Man forces daughter to marry her rapist

I could actually make an argument that society as a whole was better when younger women were married off to older men. Now in most cases , at least in THIS country,, by younger women we are talking 17,18,19 years old , being married off to men in their 30s. And certainly in THOSE times women were expected to remain chaste until marriage and any man who took a woman's virginity outside of marriage was considered to be true scum regardless of the woman's age.

God, when I was 16 and 17, I thought 30 year old men were OLD and ugly. :D

Well in that era, women were prized for their looks and their virginity, men for their ability to financially provide . And there is no doubt that families were more stable back then. The issue is were people actually happy?

I doubt that they were happy. Just look at some old pictures. The people do not look very happy in a lot of cases. I don't understand why any adult would want to be "married" to a child anyways. You have nothing in common, and wouldn't that make you FEEL old? :D

Gender roles were more defined.

Marriage was less about meeting emotional needs, and more about becoming an adult in society.

The man's role was more to be the provider rather than best friend.

The woman's role was more to be homemaker and mother.

Talking about feelings and emotional needs took a back seat.

Thus a 30 year old man would be more likely to be established and be able to provide.

Thus a 16 year old girl, would likely be complete trained in what she needed to know to be a homemaker and a mother.

Well, this isn't the 1800s. Get with the program!

What's wrong with the 1800s? A day and time when a man who acted stupidly in public could find himself full of bullets pretty quickly.

We have idiot proofed this country. A little throwback wouldn't hurt anything.
I could actually make an argument that society as a whole was better when younger women were married off to older men. Now in most cases , at least in THIS country,, by younger women we are talking 17,18,19 years old , being married off to men in their 30s. And certainly in THOSE times women were expected to remain chaste until marriage and any man who took a woman's virginity outside of marriage was considered to be true scum regardless of the woman's age.

God, when I was 16 and 17, I thought 30 year old men were OLD and ugly. :D

Well in that era, women were prized for their looks and their virginity, men for their ability to financially provide . And there is no doubt that families were more stable back then. The issue is were people actually happy?

I doubt that they were happy. Just look at some old pictures. The people do not look very happy in a lot of cases. I don't understand why any adult would want to be "married" to a child anyways. You have nothing in common, and wouldn't that make you FEEL old? :D

Gender roles were more defined.

Marriage was less about meeting emotional needs, and more about becoming an adult in society.

The man's role was more to be the provider rather than best friend.

The woman's role was more to be homemaker and mother.

Talking about feelings and emotional needs took a back seat.

Thus a 30 year old man would be more likely to be established and be able to provide.

Thus a 16 year old girl, would likely be complete trained in what she needed to know to be a homemaker and a mother.

Well, this isn't the 1800s. Get with the program!

You're not happy with the state of the family in this country, are you?
God, when I was 16 and 17, I thought 30 year old men were OLD and ugly. :D

Well in that era, women were prized for their looks and their virginity, men for their ability to financially provide . And there is no doubt that families were more stable back then. The issue is were people actually happy?

I doubt that they were happy. Just look at some old pictures. The people do not look very happy in a lot of cases. I don't understand why any adult would want to be "married" to a child anyways. You have nothing in common, and wouldn't that make you FEEL old? :D

Gender roles were more defined.

Marriage was less about meeting emotional needs, and more about becoming an adult in society.

The man's role was more to be the provider rather than best friend.

The woman's role was more to be homemaker and mother.

Talking about feelings and emotional needs took a back seat.

Thus a 30 year old man would be more likely to be established and be able to provide.

Thus a 16 year old girl, would likely be complete trained in what she needed to know to be a homemaker and a mother.

Well, this isn't the 1800s. Get with the program!

What's wrong with the 1800s? A day and time when a man who acted stupidly in public could find himself full of bullets pretty quickly.

We have idiot proofed this country. A little throwback wouldn't hurt anything.

I wouldn't mind bringing back those things where stupid people are locked in a wooden thing with arm holes and a head hole and made fun of? That would be pretty cool. :D Humiliation works! Lol.
God, when I was 16 and 17, I thought 30 year old men were OLD and ugly. :D

Well in that era, women were prized for their looks and their virginity, men for their ability to financially provide . And there is no doubt that families were more stable back then. The issue is were people actually happy?

I doubt that they were happy. Just look at some old pictures. The people do not look very happy in a lot of cases. I don't understand why any adult would want to be "married" to a child anyways. You have nothing in common, and wouldn't that make you FEEL old? :D

Gender roles were more defined.

Marriage was less about meeting emotional needs, and more about becoming an adult in society.

The man's role was more to be the provider rather than best friend.

The woman's role was more to be homemaker and mother.

Talking about feelings and emotional needs took a back seat.

Thus a 30 year old man would be more likely to be established and be able to provide.

Thus a 16 year old girl, would likely be complete trained in what she needed to know to be a homemaker and a mother.

Well, this isn't the 1800s. Get with the program!

You're not happy with the state of the family in this country, are you?

I don't concern myself with other people's personal family lives. Unless a crime is being committed, I mind my business and worry about my OWN self and MY family.
Well in that era, women were prized for their looks and their virginity, men for their ability to financially provide . And there is no doubt that families were more stable back then. The issue is were people actually happy?

I doubt that they were happy. Just look at some old pictures. The people do not look very happy in a lot of cases. I don't understand why any adult would want to be "married" to a child anyways. You have nothing in common, and wouldn't that make you FEEL old? :D

Gender roles were more defined.

Marriage was less about meeting emotional needs, and more about becoming an adult in society.

The man's role was more to be the provider rather than best friend.

The woman's role was more to be homemaker and mother.

Talking about feelings and emotional needs took a back seat.

Thus a 30 year old man would be more likely to be established and be able to provide.

Thus a 16 year old girl, would likely be complete trained in what she needed to know to be a homemaker and a mother.

Well, this isn't the 1800s. Get with the program!

What's wrong with the 1800s? A day and time when a man who acted stupidly in public could find himself full of bullets pretty quickly.

We have idiot proofed this country. A little throwback wouldn't hurt anything.

I wouldn't mind bringing back those things where stupid people are locked in a wooden thing with arm holes and a head hole and made fun of? That would be pretty cool. :D Humiliation works! Lol.

It DOES work, so did a lot of other things that were done back then.
Well in that era, women were prized for their looks and their virginity, men for their ability to financially provide . And there is no doubt that families were more stable back then. The issue is were people actually happy?

I doubt that they were happy. Just look at some old pictures. The people do not look very happy in a lot of cases. I don't understand why any adult would want to be "married" to a child anyways. You have nothing in common, and wouldn't that make you FEEL old? :D

Gender roles were more defined.

Marriage was less about meeting emotional needs, and more about becoming an adult in society.

The man's role was more to be the provider rather than best friend.

The woman's role was more to be homemaker and mother.

Talking about feelings and emotional needs took a back seat.

Thus a 30 year old man would be more likely to be established and be able to provide.

Thus a 16 year old girl, would likely be complete trained in what she needed to know to be a homemaker and a mother.

Well, this isn't the 1800s. Get with the program!

You're not happy with the state of the family in this country, are you?

I don't concern myself with other people's personal family lives. Unless a crime is being committed, I mind my business and worry about my OWN self and MY family.

The Decline of the American Family is directly responsible for much of the crime in this society.

We are doing something, or more likely several somethings wrong.
I doubt that they were happy. Just look at some old pictures. The people do not look very happy in a lot of cases. I don't understand why any adult would want to be "married" to a child anyways. You have nothing in common, and wouldn't that make you FEEL old? :D

Gender roles were more defined.

Marriage was less about meeting emotional needs, and more about becoming an adult in society.

The man's role was more to be the provider rather than best friend.

The woman's role was more to be homemaker and mother.

Talking about feelings and emotional needs took a back seat.

Thus a 30 year old man would be more likely to be established and be able to provide.

Thus a 16 year old girl, would likely be complete trained in what she needed to know to be a homemaker and a mother.

Well, this isn't the 1800s. Get with the program!

What's wrong with the 1800s? A day and time when a man who acted stupidly in public could find himself full of bullets pretty quickly.

We have idiot proofed this country. A little throwback wouldn't hurt anything.

I wouldn't mind bringing back those things where stupid people are locked in a wooden thing with arm holes and a head hole and made fun of? That would be pretty cool. :D Humiliation works! Lol.

It DOES work, so did a lot of other things that were done back then.

Well, I am anti capital punishment. I don't like the idea of the government killing citizens. Don't think I'm not tempted to strangle or kill some of these most heinous killers myself though! It's not easy to be anti capital punishment when you have emotions.
I doubt that they were happy. Just look at some old pictures. The people do not look very happy in a lot of cases. I don't understand why any adult would want to be "married" to a child anyways. You have nothing in common, and wouldn't that make you FEEL old? :D

Gender roles were more defined.

Marriage was less about meeting emotional needs, and more about becoming an adult in society.

The man's role was more to be the provider rather than best friend.

The woman's role was more to be homemaker and mother.

Talking about feelings and emotional needs took a back seat.

Thus a 30 year old man would be more likely to be established and be able to provide.

Thus a 16 year old girl, would likely be complete trained in what she needed to know to be a homemaker and a mother.

Well, this isn't the 1800s. Get with the program!

You're not happy with the state of the family in this country, are you?

I don't concern myself with other people's personal family lives. Unless a crime is being committed, I mind my business and worry about my OWN self and MY family.

The Decline of the American Family is directly responsible for much of the crime in this society.

We are doing something, or more likely several somethings wrong.

Yeah well, maybe so, but marrying and having sex with KIDS is not the answer to solving these problems.
I doubt that they were happy. Just look at some old pictures. The people do not look very happy in a lot of cases. I don't understand why any adult would want to be "married" to a child anyways. You have nothing in common, and wouldn't that make you FEEL old? :D

Gender roles were more defined.

Marriage was less about meeting emotional needs, and more about becoming an adult in society.

The man's role was more to be the provider rather than best friend.

The woman's role was more to be homemaker and mother.

Talking about feelings and emotional needs took a back seat.

Thus a 30 year old man would be more likely to be established and be able to provide.

Thus a 16 year old girl, would likely be complete trained in what she needed to know to be a homemaker and a mother.

Well, this isn't the 1800s. Get with the program!

You're not happy with the state of the family in this country, are you?

I don't concern myself with other people's personal family lives. Unless a crime is being committed, I mind my business and worry about my OWN self and MY family.

The Decline of the American Family is directly responsible for much of the crime in this society.

We are doing something, or more likely several somethings wrong.

So . . . you think "get 'em young" while they're naive and unable to make their own decisions is a GOOD thing? That's effing sick, man. That is why we have laws to protect children from people like YOU.
When you grow up feeling like you are not loved, you will seek out love, and THAT is how a lot of teenage girls fall victim to older predatory men. These men, in most cases, do not love these poor girls, but they will definitely trick them into believing that they do, and that is much easier to do with a troubled teen girl than it is with an adult woman.

Which is why I advocate returning to a simpler time. A time when a father chose a husband for his daughter and could legally execute any man who violated her virtue.

That's sick. Women get to choose their OWN lives. Key word being WOMEN.

Sorry Charlie, but the US started its slow decline the day some wife said "I should have the right to voice my opinion" and her husband didn't show her the back of his hand.

I think I need to show you the back of MY hand, bud!

No. A cast iron frying pan to the head.
Gender roles were more defined.

Marriage was less about meeting emotional needs, and more about becoming an adult in society.

The man's role was more to be the provider rather than best friend.

The woman's role was more to be homemaker and mother.

Talking about feelings and emotional needs took a back seat.

Thus a 30 year old man would be more likely to be established and be able to provide.

Thus a 16 year old girl, would likely be complete trained in what she needed to know to be a homemaker and a mother.

Well, this isn't the 1800s. Get with the program!

You're not happy with the state of the family in this country, are you?

I don't concern myself with other people's personal family lives. Unless a crime is being committed, I mind my business and worry about my OWN self and MY family.

The Decline of the American Family is directly responsible for much of the crime in this society.

We are doing something, or more likely several somethings wrong.

Yeah well, maybe so, but marrying and having sex with KIDS is not the answer to solving these problems.

Our current model, imo, a transitional model,

seems to be that between 13 or 14, when sex with "equals" becomes acceptable, and graduating from college AND a couple of years to establish a career and be ready financially, the expected behavior is to just date and have multiple sexual partners without marriage or children during our peak fertile years and perhaps well past them?

That does not seem healthy to me either.
Gender roles were more defined.

Marriage was less about meeting emotional needs, and more about becoming an adult in society.

The man's role was more to be the provider rather than best friend.

The woman's role was more to be homemaker and mother.

Talking about feelings and emotional needs took a back seat.

Thus a 30 year old man would be more likely to be established and be able to provide.

Thus a 16 year old girl, would likely be complete trained in what she needed to know to be a homemaker and a mother.

Well, this isn't the 1800s. Get with the program!

You're not happy with the state of the family in this country, are you?

I don't concern myself with other people's personal family lives. Unless a crime is being committed, I mind my business and worry about my OWN self and MY family.

The Decline of the American Family is directly responsible for much of the crime in this society.

We are doing something, or more likely several somethings wrong.

So . . . you think "get 'em young" while they're naive and unable to make their own decisions is a GOOD thing? That's effing sick, man. That is why we have laws to protect children from people like YOU.

I was discussing what WAS the model, and what was wrong with what IS the model, not what SHOULD be the model.
Well, this isn't the 1800s. Get with the program!

You're not happy with the state of the family in this country, are you?

I don't concern myself with other people's personal family lives. Unless a crime is being committed, I mind my business and worry about my OWN self and MY family.

The Decline of the American Family is directly responsible for much of the crime in this society.

We are doing something, or more likely several somethings wrong.

Yeah well, maybe so, but marrying and having sex with KIDS is not the answer to solving these problems.

Our current model, imo, a transitional model,

seems to be that between 13 or 14, when sex with "equals" becomes acceptable, and graduating from college AND a couple of years to establish a career and be ready financially, the expected behavior is to just date and have multiple sexual partners without marriage or children during our peak fertile years and perhaps well past them?

That does not seem healthy to me either.

Plenty of people still get married.
Well, this isn't the 1800s. Get with the program!

You're not happy with the state of the family in this country, are you?

I don't concern myself with other people's personal family lives. Unless a crime is being committed, I mind my business and worry about my OWN self and MY family.

The Decline of the American Family is directly responsible for much of the crime in this society.

We are doing something, or more likely several somethings wrong.

So . . . you think "get 'em young" while they're naive and unable to make their own decisions is a GOOD thing? That's effing sick, man. That is why we have laws to protect children from people like YOU.

I was discussing what WAS the model, and what was wrong with what IS the model, not what SHOULD be the model.

You want your 16-year-old daughter marrying some adult dude?
You're not happy with the state of the family in this country, are you?

I don't concern myself with other people's personal family lives. Unless a crime is being committed, I mind my business and worry about my OWN self and MY family.

The Decline of the American Family is directly responsible for much of the crime in this society.

We are doing something, or more likely several somethings wrong.

Yeah well, maybe so, but marrying and having sex with KIDS is not the answer to solving these problems.

Our current model, imo, a transitional model,

seems to be that between 13 or 14, when sex with "equals" becomes acceptable, and graduating from college AND a couple of years to establish a career and be ready financially, the expected behavior is to just date and have multiple sexual partners without marriage or children during our peak fertile years and perhaps well past them?

That does not seem healthy to me either.

Plenty of people still get married.

More would be better.

And earlier imo.
I don't concern myself with other people's personal family lives. Unless a crime is being committed, I mind my business and worry about my OWN self and MY family.

The Decline of the American Family is directly responsible for much of the crime in this society.

We are doing something, or more likely several somethings wrong.

Yeah well, maybe so, but marrying and having sex with KIDS is not the answer to solving these problems.

Our current model, imo, a transitional model,

seems to be that between 13 or 14, when sex with "equals" becomes acceptable, and graduating from college AND a couple of years to establish a career and be ready financially, the expected behavior is to just date and have multiple sexual partners without marriage or children during our peak fertile years and perhaps well past them?

That does not seem healthy to me either.

Plenty of people still get married.

More would be better.

And earlier imo.

Well, thankfully how other people choose to conduct their lives is not your business. Now, what about your teenage daughter? Would you want that for your daughter? Or would you rather she be a well rounded healthy young ADULT when she makes such decisions?
I don't concern myself with other people's personal family lives. Unless a crime is being committed, I mind my business and worry about my OWN self and MY family.

The Decline of the American Family is directly responsible for much of the crime in this society.

We are doing something, or more likely several somethings wrong.

Yeah well, maybe so, but marrying and having sex with KIDS is not the answer to solving these problems.

Our current model, imo, a transitional model,

seems to be that between 13 or 14, when sex with "equals" becomes acceptable, and graduating from college AND a couple of years to establish a career and be ready financially, the expected behavior is to just date and have multiple sexual partners without marriage or children during our peak fertile years and perhaps well past them?

That does not seem healthy to me either.

Plenty of people still get married.

More would be better.

And earlier imo.

A LOT of girls also died during childbirth in those days. Great ideas you have. *eye rolls*
You're not happy with the state of the family in this country, are you?

I don't concern myself with other people's personal family lives. Unless a crime is being committed, I mind my business and worry about my OWN self and MY family.

The Decline of the American Family is directly responsible for much of the crime in this society.

We are doing something, or more likely several somethings wrong.

So . . . you think "get 'em young" while they're naive and unable to make their own decisions is a GOOD thing? That's effing sick, man. That is why we have laws to protect children from people like YOU.

I was discussing what WAS the model, and what was wrong with what IS the model, not what SHOULD be the model.

You want your 16-year-old daughter marrying some adult dude?

Actually, my plan, at this point, is to encourage as much acceleration in her education as possible, so that she can be out of college or whatever, at an earlier age, and ready to begin an adult life, not to be forcibly held to an artificially extended childhood.
If you get pregnant as a teen, you are considered a "high risk" pregnancy because your pelvic bone structure may not be developed enough (or MATURE enough) yet to have a baby. You have to have ultrasounds and tests TWICE as often and there is more of a chance of problems than with a woman in her 20s.
I don't concern myself with other people's personal family lives. Unless a crime is being committed, I mind my business and worry about my OWN self and MY family.

The Decline of the American Family is directly responsible for much of the crime in this society.

We are doing something, or more likely several somethings wrong.

So . . . you think "get 'em young" while they're naive and unable to make their own decisions is a GOOD thing? That's effing sick, man. That is why we have laws to protect children from people like YOU.

I was discussing what WAS the model, and what was wrong with what IS the model, not what SHOULD be the model.

You want your 16-year-old daughter marrying some adult dude?

Actually, my plan, at this point, is to encourage as much acceleration in her education as possible, so that she can be out of college or whatever, at an earlier age, and ready to begin an adult life, not to be forcibly held to an artificially extended childhood.

Why rush them into adulthood? Let them enjoy being kids without worries and stress for a while!

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