man gets arested for burning police station during george floyd protest

A handful of far right people were found to have infiltrated the BLM protests to cause violence and trouble.

This one is a boogaloo boi.

I hope he spends some time in prison for his crimes.

Ummmm, bogaloo bois frequently join with Burn Loot Murder/Buy Large Mansions in their protests.

They are lefties wanting a revolution just like you idiots.

He doesn't look like someone who could think things through on his own. Someone put him up to shooting at the police station.
I TOLD YOU SO! But Galaxy Brains like WillHaftawaite laughed at this post, and others, which are now proven true.

Who's laughing now, Will? :laugh:

Timothy McVeigh says hello.

Militias have a worse history of violence than BLM, who - as I've already proven to you on this board - were infiltrated by White supremacists posing as BLM. Some were apprehended. Most were identified but not prosecuted under the corrupt Barr DoJ.

Here's just one example. There's also the guy who was destroying property in Minneapolis or Portland, arrested in California.
Actually there's very little mainstream con-servatism least none brave enough to speak up.
Or conservativism has become an ideology that condones lawlessness and violence.

We know that what is incorrectly referred to as ‘far right’ is in fact mainstream conservativism because of the way conservatives defend the indefensible.

The defense of the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack by conservatives is the most infamous example.

Conservatives have lied about the detained terrorist suspects as being ‘political prisoners.’

Conservatives have lied about the detained terrorist suspects as being ‘misunderstood’ or ‘mostly peaceful.’

Conservatives have lied about the detained terrorist suspects as merely engaging in ‘political protest.’

Conservatives have lied about the detained terrorist suspects as having only committed ‘minor offenses.’

And conservatives continue to defend or attempt to deflect and minimize other acts of rightwing violence and lawlessness.

To attempt to defend or ignore acts of rightwing violence, lawlessness, and terrorism makes a conservative just as wrong as if he committed such acts himself.
Let's not forget who brought all this together. I want to congratulate George Floyd. He's been completely drug-free for 16 months now.

And armed home invasions in Houston are down significantly during that period.

It's win-win for the planet.
The person you replied to only read the title of the thread. They didn't even read my OP.

As I stated in the OP, a HANDFUL of far right.

I never said that all of those at the BLM protests who were violent were far right.

The best thing to do with that poster and ones like it is what I do, just scroll right by without reading it.
They didn't even read my OP.
thats because there aint much difference in your threads.....its either how fucked trump is or the republican party sucks.....after a while you dont have to read your shit to know what you are saying.....
Nobody has claimed they were. What happened is what this criminal just pled guilty to. They invited the protestors to violence they might not have resorted to without encouragement.
Everyone who committed a crime during the BLM riots made their own decision to do so and are souly responsible for there actions
A handful of far right people were found to have infiltrated the BLM protests to cause violence and trouble.

This one is a boogaloo boi.

I hope he spends some time in prison for his crimes.

I used to find it amazing that all you have to do to see what a progressive slave is doing, is by watch what they accuse others of doing, when they are doing it.
A handful of far right people were found to have infiltrated the BLM protests to cause violence and trouble.

This one is a boogaloo boi.

I hope he spends some time in prison for his crimes.

These are very dangerous people Dana. But of course our RW Loonies will tell us that they are patriots.


Member of far-right Boogaloo Bois arrested in connection to rioting during George Floyd protests​

WOOOPDYDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! some is arrested for rioting
A handful of far right people were found to have infiltrated the BLM protests to cause violence and trouble.

This one is a boogaloo boi.

I hope he spends some time in prison for his crimes.

Blah blah blah....its political spin. Carrillo that 1st boogaloo boi snagged murdering (2 cops) also attended a POLICE HATE BLM rally. The boogaloos are cop haters like BLM so they attend the rallies hoping for an all shoot out with law enforcement.

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