Man gets probation for 4 rapes.

You keep the propaganda up and call people Trump worshippers. Prog worshippers are the true norm. Many of them have been enriched beyond dreams. They are terrible politicians but promoting payouts is not a losing position.

Both sides have their worshipers, but at this point in history the Trump ones are the most zealous and vocal.
My argument applies to an overall unjust justice system. This judge is just a small part of that system.
There's your problem. This is a nation of individual rights, individual cases, not some grab bag silliness you can lump together on a whim. It's that sort of lunacy that is creating problems that shouldn't exist.

If you can't show evidence this judge ever did anything 'racist' you really have no point. Just you tossing the race. How typical.
You must be calling the orange pile of shit a liar.
bragger? embellishes the moment?? Naw, that's not Trump right? hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Ever watch videos from beatles concerts where girls were screaming at them to tear their clothes off for them? That's what Trump was referring to. How women actually behave with stardom men.
History says so. People are watching race issues more now than we were 20 years ago, because it has come back to the fore. That is not because of the media.
It's because Marxists have learned that Critical Theory is never going to work on Americans because we have no class system. No class system means no need for class warfare.

What derivative of Critical Theory might work?
siracha said:
So you think Trump was lying to Billie Bush when he said "grab em by the pussy"?

nope. I know he said that....about these little hollywood star wannabees. They will let you do make stardom. That's what they did for Weinstein. He abused them...i'll bet they were more than willing at the time cause they kept their mouths shut...everyone knew, Oprah was one of his pimps. President Trump SAID IT. HE didn't DO it. NOTHING, shows that President Trump did anything other than remark on it. But you carry on with your lies and your delicate sensibilities about these poor rape victims of the right when you don't give a fig if the rapist is a leftist....clinton, epstein, weinstein, BIDENS, menendez, jfk,.
What does a person have to be guilty of in order to be put away, especially when a person makes it as clear as crystal glass that they have zero intention of changing???

God bless you and the victims always!!!


P.S. One victim threw up after learning that the rodent is allowed to continue roaming free. I wonder how the other three responded.
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I run a Financial Advisory Firm. Duke Undergrad. NU Grad. I sit on a board of a major university.


20 year Marine Corps career making it to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant, including running a Marine Corps Airfield covering everything from day to day operations to long term capital improvement projects like resurfacing an entire runway. Ran 24/7 operations with 180 Marines under me doing everything from ATC to CFR to Search and Rescue.

Masters in Applied Analytics from SLU and a Certified PMP. Currently working in the field of Agriculture Statistics. Sit on the State American Legion advisory board.

Oh, and I have my golf handicap down under 12! :cool:
20 year Marine Corps career making it to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant, including running a Marine Corps Airfield covering everything from day to day operations to long term capital improvement projects like resurfacing an entire runway. Ran 24/7 operations with 180 Marines under me doing everything from ATC to CFR to Search and Rescue.

Masters in Applied Analytics from SLU and a Certified PMP. Currently working in the field of Agriculture Statistics. Sit on the State American Legion advisory board.

Oh, and I have my golf handicap down under 12! :cool:
There are left and right wingers in jobs. In jobs that can be dangerous no pure left winger stays pure left winger when they see reality. They may stay on the left, but what people do to themselves is different part of the equation.
20 year Marine Corps career making it to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant, including running a Marine Corps Airfield covering everything from day to day operations to long term capital improvement projects like resurfacing an entire runway. Ran 24/7 operations with 180 Marines under me doing everything from ATC to CFR to Search and Rescue.

Masters in Applied Analytics from SLU and a Certified PMP. Currently working in the field of Agriculture Statistics. Sit on the State American Legion advisory board.

Oh, and I have my golf handicap down under 12! :cool:
I'd school you in hoops. I suck at golf. So if you are a vet why are you anti military spend?
I'd school you in hoops. I suck at golf. So if you are a vet why are you anti military spend?

Because we spend too much and waste too much. Our military is not underfunded at all, just poorly managed from the top down.

I used to get in trouble as the Operations chief of an FA18 squadron if I did not use all the TAD money by the end of the year. We used to send pilots on cross country flights they did not really need to use up the money. NAS Key West is very popular for that.

We would go shopping every August to spend every dime of our supply money, whether we needed anything or not.

Just getting rid of the "you must spend it all or get less next year" mentality would save more than people realize.

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