Man mocks Alligators, ignores warning signs then jumps in water and is killed by Alligators in Texas

Texas man Tommie Woodward killed by alligator during late-night swim Daily Mail Online
Good looking Dude...must have been a liberal. with all those piercings!



He was only 28 years of age. I wonder how many times he was given the opportunity to repent and he refused! What a shame! What a terrible shame! Folks think he is dead and gone - not exactly - he is alive in hell right now, seeing with his eyes the horrors of hell and its demons, the cries of the damned, the smell of sulfur and rotting flesh, burning flesh, the physical torments of demons ripping him apart and taunting him for their entertainment - the unimaginable heat of hell and not a drop of water down there for him to drink and to think that he will be stuck there for all eternity! Oh! What a shame! MG! You need to call on the LORD today! I'm serious! It's time for you to come to the LORD and escape the fires of hell!
he is alive in hell right now,

you are sick Jeri
Texas man Tommie Woodward killed by alligator during late-night swim Daily Mail Online
Good looking Dude...must have been a liberal. with all those piercings!



He was only 28 years of age. I wonder how many times he was given the opportunity to repent and he refused! What a shame! What a terrible shame! Folks think he is dead and gone - not exactly - he is alive in hell right now, seeing with his eyes the horrors of hell and its demons, the cries of the damned, the smell of sulfur and rotting flesh, burning flesh, the physical torments of demons ripping him apart and taunting him for their entertainment - the unimaginable heat of hell and not a drop of water down there for him to drink and to think that he will be stuck there for all eternity! Oh! What a shame! MG! You need to call on the LORD today! I'm serious! It's time for you to come to the LORD and escape the fires of hell!
Do you think he met these guys?

Texas man Tommie Woodward killed by alligator during late-night swim Daily Mail Online
Good looking Dude...must have been a liberal. with all those piercings!



He was only 28 years of age. I wonder how many times he was given the opportunity to repent and he refused! What a shame! What a terrible shame! Folks think he is dead and gone - not exactly - he is alive in hell right now, seeing with his eyes the horrors of hell and its demons, the cries of the damned, the smell of sulfur and rotting flesh, burning flesh, the physical torments of demons ripping him apart and taunting him for their entertainment - the unimaginable heat of hell and not a drop of water down there for him to drink and to think that he will be stuck there for all eternity! Oh! What a shame! MG! You need to call on the LORD today! I'm serious! It's time for you to come to the LORD and escape the fires of hell!
he is alive in hell right now,

you are sick Jeri

No, I'm well. I've accepted Christ as my Savior.

Jesus came for the sick - those who are in need of a Savior - such as yourself, Guno. Being Jewish won't get you into heaven - you must come through Jesus Christ just as everyone else must. Otherwise? You'll find out I'm right about hell. I hate to see you go there but you have a free will of your own and I cannot stop you from choosing hell. It's your decision.

Jesus payed the price so that you wouldn't have to. Something you should think about. Something this young man should have thought about. Instead he chose to mock all warnings and seal his own fate. There are no guarantees for tomorrow. All you have is today and you should realize that is why the Scriptures declare - Today is the day of Salvation.
I heard that the Darwin story was made up. There hasn't been any proof beyond hearsay. That being said, I don't really see what he would have to repent. One can both believe in God and evolution. The Bible may have many moral stories, but it's hardly a source for scientific information.
Thanks for making my point, Konrav. You do claim to be an atheist, right?
Why would you say that? Did you miss the sentence I BOLDED? Just because you say atheists debunked the story doesn't make anyone who does so an atheist. You need to study up on logic. Perhaps you wouldn't foolish so often.

One cannot believe in both God and evolution. You sound like the Pope with that sort of talk and you are no more saved than he is if you believe that lie.

I stand by my statement - atheists have been known to try and debunk it. Newsflash for some of you - Wikipedia is not a valid source in my opinion. Anyone can edit it and I've found it to be most dishonest on numerous occasions. It's far left and extremely anti- Christian.
Being an agnostic, I see no reason why both can't be acknowledged. If GOD is great, there is no reason he didn't create evolution!
Texas man Tommie Woodward killed by alligator during late-night swim Daily Mail Online
Good looking Dude...must have been a liberal. with all those piercings!
It was no where near Austin, so probably not.

So 2 men were killed in Texas by alligators?....What are the fucking odds???
Might have been the only two democrats in Texas. Boy will Hillary be pissed!
Your comment insures the victim was Right Wing Redneck.
People swam there regularly with 3 and 4 ft. gators always around, and there was never a problem. A few weeks ago, an 11 ft. one showed up, and that's when they put up the sign. I know that place. Trust me, Ted Cruz just lost a supporter.
Texas man Tommie Woodward killed by alligator during late-night swim Daily Mail Online
Good looking Dude...must have been a liberal. with all those piercings!
It was no where near Austin, so probably not.

So 2 men were killed in Texas by alligators?....What are the fucking odds???
Might have been the only two democrats in Texas. Boy will Hillary be pissed!

True. Very true! :biggrin::badgrin:
Texas alligator attack Man killed in Orange County -
While it is tragic that a person lost their life, it is extremely difficult to feel any sympathy for someone who was warned multiple times, in multiple forms. What a fool.
I hope it was the Texas campaign manager for Hillary.

What I read it seem like a Devout Ted Cruz supporter but could also be just a stupid nutter and I am just making up the Devout Ted Cruz part...
Texas alligator attack Man killed in Orange County -
While it is tragic that a person lost their life, it is extremely difficult to feel any sympathy for someone who was warned multiple times, in multiple forms. What a fool.
I hope it was the Texas campaign manager for Hillary.

What I read it seem like a Devout Ted Cruz supporter but could also be just a stupid nutter and I am just making up the Devout Ted Cruz part...

Texas alligator attack Man killed in Orange County -
While it is tragic that a person lost their life, it is extremely difficult to feel any sympathy for someone who was warned multiple times, in multiple forms. What a fool.

Who feels any sympathy??

I don't. :dunno:

The guy was dumb as a rock and drunk. I'm not saying he didn't do it to himself, but any life is precious, and he had people who loved him. It's sad.

sure it's sad but... that's the way he wanted to go.... what can you do

Idiots will be idiots!
Texas alligator attack Man killed in Orange County -
While it is tragic that a person lost their life, it is extremely difficult to feel any sympathy for someone who was warned multiple times, in multiple forms. What a fool.
I hope it was the Texas campaign manager for Hillary.

What I read it seem like a Devout Ted Cruz supporter but could also be just a stupid nutter and I am just making up the Devout Ted Cruz part...


It is possible and stupidity in Texas is the norm... I mean how else can anyone explain how Ted Cruz, Dan Patrick, and Ken Paxton ever got elected to office?
One cannot believe in both God and evolution. You sound like the Pope with that sort of talk and you are no more saved than he is if you believe that lie.
Sure you can. God is the Creator and evolution is the method He used. The fossil record and DNA prove it. To deny it is to say God lies to us. Why would He leave false clues?
Liberal from St. LOUIS, moves to Texas, thinks that liberals know more than ignorant Texicans and jumps into the water. Calling the alligators racists doesn't work.

One less democrat in the world is no great loss. It might even be good for St. LOUIS.

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