Man whose wife won a lawsuit to treat his COVID-19 with ivermectin etc etc

O the stupidity of the (R), claiming that Historical Vaccines don't work.
Yawn. Making shit up as you go. Many vaccines have worked. These BS mRNA new tech aren't vaccines.......unless you believe the new definition of it.

Protection. So the next time you are boning your gal. well ....who knows......put on the rubber and SAY ......I'M VACCINATED BABY.
LINK? Doubt it.
Yeah, you trust the science... Keep watching CNN and MSNBC that tell you otherwise and stay stupid.


Here is a bit of real science for you.

Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19
Yawn. Making shit up as you go. Many vaccines have worked. These BS mRNA new tech aren't vaccines.......unless you believe the new definition of it.

Protection. So the next time you are boning your gal. well ....who knows......put on the rubber and SAY ......I'M VACCINATED BABY.
An idiotic comparison.
Ivermectin for Covid-19: abundance of hype, dearth of evidence

Doctors and others in medical research are not trusted by the trump Nazis. But, every crackpot on social media pushing a wacko cure for COVID convinces the trump Nazis he (or she) has discovered or developed the real thing.

enjoy your TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
You don't get Nobel for the "preliminary studies"
Nothing of what you posted has anything to do with the nobel prize you just mentioned. Like, not a thing. So your comment is bizarre.
You won't find that on MSM
Yes you did.Stop making stuff up. It was widely reported. But much more science has been performed since the trials that were meta-analyzed, and whose meta-analysis was summarized by the authors. Those studies are old and few. The body of science shows ivermectin does not work. Sorry.

I wish it did..Doctors wish it did. Scientests wish it did. But it doesn't.
That's it. Apples. That's the ticket. If the USApple had just donated more to Donny, we could have had this cure over a year ago. And, what a slogan, An apple per day keeps Corona away. That's loads better "Clean the fishtank and cure the Covid" or Deworm today to keep Corona away", or "Got Covid? Get Bleach" :auiqs.jpg:
or, off topic, pull AMERICAN troops, and get 13 service members killed, right?

Im sorry but you cant help but laugh at this idiot. Did his wife want him dead ? Maybe he had a lot of money. It is sad that you cant drink horse wormer without dropping dead.
Many medicines used in animals are used in people.
Get this: I can read. I can read what scientists say. And you are on the wrong side of science, ethics, morality, and just plain basic humanity. You should be ashamed of yourself.
you just described the quack--fake-i....and the rest of the SCUM demonRATS...none of these shit stains know anything about science....but hey, retards put their lives in these corrupted hands, how pathetic
Let's do science. Inoculations Vs. vaccinations. I've had BOTH and it seems COVID dosen't have a vaccination.
Let's do science. Inoculations Vs. vaccinations. I've had BOTH and it seems COVID dosen't have a vaccination.
"It seems...."

Does it? To you?

So, when something "seems" one way to you, and the global experts almost unanimously say it is another way...

...does it ever occur to you that you just don't know what you are talking about?

I mean, that should be a rational, functioning adult's FIRST thought, in that scenario.

Is it even your 10th? 100th?
Ooh, you really showed all those scientists! What's next? Gonna go deadweight on the food and suck your thumb, to REALLY teach them a lesson? :auiqs.jpg:
What is the difference between inoculation and vaccination, Einstein? I've been both. Covid isn't exactly virial Ebola or the black plague, either.

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