Man quits job to Hunt for Pokemon full time

I really admire some of the humor that these subjects are met with. If we don't laugh at some of this crap it would drive a sane man freaking crazy...
A 24 year old man has quit his job at a local cafe in order to hunt Pokemon figures full time on his phone.

He already has already bagged 90 of the 151 virtual creatures. And has scheduled 20 different bus trips around the country in his Pokemon hunt.

His parent's when interviewed about their son's obsession. Said they supported him 100% and just want him to be happy.

Man Quits Job to Hunt Pokemon Full Time
We need to bring back public floggings.
Church was a part of my son's life. So was school, chores, sports, and playing with his friends. One thing I didn't teach him before puberty, is that if he feels like being a girl, then he could be a girl. In fact he knows enough in science that a boy cannot be a girl. Unless the Lord himself proclaims it.
Thank you for doing your part in saving society by raising an alpha male too.
My son was catching those Pokemon things at the local University at midnight and he said it looked like classes were in session there were so many doing it. To me it looks like the end of civilization.

Stop living in the past and join now. Not everyone should have to be a backwards prude that has no fun in life.
Really, you think it's prudish to chase something that not only isn't there but isn't anywhere.
My son was catching those Pokemon things at the local University at midnight and he said it looked like classes were in session there were so many doing it. To me it looks like the end of civilization.

Stop living in the past and join now. Not everyone should have to be a backwards prude that has no fun in life.
Really, you think it's prudish to chase something that not only isn't there but isn't anywhere.

Sounds like most religion.
The difference between me and most republicans is I don't give a flying rats backside what one choooses to do! ;) They can play VR fucking games(such may not be out yet, but will soon!) 18 hours per day as far as I am concern. It is their life! Not mine or yours.
Maybe he can figure out a way to make some money off of it. Perhaps find some sponsors.
The difference between me and most republicans is I don't give a flying rats backside what one choooses to do! ;) They can play VR fucking games(such may not be out yet, but will soon!) 18 hours per day as far as I am concern. It is their life! Not mine or yours.
Damn! You don't want them working on science or infrastructure?
The difference between me and most republicans is I don't give a flying rats backside what one choooses to do! ;) They can play VR fucking games(such may not be out yet, but will soon!) 18 hours per day as far as I am concern. It is their life! Not mine or yours.
Damn! You don't want them working on science or infrastructure?

I wish they would but if they have enough money in the bank I can't force them.
Good thing he quit. He sounds to stupid to be employed.
And the "happy" parents? To stupid to have children.
I wonder who they will vote for.....

They are from New Zealand
It doesn't matter in Florida....

Letters are being sent out to potential non-citizens on the voter registry. If they do not respond in 30 days........the punishment is........... they will be taken off the roll. Wow! That will be a deterrent to non-citizens to prevent them from voting illegally!
The difference between me and most republicans is I don't give a flying rats backside what one choooses to do! ;) They can play VR fucking games(such may not be out yet, but will soon!) 18 hours per day as far as I a
Fine, but don't expect me to suppy them food stamps and an ObamaPhone.
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The difference between me and most republicans is I don't give a flying rats backside what one choooses to do! ;) They can play VR fucking games(such may not be out yet, but will soon!) 18 hours per day as far as I am concern. It is their life! Not mine or yours.
It's my business when I'm paying for it.

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