Man forces daughter to marry her rapist

Believe it or not, parents often give permission for underaged daughters to get married. One of my oldest friends was married to his high school sweetheart when he was 15 and she was 16. She was pregnant. They were married, finished school, had a few more kids, were together until the kids were grown. Now they have different spouses, but they are still very close as are all their kids.

I guess you missed the part about the girl being FORCED to marry her RAPIST.

The forced part makes it not OK.
That was the terminology of the wacked out faggot copyeditor and the worthless author at that ridiculous homo site. You prove again that the baby killers have no concept of what "force" means. You'd be fine with "forcing" her to have an abortion, in reality...for her own good...but you can't stand the thought of her and her family facilitating a marriage. Sex is okay...abortion is okay...marriage is ABUSE.

MARRIAGE is a contract and a HUGE commitment supposedly for the rest of your life!
Sounds like an excellent deterent and an example to all men who violate girls, whether by invitation or otherwise.
Yup. If you make a baby, you're going to support the baby, AND the mother.

It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.
Sounds like an excellent deterent and an example to all men who violate girls, whether by invitation or otherwise.
Yup. If you make a baby, you're going to support the baby, AND the mother.

It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Does this really need to be said to these fucking idiots? Wow.
Sounds like an excellent deterent and an example to all men who violate girls, whether by invitation or otherwise.
Yup. If you make a baby, you're going to support the baby, AND the mother.

It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a crime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.
Sounds like an excellent deterent and an example to all men who violate girls, whether by invitation or otherwise.
Yup. If you make a baby, you're going to support the baby, AND the mother.

It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a crime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.

That is irrelevant to me! The laws need to be changed. These are CHILDREN. What in the world would make anyone think they are capable of making such a decision? Of course they are not grown up or fully matured yet! It is absolutely disgusting for a man in his 20s, 30s, 40s, etc., to take advantage of a child like that.
Sounds like an excellent deterent and an example to all men who violate girls, whether by invitation or otherwise.
Yup. If you make a baby, you're going to support the baby, AND the mother.

It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a crime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.

How would you feel if your 16-year-old daughter wanted to marry some guy? Why don't you think about THAT instead of these old outdated and obsolete laws that need changing?
Yup. If you make a baby, you're going to support the baby, AND the mother.

It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a crime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.

That is irrelevant to me! The laws need to be changed. These are CHILDREN. What in the world would make anyone think they are capable of making such a decision? Of course they are not grown up or fully matured yet! It is absolutely disgusting for a man in his 20s, 30s, 40s, etc., to take advantage of a child like that.
I completely agree. But , we don't arrest people for crimes we wish they had committed.

Hell, I wish stupidity was illegal, but alas...................
Sounds like an excellent deterent and an example to all men who violate girls, whether by invitation or otherwise.
Yup. If you make a baby, you're going to support the baby, AND the mother.

It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

I'm aware of the law.

I just wanted to make the distinction between Statutory Rape and Forcible Rape.

One is bad enough, the other is even worse.
Yup. If you make a baby, you're going to support the baby, AND the mother.

It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a crime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.

How would you feel if your 16-year-old daughter wanted to marry some guy? Why don't you think about THAT instead of these old outdated and obsolete laws that need changing?

Oh I'd kill a man if he raped my teenage daughter, statutory or otherwise. I don't need the laws changed to protect my daughters.

But please, reread what I've written. ALL I have said is that taking a girl to a state where having sex with her is legal is NOT a crime.

I've in no way defended the guy having sex with a 14 year old.
It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a crime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.

That is irrelevant to me! The laws need to be changed. These are CHILDREN. What in the world would make anyone think they are capable of making such a decision? Of course they are not grown up or fully matured yet! It is absolutely disgusting for a man in his 20s, 30s, 40s, etc., to take advantage of a child like that.
I completely agree. But , we don't arrest people for crimes we wish they had committed.

Hell, I wish stupidity was illegal, but alas...................

Any adult man who is diddling around with a teenager should be arrested, IMO. It's disgusting behavior.
YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a crime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.

That is irrelevant to me! The laws need to be changed. These are CHILDREN. What in the world would make anyone think they are capable of making such a decision? Of course they are not grown up or fully matured yet! It is absolutely disgusting for a man in his 20s, 30s, 40s, etc., to take advantage of a child like that.
I completely agree. But , we don't arrest people for crimes we wish they had committed.

Hell, I wish stupidity was illegal, but alas...................

Any adult man who is diddling around with a teenager should be arrested, IMO. It's disgusting behavior.

Did you just look at the link I provided you? There is no state in this country where a grown man having sex with a 14 year old is legal.

I question this entire story.
Yup. If you make a baby, you're going to support the baby, AND the mother.

It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a crime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.

That is irrelevant to me! The laws need to be changed. These are CHILDREN. What in the world would make anyone think they are capable of making such a decision? Of course they are not grown up or fully matured yet! It is absolutely disgusting for a man in his 20s, 30s, 40s, etc., to take advantage of a child like that.

If the male in question was 16 it would be better for you?
It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a crime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.

How would you feel if your 16-year-old daughter wanted to marry some guy? Why don't you think about THAT instead of these old outdated and obsolete laws that need changing?

Oh I'd kill a man if he raped my teenage daughter, statutory or otherwise. I don't need the laws changed to protect my daughters.

But please, reread what I've written. ALL I have said is that taking a girl to a state where having sex with her is legal is NOT a crime.

I've in no way defended the guy having sex with a 14 year old.

I understand, and I'm just saying that these laws need to be changed. These girls are too young to make good decisions that will benefit them in the future. Teenagers are known for being bad decision makers, impulsive and reckless. That is a good enough reason for me to have them change the laws to 18 across the board, federally mandated if need be. We need to protect these kids from people who would and do take advantage of them.
It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a crime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.

That is irrelevant to me! The laws need to be changed. These are CHILDREN. What in the world would make anyone think they are capable of making such a decision? Of course they are not grown up or fully matured yet! It is absolutely disgusting for a man in his 20s, 30s, 40s, etc., to take advantage of a child like that.

If the male in question was 16 it would be better for you?

Yes, then they are equals. A kid experimenting with another kid is completely different than a man getting his jollies with a teenager who he can EASILY manipulate. Are you defending this man's actions?
I have very good reasons for raising the age of consent to 18.

1. It allows the child to complete at least a primary education.
2. It allows the child to have at least SOME kind of life experiences away from mom and dad.
3. It allows the child to have something to base better decision making/critical thinking skills upon.
Sounds like an excellent deterent and an example to all men who violate girls, whether by invitation or otherwise.
Yup. If you make a baby, you're going to support the baby, AND the mother.

It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a crime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.

The story has nothing to do with age of consent. The rapist is now serving 15 years for his crime.

They went to another state which would allow the girl to marry at age 14, if her parents gave their consent. The state they lived in would not allow the marriage.

And yes, the story did say that the man gave the girl liquor and she was drunk when he raped her.
I have very good reasons for raising the age of consent to 18.

1. It allows the child to complete at least a primary education.
2. It allows the child to have at least SOME kind of life experiences away from mom and dad.
3. It allows the child to have something to base better decision making/critical thinking skills upon.

Americans in general are stupid and make poor decisions, but i disagree with your claim that a 16 year old girl can't successfully figure out that having sex with a man 10 years older than her isn't a good idea. I would probably support your proposed changes in the law, but the assumption that a 16 year old girl doesn't know that sex can lead to bad results is wrong.
Yup. If you make a baby, you're going to support the baby, AND the mother.

It wasn't statutory rape. It was rape. A 25 year old man got a 14 year old girl drunk and raped her. He's now serving 15 years in jail for the crime.

This wasn't 2 teenagers fooling around. This was an adult male, who raped a young teenager.

YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a crime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.

The story has nothing to do with age of consent. The rapist is now serving 15 years for his crime.

They went to another state which would allow the girl to marry at age 14, if her parents gave their consent. The state they lived in would not allow the marriage.

And yes, the story did say that the man gave the girl liquor and she was drunk when he raped her.

Right, but the story claims that they went to Missouri to have a legal marriage. That is why the age of consent was brought up in the thread.

No one is disputing the fact that this guy raped this girl.

No one that matters anyway.
YOu are assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no indication that the man "got" the girl drunk.

There is no indication that the sex was not mutually agreed upon.

It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a cr16 ime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.

That is irrelevant to me! The laws need to be changed. These are CHILDREN. What in the world would make anyone think they are capable of making such a decision? Of course they are not grown up or fully matured yet! It is absolutely disgusting for a man in his 20s, 30s, 40s, etc., to take advantage of a child like that.

If the male in question was 16 it would be better for you?

Yes, then they are equals. A kid experimenting with another kid is completely different than a man getting his jollies with a teenager who he can EASILY manipulate. Are you defending this man's actions?

No, I'm not defending his actions.

I'm just confused by your assumption that if this girl was drunk and had sex and got pregnant with a 16 year old guy, that it would be better.

The 16 year old would have also "gotten his jollies" and the physical act is the same, the consequences are the same...

Either way the girl is now in the same situation. She was married, lost the baby, had the marriage annulled and is back to living at home and going to high school, (i assume).

The difference is in what happens with the male.

IN one scenario, nothing happens.

In the other he is doing 15 years.
It's a CHILD. Children cannot consent to sex. They are children. Same reason why they can't drink, vote, etc., etc., etc. Because they make stupid decisions.

Again , the age at which they can consent differs among the states. I realize that you wish all states were the same, but they aren't.

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is in fact a federal law that makes it an ADDITIONAL crime to transport a minor across state laws in order to have them participate in an illegal activity, but even the federal government interprets that to mean that if you live in a state where having sex with 16 year old is illegal and you drive a 16 year old girl to a state where it is legal, that isn't a cr16 ime.

BTW, the age of consent in Missouri is 17, not 14 so I now wonder about the validity of this entire story.

That is irrelevant to me! The laws need to be changed. These are CHILDREN. What in the world would make anyone think they are capable of making such a decision? Of course they are not grown up or fully matured yet! It is absolutely disgusting for a man in his 20s, 30s, 40s, etc., to take advantage of a child like that.

If the male in question was 16 it would be better for you?

Yes, then they are equals. A kid experimenting with another kid is completely different than a man getting his jollies with a teenager who he can EASILY manipulate. Are you defending this man's actions?

No, I'm not defending his actions.

I'm just confused by your assumption that if this girl was drunk and had sex and got pregnant with a 16 year old guy, that it would be better.

The 16 year old would have also "gotten his jollies" and the physical act is the same, the consequences are the same...

Either way the girl is now in the same situation. She was married, lost the baby, had the marriage annulled and is back to living at home and going to high school, (i assume).

The difference is in what happens with the male.

IN one scenario, nothing happens.

In the other he is doing 15 years.

I'm not saying that the scenario would be "good" either way, but it wouldn't be an adult taking advantage of a dumb girl. It would be a dumb boy and a dumb girl getting together. I was a 16 year old girl and I know what I'm talking about.

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