Man uses his concealed gun to save life of woman entering abortion clinic...likely there to kill her baby. Leftists cry.

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Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rapes, robberies, stabbings, beatings, and murders...according to the Centers for Disease Control......

No, they don't. It's more like 49,000 a year, according to the FBI.

Moron.....Sweden has fully automatic military weapons in their homes...and very little isn't access to guns that creates crime.....

Sweden has one gun for every eight people, and it's very hard to get one. I posted a link to what Sweden's gun laws are.

Yes, SOME people can get a fully auto weapon, but most people can't. Not without a good reason.

Tell that to Switzerland...where they have escalating gun crime...tell that to France where the fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice for French criminals........

Didn't you morons claim Switzerland was gun paradise? Except it isn't.
The Swedish used to have weapons in their homes, but were told to hand them in and they did.
Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rapes, robberies, stabbings, beatings, and murders...according to the Centers for Disease Control......

No, they don't. It's more like 49,000 a year, according to the FBI.

Moron.....Sweden has fully automatic military weapons in their homes...and very little isn't access to guns that creates crime.....

Sweden has one gun for every eight people, and it's very hard to get one. I posted a link to what Sweden's gun laws are.

Yes, SOME people can get a fully auto weapon, but most people can't. Not without a good reason.

Tell that to Switzerland...where they have escalating gun crime...tell that to France where the fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice for French criminals........

Didn't you morons claim Switzerland was gun paradise? Except it isn't.
The Swedish used to have weapons in their homes, but were told to hand them in and they did.

And how did that handing in of guns work for the Swedes?

Well...the criminals didn't pay attention.......they also didn't pay attention to the law that says that hand grenades are also are fully automatic military rifles...the weapon that Swedish...and French criminals prefer.....

The increase in gun homicide in Sweden is closely linked to criminal milieux in socially disadvantaged areas,” the report said, noting that shooting deaths had more than doubled between 2011 and 2019 and now accounted for 40% of violent deaths.
The report said more than eight out of 10 shootings were linked to organised crime, a significantly higher proportion than in other countries, and cited gang wars, the drugs trade and low confidence towards the police as potential factors.
The report said a decline in other forms of deadly violence, including knife crime, had masked the rise in fatal shootings.
Of 22 European countries analysed in the report, data from 2014-2017 put the country in second place, behind Croatia and ahead of Latvia. In 2018 it topped the ranking, although data from some countries was not complete that year.
Last year the country of 10.3 million people recorded more than 360 incidents involving guns, including 47 deaths and 117 people injured.
Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings have risen significantly since 2000, leaping from one of the lowest rates of gun violence on the continent to one of the highest in less than a decade, a report has found.
The report, by the Swedish national council for crime prevention (BRA), said the Scandinavian country had overtaken Italy and eastern European countries primarily because of the violent activities of organised criminal gangs.
Sweden’s gun violence rate has soared due to gangs, report says

Swedish capital sees 79% spike in shootings as govt laments ‘high levels’ of violence in the Scandinavian country
Sweden recorded a surge in gun-related violence last year, according to new figures released by the government amid accusations that authorities have turned a blind eye to rising crime in the country.
Interior Minister Mikael Damberg disclosed on Monday that 47 people were killed and 117 injured in 366 shooting incidents in 2020, marking a 10 percent increase in gun violence when compared to statistics from 2019.

Damberg noted that in nearly half of the shootings registered last year, someone was injured or killed. “We will neither accept nor get used to such high levels of violence,” he said.

The situation in Malmo, a city with a large migrant population that has struggled with gang violence, has improved, while crime is surging in Stockholm, the interior minister pointed out.

According to Damberg, the Swedish capital saw a staggering 79 percent increase in shootings in 2020.
Most of the violent incidents occurred in 60 suburbs across the country identified by police as “vulnerable” areas. Damberg said that while 5.4 percent of Sweden’s population live in such neighborhoods, they account for more than half of the nation’s fatal shootings.

In the report on Tuesday, the Swedish Television, citing statistics from the Swedish Police Authority, revealed that by November, there had been as many shootings in 2020 as during the whole of 2019.
Between January 1 and December 15, there were 349 confirmed shootings in Sweden, with 111 people wounded and 44 dead as a result, Xinhua news agency quoted the report as saying.
The death toll is close to the highest number on record so far -- 45 gun-related fatalities in 2018.
Most of the shootings, or 146, occurred in the capital Stockholm, where 23 deaths and 48 injuries were reported.
According to the police, most incidents were related to organised crime and conflicts between gang members.

Criminologist Joakim Sturup told Swedish Television that a major reason behind the worrying statistics is that automatic weapons are becoming more commonly used by gang members.

Sweden witnesses spike in shooting incidents

Shootings on the Rise in Sweden Despite Crackdown on Gang Violence, COVID-19 Epidemic

The number of shootings is increasing in Sweden, despite a national effort to curtail gang violence amid the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, SVT reported.

The police also noted that the raging coronavirus epidemic, contrary to some people's expectations, has not had a major impact on crime. This is likely due to the fact that Sweden, unlike most European nations, has consistently avoided lockdowns. Even the flow of drugs has not been disturbed to any great extent, the police said. However, there is still a risk that reduced access to drugs may increase violence.

Crime gangs in Sweden: What's behind the rise in the use of explosives?

The frequent use of explosives is a relatively recent phenomenon, and criminologists told The Local that the blasts can be seen as part of an overall rise in violence and growing recklessness in these criminal networks.

Amir Rostami, a police superintendent turned sociologist with a focus on criminal gangs, told The Local that so-called 'street gangs' are showing an increased tendency towards violence, and that this violence was becoming more severe when it took place.

"If previously they maybe fired one shot or shot someone in the legs, today it's more about AK47s, using more bullets, hand grenades and explosions that we didn't see before. I'd say that's the biggest shift we see – they're more reckless, they don't seem to care about the consequences," Rostami said.

Fatal shootings linked to criminal gangs have increased from around four per year in the early 1990s to over 40 in 2018. And while the blasts that have taken place in Sweden have caused no fatalities so far this year, they could be seen as a sign that the gangs are unafraid of causing damage and potentially harming people.
No, Sweden, hand grenade attacks aren’t an ‘image’ problem

In 2018 there were 162 bombings reported to police, and 93 reported in the first five months of this year, 30 more than during the same period in 2018. The level of attacks is “extreme in a country that is not at war,” Crime Commissioner Gunnar Appelgren told SVT last year.

The use of hand grenades is a purely Swedish phenomenon too, with no other country in Europe reporting their use on such a level, a police manager told Swedish Radio in 2016, a year after attacks first spiked.

The grenades used almost exclusively originate in the former Yugoslavia, and are sold in Sweden for around $100 per piece. But while only three hand grenades were thrown in Kosovo between 2013 and 2014, more than 20 have been used in Sweden every year since 2015.

More broadly, homicide has risen in Sweden, with more than 300 shootings reported last year, causing 45 deaths. Though homicide rates had been in decline since 2002, they again began trending upwards in 2015, as did rapes and sexual assaults, which more than tripled in the last four years.

Of course, 2015 was also the year in which Sweden flung open its doors to more than 160,000 asylum seekers, more per capita than any other European country.

Dagens Nyheter pointed out that 90 percent of shooting perpetrators in Sweden are either first or second generation immigrants.

Bomb attacks are now a normal part of Swedish life | The Spectator

Only days after the murder of Karolin Hakim, another young woman fell victim to the gang wars. Eighteen-year-old Ndella Jack was killed as someone fired an automatic weapon into her flat in western Stockholm, probably aiming for her husband, a well-known figure in Stockholm’s gang scene. Less than a week after the murder, associates of Ms Jack’s husband were lured to a middle-class suburb of Stockholm, where they had been promised information about her killer. Shots were fired, missing the targets and hitting instead a taxi driver and a resident in a nearby building. One victim, also a university student, lost his sight in an eye after it was hit by a bullet

Holding Sweden hostage: firearm-related violence

Statistics from the NBHW shows that the number of individuals in Sweden injured by a firearm has greatly increased since 2009. Between 2012 and 2017, the number of individuals that were injured by a firearm increased by 50% [13]. Figure 3 outlines the number of individuals being treated at Swedish hospitals for firearm-related injuries.
International reports [1, 2], the Swedish police [12,19], and Swedish scholars [3–6,20,21] agree that the main cause for the increase in the rate of firearm-related violence is the presence of many gangs and criminal networks in Sweden.

Although gangs and criminal networks have always existed in Sweden, street gangs flourished in the late 1990s and are today considered to be one of the main security problems in the country [22–24]. Swedish gangs and foremost criminal networks have not only continued to increase, butthey have also become bolder and more violent as can be seen in their use of firearms and explosive devices as their modus operandi [3,6].

Another very important source of the increase of firearm-related violence in Sweden is the easy access to illegal firearms.

Although Sweden was, for decades, shielded from firearm-related violence, mostly because of its restrictive gun laws, the easy access to illegal firearms, in addition to the many gangs and criminal networks in the country, is the main reason for the disturbing increase in the country’s rate of firearm-related violence. According to police reports, there has been a high inflow of illegal weapons into Sweden from the western Balkans [12].

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rapes, robberies, stabbings, beatings, and murders...according to the Centers for Disease Control......

No, they don't. It's more like 49,000 a year, according to the FBI.

Moron.....Sweden has fully automatic military weapons in their homes...and very little isn't access to guns that creates crime.....

Sweden has one gun for every eight people, and it's very hard to get one. I posted a link to what Sweden's gun laws are.

Yes, SOME people can get a fully auto weapon, but most people can't. Not without a good reason.

Tell that to Switzerland...where they have escalating gun crime...tell that to France where the fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice for French criminals........

Didn't you morons claim Switzerland was gun paradise? Except it isn't.


The increase in gun homicide in Sweden is closely linked to criminal milieux in socially disadvantaged areas,” the report said, noting that shooting deaths had more than doubled between 2011 and 2019 and now accounted for 40% of violent deaths.
The report said more than eight out of 10 shootings were linked to organised crime, a significantly higher proportion than in other countries, and cited gang wars, the drugs trade and low confidence towards the police as potential factors.
The report said a decline in other forms of deadly violence, including knife crime, had masked the rise in fatal shootings.
Of 22 European countries analysed in the report, data from 2014-2017 put the country in second place, behind Croatia and ahead of Latvia. In 2018 it topped the ranking, although data from some countries was not complete that year.
Last year the country of 10.3 million people recorded more than 360 incidents involving guns, including 47 deaths and 117 people injured.
Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings have risen significantly since 2000, leaping from one of the lowest rates of gun violence on the continent to one of the highest in less than a decade, a report has found.
The report, by the Swedish national council for crime prevention (BRA), said the Scandinavian country had overtaken Italy and eastern European countries primarily because of the violent activities of organised criminal gangs.
Sweden’s gun violence rate has soared due to gangs, report says

Swedish capital sees 79% spike in shootings as govt laments ‘high levels’ of violence in the Scandinavian country
Sweden recorded a surge in gun-related violence last year, according to new figures released by the government amid accusations that authorities have turned a blind eye to rising crime in the country.
Interior Minister Mikael Damberg disclosed on Monday that 47 people were killed and 117 injured in 366 shooting incidents in 2020, marking a 10 percent increase in gun violence when compared to statistics from 2019.

Damberg noted that in nearly half of the shootings registered last year, someone was injured or killed. “We will neither accept nor get used to such high levels of violence,” he said.

The situation in Malmo, a city with a large migrant population that has struggled with gang violence, has improved, while crime is surging in Stockholm, the interior minister pointed out.

According to Damberg, the Swedish capital saw a staggering 79 percent increase in shootings in 2020.
Most of the violent incidents occurred in 60 suburbs across the country identified by police as “vulnerable” areas. Damberg said that while 5.4 percent of Sweden’s population live in such neighborhoods, they account for more than half of the nation’s fatal shootings.

In the report on Tuesday, the Swedish Television, citing statistics from the Swedish Police Authority, revealed that by November, there had been as many shootings in 2020 as during the whole of 2019.
Between January 1 and December 15, there were 349 confirmed shootings in Sweden, with 111 people wounded and 44 dead as a result, Xinhua news agency quoted the report as saying.
The death toll is close to the highest number on record so far -- 45 gun-related fatalities in 2018.
Most of the shootings, or 146, occurred in the capital Stockholm, where 23 deaths and 48 injuries were reported.
According to the police, most incidents were related to organised crime and conflicts between gang members.
Criminologist Joakim Sturup told Swedish Television that a major reason behind the worrying statistics is that automatic weapons are becoming more commonly used by gang members.

Sweden witnesses spike in shooting incidents

Shootings on the Rise in Sweden Despite Crackdown on Gang Violence, COVID-19 Epidemic

The number of shootings is increasing in Sweden, despite a national effort to curtail gang violence amid the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, SVT reported.


Crime gangs in Sweden: What's behind the rise in the use of explosives?

The frequent use of explosives is a relatively recent phenomenon, and criminologists told The Local that the blasts can be seen as part of an overall rise in violence and growing recklessness in these criminal networks.

Amir Rostami, a police superintendent turned sociologist with a focus on criminal gangs, told The Local that so-called 'street gangs' are showing an increased tendency towards violence, and that this violence was becoming more severe when it took place.

"If previously they maybe fired one shot or shot someone in the legs, today it's more about AK47s, using more bullets, hand grenades and explosions that we didn't see before. I'd say that's the biggest shift we see – they're more reckless, they don't seem to care about the consequences," Rostami said.

Fatal shootings linked to criminal gangs have increased from around four per year in the early 1990s to over 40 in 2018. And while the blasts that have taken place in Sweden have caused no fatalities so far this year, they could be seen as a sign that the gangs are unafraid of causing damage and potentially harming people.
No, Sweden, hand grenade attacks aren’t an ‘image’ problem

In 2018 there were 162 bombings reported to police, and 93 reported in the first five months of this year, 30 more than during the same period in 2018. The level of attacks is “extreme in a country that is not at war,” Crime Commissioner Gunnar Appelgren told SVT last year.
The use of hand grenades is a purely Swedish phenomenon too, with no other country in Europe reporting their use on such a level, a police manager told Swedish Radio in 2016, a year after attacks first spiked.

The grenades used almost exclusively originate in the former Yugoslavia, and are sold in Sweden for around $100 per piece. But while only three hand grenades were thrown in Kosovo between 2013 and 2014, more than 20 have been used in Sweden every year since 2015.

More broadly, homicide has risen in Sweden, with more than 300 shootings reported last year, causing 45 deaths. Though homicide rates had been in decline since 2002, they again began trending upwards in 2015, as did rapes and sexual assaults, which more than tripled in the last four years.

Of course, 2015 was also the year in which Sweden flung open its doors to more than 160,000 asylum seekers, more per capita than any other European country.

Dagens Nyheter pointed out that 90 percent of shooting perpetrators in Sweden are either first or second generation immigrants.

Bomb attacks are now a normal part of Swedish life | The Spectator

Only days after the murder of Karolin Hakim, another young woman fell victim to the gang wars. Eighteen-year-old Ndella Jack was killed as someone fired an automatic weapon into her flat in western Stockholm, probably aiming for her husband, a well-known figure in Stockholm’s gang scene. Less than a week after the murder, associates of Ms Jack’s husband were lured to a middle-class suburb of Stockholm, where they had been promised information about her killer. Shots were fired, missing the targets and hitting instead a taxi driver and a resident in a nearby building. One victim, also a university student, lost his sight in an eye after it was hit by a bullet

Holding Sweden hostage: firearm-related violence

Statistics from the NBHW shows that the number of individuals in Sweden injured by a firearm has greatly increased since 2009. Between 2012 and 2017, the number of individuals that were injured by a firearm increased by 50% [13]. Figure 3 outlines the number of individuals being treated at Swedish hospitals for firearm-related injuries.
International reports [1, 2], the Swedish police [12,19], and Swedish scholars [3–6,20,21] agree that the main cause for the increase in the rate of firearm-related violence is the presence of many gangs and criminal networks in Sweden.

Although gangs and criminal networks have always existed in Sweden, street gangs flourished in the late 1990s and are today considered to be one of the main security problems in the country [22–24]. Swedish gangs and foremost criminal networks have not only continued to increase, butthey have also become bolder and more violent as can be seen in their use of firearms and explosive devices as their modus operandi [3,6].

Another very important source of the increase of firearm-related violence in Sweden is the easy access to illegal firearms.

Although Sweden was, for decades, shielded from firearm-related violence, mostly because of its restrictive gun laws, the easy access to illegal firearms, in addition to the many gangs and criminal networks in the country, is the main reason for the disturbing increase in the country’s rate of firearm-related violence.

According to police reports, there has been a high inflow of illegal weapons into Sweden from the western Balkans [12].

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rapes, robberies, stabbings, beatings, and murders...according to the Centers for Disease Control......

No, they don't. It's more like 49,000 a year, according to the FBI.

Moron.....Sweden has fully automatic military weapons in their homes...and very little isn't access to guns that creates crime.....

Sweden has one gun for every eight people, and it's very hard to get one. I posted a link to what Sweden's gun laws are.

Yes, SOME people can get a fully auto weapon, but most people can't. Not without a good reason.

Tell that to Switzerland...where they have escalating gun crime...tell that to France where the fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice for French criminals........

Didn't you morons claim Switzerland was gun paradise? Except it isn't.

No, they don't. It's more like 49,000 a year, according to the FBI.

according to the Department of Justice Research......long before we had over 19.4 million Americans legally carrying guns for self defense in public.........the number of defensive gun uses each year was 1.5 million.......
Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rapes, robberies, stabbings, beatings, and murders...according to the Centers for Disease Control......

No, they don't. It's more like 49,000 a year, according to the FBI.

Moron.....Sweden has fully automatic military weapons in their homes...and very little isn't access to guns that creates crime.....

Sweden has one gun for every eight people, and it's very hard to get one. I posted a link to what Sweden's gun laws are.

Yes, SOME people can get a fully auto weapon, but most people can't. Not without a good reason.

Tell that to Switzerland...where they have escalating gun crime...tell that to France where the fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice for French criminals........

Didn't you morons claim Switzerland was gun paradise? Except it isn't.
The Swedish used to have weapons in their homes, but were told to hand them in and they did.

And how did that handing in of guns work for the Swedes?

Well...the criminals didn't pay attention.......they also didn't pay attention to the law that says that hand grenades are also are fully automatic military rifles...the weapon that Swedish...and French criminals prefer.....

The increase in gun homicide in Sweden is closely linked to criminal milieux in socially disadvantaged areas,” the report said, noting that shooting deaths had more than doubled between 2011 and 2019 and now accounted for 40% of violent deaths.

The report said more than eight out of 10 shootings were linked to organised crime, a significantly higher proportion than in other countries, and cited gang wars, the drugs trade and low confidence towards the police as potential factors.

The report said a decline in other forms of deadly violence, including knife crime, had masked the rise in fatal shootings.

Of 22 European countries analysed in the report, data from 2014-2017 put the country in second place, behind Croatia and ahead of Latvia. In 2018 it topped the ranking, although data from some countries was not complete that year.


Last year the country of 10.3 million people recorded more than 360 incidents involving guns, including 47 deaths and 117 people injured.

Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings have risen significantly since 2000, leaping from one of the lowest rates of gun violence on the continent to one of the highest in less than a decade, a report has found.

The report, by the Swedish national council for crime prevention (BRA), said the Scandinavian country had overtaken Italy and eastern European countries primarily because of the violent activities of organised criminal gangs.

Sweden’s gun violence rate has soared due to gangs, report says


Swedish capital sees 79% spike in shootings as govt laments ‘high levels’ of violence in the Scandinavian country

Sweden recorded a surge in gun-related violence last year, according to new figures released by the government amid accusations that authorities have turned a blind eye to rising crime in the country.

Interior Minister Mikael Damberg disclosed on Monday that 47 people were killed and 117 injured in 366 shooting incidents in 2020, marking a 10 percent increase in gun violence when compared to statistics from 2019.

Damberg noted that in nearly half of the shootings registered last year, someone was injured or killed. “We will neither accept nor get used to such high levels of violence,” he said.

The situation in Malmo, a city with a large migrant population that has struggled with gang violence, has improved, while crime is surging in Stockholm, the interior minister pointed out.

According to Damberg, the Swedish capital saw a staggering 79 percent increase in shootings in 2020.


Most of the violent incidents occurred in 60 suburbs across the country identified by police as “vulnerable” areas. Damberg said that while 5.4 percent of Sweden’s population live in such neighborhoods, they account for more than half of the nation’s fatal shootings.


In the report on Tuesday, the Swedish Television, citing statistics from the Swedish Police Authority, revealed that by November, there had been as many shootings in 2020 as during the whole of 2019.

Between January 1 and December 15, there were 349 confirmed shootings in Sweden, with 111 people wounded and 44 dead as a result, Xinhua news agency quoted the report as saying.

The death toll is close to the highest number on record so far -- 45 gun-related fatalities in 2018.

Most of the shootings, or 146, occurred in the capital Stockholm, where 23 deaths and 48 injuries were reported.

According to the police, most incidents were related to organised crime and conflicts between gang members.

Criminologist Joakim Sturup told Swedish Television that a major reason behind the worrying statistics is that automatic weapons are becoming more commonly used by gang members.

Sweden witnesses spike in shooting incidents

Shootings on the Rise in Sweden Despite Crackdown on Gang Violence, COVID-19 Epidemic

The number of shootings is increasing in Sweden, despite a national effort to curtail gang violence amid the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, SVT reported.

The police also noted that the raging coronavirus epidemic, contrary to some people's expectations, has not had a major impact on crime. This is likely due to the fact that Sweden, unlike most European nations, has consistently avoided lockdowns. Even the flow of drugs has not been disturbed to any great extent, the police said. However, there is still a risk that reduced access to drugs may increase violence.

Crime gangs in Sweden: What's behind the rise in the use of explosives?

The frequent use of explosives is a relatively recent phenomenon, and criminologists told The Local that the blasts can be seen as part of an overall rise in violence and growing recklessness in these criminal networks.

Amir Rostami, a police superintendent turned sociologist with a focus on criminal gangs, told The Local that so-called 'street gangs' are showing an increased tendency towards violence, and that this violence was becoming more severe when it took place.

"If previously they maybe fired one shot or shot someone in the legs, today it's more about AK47s, using more bullets, hand grenades and explosions that we didn't see before. I'd say that's the biggest shift we see – they're more reckless, they don't seem to care about the consequences," Rostami said.

Fatal shootings linked to criminal gangs have increased from around four per year in the early 1990s to over 40 in 2018. And while the blasts that have taken place in Sweden have caused no fatalities so far this year, they could be seen as a sign that the gangs are unafraid of causing damage and potentially harming people.

No, Sweden, hand grenade attacks aren’t an ‘image’ problem

In 2018 there were 162 bombings reported to police, and 93 reported in the first five months of this year, 30 more than during the same period in 2018. The level of attacks is “extreme in a country that is not at war,” Crime Commissioner Gunnar Appelgren told SVT last year.


The use of hand grenades is a purely Swedish phenomenon too, with no other country in Europe reporting their use on such a level, a police manager told Swedish Radio in 2016, a year after attacks first spiked.

The grenades used almost exclusively originate in the former Yugoslavia, and are sold in Sweden for around $100 per piece. But while only three hand grenades were thrown in Kosovo between 2013 and 2014, more than 20 have been used in Sweden every year since 2015.

More broadly, homicide has risen in Sweden, with more than 300 shootings reported last year, causing 45 deaths. Though homicide rates had been in decline since 2002, they again began trending upwards in 2015, as did rapes and sexual assaults, which more than tripled in the last four years.

Of course, 2015 was also the year in which Sweden flung open its doors to more than 160,000 asylum seekers, more per capita than any other European country.


Dagens Nyheter pointed out that 90 percent of shooting perpetrators in Sweden are either first or second generation immigrants.

Bomb attacks are now a normal part of Swedish life | The Spectator

Only days after the murder of Karolin Hakim, another young woman fell victim to the gang wars. Eighteen-year-old Ndella Jack was killed as someone fired an automatic weapon into her flat in western Stockholm, probably aiming for her husband, a well-known figure in Stockholm’s gang scene. Less than a week after the murder, associates of Ms Jack’s husband were lured to a middle-class suburb of Stockholm, where they had been promised information about her killer. Shots were fired, missing the targets and hitting instead a taxi driver and a resident in a nearby building. One victim, also a university student, lost his sight in an eye after it was hit by a bullet

Holding Sweden hostage: firearm-related violence

Statistics from the NBHW shows that the number of individuals in Sweden injured by a firearm has greatly increased since 2009. Between 2012 and 2017, the number of individuals that were injured by a firearm increased by 50% [13]. Figure 3 outlines the number of individuals being treated at Swedish hospitals for firearm-related injuries.


International reports [1, 2], the Swedish police [12,19], and Swedish scholars [3–6,20,21] agree that the main cause for the increase in the rate of firearm-related violence is the presence of many gangs and criminal networks in Sweden.

Although gangs and criminal networks have always existed in Sweden, street gangs flourished in the late 1990s and are today considered to be one of the main security problems in the country [22–24]. Swedish gangs and foremost criminal networks have not only continued to increase, butthey have also become bolder and more violent as can be seen in their use of firearms and explosive devices as their modus operandi [3,6].

Another very important source of the increase of firearm-related violence in Sweden is the easy access to illegal firearms.

Although Sweden was, for decades, shielded from firearm-related violence, mostly because of its restrictive gun laws, the easy access to illegal firearms, in addition to the many gangs and criminal networks in the country, is the main reason for the disturbing increase in the country’s rate of firearm-related violence. According to police reports, there has been a high inflow of illegal weapons into Sweden from the western Balkans [12].


You post so much shit without saying where it is from. Probably from some gun website.
Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rapes, robberies, stabbings, beatings, and murders...according to the Centers for Disease Control......

No, they don't. It's more like 49,000 a year, according to the FBI.

Moron.....Sweden has fully automatic military weapons in their homes...and very little isn't access to guns that creates crime.....

Sweden has one gun for every eight people, and it's very hard to get one. I posted a link to what Sweden's gun laws are.

Yes, SOME people can get a fully auto weapon, but most people can't. Not without a good reason.

Tell that to Switzerland...where they have escalating gun crime...tell that to France where the fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice for French criminals........

Didn't you morons claim Switzerland was gun paradise? Except it isn't.
The Swedish used to have weapons in their homes, but were told to hand them in and they did.

And how did that handing in of guns work for the Swedes?

Well...the criminals didn't pay attention.......they also didn't pay attention to the law that says that hand grenades are also are fully automatic military rifles...the weapon that Swedish...and French criminals prefer.....

The increase in gun homicide in Sweden is closely linked to criminal milieux in socially disadvantaged areas,” the report said, noting that shooting deaths had more than doubled between 2011 and 2019 and now accounted for 40% of violent deaths.

The report said more than eight out of 10 shootings were linked to organised crime, a significantly higher proportion than in other countries, and cited gang wars, the drugs trade and low confidence towards the police as potential factors.

The report said a decline in other forms of deadly violence, including knife crime, had masked the rise in fatal shootings.

Of 22 European countries analysed in the report, data from 2014-2017 put the country in second place, behind Croatia and ahead of Latvia. In 2018 it topped the ranking, although data from some countries was not complete that year.


Last year the country of 10.3 million people recorded more than 360 incidents involving guns, including 47 deaths and 117 people injured.

Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings have risen significantly since 2000, leaping from one of the lowest rates of gun violence on the continent to one of the highest in less than a decade, a report has found.

The report, by the Swedish national council for crime prevention (BRA), said the Scandinavian country had overtaken Italy and eastern European countries primarily because of the violent activities of organised criminal gangs.

Sweden’s gun violence rate has soared due to gangs, report says


Swedish capital sees 79% spike in shootings as govt laments ‘high levels’ of violence in the Scandinavian country

Sweden recorded a surge in gun-related violence last year, according to new figures released by the government amid accusations that authorities have turned a blind eye to rising crime in the country.

Interior Minister Mikael Damberg disclosed on Monday that 47 people were killed and 117 injured in 366 shooting incidents in 2020, marking a 10 percent increase in gun violence when compared to statistics from 2019.

Damberg noted that in nearly half of the shootings registered last year, someone was injured or killed. “We will neither accept nor get used to such high levels of violence,” he said.

The situation in Malmo, a city with a large migrant population that has struggled with gang violence, has improved, while crime is surging in Stockholm, the interior minister pointed out.

According to Damberg, the Swedish capital saw a staggering 79 percent increase in shootings in 2020.


Most of the violent incidents occurred in 60 suburbs across the country identified by police as “vulnerable” areas. Damberg said that while 5.4 percent of Sweden’s population live in such neighborhoods, they account for more than half of the nation’s fatal shootings.


In the report on Tuesday, the Swedish Television, citing statistics from the Swedish Police Authority, revealed that by November, there had been as many shootings in 2020 as during the whole of 2019.

Between January 1 and December 15, there were 349 confirmed shootings in Sweden, with 111 people wounded and 44 dead as a result, Xinhua news agency quoted the report as saying.

The death toll is close to the highest number on record so far -- 45 gun-related fatalities in 2018.

Most of the shootings, or 146, occurred in the capital Stockholm, where 23 deaths and 48 injuries were reported.

According to the police, most incidents were related to organised crime and conflicts between gang members.

Criminologist Joakim Sturup told Swedish Television that a major reason behind the worrying statistics is that automatic weapons are becoming more commonly used by gang members.

Sweden witnesses spike in shooting incidents

Shootings on the Rise in Sweden Despite Crackdown on Gang Violence, COVID-19 Epidemic

The number of shootings is increasing in Sweden, despite a national effort to curtail gang violence amid the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, SVT reported.

The police also noted that the raging coronavirus epidemic, contrary to some people's expectations, has not had a major impact on crime. This is likely due to the fact that Sweden, unlike most European nations, has consistently avoided lockdowns. Even the flow of drugs has not been disturbed to any great extent, the police said. However, there is still a risk that reduced access to drugs may increase violence.

Crime gangs in Sweden: What's behind the rise in the use of explosives?

The frequent use of explosives is a relatively recent phenomenon, and criminologists told The Local that the blasts can be seen as part of an overall rise in violence and growing recklessness in these criminal networks.

Amir Rostami, a police superintendent turned sociologist with a focus on criminal gangs, told The Local that so-called 'street gangs' are showing an increased tendency towards violence, and that this violence was becoming more severe when it took place.

"If previously they maybe fired one shot or shot someone in the legs, today it's more about AK47s, using more bullets, hand grenades and explosions that we didn't see before. I'd say that's the biggest shift we see – they're more reckless, they don't seem to care about the consequences," Rostami said.

Fatal shootings linked to criminal gangs have increased from around four per year in the early 1990s to over 40 in 2018. And while the blasts that have taken place in Sweden have caused no fatalities so far this year, they could be seen as a sign that the gangs are unafraid of causing damage and potentially harming people.

No, Sweden, hand grenade attacks aren’t an ‘image’ problem

In 2018 there were 162 bombings reported to police, and 93 reported in the first five months of this year, 30 more than during the same period in 2018. The level of attacks is “extreme in a country that is not at war,” Crime Commissioner Gunnar Appelgren told SVT last year.


The use of hand grenades is a purely Swedish phenomenon too, with no other country in Europe reporting their use on such a level, a police manager told Swedish Radio in 2016, a year after attacks first spiked.

The grenades used almost exclusively originate in the former Yugoslavia, and are sold in Sweden for around $100 per piece. But while only three hand grenades were thrown in Kosovo between 2013 and 2014, more than 20 have been used in Sweden every year since 2015.

More broadly, homicide has risen in Sweden, with more than 300 shootings reported last year, causing 45 deaths. Though homicide rates had been in decline since 2002, they again began trending upwards in 2015, as did rapes and sexual assaults, which more than tripled in the last four years.

Of course, 2015 was also the year in which Sweden flung open its doors to more than 160,000 asylum seekers, more per capita than any other European country.


Dagens Nyheter pointed out that 90 percent of shooting perpetrators in Sweden are either first or second generation immigrants.

Bomb attacks are now a normal part of Swedish life | The Spectator

Only days after the murder of Karolin Hakim, another young woman fell victim to the gang wars. Eighteen-year-old Ndella Jack was killed as someone fired an automatic weapon into her flat in western Stockholm, probably aiming for her husband, a well-known figure in Stockholm’s gang scene. Less than a week after the murder, associates of Ms Jack’s husband were lured to a middle-class suburb of Stockholm, where they had been promised information about her killer. Shots were fired, missing the targets and hitting instead a taxi driver and a resident in a nearby building. One victim, also a university student, lost his sight in an eye after it was hit by a bullet

Holding Sweden hostage: firearm-related violence

Statistics from the NBHW shows that the number of individuals in Sweden injured by a firearm has greatly increased since 2009. Between 2012 and 2017, the number of individuals that were injured by a firearm increased by 50% [13]. Figure 3 outlines the number of individuals being treated at Swedish hospitals for firearm-related injuries.


International reports [1, 2], the Swedish police [12,19], and Swedish scholars [3–6,20,21] agree that the main cause for the increase in the rate of firearm-related violence is the presence of many gangs and criminal networks in Sweden.

Although gangs and criminal networks have always existed in Sweden, street gangs flourished in the late 1990s and are today considered to be one of the main security problems in the country [22–24]. Swedish gangs and foremost criminal networks have not only continued to increase, butthey have also become bolder and more violent as can be seen in their use of firearms and explosive devices as their modus operandi [3,6].

Another very important source of the increase of firearm-related violence in Sweden is the easy access to illegal firearms.

Although Sweden was, for decades, shielded from firearm-related violence, mostly because of its restrictive gun laws, the easy access to illegal firearms, in addition to the many gangs and criminal networks in the country, is the main reason for the disturbing increase in the country’s rate of firearm-related violence. According to police reports, there has been a high inflow of illegal weapons into Sweden from the western Balkans [12].


You post so much shit without saying where it is from. Probably from some gun website.

Dipshit....I link to all of my sources..including the ones you just posted about, you dumb ass....

It would make you seem more intelligent if you didn't post about things that you didn't read idiot....
Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rapes, robberies, stabbings, beatings, and murders...according to the Centers for Disease Control......

No, they don't. It's more like 49,000 a year, according to the FBI.

Moron.....Sweden has fully automatic military weapons in their homes...and very little isn't access to guns that creates crime.....

Sweden has one gun for every eight people, and it's very hard to get one. I posted a link to what Sweden's gun laws are.

Yes, SOME people can get a fully auto weapon, but most people can't. Not without a good reason.

Tell that to Switzerland...where they have escalating gun crime...tell that to France where the fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice for French criminals........

Didn't you morons claim Switzerland was gun paradise? Except it isn't.
The Swedish used to have weapons in their homes, but were told to hand them in and they did.

And how did that handing in of guns work for the Swedes?

Well...the criminals didn't pay attention.......they also didn't pay attention to the law that says that hand grenades are also are fully automatic military rifles...the weapon that Swedish...and French criminals prefer.....

The increase in gun homicide in Sweden is closely linked to criminal milieux in socially disadvantaged areas,” the report said, noting that shooting deaths had more than doubled between 2011 and 2019 and now accounted for 40% of violent deaths.

The report said more than eight out of 10 shootings were linked to organised crime, a significantly higher proportion than in other countries, and cited gang wars, the drugs trade and low confidence towards the police as potential factors.

The report said a decline in other forms of deadly violence, including knife crime, had masked the rise in fatal shootings.

Of 22 European countries analysed in the report, data from 2014-2017 put the country in second place, behind Croatia and ahead of Latvia. In 2018 it topped the ranking, although data from some countries was not complete that year.


Last year the country of 10.3 million people recorded more than 360 incidents involving guns, including 47 deaths and 117 people injured.

Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings have risen significantly since 2000, leaping from one of the lowest rates of gun violence on the continent to one of the highest in less than a decade, a report has found.

The report, by the Swedish national council for crime prevention (BRA), said the Scandinavian country had overtaken Italy and eastern European countries primarily because of the violent activities of organised criminal gangs.

Sweden’s gun violence rate has soared due to gangs, report says


Swedish capital sees 79% spike in shootings as govt laments ‘high levels’ of violence in the Scandinavian country

Sweden recorded a surge in gun-related violence last year, according to new figures released by the government amid accusations that authorities have turned a blind eye to rising crime in the country.

Interior Minister Mikael Damberg disclosed on Monday that 47 people were killed and 117 injured in 366 shooting incidents in 2020, marking a 10 percent increase in gun violence when compared to statistics from 2019.

Damberg noted that in nearly half of the shootings registered last year, someone was injured or killed. “We will neither accept nor get used to such high levels of violence,” he said.

The situation in Malmo, a city with a large migrant population that has struggled with gang violence, has improved, while crime is surging in Stockholm, the interior minister pointed out.

According to Damberg, the Swedish capital saw a staggering 79 percent increase in shootings in 2020.


Most of the violent incidents occurred in 60 suburbs across the country identified by police as “vulnerable” areas. Damberg said that while 5.4 percent of Sweden’s population live in such neighborhoods, they account for more than half of the nation’s fatal shootings.


In the report on Tuesday, the Swedish Television, citing statistics from the Swedish Police Authority, revealed that by November, there had been as many shootings in 2020 as during the whole of 2019.

Between January 1 and December 15, there were 349 confirmed shootings in Sweden, with 111 people wounded and 44 dead as a result, Xinhua news agency quoted the report as saying.

The death toll is close to the highest number on record so far -- 45 gun-related fatalities in 2018.

Most of the shootings, or 146, occurred in the capital Stockholm, where 23 deaths and 48 injuries were reported.

According to the police, most incidents were related to organised crime and conflicts between gang members.

Criminologist Joakim Sturup told Swedish Television that a major reason behind the worrying statistics is that automatic weapons are becoming more commonly used by gang members.

Sweden witnesses spike in shooting incidents

Shootings on the Rise in Sweden Despite Crackdown on Gang Violence, COVID-19 Epidemic

The number of shootings is increasing in Sweden, despite a national effort to curtail gang violence amid the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, SVT reported.

The police also noted that the raging coronavirus epidemic, contrary to some people's expectations, has not had a major impact on crime. This is likely due to the fact that Sweden, unlike most European nations, has consistently avoided lockdowns. Even the flow of drugs has not been disturbed to any great extent, the police said. However, there is still a risk that reduced access to drugs may increase violence.

Crime gangs in Sweden: What's behind the rise in the use of explosives?

The frequent use of explosives is a relatively recent phenomenon, and criminologists told The Local that the blasts can be seen as part of an overall rise in violence and growing recklessness in these criminal networks.

Amir Rostami, a police superintendent turned sociologist with a focus on criminal gangs, told The Local that so-called 'street gangs' are showing an increased tendency towards violence, and that this violence was becoming more severe when it took place.

"If previously they maybe fired one shot or shot someone in the legs, today it's more about AK47s, using more bullets, hand grenades and explosions that we didn't see before. I'd say that's the biggest shift we see – they're more reckless, they don't seem to care about the consequences," Rostami said.

Fatal shootings linked to criminal gangs have increased from around four per year in the early 1990s to over 40 in 2018. And while the blasts that have taken place in Sweden have caused no fatalities so far this year, they could be seen as a sign that the gangs are unafraid of causing damage and potentially harming people.

No, Sweden, hand grenade attacks aren’t an ‘image’ problem

In 2018 there were 162 bombings reported to police, and 93 reported in the first five months of this year, 30 more than during the same period in 2018. The level of attacks is “extreme in a country that is not at war,” Crime Commissioner Gunnar Appelgren told SVT last year.


The use of hand grenades is a purely Swedish phenomenon too, with no other country in Europe reporting their use on such a level, a police manager told Swedish Radio in 2016, a year after attacks first spiked.

The grenades used almost exclusively originate in the former Yugoslavia, and are sold in Sweden for around $100 per piece. But while only three hand grenades were thrown in Kosovo between 2013 and 2014, more than 20 have been used in Sweden every year since 2015.

More broadly, homicide has risen in Sweden, with more than 300 shootings reported last year, causing 45 deaths. Though homicide rates had been in decline since 2002, they again began trending upwards in 2015, as did rapes and sexual assaults, which more than tripled in the last four years.

Of course, 2015 was also the year in which Sweden flung open its doors to more than 160,000 asylum seekers, more per capita than any other European country.


Dagens Nyheter pointed out that 90 percent of shooting perpetrators in Sweden are either first or second generation immigrants.

Bomb attacks are now a normal part of Swedish life | The Spectator

Only days after the murder of Karolin Hakim, another young woman fell victim to the gang wars. Eighteen-year-old Ndella Jack was killed as someone fired an automatic weapon into her flat in western Stockholm, probably aiming for her husband, a well-known figure in Stockholm’s gang scene. Less than a week after the murder, associates of Ms Jack’s husband were lured to a middle-class suburb of Stockholm, where they had been promised information about her killer. Shots were fired, missing the targets and hitting instead a taxi driver and a resident in a nearby building. One victim, also a university student, lost his sight in an eye after it was hit by a bullet

Holding Sweden hostage: firearm-related violence

Statistics from the NBHW shows that the number of individuals in Sweden injured by a firearm has greatly increased since 2009. Between 2012 and 2017, the number of individuals that were injured by a firearm increased by 50% [13]. Figure 3 outlines the number of individuals being treated at Swedish hospitals for firearm-related injuries.


International reports [1, 2], the Swedish police [12,19], and Swedish scholars [3–6,20,21] agree that the main cause for the increase in the rate of firearm-related violence is the presence of many gangs and criminal networks in Sweden.

Although gangs and criminal networks have always existed in Sweden, street gangs flourished in the late 1990s and are today considered to be one of the main security problems in the country [22–24]. Swedish gangs and foremost criminal networks have not only continued to increase, butthey have also become bolder and more violent as can be seen in their use of firearms and explosive devices as their modus operandi [3,6].

Another very important source of the increase of firearm-related violence in Sweden is the easy access to illegal firearms.

Although Sweden was, for decades, shielded from firearm-related violence, mostly because of its restrictive gun laws, the easy access to illegal firearms, in addition to the many gangs and criminal networks in the country, is the main reason for the disturbing increase in the country’s rate of firearm-related violence. According to police reports, there has been a high inflow of illegal weapons into Sweden from the western Balkans [12].


You post so much shit without saying where it is from. Probably from some gun website. just hate that you mentioned Sweden getting rid of their guns, and then I link to article after article pointing out that criminal gangs in Sweden, majority from immigrant communities, are increasingly using military rifles and Sweden...

you got caught, you look like an you respond like a doofus.
Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rapes, robberies, stabbings, beatings, and murders...according to the Centers for Disease Control......

No, they don't. It's more like 49,000 a year, according to the FBI.

Moron.....Sweden has fully automatic military weapons in their homes...and very little isn't access to guns that creates crime.....

Sweden has one gun for every eight people, and it's very hard to get one. I posted a link to what Sweden's gun laws are.

Yes, SOME people can get a fully auto weapon, but most people can't. Not without a good reason.

Tell that to Switzerland...where they have escalating gun crime...tell that to France where the fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice for French criminals........

Didn't you morons claim Switzerland was gun paradise? Except it isn't.
The Swedish used to have weapons in their homes, but were told to hand them in and they did.

And how did that handing in of guns work for the Swedes?

Well...the criminals didn't pay attention.......they also didn't pay attention to the law that says that hand grenades are also are fully automatic military rifles...the weapon that Swedish...and French criminals prefer.....

The increase in gun homicide in Sweden is closely linked to criminal milieux in socially disadvantaged areas,” the report said, noting that shooting deaths had more than doubled between 2011 and 2019 and now accounted for 40% of violent deaths.

The report said more than eight out of 10 shootings were linked to organised crime, a significantly higher proportion than in other countries, and cited gang wars, the drugs trade and low confidence towards the police as potential factors.

The report said a decline in other forms of deadly violence, including knife crime, had masked the rise in fatal shootings.

Of 22 European countries analysed in the report, data from 2014-2017 put the country in second place, behind Croatia and ahead of Latvia. In 2018 it topped the ranking, although data from some countries was not complete that year.


Last year the country of 10.3 million people recorded more than 360 incidents involving guns, including 47 deaths and 117 people injured.

Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings have risen significantly since 2000, leaping from one of the lowest rates of gun violence on the continent to one of the highest in less than a decade, a report has found.

The report, by the Swedish national council for crime prevention (BRA), said the Scandinavian country had overtaken Italy and eastern European countries primarily because of the violent activities of organised criminal gangs.

Sweden’s gun violence rate has soared due to gangs, report says


Swedish capital sees 79% spike in shootings as govt laments ‘high levels’ of violence in the Scandinavian country

Sweden recorded a surge in gun-related violence last year, according to new figures released by the government amid accusations that authorities have turned a blind eye to rising crime in the country.

Interior Minister Mikael Damberg disclosed on Monday that 47 people were killed and 117 injured in 366 shooting incidents in 2020, marking a 10 percent increase in gun violence when compared to statistics from 2019.

Damberg noted that in nearly half of the shootings registered last year, someone was injured or killed. “We will neither accept nor get used to such high levels of violence,” he said.

The situation in Malmo, a city with a large migrant population that has struggled with gang violence, has improved, while crime is surging in Stockholm, the interior minister pointed out.

According to Damberg, the Swedish capital saw a staggering 79 percent increase in shootings in 2020.


Most of the violent incidents occurred in 60 suburbs across the country identified by police as “vulnerable” areas. Damberg said that while 5.4 percent of Sweden’s population live in such neighborhoods, they account for more than half of the nation’s fatal shootings.


In the report on Tuesday, the Swedish Television, citing statistics from the Swedish Police Authority, revealed that by November, there had been as many shootings in 2020 as during the whole of 2019.

Between January 1 and December 15, there were 349 confirmed shootings in Sweden, with 111 people wounded and 44 dead as a result, Xinhua news agency quoted the report as saying.

The death toll is close to the highest number on record so far -- 45 gun-related fatalities in 2018.

Most of the shootings, or 146, occurred in the capital Stockholm, where 23 deaths and 48 injuries were reported.

According to the police, most incidents were related to organised crime and conflicts between gang members.

Criminologist Joakim Sturup told Swedish Television that a major reason behind the worrying statistics is that automatic weapons are becoming more commonly used by gang members.

Sweden witnesses spike in shooting incidents

Shootings on the Rise in Sweden Despite Crackdown on Gang Violence, COVID-19 Epidemic

The number of shootings is increasing in Sweden, despite a national effort to curtail gang violence amid the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, SVT reported.

The police also noted that the raging coronavirus epidemic, contrary to some people's expectations, has not had a major impact on crime. This is likely due to the fact that Sweden, unlike most European nations, has consistently avoided lockdowns. Even the flow of drugs has not been disturbed to any great extent, the police said. However, there is still a risk that reduced access to drugs may increase violence.

Crime gangs in Sweden: What's behind the rise in the use of explosives?

The frequent use of explosives is a relatively recent phenomenon, and criminologists told The Local that the blasts can be seen as part of an overall rise in violence and growing recklessness in these criminal networks.

Amir Rostami, a police superintendent turned sociologist with a focus on criminal gangs, told The Local that so-called 'street gangs' are showing an increased tendency towards violence, and that this violence was becoming more severe when it took place.

"If previously they maybe fired one shot or shot someone in the legs, today it's more about AK47s, using more bullets, hand grenades and explosions that we didn't see before. I'd say that's the biggest shift we see – they're more reckless, they don't seem to care about the consequences," Rostami said.

Fatal shootings linked to criminal gangs have increased from around four per year in the early 1990s to over 40 in 2018. And while the blasts that have taken place in Sweden have caused no fatalities so far this year, they could be seen as a sign that the gangs are unafraid of causing damage and potentially harming people.

No, Sweden, hand grenade attacks aren’t an ‘image’ problem

In 2018 there were 162 bombings reported to police, and 93 reported in the first five months of this year, 30 more than during the same period in 2018. The level of attacks is “extreme in a country that is not at war,” Crime Commissioner Gunnar Appelgren told SVT last year.


The use of hand grenades is a purely Swedish phenomenon too, with no other country in Europe reporting their use on such a level, a police manager told Swedish Radio in 2016, a year after attacks first spiked.

The grenades used almost exclusively originate in the former Yugoslavia, and are sold in Sweden for around $100 per piece. But while only three hand grenades were thrown in Kosovo between 2013 and 2014, more than 20 have been used in Sweden every year since 2015.

More broadly, homicide has risen in Sweden, with more than 300 shootings reported last year, causing 45 deaths. Though homicide rates had been in decline since 2002, they again began trending upwards in 2015, as did rapes and sexual assaults, which more than tripled in the last four years.

Of course, 2015 was also the year in which Sweden flung open its doors to more than 160,000 asylum seekers, more per capita than any other European country.


Dagens Nyheter pointed out that 90 percent of shooting perpetrators in Sweden are either first or second generation immigrants.

Bomb attacks are now a normal part of Swedish life | The Spectator

Only days after the murder of Karolin Hakim, another young woman fell victim to the gang wars. Eighteen-year-old Ndella Jack was killed as someone fired an automatic weapon into her flat in western Stockholm, probably aiming for her husband, a well-known figure in Stockholm’s gang scene. Less than a week after the murder, associates of Ms Jack’s husband were lured to a middle-class suburb of Stockholm, where they had been promised information about her killer. Shots were fired, missing the targets and hitting instead a taxi driver and a resident in a nearby building. One victim, also a university student, lost his sight in an eye after it was hit by a bullet

Holding Sweden hostage: firearm-related violence

Statistics from the NBHW shows that the number of individuals in Sweden injured by a firearm has greatly increased since 2009. Between 2012 and 2017, the number of individuals that were injured by a firearm increased by 50% [13]. Figure 3 outlines the number of individuals being treated at Swedish hospitals for firearm-related injuries.


International reports [1, 2], the Swedish police [12,19], and Swedish scholars [3–6,20,21] agree that the main cause for the increase in the rate of firearm-related violence is the presence of many gangs and criminal networks in Sweden.

Although gangs and criminal networks have always existed in Sweden, street gangs flourished in the late 1990s and are today considered to be one of the main security problems in the country [22–24]. Swedish gangs and foremost criminal networks have not only continued to increase, butthey have also become bolder and more violent as can be seen in their use of firearms and explosive devices as their modus operandi [3,6].

Another very important source of the increase of firearm-related violence in Sweden is the easy access to illegal firearms.

Although Sweden was, for decades, shielded from firearm-related violence, mostly because of its restrictive gun laws, the easy access to illegal firearms, in addition to the many gangs and criminal networks in the country, is the main reason for the disturbing increase in the country’s rate of firearm-related violence. According to police reports, there has been a high inflow of illegal weapons into Sweden from the western Balkans [12].


You post so much shit without saying where it is from. Probably from some gun website.

Dipshit....I link to all of my sources..including the ones you just posted about, you dumb ass....

It would make you seem more intelligent if you didn't post about things that you didn't read idiot....
I have read these bullshit posts from gun sights, by gun nuts, for years on different boards. Always the same, always lies.
The increase in gun homicide in Sweden is closely linked to criminal milieux in socially disadvantaged areas,” the report said, noting that shooting deaths had more than doubled between 2011 and 2019 and now accounted for 40% of violent deaths.

Okay, let's look at this bit of Cherry Picking by DickTiny.

Yes, in 2011 the number of gun homicides was a whopping 17 and in 2017, it was 39. (I don't have figures for 2019) That sounds horrible...until you realize it really isn't.

There were 29 gun homicides in 1995 and 30 gun homicides 1999. In fact, this very small number has been all over the board, actually being as low as 11 in 2005.

Now, compare that to the US...

We haven't had less than 10,000 gun homicides since 1998. The number was 14,389 in 2019, and frankly, when we finally get figures for 2020, with TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RIOTS numbers, I'm sure those are going to be much, much, much worse.
according to the Department of Justice Research......long before we had over 19.4 million Americans legally carrying guns for self defense in public.........the number of defensive gun uses each year was 1.5 million.......

NRA horseshit.

Here's how we can tell that number is horseshit. According to the FBI, only 200 gun homicides a year by civilians are ruled as "Self-Defense".

Now, what we are to believe is that a bunch of tiny-dicked gun wankers like 2AGuy are out there, gently stroking their guns dreaming of the happy day they finally get to shoot themselves a darkie who was mildly threatening. And this happens 1,500,000 times, according to CompensatingGuy.

And in 1,499,800 of those cases, nobody dies.

Yes, in 1,499,800 cases, the Gun Wankers were able to either show enough restraint to not fire their guns, or miss badly, and in most of those cases, the criminal was deterred merely by the sight of a gun to give up on whatever they were planning to do. Keeping in mind, you'd have to be pretty desperate to start with to risk jail in committing a crime to start with.
Here's how we can tell that number is horseshit. According to the FBI, only 200 gun homicides a year by civilians are ruled as "Self-Defense".
Clearly we need more guns then. Out of 15000 gun deaths, you're saying it as 14,800 good guys killed and only 200 bad guys? The good guys definitely need more guns. Thanks for giving us that argument.
Clearly we need more guns then. Out of 15000 gun deaths, you're saying it as 14,800 good guys killed and only 200 bad guys? The good guys definitely need more guns. Thanks for giving us that argument.

That's the most retarded thing I've read today...
The increase in gun homicide in Sweden is closely linked to criminal milieux in socially disadvantaged areas,” the report said, noting that shooting deaths had more than doubled between 2011 and 2019 and now accounted for 40% of violent deaths.

Okay, let's look at this bit of Cherry Picking by DickTiny.

Yes, in 2011 the number of gun homicides was a whopping 17 and in 2017, it was 39. (I don't have figures for 2019) That sounds horrible...until you realize it really isn't.

There were 29 gun homicides in 1995 and 30 gun homicides 1999. In fact, this very small number has been all over the board, actually being as low as 11 in 2005.

Now, compare that to the US...

We haven't had less than 10,000 gun homicides since 1998. The number was 14,389 in 2019, and frankly, when we finally get figures for 2020, with TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RIOTS numbers, I'm sure those are going to be much, much, much worse.

Sweden didn't have the violence 10 years ago, now the criminals there are shooting at each other with fully automatic military weapons and idiot........criminal culture changes, it is not static you that 3rd world immigrants are taking control of the drug trade in Sweden, they don't care about gun control laws in Sweden, you idiot.....
according to the Department of Justice Research......long before we had over 19.4 million Americans legally carrying guns for self defense in public.........the number of defensive gun uses each year was 1.5 million.......

NRA horseshit.

Here's how we can tell that number is horseshit. According to the FBI, only 200 gun homicides a year by civilians are ruled as "Self-Defense".

Now, what we are to believe is that a bunch of tiny-dicked gun wankers like 2AGuy are out there, gently stroking their guns dreaming of the happy day they finally get to shoot themselves a darkie who was mildly threatening. And this happens 1,500,000 times, according to CompensatingGuy.

And in 1,499,800 of those cases, nobody dies.

Yes, in 1,499,800 cases, the Gun Wankers were able to either show enough restraint to not fire their guns, or miss badly, and in most of those cases, the criminal was deterred merely by the sight of a gun to give up on whatever they were planning to do. Keeping in mind, you'd have to be pretty desperate to start with to risk jail in committing a crime to start with.

And you lie......with every post....

You know, since you have been told over and over again, and anyone with even 1/4 of a brain, sadly that isn't you........would understand that good people do not want to shoot anyone, even criminals....that is why they are not executing criminals when they defend themselves....they scare off the rapist, or robber, the rapist, robber or murderer surrenders and they wait for police, or the idiot is wounded moron.....

600 million guns, over 19.4 million Americans can legally carry guns in public for self defense.....and those good Americans only shoot and kill about 235 criminals each year...criminals too stupid to realize that the victim with the gun isn't the victim they want to keep attacking...

you idiot.
Sweden didn't have the violence 10 years ago, now the criminals there are shooting at each other with fully automatic military weapons and idiot........criminal culture changes, it is not static you that 3rd world immigrants are taking control of the drug trade in Sweden, they don't care about gun control laws in Sweden, you idiot.....

Um, yeah, they still don't have violence.

I mean, seriously, 39 gun murders for the whole country?

No figures for Grenade murders...

Compared to 14,500 for the US.

Um, yeah, guns are the problem, Dick Tiny, not "criminal culture", whatever the fuck that is.
You know, since you have been told over and over again, and anyone with even 1/4 of a brain, sadly that isn't you........would understand that good people do not want to shoot anyone, even criminals....that is why they are not executing criminals when they defend themselves....they scare off the rapist, or robber, the rapist, robber or murderer surrenders and they wait for police, or the idiot is wounded moron.....

Yeah, guy, sorry, listening to you gun wankers, it's just not possible to believe you'd show that much restraint. Not the way you guys all cheered for Zimmerman when he shot an unarmed child buying candy.

If these incidents actually WERE common, we'd have a lot more dead bodies. The problem is- they aren't.
There is not enough information. Apparently, the guy who shot at her was hiding in the trunk of her car, and she knows him. I hope that they catch this guy and more information becomes known as to his motives. This does not seem to be a situation in which the shooter in the trunk was attempting to force her to have an abortion against her will.

It may be the opposite. This may have been the father of the expected child who wanted her to have the baby. We don't know.

One question then...if he was the father and didn't want her to abort the baby, then shooting and killing her is an odd choice.

We do need more info.

Well, yes, very irrational.

Though....if he managed to WOUND her, they would have taken her to a hospital and that would have prevented teh abortion...

Though some of the feminists would have been willing to ignore a bleeding bullet wound, and done the abortion first, I'm sure.

Probably not though.
Yeah, guy, sorry, listening to you gun wankers, it's just not possible to believe you'd show that much restraint. Not the way you guys all cheered for Zimmerman when he shot an unarmed child buying candy.

If these incidents actually WERE common, we'd have a lot more dead bodies. The problem is- they aren't.

What did I tell you about trying to win an argument with lies? You leftists just never listen. Yeah, Zimmerman shot an unarmed child because he was buying candy. Keep believing that.
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