Man gets probation for 4 rapes.

Are the people involved Trump supporters? And believe it or not these things do cross political lines. It is just that the the political party who says it is wrong and has people who do it are the ones called hypocrites. The real crime is the crime.

I agree, funny that you choose to tell me this and not your fellow Trump worshiper that I had responded to.

Though I would say the real crime is the sentence the judge handed down. He fucked the victims every bit as much as the rapist did.
Skin color has nothing to do with it. Money and connections does.

Black priveleve is a thing now when skin color is a factor in something.

More so than in the past blacks are being treated more like white's always have been but you see that as some sort of privilege.
Thanks for one more example of a white guy getting away with rape.
It happens all the time in blue states...

It happens all the time in blue states...

It is simply amazing how everything in your life revolves around politics.

A shitty way to live, but it seems to make you happy so good on you.
It happens all the time in blue states...

Red states also,

Not nearly as much and it's typically blue cities when it does. Look, it's the Democrats that want to abolish police and prisons, not Conservatives.

This was in Polk county, went 76% for Trump.

No matter how much you try and pretend this is a red vs blue thing, it is not.
It is in your world, too. Nobody here can claim to be a non-partisan. Any that do don't know what "partisan"

Nope, not in my world. The Red vs Blue division is a contrived thing created by the Duopoly to keep the country too divided to ever vote for a 3rd party after Ross scared the shit out of them back in 92.


I am not a strong supporter of any party person and the only cause I strongly support is America.
How? Do you have evidence this judge ever treated defendants differently due to race or ethnicity? Otherwise you are applying some arbitrary standards to push a false narrative.

My argument applies to an overall unjust justice system. This judge is just a small part of that system.
I agree, funny that you choose to tell me this and not your fellow Trump worshiper that I had responded to.

Though I would say the real crime is the sentence the judge handed down. He fucked the victims every bit as much as the rapist did.
You keep the propaganda up and call people Trump worshippers. Prog worshippers are the true norm. Many of them have been enriched beyond dreams. They are terrible politicians but promoting payouts is not a losing position.

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