Man kicked out of town meeting for refusingto stand for Pledge

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A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

This country would be a lot better off if people realized that just b/c they CAN do something, doesn't mean they SHOULD do it.

I'll compare it to open carrying in cities.

Hey fuck heads knock it off, you're scaring people. DUH
The same idiot champions Michelle Obama forcing kids to eat government school lunches- IDIOT

Oh look everyone, i ran her plumb out of the thread that was actually ABOUT school lunches , so she brought her garbage over here. Run along Lady Cum Dumpster, adults are talking here.

As for the topic, IF the man was "disturbing" the meeting by not standing and saying the pledge, fuck that. But if he was you know actually disturbing the meeting, tough shit.

Once again, we don't know all the facts, and it's doubtful this guy told a completely honest story , so.........
Oh, I think the 1st amendment activist was a dick for doing what he did.

Only, he has a right to do it.

Gunnutz should be defending this guy to the hilt.

The Mayor had the right to have him escorted out too.

Only if it is expressly written in that town's ordinances, and then, it could be easily challenged in court and would surely lose.

There has to be a "Town ordinance" before the Mayor can act?

The protester was being disruptive.
disruptively sitting? the mayor was being disruptive
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A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

This country would be a lot better off if people realized that just b/c they CAN do something, doesn't mean they SHOULD do it.

I'll compare it to open carrying in cities.

Hey fuck heads knock it off, you're scaring people. DUH
The same idiot champions Michelle Obama forcing kids to eat government school lunches- IDIOT

No one is forcing anyone to eat government school lunches.

My child has been in the public schools for 10 years. No one has forced her to eat a government school lunch.

I give her money to buy lunch and she has a wide variety of choices to choose from. Including healthy choices. I also make her a lunch to take with her so she's not just eating the food from the school.

There are millions of kids in America who bring their lunch with them to school. No one is forcing them to eat government school lunch.

If you need to lie, how valid is your point?
Part of living in a civilized society is not being an obstinate ass just because. If you aren't crippled, stand up and be quiet.

What if he's from a country that Bush or some other Wrongpublican illegally bombed for no reason? You shouldn't assume you know everything about someone's circumstances, xxxxxx.
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Part of living in a civilized society is not being an obstinate ass just because. If you aren't crippled, stand up and be quiet.

What if he's from a country that Bush or some other Wrongpublican illegally bombed for no reason? You shouldn't assume you know everything about someone's circumstances, conservatard.

Good point.

On top of your otherwise sloped head.
is a pledge less of a pledge if someone sits while you mindlessly recite it?

No. But it doesn't mean the guy couldn't stand in respect for the meeting and community.

People make strange choices for stupid reasons all the time.
That mayor was wrong to kick him out of that meeting.

I personally won't stand, put my hand to my heart and pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth. It's ridiculous to me to make such a big deal of a piece of cloth. I wish people would have the same feeling for our nation and our people as they do a piece of cloth. If that pledge said allegiance to America not a piece of cloth, I would have different feelings about it.

I won't lie and say "under god" either. I don't believe in the christian god and there's no way I'm going to lie about it.

I have sat quietly countless times as other people said that pledge. No one has ever said one word about it to me much less kick me out of a public meeting because of it.

Tolerance goes two ways. People are demanding tolerance for the pledge but don't think they should have tolerance for those who want to sit quietly and not say it.

That mayor violated that man's first amendment right to sit quietly while that pledge was said. If I were that man I would find a good lawyer to sue the mayor and the city that it occurred.
It appears that your education is pretty basic or very lacking.

Perhaps you should learn about the meanings of symbols throughout human history and what they represent along with the values placed upon them by higher life forms.
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What good is a pledge if you are forced to give it?

Any pledge should by definition, be voluntary
He wasn't being forced to take a pledge or give an oath.

He was asked to stand. Unless he had a physical ailment, it costs nothing to provide a little respect to people who do take the pledge serious.

He was also asked to stand for an invocation which he also declined

The pledge is not our national anthem. A pledge is voluntarily given and all those making a pledge should stand and say the words

If it is a true pledge of allegiance you should only have to say it once in your lifetime. Why would a pledge expire after only one day?
What good is a pledge if you are forced to give it?

Any pledge should by definition, be voluntary
He wasn't being forced to take a pledge or give an oath.

He was asked to stand. Unless he had a physical ailment, it costs nothing to provide a little respect to people who do take the pledge serious.

He was also asked to stand for an invocation which he also declined

The pledge is not our national anthem. A pledge is voluntarily given and all those making a pledge should stand and say the words

If it is a true pledge of allegiance you should only have to say it once in your lifetime. Why would a pledge expire after only one day?
Comprehension is a requirement in life.

He was never asked to recite the pledge, nor was he asked to accept beliefs of others.

Standing does not endorse the activity. It is a simple courtesy like saying, "Thank you" when someone does something that helps you.

He was free to be crass, and I have already stated that the Mayor was wrong for kicking him out. However, give and take is a two-way street. He wanted respect from the Mayor and the town citizens; he needs to provide respect of them as well.
Good, get the fuck out.

The Dem Party should have had a similar policy with this scumbag. Had Richardson kicked Obama in the ass, I would have voted for him


Indeed. A person who won't stand during the singing of the National Anthem, or refuses to recite the Pledge, or won't be man or woman enough to cover their heart when the Colors are presented - are scum.

This country and her people had better come to terms with their "feelings" about the United States and they had better do it quickly because their resolve is about to be tested mightily.

What do I tell these assholes? You hate this country so damned much? Get the fuck out of it. But disrespect the flag in front of me and I will knock the shit out of you. punk ass clowns piss me off.
Good, get the fuck out.

The Dem Party should have had a similar policy with this scumbag. Had Richardson kicked Obama in the ass, I would have voted for him


Indeed. A person who won't stand during the singing of the National Anthem, or refuses to recite the Pledge, or won't be man or woman enough to cover their heart when the Colors are presented - are scum.

This country and her people had better come to terms with their "feelings" about the United States and they had better do it quickly because their resolve is about to be tested mightily.

What do I tell these assholes? You hate this country so damned much? Get the fuck out of it. But disrespect the flag in front of me and I will knock the shit out of you. punk ass clowns piss me off.

What, are you the etiquette police? Have you considered just grunting real loud? It would have the same effect.

And wow, who would have ever thought you would want to recite a pledge that had been written by a socialist.

Did you also know that the first salute that was required for the pledge looked exactly like the nazi salute? Well, well, well, a couple of smart people caught that one in 1942 and changed that....
Good, get the fuck out.

The Dem Party should have had a similar policy with this scumbag. Had Richardson kicked Obama in the ass, I would have voted for him


Indeed. A person who won't stand during the singing of the National Anthem, or refuses to recite the Pledge, or won't be man or woman enough to cover their heart when the Colors are presented - are scum.

This country and her people had better come to terms with their "feelings" about the United States and they had better do it quickly because their resolve is about to be tested mightily.

What do I tell these assholes? You hate this country so damned much? Get the fuck out of it. But disrespect the flag in front of me and I will knock the shit out of you. punk ass clowns piss me off.

What, are you the etiquette police? Have you considered just grunting real loud? It would have the same effect.

And wow, who would have ever thought you would want to recite a pledge that had been written by a socialist.

Did you also know that the first salute that was required for the pledge looked exactly like the nazi salute? Well, well, well, a couple of smart people caught that one in 1942 and changed that....

Fuck you nazi. How is that for proper "form"? You don't like this country? get the fuck out piss ant.
Part of living in a civilized society is not being an obstinate ass just because. If you aren't crippled, stand up and be quiet.

Spoken like a true authoritarian. You know what other countries behave that way? China, North Korea, Cuba, and every other despotic regime on the planet. Salute the state or be punished. As I've said before, it's amazing how much conservatives have in common with the dictators and Communists you all despise.

His unwillingness to stand is protected speech under the First Amendment. That's what freedom is.
That mayor was wrong to kick him out of that meeting.

I personally won't stand, put my hand to my heart and pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth. It's ridiculous to me to make such a big deal of a piece of cloth. I wish people would have the same feeling for our nation and our people as they do a piece of cloth. If that pledge said allegiance to America not a piece of cloth, I would have different feelings about it.

I won't lie and say "under god" either. I don't believe in the christian god and there's no way I'm going to lie about it.

I have sat quietly countless times as other people said that pledge. No one has ever said one word about it to me much less kick me out of a public meeting because of it.

Tolerance goes two ways. People are demanding tolerance for the pledge but don't think they should have tolerance for those who want to sit quietly and not say it.

That mayor violated that man's first amendment right to sit quietly while that pledge was said. If I were that man I would find a good lawyer to sue the mayor and the city that it occurred.
It appears that your education is pretty basic or very lacking.

Perhaps you should learn about the meanings of symbols throughout human history and what they represent along with the values placed upon them by higher life forms.

I don't pledge my allegiance to a symbol. My allegiance is to America and our people.

I don't need a symbol of our nation. I've got the real thing here everyday. I have traveled to almost all of our nation and guess what? America is a great nation. We have great people. Great places and such beauty that it's literally breath taking. We have people who are so wonderful it moves me.

No piece of cloth can symbolize America to me. I like the real thing.

If you need that cloth symbol, have at it. Knock yourself out.

Just leave me alone while I sit quietly.
Part of living in a civilized society is not being an obstinate ass just because. If you aren't crippled, stand up and be quiet.

Spoken like a true authoritarian. You know what other countries behave that way? China, North Korea, Cuba, and every other despotic regime on the planet. Salute the state or be punished. As I've said before, it's amazing how much conservatives have in common with the dictators and Communists you all despise.

His unwillingness to stand is protected speech under the First Amendment. That's what freedom is.

I'm not claiming he didn't have the right to be an ass. I'm just pointing out that he was a childish ass. See the difference?
Good, get the fuck out.

The Dem Party should have had a similar policy with this scumbag. Had Richardson kicked Obama in the ass, I would have voted for him


Indeed. A person who won't stand during the singing of the National Anthem, or refuses to recite the Pledge, or won't be man or woman enough to cover their heart when the Colors are presented - are scum.

This country and her people had better come to terms with their "feelings" about the United States and they had better do it quickly because their resolve is about to be tested mightily.

What do I tell these assholes? You hate this country so damned much? Get the fuck out of it. But disrespect the flag in front of me and I will knock the shit out of you. punk ass clowns piss me off.

Excuse me but if you are violent and physically attack me, I'll be on the phone to the police to have you arrested and drag you to jail. It's called "assault and battery." I will show up in court to testify so that I make sure you're put in prison for your crime.

I will then find the best lawyer possible to sue you for everything you have.

I will win because the constitution protects everyone from people like you.

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