Man yelling "allah" stabs people in Minnesota Mall

a series of attacks this last week, but Clinton does not want to call it terror or the perpetrators as muslim, even those who were scheduled for deportation and were habitual criminals

stabbing, hatchet attacks, pipe bombs, pressure cooker bomb...........

all muslims are not terrorists, but "radical terrorist" that we have a problem with here and around the world are muslims

Can't ignore the connections or fear to profile when trying to find and arrest them

You don't ignore 20 witnesses when asked who did this, and give a descriptions of 6'6" 250lb black or dark skin man and then have police investigate little old ladies and children because they aren't supposed to profile.
Does not make sense. Police should not be prevented from investigating muslim, especially muslim men between the age of 15-35 that might attend mosques lead by known radical imams or that might have traveled to or have recently come from area or know terrorism and radicalism or that associate with know radicals.

Get the peaceful muslim communities to help find those responsible and safeguard the country and the people.

Islam is peace, so let other muslims who make their homes here help us keep the peace here. Lets work together for peace in the world as well

Terrorist that kill or promote killing, in the name of islam are heretics so why should they be protected by other muslim?

I have only one point to make. Why should it be "peaceful Muslim communities" that help and not just "fellow Americans"? It is the responsibility of ALL citizens to assist the Law Enforcement agencies....including EVERYONE. Once another American assists in protecting a terrorist then they are not "peaceful". They are criminals.


You're nuts. Guilt by false association is the Nazi argument for genocide.
The blood is on the hands of Obama, Crooked Hillary and all the other scumbag politicians who decided to make the USA the dumping ground for third world savages, particularly Muslims.

So, fuck head, you are CONFIRMING that this low life who stabbed people is a FOREIGNER imported here by Obama and Clinton???

Why don't you go burn a cross on someone's yard and get some exercise....It is actually AMAZING how much that low-life has in common with you.
NYcarbineer got frightened off by my question it seems. Or maybe he's consulting with his counsel. We'll see.....
a series of attacks this last week, but Clinton does not want to call it terror or the perpetrators as muslim, even those who were scheduled for deportation and were habitual criminals

stabbing, hatchet attacks, pipe bombs, pressure cooker bomb...........

all muslims are not terrorists, but "radical terrorist" that we have a problem with here and around the world are muslims

Can't ignore the connections or fear to profile when trying to find and arrest them

You don't ignore 20 witnesses when asked who did this, and give a descriptions of 6'6" 250lb black or dark skin man and then have police investigate little old ladies and children because they aren't supposed to profile.
Does not make sense. Police should not be prevented from investigating muslim, especially muslim men between the age of 15-35 that might attend mosques lead by known radical imams or that might have traveled to or have recently come from area or know terrorism and radicalism or that associate with know radicals.

Get the peaceful muslim communities to help find those responsible and safeguard the country and the people.

Islam is peace, so let other muslims who make their homes here help us keep the peace here. Lets work together for peace in the world as well

Terrorist that kill or promote killing, in the name of islam are heretics so why should they be protected by other muslim?

I have only one point to make. Why should it be "peaceful Muslim communities" that help and not just "fellow Americans"? It is the responsibility of ALL citizens to assist the Law Enforcement agencies....including EVERYONE. Once another American assists in protecting a terrorist then they are not "peaceful". They are criminals.


they know the communities, mosques, usually they still use the language and can understand chatter and gossip.......
They are more likely to recognize things that are suspicious.
We have an anxiety that at times can border on panic and hate without reason, people are frustrated and angry and don't know where to focus it.
All americans should help fight crime, but we need muslim americans to be especially helpful to find those within the muslim communities before and after.
The cooperation will also help alleviate the fear that it is "all" muslim responsible. Cooperation with police and public will also lessen the misunderstandings and speculation about what Islam is supposed to be and that the corruptions and terrorism is abusing in the name of Islam, aiming to recruit other potential radicals and tainting muslims as a whole creating a divide between east and west, making it harder for all muslims that lived and want to live in piece in the west.

Yes we all have to work together if we see or suspect something and help police investigate. We have to let police and other authorities do their job to serve and protect all of us.

As with muslims, if there is a 1% of police that react too quickly or don't follow every procedure to the letter in every case, it does not mean all our police are bad guys and should be condemned or attacked. We have to find a way to trust and care about each other. It is just common sense

The Muslim ‘knifeman’ was shot and killed by an off-duty cop at the Crossroads Center in St. Paul. The suspect was dressed in a private security uniform. Witnesses said the attacker referenced ‘Allah’ several times and asked at least one victim if he was Muslim.

and some dress in uniforms travel across the world and kill civilians in other countries

Some do it on orders of military, as part of coalitions, and others on orders of a militant group or a caliphate

Waging war but not communicating or trying to make peace
NYcarbineer got frightened off by my question it seems. Or maybe he's consulting with his counsel. We'll see.....

Maybe other choose to spend time with family, go to church or just not live in front of a computer

Even you seemed to have turned your computer off for a time last night
Welcome to Hillary's America where every sadistic terrorist has a one way ticket in to our country unannounced and can even apply for government assistance.. Liberalism will be the death of all of us if we allow these idiots to stay in power.
I thought criminals would always be able to get guns. This guy only finds a knife and no one is killed? But according to guns huggers guns are no different than knives or cars.

Wayne La Pierre defends this scumbag's right to have a gun and says "knives are the real enemy".

Yes it is a ridiculous bunch of bullshit isn't it.

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