Man Pelted To Death With Oranges

Best alt weapon's an icicle. :) Melts after a while leaving no trace of the murder weapon or fingerprints. (Has an interesting bookshelf) ;)
unleashed the Gatorade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::laugh:
There will be some pansy ass crying there is a need for orange control because they are now deadly weapons. This looks like a disagreement and an unfortunate end for the orangeman.

Reminds me that football season will be here soon.

They should pass a law requiring people to register, undergo background checks, and obtain a license before carrying oranges
. They they could make the possession of oranges without a license a first degree felony with a 25 to life penalty.
To further keep the public safe, an absolute ban on containers holding more than 5 oranges could be included in new legislation.
Everything was peachy until somebody went plum bananas. One of them was admiring another one's cherry woody, but somebody else called it a lemon. Then the first one found out that the second one had asked his tomato for a date, and then all oranges broke loose....

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