Man Smashes Gay Advertisement (video)

No, thanks. I'm straight. But I'm sure the homeless guy in the video would be down with some man-on-man butt slam. You're both obviously in extreme denial about your sexuality. Don't hide it. Just go suck some dick and be proud of who you are. I bet you make a fine sissy boy bottom :ssex:

Who are you trying to convince?
I get why the guy did what he did, but in the end, what difference would be made when what he destroyed would only be replaced with another copy?

God bless you and him always!!!


Because he was paid by the people that made the video?
Why is it a thousand blacks can destroy Ferguson because they,re pissed, but let one white guy destroy a disturbing AD and liberals want him arrested but cheer on the black rioters who destroy private property too?
Every single piece of advertising for Degeneracy should be destroyed. Such is the duty of EVERY American, as it is an abuse of the First Amendment, given that there is NO POTENTIAL for a right to promote, degeneracy, as such is injurious to everyone it touches.

The entire GOP platform is injurious to the middle class. Should that be squelched?
These types of advertising is promoting homosexual hookups, which is another way of saying that it is promoting sexual immorality. These are two naked men on the poster. Anyone knows what is being promoted and it's not an eHarmony type date.

I call upon all decent American men to destroy such signs whereever they are found. Protect our children from viewing this filth and depravity.

I think your children need to be protected from you.
Why is it a thousand blacks can destroy Ferguson because they,re pissed, but let one white guy destroy a disturbing AD and liberals want him arrested but cheer on the black rioters who destroy private property too?

People went to jail in Ferguson. So should the homeless guy. AND the people that paid him.
I get why the guy did what he did, but in the end, what difference would be made when what he destroyed would only be replaced with another copy?

God bless you and him always!!!

Because he was paid by the people that made the video?
I guess that the guy didn't know that money can not be spent the way that a person wants it to be spent if they get busted for vandalism.

God bless you and him always!!!

Every single piece of advertising for Degeneracy should be destroyed. Such is the duty of EVERY American, as it is an abuse of the First Amendment, given that there is NO POTENTIAL for a right to promote, degeneracy, as such is injurious to everyone it touches.

The entire GOP platform is injurious to the middle class. Should that be squelched?
Bamacare Is destroying lives and fortunes everyday. GOP platform isn't what is injurious to the middle class. Fuckface in our White House sees to that.
These types of advertising is promoting homosexual hookups, which is another way of saying that it is promoting sexual immorality. These are two naked men on the poster. Anyone knows what is being promoted and it's not an eHarmony type date.

I call upon all decent American men to destroy such signs whereever they are found. Protect our children from viewing this filth and depravity.

I think your children need to be protected from you.
I believe bringing up for comment my kids is forbidden. Hopefully a mod will deal with you.
Start making billboards right outside of restaurants that show people defecating and puking. Once that gets stopped the homo billboards will be, too.

Perhaps we should start burning books too. You are truly ignorant.
Calling me ignorant after you make a completely irrelevant response like that must mean you think I'm pretty smart.
How is creating literature the same as destroying literature?
I get why the guy did what he did, but in the end, what difference would be made when what he destroyed would only be replaced with another copy?

God bless you and him always!!!

The fag militia doesn't care how harmless it is. Every act of defiance must be punished.

You post like that and quote scripture?
O God that you would slay the wicked! Away from me you murderous men!

Psalm 139:19
Warning; The advertisement is some real sick shit

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So, some drug addict, snaggle tooth homeless guy smashes a poster. Cool story, bro.
Fuck you faggot
No, thanks. I'm straight. But I'm sure the homeless guy in the video would be down with some man-on-man butt slam. You're both obviously in extreme denial about your sexuality. Don't hide it. Just go suck some dick and be proud of who you are. I bet you make a fine sissy boy bottom :ssex:
Shit, that video turned you on, keep your faggot fantasy to yourself
Whether or not the person who did it is found and punished, I am just saying that to me, there isn't a point to vandalizing anything because in the end, whatever gets destroyed will be out there again eventually, so why do anything to it in the first place, unless jail is where you are wanting to be?

God bless you always!!!

The point is civil disobedience against a cult advancing on our society using the club of the courts and without the People's permission.

Just thought I'd point out that the ad was additionally predatorial in that most people using bus stops are down and outers and runaway homeless youth. Those are their targets: the stressed, unfortunate and vulnerable.

Folks, if you don't think this animal is behaving exactly like a cult, you need your head examined..
Ultimately there's no winning this argument on solid ground because destruction of property is wrong and tolerance of destructive behavior is dangerous. I hope this guy gets arrested and put through the ringer because if we lose our respect for the rule of law, civilization begins to unravel.
IMO, some vandalism is morally justifiable, and in this case, since the property is advancing moral degeneracy and sleaze, I say give the man a medal and a full pension the rest of his life.
Then we disagree. If it were pro abortionists tearing down a pro life sign, then we'd all agree it was wrong and that tearing down a sign shows an ineptitude to refute the message. If we feel justified in damaging private property, then we shouldn't be taken aback when our foes feel the same.
These types of advertising is promoting homosexual hookups, which is another way of saying that it is promoting sexual immorality. These are two naked men on the poster. Anyone knows what is being promoted and it's not an eHarmony type date.

I call upon all decent American men to destroy such signs whereever they are found. Protect our children from viewing this filth and depravity.

I think your children need to be protected from you.
I believe bringing up for comment my kids is forbidden. Hopefully a mod will deal with you.

My comment is that as a responsible parent you should be protecting your children from people that promote hate because others are different than they are, but I can see how you didn't get that.

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