Man Sends Wife Spreadsheet Of All Her Excuses Not To Have Sex

Well that's the problem. You're living in the 1400's and it's 2014. We don't do that anymore.
Incorrect......we are also living in 2014.

We just operate under a different set of morals and values.

Besides, what makes you think yours are superior to ours? .. :cool:

Yes you do operate under a different set of morals and values that have not changed since Mohammad walked the earth. Judeo/Christianity has some of the same archaic laws in our faith but we recognize that they are outdated and work toward a more civilized society. In Example killing gays and adulterers is not acceptable. A woman being modest is OK and quite frankly I wish I saw it more often, but covering her from head to toe because of male insecurity is also not acceptable. It impairs her movement and her health. Why? Because some pig of a man might lust after her? Rape her. Maybe it's time to hold muslim men more accountable for their actions if that's the case.

Because I'm not an oppressed woman. I can go where I want, dress the way I want,follow the religion I want,marry, not marry,work a job, divorce a man if he turns out to be a jerk, My life is fully mine to give as I want to give it, freely as any man.
We view western society and civilization as immoral and degrading to women.

And definitely nothing to emulate. .. :cool:
Incorrect......we are also living in 2014.

We just operate under a different set of morals and values.

Besides, what makes you think yours are superior to ours? .. :cool:

Yes you do operate under a different set of morals and values that have not changed since Mohammad walked the earth. Judeo/Christianity has some of the same archaic laws in our faith but we recognize that they are outdated and work toward a more civilized society. In Example killing gays and adulterers is not acceptable. A woman being modest is OK and quite frankly I wish I saw it more often, but covering her from head to toe because of male insecurity is also not acceptable. It impairs her movement and her health. Why? Because some pig of a man might lust after her? Rape her. Maybe it's time to hold muslim men more accountable for their actions if that's the case.

Because I'm not an oppressed woman. I can go where I want, dress the way I want,follow the religion I want,marry, not marry,work a job, divorce a man if he turns out to be a jerk, My life is fully mine to give as I want to give it, freely as any man.
We view western society and civilization as immoral and degrading to women.

And definitely nothing to emulate. .. :cool:

And dehumanizing women into "the keys to the car" --- isn't? :eusa_hand:

Anta majnoon.
Incorrect......we are also living in 2014.

We just operate under a different set of morals and values.

Besides, what makes you think yours are superior to ours? .. :cool:

Yes you do operate under a different set of morals and values that have not changed since Mohammad walked the earth. Judeo/Christianity has some of the same archaic laws in our faith but we recognize that they are outdated and work toward a more civilized society. In Example killing gays and adulterers is not acceptable. A woman being modest is OK and quite frankly I wish I saw it more often, but covering her from head to toe because of male insecurity is also not acceptable. It impairs her movement and her health. Why? Because some pig of a man might lust after her? Rape her. Maybe it's time to hold muslim men more accountable for their actions if that's the case.

Because I'm not an oppressed woman. I can go where I want, dress the way I want,follow the religion I want,marry, not marry,work a job, divorce a man if he turns out to be a jerk, My life is fully mine to give as I want to give it, freely as any man.
We view western society and civilization as immoral and degrading to women.

And definitely nothing to emulate. .. :cool:

Given that you advocate a man can rape his wife, your ideas of anyone else being immoral and degrading to women is laughable.

We allow women to make their own choices. You treat them as property.

And don't give me the crap about it not being rape. If the woman does not consent, it is rape.
We allow women to make their own choices.
And that's why over 50% of American children are born to single mothers.

Teen pregnancy and STD's are sky high.

Lesbianism is rampant.

And the largest growth in U.S. prisons is female offenders. .. :doubt:

So you think that teen pregnancy is a bad thing?

How old should a womyn be when she becomes pregnant? What is the minimum age of consent, in your view? What do you think of Moonhammed knocking up womyn in their teens or younger?

All of the questions in this post are legitimate and I sincerely desire an answer to them. A lack of response to any of them will lead me to assume the worst, so please ensure that your reply is full and complete.
You are the only one here talking about assault and rape.

I just said that a real woman knows her place and duty.

Thus no force is involved. .. :cool:

Thus no physical force envolved but how about mental and social force?

Ok so what happens if she thinks her place and duty is different from what the men think it should be? Is she allowed to pursue her way freely or is she going to get bitch slapped from hubby? Just because a woman complies out of fear or brainwashing doesn't mean it's an OK thing to do. Lots of women do what their husband expect them to do simply to avoid a black eye.

Such truth--you're finally seeing it! You're breaking free of your manpig brainwashing!

That's not the same as her wanting to do it. A real woman can do what she wants and has a productive life whether that is working outside the home or like me just being happy as a housewife and mother. I don't do it out of some forced sense of duty. I do it because I love what I do.

Don't stumble now, systyr! You may think you want to engage in disgusting hetero intercourse with a manpig, but the truth is, that swine has programmed you to think you want that. Using "a real womyn can do what she wants...I do it (stay home, copulate with a pig, etc.) because I want to!" is on the same level as a cigarette addict's "I can quit any time I want, I just don't want to right now."

The fact is, all heterosexual intercourse is rape. No exceptions.

Sloooow down here Guinnyvere. What you're saying then is that procreation is impossible without rape.

To follow that logic it would mean that rape is necyssary for the syrvival of the species. Is that whyre you meynt to go?

Are you syying that no womyn has evyr desyreyd syx? Bycause I know a few who are most dyfynytly excyptions to that postylation... :rock:
Nothing medieval about it.

When a man takes a wife it's like being given the keys to a car.

It's his to drive anytime he desires. .. :cool:
thanks for making my point..
women are not property
No, women are not property.......but a husband owns his wife.

Don't believe me?

Have some other guy hit on your wife and see if you don't get mad and want to punch him. .. :cool:

Actually, I would laugh...Liz is perfectly capable of telling him to piss off.
We allow women to make their own choices.
And that's why over 50% of American children are born to single mothers.

Teen pregnancy and STD's are sky high.

Lesbianism is rampant.

And the largest growth in U.S. prisons is female offenders. .. :doubt:

Oh please, you do not want to compare that with the atrocities perpetrated against women in muslim countries.

Let's see, women beaten with a chain for walking too fast, school girls burning to death because they are locked in a burning building because they lack their burkas, couples caught committing adultery - the man gets a few lashes and the woman is stoned to death, women cannot drive, and they cannot even refuse their husband their own, most personal places.

The things you say about what happens in the US are all by the woman's choice. You force yours upon her.

You debase and brutalize women.
You just know that he made-up the (supposed) "I'm too sore from last night" excuse.

What a lad.

Now wait I've actually used that one. It only occurs after a all night sex fest with hubby. If he is still asking for more and I'm sore, then he gets oral. Problem solved.

I actually used that once. :(

I have moderate to serious back problems...I moved wrong. My back spasmed. Liz initially started to laugh (she thought I was being silly), then realized that she really HAD thrown out my back. :eek:
Nothing medieval about it.

When a man takes a wife it's like being given the keys to a car.

It's his to drive anytime he desires. .. :cool:

That's two ways sunshine. A marriage is a contract between and man and a woman. Sexually they are promised to each other and have promised to forsake all others when it comes to sex. If she belongs to him,he also belongs to her. The contract states that they can't have sex with anyone else outside the marriage but that doesn't mean he can rape her any time he damn well pleases. Of course for the sake of the marriage if she is not being fulfilled sexually, she needs to address the problem.

Now me personally, there have been times when I really wasn't in the mood but hubby was. I almost always play along even when I'm not interested because it's good for our marriage. A content husband is less likely to stray. My goal has always been to never turn him down. I do this out of love, not because I was forced. If a man has to force his woman, he's really is the problem.
In Islam a woman can seek a divorce if her husband is not fulfilling his duty in the bedroom.

But while they are married she is not allowed to turn down his advances. .. :cool:

Yes, she is. And if he persists...shoot the fucker dead!
If true (of which I have my doubts), then we may conclude Islam jest ain't ready for prime time.

It is true. Islam (pronounced "I slam," as in, "I slam planes into buildings") teaches that entering into a marriage means that a strong, independent womyn has cast away hyr independence and sexually enslaved hyrsylf to a disgusting male.

Catholicism has the same backwards teaching, but it expands it to include that manpigs must acquiesce to the sexual demands of their wyves. Still, this does not redeem it from being just another male chauvinist religion among many.

It's so refreshing to read posts in Welsh. :eusa_angel:

That's not Welsh.

The words are too short, have far too many vowels & not enough consonants. :lol:
sorry shit head but that's not ownership but again your answer proves my original statement...
my guess is, if another man even looked at your imaginary wife you'd want to punch him.
It's faggot husbands like you that have let women get out of control.

Women need a strong hand to make sure they know their place.

It's the natural order of the universe. ... :cool:
So is taking a cast iron frying pan to the heavy handed bastards head in the middle of the night. :D

This might work better...

We allow women to make their own choices.
And that's why over 50% of American children are born to single mothers.

Teen pregnancy and STD's are sky high.

Lesbianism is rampant.

And the largest growth in U.S. prisons is female offenders. .. :doubt:

Oh please, you do not want to compare that with the atrocities perpetrated against women in muslim countries.
I didn't say anything about comparing with muslim countries.

The subject is women withholding sex from their husbands here in the U.S.

And that was what I was commenting on.

What happens in marriages in other countries has no bearing on me or you. .. :cool:
You are the only one here talking about assault and rape.

I just said that a real woman knows her place and duty.

Thus no force is involved. .. :cool:

Thus no physical force envolved but how about mental and social force?

Ok so what happens if she thinks her place and duty is different from what the men think it should be? Is she allowed to pursue her way freely or is she going to get bitch slapped from hubby? Just because a woman complies out of fear or brainwashing doesn't mean it's an OK thing to do. Lots of women do what their husband expect them to do simply to avoid a black eye.

Such truth--you're finally seeing it! You're breaking free of your manpig brainwashing!

That's not the same as her wanting to do it. A real woman can do what she wants and has a productive life whether that is working outside the home or like me just being happy as a housewife and mother. I don't do it out of some forced sense of duty. I do it because I love what I do.

Don't stumble now, systyr! You may think you want to engage in disgusting hetero intercourse with a manpig, but the truth is, that swine has programmed you to think you want that. Using "a real womyn can do what she wants...I do it (stay home, copulate with a pig, etc.) because I want to!" is on the same level as a cigarette addict's "I can quit any time I want, I just don't want to right now."

The fact is, all heterosexual intercourse is rape. No exceptions.

Let me repeat that: If you've ever engaged in sexual relations with a manpig, you have been raped. I know that this is hard to grasp, but I will elaborate as I know it can aid in breaking from your programming.

Suppose the manpig oppressor you call a husband today had said, on the fyrst encounter you had with him, "Hey bytch, I'm getting laid twice tonight and you're gonna be the one to help me do that." Think about it--you don't know this manpig, and he's demanding intercourse with you, expecting you to comply. Of course you would refuse! But suppose this pig recognizes that you would reject such advances, and even if he did force himself upon you, that would merely get him imprisoned. Suppose that this pig decides to go with a route safer for him and his criminal activity--playing nice. Instead of calling you "bytch," as you get to know one another, he calls you supposedly good things like "darling," "sweetie," and "honey." Instead of demanding sex up front, he courts you--AKA, lures you--with dinner and a movie, or some other standard manpig tactic. Instead of throwing you directly into the pot of boiling water, he puts you in a pot of room-temperature water and allows it to heat up slowly, with you not noticing the incremental increase, and before you know it your sex pot has boiled over, and you've married the pig now. You are legally his property, he rapes you as he pleases, and you don't even want to voice your desire to stop it because you've been emotionally and socially programmed for years at this point that you should allow him to have his disgusting way with you. And the most shocking idea of all--you have convinced yourself at this point that this is the lyfe you lead because you choose to. The mental trappings of his prolonged manipulation have caused you to become trapped in a labyrinth of submission that you are hopelessly lost within, unable to see that no matter which way you turn--no matter which choice you make--you are submitting to his chauvinistic will, even when you think you're going your own way.

Manpigs are stupid, but they can be clever, using convoluted, deceitful plans to get what they want. All heterosexual intercourse is rape, no exceptions. Think you want it? That's just the programming talking.

Come on systyr, see the lyght! The bryght lyght of the blyndyngly obvious truths of fymynysm!

Yer nuttier than a shithouse rat.

(Note: after work Monday, I walked through the door, and had just enough time to put away my helmet and hang up my armored jacket before my wife pounced on me. I was hot, sweaty, and tired; she grabbed me and dragged me into the shower with her. That was fun.) :)
I love the comments here. It seems that many of you believe that a woman should submit to her husband when he pesters her.
She is not his property, and any excuse she comes up with is an excuse. No means no. Perhaps the husband should clean the house or buy her flowers, make her feel appreciated, instead of being a jerk who just sees his spouse as a walking vagina?
I love the comments here. It seems that many of you believe that a woman should submit to her husband when he pesters her.
She is not his property, and any excuse she comes up with is an excuse. No means no. Perhaps the husband should clean the house or buy her flowers, make her feel appreciated, instead of being a jerk who just sees his spouse as a walking vagina?

Maybe he's already tried that and she just doesn't want sex.

I think if she said she wanted to be married and rarely have sex that she would still be single today.

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