Man whose wife won a lawsuit to treat his COVID-19 with ivermectin etc etc

Nothing of what you posted has anything to do with the nobel prize you just mentioned. Like, not a thing. So your comment is bizarre.

Yes you did.Stop making stuff up. It was widely reported. But much more science has been performed since the trials that were meta-analyzed, and whose meta-analysis was summarized by the authors. Those studies are old and few. The body of science shows ivermectin does not work. Sorry.

I wish it did..Doctors wish it did. Scientests wish it did. But it doesn't.

Where have I mentioned Nobel prize?

I literally posted a link to and article on NIH National Library of medicine website, and you're still denying it. Your stupidity is beyond comprehension.

Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19
Because I read your reply wrong, and my reply made no sense. In other words I agreed with you, but apparently correcting my error has made you even more of a cry baby.
Neither one of your replies agreed with me, and even I provided links, instead of manning up, you're still bitching. :D
Neither one of your replies agreed with me, and even I provided links, instead of manning up, you're still bitching. :D
Well asshole, bye. Anyone with any sense knows links don't prove jack.
Get this: I can read. I can read what scientists say. And you are on the wrong side of science, ethics, morality, and just plain basic humanity. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Translation: this leftard ^^^^ is incapable of thinking for himself and needs to parrot what his Dim masters tell him. Truly pathetic. Should be hanging his head in shame for his numerous lies.
Such a pity that the man went to a hospital where the doctors are bribed to kill you. He should have stayed out, gotten the Ivermectin without bothering with wasteful court and lawyers.
Since the Drug companies force or bribe doctors to use dangerous drugs, where the morbid effects are called Covid and the hospital is bribed to report your resulting demise as "Covid"; Tis better to take better care of your health so that what ever toxic crisis that arises can be over come.
Learn to avoid all or most the adulterants that are being put into the food supply. One of them is called "natural flavors".
I removed this clown for over

I removed a yearlong block of this twit...for this? I actually thought Tommy Tyrant came to his senses and/or left the board. Silly me.

Say what I want to hear, or I'll insult you..... kind of "debate", hey?

Im sorry but you cant help but laugh at this idiot. Did his wife want him dead ? Maybe he had a lot of money. It is sad that you cant drink horse wormer without dropping dead.

I hope you live long enough to regret every single one of these posts, along with the shots you took. But you're so thick headed you probably will never get it. You'd be the guy defending the rot, lying, corruption and fallout til his dying breath, no matter how many people get autoimmune diseases and soft tissue cancers from the "vaccines".

That's right Tommy. Look it up. OH, and I forgot--cardiovascular diseases.
LINK? Doubt it.

Well, as mentioned, it is just a minor flu, so they took Ivermectin for a MINOR flu, and somehow got well. What about the others.......?

Did you refuse the vax, Maryl?

O the stupidity of the (R), claiming that Historical Vaccines don't work.
I guarantee that MARYL has the previous Vaccines.
But this NEW vaccine is somehow different? Ya sure, just political.\ya bitch.

Do ya MaryL?

Here ya go. Maybe if you weren't so lazy, you could find it yourself.
Such a pity that the man went to a hospital where the doctors are bribed to kill you. He should have stayed out, gotten the Ivermectin without bothering with wasteful court and lawyers.
Since the Drug companies force or bribe doctors to use dangerous drugs, where the morbid effects are called Covid and the hospital is bribed to report your resulting demise as "Covid"; Tis better to take better care of your health so that what ever toxic crisis that arises can be over come.
Learn to avoid all or most the adulterants that are being put into the food supply. One of them is called "natural flavors".
If Doctors are "being bribed" to kill you then it is your duty to report this to the police. Thanks for posting this. Its pretty much the limit of the anti vax craziness. Ive shown it to the wife who suggests that you could get some support for your condition.

Here ya go. Maybe if you weren't so lazy, you could find it yourself.
Oh, I'm not lazy, I'm just making fun of you.
And your "alternative facts."
The folks pushing everyone to be injected with genetic code altering drugs that leave You not what you were, are not interested in anyone knowing the consequences of taking a drug that those who make it and inject it into you are exempt from all liability for any and all damage it may cause you, on top of that, those makers are making huge amounts of money from the Common Weal of America. The Neo cons stole billions with their war on Iraq. Same racket different technique. And the Rich dudes who claim to take their stuff, take a saline solution, and pretend that they are heroic examples for the peasants to follow (with the dangerous stuff).

Biblically. Each person's BOOK OF LIFE, is their genetic code in which everything about them is recorded. Mess that up, and reap the consequences, one of which is likely to be oblivion.

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