Man killed in accidental shooting

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You are twice as likely to be accidently shot than you are to be purposely killed by a gun.

About 17,000 accidental shootings each year. About 8,500 homicides each year with a gun. Do the math.
BULLSHIT!!!!In 2010, guns took the lives of 31,076 Americans in homicides, suicides and unintentional shootings.
In 2010, unintentional firearm injuries caused the deaths of 606 people.18

From 2005-2010, almost 3,800 people in the U.S. died from unintentional shootings.19

Over 1,300 victims of unintentional shootings for the period 2005–2010 were under 25 years of age.20

People of all age groups are significantly more likely to die from unintentional firearm injuries when they live in states with more guns, relative to states with fewer guns. On average, states with the highest gun levels had nine times the rate of unintentional firearms deaths compared to states with the lowest gun levels.

606/31,076=.019. In other words, less than 2% of firearms related deaths are "accidental".

I'd posit that actual accidental gun deaths are almost non existent.

Most gun deaths labeled as accidental are actually instances of gross negligence or outright stupidity.
Anyone who is responsible enough to own a gun knows he should always treat a weapon as if it is loaded.
I never hand my gun to anyone when loaded.
I drop the magazine, eject the chambered round and pass the gun with chamber opened so they can in turn check it.

In nearly 60 years of dealing with firearms, I have seen exactly one accidental discharge.
That one happened when a Colt 1911 with a chambered round was left in a burning house.
No one was hit and I found and unloaded the weapon before any more unexpected loud noises.

What in that mess counters my claim?
You claim 17,000 accidental shootings and compare that to 8,500 homicides as if it supposed to mean something. If you want a contextual comparrison, compare 606 to 8,500
Or compare 17,000 (a number I contend is bogus) to total shootings 73,505 of which required hospital treatment. I'd bet another 10,000 did not result in treatment.
So, accidental shootings account for 20% at best of all shootings and 7% of all shooting deaths.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

Yes so what I said was true. You are twice as likely to be accidently shot as you are to be purposely killed by a gun. Very telling.
A 26-year-old man at the apartment told police that he was handling a .22-caliber rifle when it went off, striking his friend in the head, Woodruff said.

Owasso man dies after accidental shooting police say - News - TulsaWorld

Did they really need a loaded 22 rifle in an apartment?

Let us know when accidental gun deaths equal car deaths. Until then your pathetic attempt at emotional appeal is pointless.

Let me know when most the country are using guns daily like we do cars. Amazing guns kill so many when used so little.
A 26-year-old man at the apartment told police that he was handling a .22-caliber rifle when it went off, striking his friend in the head, Woodruff said.

Owasso man dies after accidental shooting police say - News - TulsaWorld

Did they really need a loaded 22 rifle in an apartment?

Let us know when accidental gun deaths equal car deaths. Until then your pathetic attempt at emotional appeal is pointless.

Let me know when most the country are using guns daily like we do cars. Amazing guns kill so many when used so little.

Doesn't matter. Guns are used to prevent crime far more than they are used to commit it, and far, far more than the accidental deaths that you so gleefully post here. They are a net benefit to our society.
A 26-year-old man at the apartment told police that he was handling a .22-caliber rifle when it went off, striking his friend in the head, Woodruff said.

Owasso man dies after accidental shooting police say - News - TulsaWorld

Did they really need a loaded 22 rifle in an apartment?

Let us know when accidental gun deaths equal car deaths. Until then your pathetic attempt at emotional appeal is pointless.

Let me know when most the country are using guns daily like we do cars. Amazing guns kill so many when used so little.

Doesn't matter. Guns are used to prevent crime far more than they are used to commit it, and far, far more than the accidental deaths that you so gleefully post here. They are a net benefit to our society.

No they aren't. They are used maybe 100k times a year for defense. There are far more crimes than that each year commited with them.

Who is killed by guns?
20k each year the owner, suicide
8500 each year innocent victims, homicide
500 each year accidental
230 criminals each year, defense.
A 26-year-old man at the apartment told police that he was handling a .22-caliber rifle when it went off, striking his friend in the head, Woodruff said.

Owasso man dies after accidental shooting police say - News - TulsaWorld

Did they really need a loaded 22 rifle in an apartment?

Let us know when accidental gun deaths equal car deaths. Until then your pathetic attempt at emotional appeal is pointless.

Let me know when most the country are using guns daily like we do cars. Amazing guns kill so many when used so little.

Doesn't matter. Guns are used to prevent crime far more than they are used to commit it, and far, far more than the accidental deaths that you so gleefully post here. They are a net benefit to our society.

No they aren't. They are used maybe 100k times a year for defense. There are far more crimes than that each year commited with them.

Who is killed by guns?
20k each year the owner, suicide
8500 each year innocent victims, homicide
500 each year accidental
230 criminals each year, defense.

Provide a link to all of that please.
A 26-year-old man at the apartment told police that he was handling a .22-caliber rifle when it went off, striking his friend in the head, Woodruff said.

Owasso man dies after accidental shooting police say - News - TulsaWorld

Did they really need a loaded 22 rifle in an apartment?

Let us know when accidental gun deaths equal car deaths. Until then your pathetic attempt at emotional appeal is pointless.

Let me know when most the country are using guns daily like we do cars. Amazing guns kill so many when used so little.

Doesn't matter. Guns are used to prevent crime far more than they are used to commit it, and far, far more than the accidental deaths that you so gleefully post here. They are a net benefit to our society.

No they aren't. They are used maybe 100k times a year for defense. There are far more crimes than that each year commited with them.

Who is killed by guns?
20k each year the owner, suicide
8500 each year innocent victims, homicide
500 each year accidental
230 criminals each year, defense.

Provide a link to all of that please.

Haha why are you involved in the conversation if you don't even know the basics? You have seen links to all those before, and we both know that.
Let us know when accidental gun deaths equal car deaths. Until then your pathetic attempt at emotional appeal is pointless.

Let me know when most the country are using guns daily like we do cars. Amazing guns kill so many when used so little.

Doesn't matter. Guns are used to prevent crime far more than they are used to commit it, and far, far more than the accidental deaths that you so gleefully post here. They are a net benefit to our society.

No they aren't. They are used maybe 100k times a year for defense. There are far more crimes than that each year commited with them.

Who is killed by guns?
20k each year the owner, suicide
8500 each year innocent victims, homicide
500 each year accidental
230 criminals each year, defense.

Provide a link to all of that please.

Haha why are you involved in the conversation if you don't even know the basics? You have seen links to all those before, and we both know that.

Nope. I haven't seen your links at all. Let's see them. Everyone else posts a link when they make a claim. You must do the same.
Let me know when most the country are using guns daily like we do cars. Amazing guns kill so many when used so little.

Doesn't matter. Guns are used to prevent crime far more than they are used to commit it, and far, far more than the accidental deaths that you so gleefully post here. They are a net benefit to our society.

No they aren't. They are used maybe 100k times a year for defense. There are far more crimes than that each year commited with them.

Who is killed by guns?
20k each year the owner, suicide
8500 each year innocent victims, homicide
500 each year accidental
230 criminals each year, defense.

Provide a link to all of that please.

Haha why are you involved in the conversation if you don't even know the basics? You have seen links to all those before, and we both know that.

Nope. I haven't seen your links at all. Let's see them. Everyone else posts a link when they make a claim. You must do the same.

So you talk so much, but know so little on the subject? That is funny but not surprising.
Doesn't matter. Guns are used to prevent crime far more than they are used to commit it, and far, far more than the accidental deaths that you so gleefully post here. They are a net benefit to our society.

No they aren't. They are used maybe 100k times a year for defense. There are far more crimes than that each year commited with them.

Who is killed by guns?
20k each year the owner, suicide
8500 each year innocent victims, homicide
500 each year accidental
230 criminals each year, defense.

Provide a link to all of that please.

Haha why are you involved in the conversation if you don't even know the basics? You have seen links to all those before, and we both know that.

Nope. I haven't seen your links at all. Let's see them. Everyone else posts a link when they make a claim. You must do the same.

So you talk so much, but know so little on the subject? That is funny but not surprising.

Thread is closed till you provide the required links.
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