Man kicked out of town meeting for refusingto stand for Pledge

Oh, I think the 1st amendment activist was a dick for doing what he did.

Only, he has a right to do it.

Gunnutz should be defending this guy to the hilt.

The Mayor had the right to have him escorted out too.

Only if it is expressly written in that town's ordinances, and then, it could be easily challenged in court and would surely lose.

There has to be a "Town ordinance" before the Mayor can act?

The protester was being disruptive. Personally I would have had the family of active service members escort the guy out

How is sitting quietly being disruptive?

It was the mayor who made an issue of it
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Oh, I think the 1st amendment activist was a dick for doing what he did.

Only, he has a right to do it.

Gunnutz should be defending this guy to the hilt.

The Mayor had the right to have him escorted out too.

Only if it is expressly written in that town's ordinances, and then, it could be easily challenged in court and would surely lose.

There has to be a "Town ordinance" before the Mayor can act?

The protester was being disruptive. Personally I would have had the family of active service members escort the guy out

No, he was not being disruptive. The mayor could just have easily ignored him and proceeded with the pledge of allegiance. Sometimes it is just that simple.

If he was being disruptive,out he goes. I'm not sure "refusing to stand for the pledge" qualifies as being disruptive though. But as I said, stop being assholes.
I assume the guy has the right to not say the pledge and not stand up while others do, at least I hope he does. If so, he should have been left alone even though I don't agree with his positions.
There is no law requiring people to stand or say the Pledge of Allegiance. The police were completely out of line escorting him out of the building. They should have been formally reprimanded.
The guy was baiting the town to kick him out. He was respectful and stated his rights

The mayor walked right into it
What good is a pledge if you are forced to give it?

Any pledge should by definition, be voluntary
He wasn't being forced to take a pledge or give an oath.

He was asked to stand. Unless he had a physical ailment, it costs nothing to provide a little respect to people who do take the pledge serious.
There is no law requiring people to stand or say the Pledge of Allegiance. The police were completely out of line escorting him out of the building. They should have been formally reprimanded.
We kick students out of school for wearing patriotic shirts. Last time I checked, the progressives on this forum had no problem with that at all.

I wouldn't have kicked him out. He did a fine job of ostracizing himself with that idiotic display. Sometimes, its helpful to know who the idiots are in a meeting.
What good is a pledge if you are forced to give it?

Any pledge should by definition, be voluntary
He wasn't being forced to take a pledge or give an oath.

He was asked to stand. Unless he had a physical ailment, it costs nothing to provide a little respect to people who do take the pledge serious.

Unless that town has a specific ordinance requiring people to stand for official or unofficial town business, then he broke no law.

Yes, what he did was disrespectful.

But then again, I bet that more than 90% of USMBers dont even known when the pledge actually became part of our society.
That mayor was wrong to kick him out of that meeting.

I personally won't stand, put my hand to my heart and pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth. It's ridiculous to me to make such a big deal of a piece of cloth. I wish people would have the same feeling for our nation and our people as they do a piece of cloth. If that pledge said allegiance to America not a piece of cloth, I would have different feelings about it.

I won't lie and say "under god" either. I don't believe in the christian god and there's no way I'm going to lie about it.

I have sat quietly countless times as other people said that pledge. No one has ever said one word about it to me much less kick me out of a public meeting because of it.

Tolerance goes two ways. People are demanding tolerance for the pledge but don't think they should have tolerance for those who want to sit quietly and not say it.

That mayor violated that man's first amendment right to sit quietly while that pledge was said. If I were that man I would find a good lawyer to sue the mayor and the city that it occurred.
CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from

A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

This country would be a lot better off if people realized that just b/c they CAN do something, doesn't mean they SHOULD do it.

I'll compare it to open carrying in cities.

Hey fuck heads knock it off, you're scaring people. DUH
The same idiot champions Michelle Obama forcing kids to eat government school lunches- IDIOT
CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from

A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

This country would be a lot better off if people realized that just b/c they CAN do something, doesn't mean they SHOULD do it.

I'll compare it to open carrying in cities.

Hey fuck heads knock it off, you're scaring people. DUH
Ya know I gotta agree with you here. Smart and legal arent the same thing. People have every right to open carry But they ought to exercise some restraint.
It's what comes of a society that focuses on rights and ignores responsibilities.

I just don't see the point in actively antagonizing each other to prove some "point"

Re: open carry. They just make all gun owners look stupid and uncaring when they needlessly scare folks.
You're a moron..

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