Man Sends Wife Spreadsheet Of All Her Excuses Not To Have Sex

If God had meant for me to do my own vehicle maintenance, He would not have invented men and given me boobs.

Come to think of it, under that theory, there are a LOT of things God never meant for me to do. :eusa_whistle:

"If God had meant for me to do my own vehicle maintenance, He would not have invented men and given me boobs."

That may be the best line ever!

Why, thank you. I actually use this for any number of dirty, messy, physically-difficult jobs. So far, I have not encountered any straight man who hears it and doesn't glance down at my chest, nod, and say, "Good point". And then go do what I wanted done, which is the point.

And all they got was their hands dirty and maybe a wink. Guys have to learn to set boundries and women will respect a man more for saying no than to be some grease monkey who charges glances.
After reading the entirety of this thread, I can come to only one conclusion: To ensure the continued survival of the humyn race, it has become necessary to ban men.

"If God had meant for me to do my own vehicle maintenance, He would not have invented men and given me boobs."

That may be the best line ever!

Why, thank you. I actually use this for any number of dirty, messy, physically-difficult jobs. So far, I have not encountered any straight man who hears it and doesn't glance down at my chest, nod, and say, "Good point". And then go do what I wanted done, which is the point.

And all they got was their hands dirty and maybe a wink. Guys have to learn to set boundries and women will respect a man more for saying no than to be some grease monkey who charges glances.

I don't think they expected to get more than a smile, a friendly conversation, and a thank-you.
Why, thank you. I actually use this for any number of dirty, messy, physically-difficult jobs. So far, I have not encountered any straight man who hears it and doesn't glance down at my chest, nod, and say, "Good point". And then go do what I wanted done, which is the point.

And all they got was their hands dirty and maybe a wink. Guys have to learn to set boundries and women will respect a man more for saying no than to be some grease monkey who charges glances.

I don't think they expected to get more than a smile, a friendly conversation, and a thank-you.

:rofl: Awww you're so cute.
And all they got was their hands dirty and maybe a wink. Guys have to learn to set boundries and women will respect a man more for saying no than to be some grease monkey who charges glances.

I don't think they expected to get more than a smile, a friendly conversation, and a thank-you.

:rofl: Awww you're so cute.

Hoped, yes. Expected? Doubtful. Men make strip club owners wealthy. I think they're clued into the fact that being nice to a pretty girl ain't gonna get them laid, and they apparently don't have a problem with that, or the notion of paying for the privilege of just being around her. I didn't set the rules, and I'm not forcing anyone to play by them. Don't bitch at me if they happen to work in my favor.
I don't think they expected to get more than a smile, a friendly conversation, and a thank-you.

:rofl: Awww you're so cute.

Hoped, yes. Expected? Doubtful. Men make strip club owners wealthy. I think they're clued into the fact that being nice to a pretty girl ain't gonna get them laid, and they apparently don't have a problem with that, or the notion of paying for the privilege of just being around her. I didn't set the rules, and I'm not forcing anyone to play by them. Don't bitch at me if they happen to work in my favor.

Strip clubs are where guys know they have to pay to look or be entertained by women. Those are the ground rules so its very different than looking at you while changing your tire. Anytime a dude helps you he is offering dick. And since a man values time more than anything else if he's spending the time he is investing in the possibility that you will take him up on that offer. The reason why women dont know that is 1. Men lie to them and 2. Women want to believe that lie.

Thats why most advice women receive is "typical" advise because men dont tell them the truth unless they arent interested in fucking them at all...but even then men will still lie and tell you whats comfortable
:rofl: Awww you're so cute.

Hoped, yes. Expected? Doubtful. Men make strip club owners wealthy. I think they're clued into the fact that being nice to a pretty girl ain't gonna get them laid, and they apparently don't have a problem with that, or the notion of paying for the privilege of just being around her. I didn't set the rules, and I'm not forcing anyone to play by them. Don't bitch at me if they happen to work in my favor.

Strip clubs are where guys know they have to pay to look or be entertained by women. Those are the ground rules so its very different than looking at you while changing your tire. Anytime a dude helps you he is offering dick. And since a man values time more than anything else if he's spending the time he is investing in the possibility that you will take him up on that offer. The reason why women dont know that is 1. Men lie to them and 2. Women want to believe that lie.

Thats why most advice women receive is "typical" advise because men dont tell them the truth unless they arent interested in fucking them at all...but even then men will still lie and tell you whats comfortable

I'm aware that men are always offering dick. This is why I said, "hoped". But there's a big difference between offering, and expecting to be taken up on it. I doubt very strongly that men expect to get lucky even one time out of every ten that they offer. I always figured that's why so many of them hit on anything that moves: they're playing the odds.

So no, I don't think they EXPECTED any more than they got, which was friendly conversation and a thank-you. If they did, then they were dumbfucks, and it's not my problem.
Why was the guy asking?? ....... she belongs to's his right to take it when he wants some. . :cool:

That would be rape.

Nope. . :cool:

YUP it is. It's scary that you don't see that. If a man has to force his wife he needs to look at himself for the problem. Gentile words and kindness work better than force, unless your wife has a fetish for that type of thing. Any man trying to force himself on me gets a right to the jaw and knee'd in the nuts.

Not scary to me that he said that.

Just proof that we need to set up a coupla roach bombs in here. :badgrin:
:rofl: Awww you're so cute.

Hoped, yes. Expected? Doubtful. Men make strip club owners wealthy. I think they're clued into the fact that being nice to a pretty girl ain't gonna get them laid, and they apparently don't have a problem with that, or the notion of paying for the privilege of just being around her. I didn't set the rules, and I'm not forcing anyone to play by them. Don't bitch at me if they happen to work in my favor.

Strip clubs are where guys know they have to pay to look or be entertained by women. Those are the ground rules so its very different than looking at you while changing your tire. Anytime a dude helps you he is offering dick. And since a man values time more than anything else if he's spending the time he is investing in the possibility that you will take him up on that offer. The reason why women dont know that is 1. Men lie to them and 2. Women want to believe that lie.

Thats why most advice women receive is "typical" advise because men dont tell them the truth unless they arent interested in fucking them at all...but even then men will still lie and tell you whats comfortable

I'm aware that men are always offering dick. This is why I said, "hoped". But there's a big difference between offering, and expecting to be taken up on it. I doubt very strongly that men expect to get lucky even one time out of every ten that they offer. I always figured that's why so many of them hit on anything that moves: they're playing the odds.

So no, I don't think they EXPECTED any more than they got, which was friendly conversation and a thank-you. If they did, then they were dumbfucks, and it's not my problem.

Did any of them threaten to give you a spanking? :mm: :mm:

*ducks and runs* :scared1:
Hmmm lets look at these lame excuses:

I'm watching a show. What? you can't record the program and get back to it later?

Need to shower. How long does it take to shower? I can shit, shower and shave in 15 minutes.

I'm exhausted. When I'm tired I just let hubby do all the work.

Tender from yesterday? Unless it was rough sex, maybe she should use KY or talk to her doctor.

I have to be up early. I don't know about her man but mine can be done in under five minutes. Just saying.

Eating too much? Don't pig out?

Getting drunk? Don't drink so much.

The only excuse I see that's half legit is him coming home drunk. I won't sleep with a drunkard either.
I might be getting sick. If it's obvious you have a nasty cold no sense in spreading it.
It sound to me like she is depressed and maybe not feeling sexy. They should get counseling. If you're not sleeping with your man don't be surprised when another woman takes your place.

If the partner need food, and the other refused to allow the food in the home to be eaten, the other can find food elsewhere

If a partner needs water and the other refuses the water in the home to be consumed, the other can find water elsewhere

If a partner needs sleep and the other won't allow sleep, the other can sleep elsewhere

All the above are biological needs and leaving the home to fulfill the needs are practical responses that no one would argue with.

Somehow one partner denying this biological need for the other creates chaos.

When a biological need is refused in one place, most often it will be fulfilled elsewhere.

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