Man Sends Wife Spreadsheet Of All Her Excuses Not To Have Sex

Was this satire as well? “It's faggot husbands like you that have let women get out of control.
Women need a strong hand to make sure they know their place.”
Yeah but you cant believe that this was his FIRST action. So what you have to acknowledge is this guy asked for sex 27 times and was turned down. You also have to acknowledge that when he was turned down he said something or even before to soften the aproach. Right?

Or are we pretending that this guy just started getting turned down for sex the first day he put an entry in the spreadsheet? and this couldnt have been a problem prior to the spreadsheet?

I can't make any assumptions about what the guy did "first" or "before". I'm just saying if he can find a way to left-brain sex into a spreadsheet, then he's got some underlying issues about what sex is. Unless it was a self-effacing joke.

Its simple human nature. But what I'm seeing is people are pretending that this guy went to the spread sheet first in order to back the typical advice they are going to give which is something must be wrong with him. Because you assume he has underlying issues about sex but refuse to assume anything else. Do you see that? Ya'll dudes gotta break out this cycle of victimhood.

Shes a bum bitch who doesnt shower and doesnt fuck her husband. Put it thru the fem filter and that comes out the other end as being "He has a problem" :lol:

Correct, I refuse to assume anything else because I don't have access to that info --- including that she doesn't shower. How do we know that? From one party's testimony, that's it? Even if said testimony is accurately reported, can we say the wife's words were not, as would be expected, white-lie simplifications to avoid discussion of deeper issues? I can't.

I look at it far more basically. The guy has, or claims to have (same thing) documented dates on which he attempted to initiate sex. Just the fact that he has a list of those dates alone, let alone making them into a spreadsheet he lobs and then runs away with a drive-by e-mail, tells me he's a little kinked in the head.

Who among us has a list of dates they tried to initiate sex? If his attitude toward sex is the same as toward the stock market or the electric bill, we start to get all kinds of clues what the issue is. Just saying, he's telling us something about deeper issues, whether he knows he's doing it or not.
Again, you don't have to respond. It's not up to you, to tell others when they can talk about their faith, and when they can't. If you can't handle it on an open forum, that's your problem, not mine.
you still don't get it..ever heard the word discretion

Definition of discretion (n)

Bing Dictionary
[ di skrésh'n ]

1.tact: the good judgment and sensitivity needed to avoid embarrassing or upsetting others
2.freedom to decide: the freedom or authority to judge something or make a decision about it
3.confidentiality: the ability to keep sensitive information secret

Right, and you are implying that I care when you think I should use discretion. Your opinion on this has been noted, and ignored.

This is an open forum, for adults to discuss topics. All adults have world views that shape how they see the topics they discuss. Mine is the Bible.

As an adult on an open forum, I have just as much right to express my world views and opinions as you do.

If you can't handle that.... too bad. Tough. Sucks to be you, huh? You really need to just grow up, and learn to accept that other people have other views you don't like. I get it, there are 'bible thumpers' that bang on your front door, and start preaching at you from your own front steps. I've met those people, and I'm more than willing to tell them to can it.

But this is not your front door. This is an open forum, and I'm going to talk about the Bible with, or without, your approval.

You don't have the right to tell me what I can, or can not, discuss on an open forum like this.

I will prove this to you in the following way. Next post you make complaining about me talking about the Bible, I'll put you on my ignore list, and still continue to talk about the Bible, and not only will not you not stop me, but I won't even see your complaints.

Time for you to just grow up a little bit.
It is true. Islam (pronounced "I slam," as in, "I slam planes into buildings") teaches that entering into a marriage means that a strong, independent womyn has cast away hyr independence and sexually enslaved hyrsylf to a disgusting male.

Catholicism has the same backwards teaching, but it expands it to include that manpigs must acquiesce to the sexual demands of their wyves. Still, this does not redeem it from being just another male chauvinist religion among many.
Hey lezbo......this thread is dealing with hetero relationships between normal men and women.

And really shouldn't be of any interest to feminist bull dykes like you. .. :cool:
raping your wife is not normal...
Add to the reasons he won't get laid

"He made a spreadsheet of his wife's excuses not to have sex"
I can't make any assumptions about what the guy did "first" or "before". I'm just saying if he can find a way to left-brain sex into a spreadsheet, then he's got some underlying issues about what sex is. Unless it was a self-effacing joke.

Its simple human nature. But what I'm seeing is people are pretending that this guy went to the spread sheet first in order to back the typical advice they are going to give which is something must be wrong with him. Because you assume he has underlying issues about sex but refuse to assume anything else. Do you see that? Ya'll dudes gotta break out this cycle of victimhood.

Shes a bum bitch who doesnt shower and doesnt fuck her husband. Put it thru the fem filter and that comes out the other end as being "He has a problem" :lol:

Correct, I refuse to assume anything else because I don't have access to that info --- including that she doesn't shower. How do we know that? From one party's testimony, that's it? Even if said testimony is accurately reported, can we say the wife's words were not, as would be expected, white-lie simplifications to avoid discussion of deeper issues? I can't.

So why are you even discussing this if you cant assume but you do. You dont know it all but you still assume (only in her favor) what the problem must be. Your assumption abilities only go one way. Now you dont believe the spreadsheet itself basically making the entire topic a moot point all together

I look at it far more basically. The guy has, or claims to have (same thing) documented dates on which he attempted to initiate sex. Just the fact that he has a list of those dates alone, let alone making them into a spreadsheet he lobs and then runs away with a drive-by e-mail, tells me he's a little kinked in the head.

Again, your assumption. One apparently you cannot make unless you have all the information unless its about the guy and his spreadsheet.

Any assumption at all on the female and why shes treating her hubby that way? Anything?

Who among us has a list of dates they tried to initiate sex?

Thats not the point the point is that in order to go with you on this we would have to believe this has never been a problem in the past and the very first time he was turned down he started a spreadsheet.

What is more likely than that is that she's been turning him down WAYYYYY before he went the spreadsheet and the spreadsheet is an act of desperation i.e. a last ditch effort.

If his attitude toward sex is the same as toward the stock market or the electric bill, we start to get all kinds of clues what the issue is. Just saying, he's telling us something about deeper issues, whether he knows he's doing it or not.

And the woman here doesnt have issues for not fucking her husband?

Do you just see that you said that you cannot make assumptions about one party then did for another? That you needed more info about the wife to pass judgement that you didnt need for the hus...

Yanno it just hit're a girl and you are just making it up as you go.
on a side note. seems like there are men and women who choose a partner badly .
the problem would solve itself if folks were a bit more selective.
Its simple human nature. But what I'm seeing is people are pretending that this guy went to the spread sheet first in order to back the typical advice they are going to give which is something must be wrong with him. Because you assume he has underlying issues about sex but refuse to assume anything else. Do you see that? Ya'll dudes gotta break out this cycle of victimhood.

Shes a bum bitch who doesnt shower and doesnt fuck her husband. Put it thru the fem filter and that comes out the other end as being "He has a problem" :lol:

Correct, I refuse to assume anything else because I don't have access to that info --- including that she doesn't shower. How do we know that? From one party's testimony, that's it? Even if said testimony is accurately reported, can we say the wife's words were not, as would be expected, white-lie simplifications to avoid discussion of deeper issues? I can't.

So why are you even discussing this if you cant assume but you do. You dont know it all but you still assume (only in her favor) what the problem must be. Your assumption abilities only go one way. Now you dont believe the spreadsheet itself basically making the entire topic a moot point all together

Can't make sense out of that, no comment :dunno:

Again, your assumption. One apparently you cannot make unless you have all the information unless its about the guy and his spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet is not an assumption; it's visually documented in both the OP and the article it quotes.

Any assumption at all on the female and why shes treating her hubby that way? Anything?

We have no info on how she's treating him. Where do you see that?

Who among us has a list of dates they tried to initiate sex?

Thats not the point the point is that in order to go with you on this we would have to believe this has never been a problem in the past and the very first time he was turned down he started a spreadsheet.

Of course it's the point. Who knows better what my own point is than me?

What the past is is an unknown, so I don't dabble in it. My observation is about the fact that he keeps a list of dates at all, and what that means about his attitude toward sex. That's got nothing to do with what the past is. As I said, he's trying to left-brain sex ("left-brain" here is a verb). And that tells me something. Sex is not something to left-brain. It's spontaneous and emotional.

Now it's also possible that his conversion into a spreadsheet is a sarcastic move on his part, mocking her immersion in left-brain obsession. We don't have enough contextual history to establish whether it's meant facetiously that way, but it's certainly a possibility. Clearly somebody in this relationship is doing it.

What is more likely than that is that she's been turning him down WAYYYYY before he went the spreadsheet and the spreadsheet is an act of desperation i.e. a last ditch effort.

Possible. But irrelevant to the point of creating a spreadsheet. Or having a list of dates. Or lobbing it as a drive-by e-mail and then cutting off communication just as she's leaving town. Yeah, those do tell me more.

If his attitude toward sex is the same as toward the stock market or the electric bill, we start to get all kinds of clues what the issue is. Just saying, he's telling us something about deeper issues, whether he knows he's doing it or not.

And the woman here doesnt have issues for not fucking her husband?

Sure she does, first and foremost communication. That much we can assume; if the underlying dynamics were communicated and understood by both parties, this story would not exist.

Do you just see that you said that you cannot make assumptions about one party then did for another? That you needed more info about the wife to pass judgement that you didnt need for the hus...

I already have info from the hus... . It's printed in a spreadsheet. I have nothing from the wife except the report of what he sent her. That's why I can't go out on limbs that aren't a part of this tree.

Btw this is what an assumption looks like:
Shes a bum bitch who doesnt shower and doesnt fuck her husband

Yanno it just hit're a girl and you are just making it up as you go.

Nope, I'm a guy with more life experience than these two 26-year-olds combined.
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Possible. But irrelevant to the point of creating a spreadsheet. Or having a list of dates. Or lobbing it as a drive-by e-mail and then cutting off communication just as she's leaving town. Yeah, those do tell me more.

So the guy says she didnt want to have sex because of no shower. You dismiss this as hear say to not address it.

Then you take the "drive by email headed out of town" story at face value because....
Possible. But irrelevant to the point of creating a spreadsheet. Or having a list of dates. Or lobbing it as a drive-by e-mail and then cutting off communication just as she's leaving town. Yeah, those do tell me more.

So the guy says she didnt want to have sex because of no shower. You dismiss this as hear say to not address it.

Then you take the "drive by email headed out of town" story at face value because....

Fair point :thup:. But that's why that one is at the bottom of the evidence as least significant.

We have no info on how she's treating him. Where do you see that?

not fucking him. Still cant assume?

"Not fucking him" doesn't tell us how she's treating him. We'd have to know why. And we don't.
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Possible. But irrelevant to the point of creating a spreadsheet. Or having a list of dates. Or lobbing it as a drive-by e-mail and then cutting off communication just as she's leaving town. Yeah, those do tell me more.

So the guy says she didnt want to have sex because of no shower. You dismiss this as hear say to not address it.

Then you take the "drive by email headed out of town" story at face value because....

Fair point :thup:. But that's why that one is at the bottom of the evidence as least significant.

We have no info on how she's treating him. Where do you see that?

not fucking him. Still cant assume?

"Not fucking him" doesn't tell us how she's treating him. We'd have to know why. And we don't.

If she is not fucking her husband are you telling me you are unsure about how that would feel? We dont have to know who what why and how. Unless in some strange land not fucking your husband can be a good thing.

But on earth not fucking your husband is generally not a good thing
Apparently the wife also kept a spreadsheet of the same days:


OK, just a mock from this site:

The Funny Sister | Not always funny. Not always serious. But always real.
She is in the mood during NFL, NHL, NBA, ans MLB games, his decision.
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