroad US el presidente master of freedom and democracy can do it unilaterally whenever he wants
I don't see you volunteering to go there and fight any Russians, you brave little soldier.

Are you a pussy or something?
So pointing out the glee with which my Neo-GOP friends here love to insult our president, I should travel to the Ukraine to fight for their independence from Russia.

Man, that's a tough standard.

Yeah I probably am one. A wet tasty one,

You are what you eat. Right Dick?
So what? Proves nothing, except in your uninformed mind. Tump dissed NATO, weakened the alliance, and this may be the result, as NATO has not trusted the U.S. and had started to look in other directions. You know nothing.
it proves what is self evident…there is a reason putin only did this when he had “more flexible” folks in the white house
it proves what is self evident…there is a reason putin only did this when he had “more flexible” folks in the white house
that dude isn't smart enough to understand what you just wrote. too funny.
The Neo-GOP is thrilled to insult America on the world stage to show their support for Russia.
No, the opposite is true. Conservatives are frustrated because Poopy Pants is embarrassing The United States, making us look weak and encouraging our enemies to fuck with us.
So what? Proves nothing, except in your uninformed mind. Tump dissed NATO, weakened the alliance, and this may be the result, as NATO has not trusted the U.S. and had started to look in other directions. You know nothing.
NATO was already weakened. Who's idea was it for Germany to cut a gas deal with Russia and make themselves beholding to them? Was that Trump? No, it wasn't. In fact, he said it was a bad idea.
Yeah, that’s why he waited until the potato you helped elect was in the Oval Office. 🙄
Would have happened sooner or later. Doubt they were waiting. For Vlad, the Cold War never ended. He was part of the enemy of the Cold War. Cold War declared over without his acquiescence, much less approval. The enemy always gets a vote.
Because with Trump we held all the cards. We were energy independent and energy exporters. Russia would not dare cut Europe off because we would have become Europe's primary supplier. Now we can't because Russia supplies our energy too. Putin can cut us off. Gasoline will go to ten bucks a gallon and home heating will be a distant memory.

Putin knows that Trump will be the next president. He has to make his move now.
We haven't held the cards since OPEC was formed. We've not been oil independent since the 60's I think. The drop in production world wide is not tied to our political cycle. It had nothing to do with Trump, nor is Biden responsible for the industry struggling to meet the increased demand. The Oil Patch can buy oil across the globe, with a few exceptions. Putin can't hurt us by stopping that chain. Putin is more concerned about what the EU does.
We haven't held the cards since OPEC was formed. We've not been oil independent since the 60's I think. The drop in production world wide is not tied to our political cycle. It had nothing to do with Trump, nor is Biden responsible for the industry struggling to meet the increased demand. The Oil Patch can buy oil across the globe, with a few exceptions. Putin can't hurt us by stopping that chain. Putin is more concerned about what the EU does.
wrong and wrong and wrong and wrong and wrong. I don't have enough wrongs to post with.
Join the military and get your worthless chickenhawk ass assigned to infantry, Colon.
Your childish post vindicates what I suspected. Its not as if America has won a war yet.
Home of the brave? My chickenhawk arse you are.
Actually, Putin had an obviously dementia driven tump by the short and curlies due to business dealings and moneys borrowed. Tump would be helpless in this scenario, even though you tumphumpers say that "Trump would never have allowed it". Funny, unless NATO (dissed by tump)
would send hundreds of thousands of troops and weaponry to Ukraine, and even then......

Better think twice on that dementia thing
No, the opposite is true. Conservatives are frustrated because Poopy Pants is embarrassing The United States, making us look weak and encouraging our enemies to fuck with us.

Sorry Sweet William, but the Neo-GOP is not Conservative. Conservatives would never create the kind of schism the Trump led Neo-GOP has intentionally created to divide the nation with the Biglie. Not only does that make us look weak in the face of the world but also unreliable and unwilling to live up to our commitments, considering the blows the last GOP Administration did to our alliances across the globe. Putin has been on this crusade since he took control of Russia. This is strategic pay back for 2014.
Meh, all I'm saying is Tater and his band of turds thought that they could leverage the Ukraine "crisis" to make them appear to be doing something on the world stage (since their covid gambit petered out at home) and Putin, who was in the cat-bird's seat the whole time anyway, up and stole a march on them.

It just goes to show that the Putins of the world have zero respect for Tater's "leadership". I suspect there will be more to come.
What a brilliant diagnosis
I note you never denied my prediction you are supporting the commUnists on this one.
The same communists who you fear will institute tyranny here but for political reasons you have changed sides. How patriotic of you yet you call yourself a patriot. You're nothing but a brain dead fuckwit.
Slovenian Defense Minister just told CNN Putin could attack Western Balkan countries to distract from Ukraine War, given that Putin is allies with Bosnia...i'll try to find the interview


Man did Putin outplay Biden or what ?​

Technically, no; because for Brandon to have been outplayed he’d have to have even been in the game.

Putin is a scumbag playing chess.

Brandon can’t quite get the hang of solitaire.
Sorry Sweet William, but the Neo-GOP is not Conservative. Conservatives would never create the kind of schism the Trump led Neo-GOP has intentionally created to divide the nation with the Biglie. Not only does that make us look weak in the face of the world but also unreliable and unwilling to live up to our commitments, considering the blows the last GOP Administration did to our alliances across the globe. Putin has been on this crusade since he took control of Russia. This is strategic pay back for 2014.
what Biglie is that?

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