Man Needed Double Lung Transplant, Wishes He'd Been Vaccinated

The commie virus will exploit M2 macrophages.

C-19 Exploitation of Distinct Patterns of Macrophage Activation
There’s a concept out there called “personal responsibility” and another called “consequences”.

This guy made certain decisions that affected himself and possibly those around him. Why should the society he put in danger bail his ass out when it turns out his decisions were poor at best?
A 24 year old man who was perfectly healthy. No preexisting conditions.

He wanted to wait a couple years to be vaccinated so see if there was any side effects.

He was the only person in is family not vaccinated.

Now, he has had a double lung transplant because the virus ravaged his lungs so badly.

On top of that he didn't have any insurance. There's a Go Fund Me Page to help pay for his medical bills.

He's been dealing with the virus since April.

Aren't you the people saying we should ignore the outliers whenever someone dies from getting jabbed.
Yes, yes she is.

If it weren't for double standards, the moonbats would have no standards at all.
Dana7360 and what guarantee is being vaccinated against getting the leftyvirus? Many are positive after vaccination.
Oddball and what kind of Dim Ditz starts a thread like this making this person sound like they hadn't done all the abuse to their body in the first place? Brainless sheeple.
A 24 year old man who was perfectly healthy. No preexisting conditions.

He wanted to wait a couple years to be vaccinated so see if there was any side effects.

He was the only person in is family not vaccinated.

Now, he has had a double lung transplant because the virus ravaged his lungs so badly.

On top of that he didn't have any insurance. There's a Go Fund Me Page to help pay for his medical bills.

He's been dealing with the virus since April.

Sad story really..... I wish he had been vaccinated too....but he probably would have ended up the same way.
Geeezus....double lung transplant...didn't even know they could do that. I will definitely look up the go fund me page though.

Dana7360 and what guarantee is being vaccinated against getting the leftyvirus? Many are positive after vaccination.
Very few will get COVID after vaccination and far fewer will get seriously ill after vaccination.

That is known.
That is only a will take several years to find out whether or not that is actually true. In the mean time those who have had the virus and recovered are as good as vaccinated actually better than vaccinated. Why would they risk vaccination side effects and why would anyone want them to get the shot? Got an answer?
A 24 year old man who was perfectly healthy. No preexisting conditions.

He wanted to wait a couple years to be vaccinated so see if there was any side effects.

He was the only person in is family not vaccinated.

Now, he has had a double lung transplant because the virus ravaged his lungs so badly.

On top of that he didn't have any insurance. There's a Go Fund Me Page to help pay for his medical bills.

He's been dealing with the virus since April.

So I found this an incredibly curious article--a "healthy" 24 yo needing a double lung transplant. Then I found this. Bingo. Vaping and any respiratory virus at all is absolutely devastating for any lungs, at any age. Vaping is terrible for lungs.

He did vape, she says, which the family now believes may have damaged his lungs and made it harder for him to fight off the coronavirus.

More than vaping, cannabis smoke is worse than tobacco, and he was effeminizing his gonads with it, by effeminizing his androgen receptors. The commie virus may have exploited this effeminization leading to enhanced cytokine storm:

Lung Macrophage Polarization / Androgen (dihydrotestosterone)
Man you pack a goddamed punch with your posts..... can you give me more info on the effeminization effect of heavy cannibis use...I would like to pass it out to some friends who virtually eat the stuff for all three meals every day.

That is only a will take several years to find out whether or not that is actually true. In the mean time those who have had the virus and recovered are as good as vaccinated actually better than vaccinated. Why would they risk vaccination side effects and why would anyone want them to get the shot? Got an answer?
No, we have enough data to know it’s true.

I do not see that we have data showing that people recovered have any better immunity, and bragging that getting Covid is better than being vaccinated kinda misses the point.
A 24 year old man who was perfectly healthy. No preexisting conditions.

He wanted to wait a couple years to be vaccinated so see if there was any side effects.

He was the only person in is family not vaccinated.

Now, he has had a double lung transplant because the virus ravaged his lungs so badly.

On top of that he didn't have any insurance. There's a Go Fund Me Page to help pay for his medical bills.

He's been dealing with the virus since April.

So I found this an incredibly curious article--a "healthy" 24 yo needing a double lung transplant. Then I found this. Bingo. Vaping and any respiratory virus at all is absolutely devastating for any lungs, at any age. Vaping is terrible for lungs.

He did vape, she says, which the family now believes may have damaged his lungs and made it harder for him to fight off the coronavirus.

/ Thread
Very few will get COVID after vaccination and far fewer will get seriously ill after vaccination.

That is known.

This perception of covid politics is contingent on ignoring media and information that does not align with the political covid narrative.
This perception of covid politics is contingent on ignoring media and information that does not align with the political covid narrative.
This doesn’t have to be political.

Just go based on what the data shows, as I just did.
That is only a will take several years to find out whether or not that is actually true. In the mean time those who have had the virus and recovered are as good as vaccinated actually better than vaccinated. Why would they risk vaccination side effects and why would anyone want them to get the shot? Got an answer?
No, we have enough data to know it’s true.

I do not see that we have data showing that people recovered have any better immunity, and bragging that getting Covid is better than being vaccinated kinda misses the point.
Oh What utter bullshit..... recovering from covid means you have some of the antibodies....dude I don't have to be an epidemiologist to know that the whole point of the vaccine is to produce um you are definitely FULL OF SHIT..... Yes I read that stuff too....
I stull don't buy it. If I recovered from it once with little to no effect odds are I will again and sooner...If I get it twice then so be it...three times then so be it. I'll prefer the vitamin regimen and bolstering my immune system to anything synthetic any day of the week. Wanna tag name me a carrier?? right ahead I don't give a shit. I'm guessing that I carry stuff that is a whole lot worse that COVID and have for my whole life. Beware over-sterilzaton it creates a rich field for sickness not a weaker one.

I'll prefer the vitamin regimen and bolstering my immune system to anything synthetic any day of the week
Funny thing is that one’s own immune system is what causes most of the severe complications from COVID
A 24 year old man who was perfectly healthy. No preexisting conditions.

He wanted to wait a couple years to be vaccinated so see if there was any side effects.

He was the only person in is family not vaccinated.

Now, he has had a double lung transplant because the virus ravaged his lungs so badly.

On top of that he didn't have any insurance. There's a Go Fund Me Page to help pay for his medical bills.

He's been dealing with the virus since April.

For every story you have about those who wished they had received the vax, there is at least one story where a person wished they hadn't received it.

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