Manafort and Flynn descending into a legal hell

The point of this thread was a simple one.......No retirement parties for members of the Trump Keystone-Kops regime......LOL

Now that's a retirement party:

What the fuck are you talking about Kremlin had nothing to do with the dossier.

Are you naive enough to think that things happen in Russia these days without the approval of Putin? Do you think Putin knew nothing about the phony dossier that was being put out by Russians?

Dummy, Putin is not a god that you seem to think he is.

Putin rules Russia with an iron fist. The fact you don't seem to think he knew about what the Clinton's were doing with their phony dossier simply proves that you ARE as naive as I suspected!

Look moron just because you can imagine Putin knowing anything about the dossier DOES NOT MEAN HE DID.

You can't just claim whatever the fuck you feel like claiming.
Ah, so with typical liberal logic you'd like us to believe that Putin is a devious puppet master pulling strings to control our elections but at the same time he's oblivious to the Clinton Campaign paying millions of dollars to Russians to fake a Trump dossier and affect our election? It seems like YOU are more than happy to claim whatever you feel like claiming, Anton...even though it makes no sense at all even if you give it a cursory examination!

Can you quote me saying that Putin controlled our elections? Of course you can't, because I never said that. It's just one more thing you pulled directly out of your ass.

Kremlin trying to interfere in our elections does not make them omniscient - your arguments are straight idiotic.
Flynn is a standup guy.
I despise Mueller for attacking a guy who he knew wouldn't have enough money to defend himself.

Stand up guys do not lie to everyone including FBI.
I dunno. I sometimes wonder if the FBI are really "the good guys." Their ends sometimes justify their means.

Although Trump engaged the Russian's help, and he's disgusting.

Just so you understand what happened:

Flynn asked Russians to hold off responding to Obama's sanctions (and they did). He then lied about this ever happening. He admits that in his guilty plea.

That's not a stand up guy thing to do.

Do you have a link to his guilty please?

that's "pleas"

are you denying that he pled guilty? :rofl: his plea was entered in open court. :cuckoo:

Of course not.. that is common knowledge.
One has to wonder how folks like Manafort and Flynn (especially) are today reviewing their future fate.

Manafort has been a fraud and a treasonous crook for many years, and would probably have continued to be a wealthy scoundrel had he not decided to link up with the likes of an even bigger crook like Trump to avoid financial ruin.

Flynn, on the other hand, has forfeited a stellar military career and because of his greed, decided to also link up with the fraudulent likes of Trump, only to be ruined for life.

Just think of how these two men will be judged in the future….not only legally, but ethically as well.

Of course, other low-life people like Papadopolus and Page also thought that they had hit the “jackpot” when Trump chose these two pieces of scum to be part of his “advisory” entourage, only to find out that their only hope of escaping prison was to sing “arias” about the crooked dealings of this totally corrupt administration.

Trump acolytes have decided to place their dimming hopes that Trump would escape his just “desserts” on a questionable dossier, but delusion is an empty and sorry escape from the on-coming storm to soon hit Trump and his entourage, and these naive backers' own stupidity in supporting a fast-talking liar, demagogue, inept and self-centered charlatan.

This next few months should be “historical.”...The small "bribe" of a tax cut with borrowed money may not be enough to lull the senses of that 1/3 of the electorate that backed the buffoon.

Once the shit hits the fan, expect all these Conservatives to "No true Scotsman" their way out of Trump like they did with Bush the Dumber, Palin, Romney, and the teabags.
Most of the charges against Manafort are a joke and I expect Trump to pardon Flynn

Unless the guilty plea gets (Rightfully) tossed.

Why is Mueller asking that the exculpatory evidence be sealed, but they had no problem committing a felon in leaking Flynn's illegally obtained conversation with the Russian Ambassador?????
Damn, must be nice to have the answers you have with no information on which to base those answers. Does, of course, make you look like a con troll. If you have proof, bring it on. But I am sure you do not.
Saying that ANYONE except the special council and his team have the answers, which you suggest you have, is simply proof of being dishonest. You have nothing, and will have nothing, until Mueller brings the investigation to an end. Then we will see who goes to jail.
Flynn's fate is sealed. Here is a news flash, me boy. If you go to court, and plead guilty, then you get the relevant punishment. As in a JAIL SENTENCE. He has a good deal, which he chose to take. And you can jabber on till the end of time. Flynn is, by definition, guilty. Just as certainly as is the fact that you are stupid.

Well what did he do? what jail able offense did he commit?
He will walk...Manafort will do time or face probation and heavy fines but Flynn is innocent and is being railroaded...Mueller will drop his plea and Flynn will walk...

Jailable is actually not a word. But good try.
Who knows, me boy. Not you. Not me. But my money is on the big guy, name of Mueller.
Ever heard of him? And his team of lawyers. So, he has a heavy duty team. Tens of years of experience. So, there we are. Should we believe the Mueller team? Seems like a good bet. Or should we believe you? Who has NOTHING, except your interest in proving yourself to be a con troll, and incapable of rational thought. Nah. You loose. No one is listening to your drivel, me boy. No one except yourself.
Flynn is a standup guy.
I despise Mueller for attacking a guy who he knew wouldn't have enough money to defend himself.

Stand up guys do not lie to everyone including FBI.
I dunno. I sometimes wonder if the FBI are really "the good guys." Their ends sometimes justify their means.

Although Trump engaged the Russian's help, and he's disgusting.

Just so you understand what happened:

Flynn asked Russians to hold off responding to Obama's sanctions (and they did). He then lied about this ever happening. He admits that in his guilty plea.

That's not a stand up guy thing to do.

Do you have a link to his guilty please?

Michael Flynn Pleads Guilty to Lying to the F.B.I. and Will Cooperate With Russia Inquiry

Flynn enters guilty plea, will cooperate with Mueller
Unless the guilty plea gets (Rightfully) tossed.

Why would it get tossed? Because it makes him look guilty by pleading guilty?

Why is Mueller asking that the exculpatory evidence be sealed, but they had no problem committing a felon in leaking Flynn's illegally obtained conversation with the Russian Ambassador?????

How did Mueller commit a felony and how was the conversation illegally obtained if you're here saying that Flynn was talking to the top Russian spy?

Also, Trump said no one in his campaign had any contact with Russia. Obviously if Flynn was talking to the Russian Ambassador/Top Spy, that isn't true is it?
Of course he will. From his cell, and back to his cell. But his walking will, by definition, be within the jail yard.
He took a deal to get out of lots of jail time. As long as he does not screw up further, he will have a fairly short term in the slammer. Had he not taken the deal, he would have had a longer term.
If you do not understand that, then you must think Flynn is a total fool. Cause no one WANTS to go to jail.

Actually, Flynn's plea must have included getting his crooked son out of a serious jail sentence.
Yup. Without doubt. Kind of a two for one plea.
One has to wonder how folks like Manafort and Flynn (especially) are today reviewing their future fate.

Manafort has been a fraud and a treasonous crook for many years, and would probably have continued to be a wealthy scoundrel had he not decided to link up with the likes of an even bigger crook like Trump to avoid financial ruin.

Flynn, on the other hand, has forfeited a stellar military career and because of his greed, decided to also link up with the fraudulent likes of Trump, only to be ruined for life.

Just think of how these two men will be judged in the future….not only legally, but ethically as well.

Of course, other low-life people like Papadopolus and Page also thought that they had hit the “jackpot” when Trump chose these two pieces of scum to be part of his “advisory” entourage, only to find out that their only hope of escaping prison was to sing “arias” about the crooked dealings of this totally corrupt administration.

Trump acolytes have decided to place their dimming hopes that Trump would escape his just “desserts” on a questionable dossier, but delusion is an empty and sorry escape from the on-coming storm to soon hit Trump and his entourage, and these naive backers' own stupidity in supporting a fast-talking liar, demagogue, inept and self-centered charlatan.

This next few months should be “historical.”...The small "bribe" of a tax cut with borrowed money may not be enough to lull the senses of that 1/3 of the electorate that backed the buffoon.

They must be terrified. They should be...

Watergate Figure John Dean Says Rick Gates’ Testimony Could Be The End Of The Trump Presidency
And a better question is...when does Mueller start investigating the REAL collusion that took place between Russians and one of the candidates in the last election?'s not Trump!

Hint: You are clueless.

I'm "clueless" when I point out that collusion DID take place between Russians and one of the candidates in the last election but that it was Hillary Clinton...not Donald Trump?

I suppose I'm also "clueless" when I point out that the use of a FISA warrant obtained with a phony dossier to spy on political opponents is far worse than anything Richard Nixon EVER did back in the Watergate days?

To be quite blunt...I'm having a hard time seeing how revealing ANYTHING in that warrant application could be more damaging to the country than the damage that was already DONE by people in power using the FBI and the IRS to kneecap their political opponents! Let's see it all. Let the people decide who did what!

steele's dossier confirmed intel that the FBI already got from a HUMAN CONTACT within the campaign. know... a mole? that only made it more credible because names,dates & places mentioned in the dossier were already known to the FBI.
Unless the guilty plea gets (Rightfully) tossed.

Why would it get tossed? Because it makes him look guilty by pleading guilty?

Why is Mueller asking that the exculpatory evidence be sealed, but they had no problem committing a felon in leaking Flynn's illegally obtained conversation with the Russian Ambassador?????

How did Mueller commit a felony and how was the conversation illegally obtained if you're here saying that Flynn was talking to the top Russian spy?

Also, Trump said no one in his campaign had any contact with Russia. Obviously if Flynn was talking to the Russian Ambassador/Top Spy, that isn't true is it?

Because the fucking fascist "pitbull" Andrew Weissmann has a long history of withholding exculpatory evidence from defendants.

Mueller's 'Pit Bull' Andrew Weissmann Busted for Withholding Evidence in Previous Case | Sara A. Carter

Mueller has asked the judge to seal the evidence to be delivered to Flynn. Why do you suppose that is? Mueller & Co had no problem committing a felony in releasing Flynn's illegally obtained call with Kislayk but now, all of a sudden, Mueller is concerned about publicity and sanctity of privacy?
Flynn is a standup guy.
I despise Mueller for attacking a guy who he knew wouldn't have enough money to defend himself.

Stand up guys do not lie to everyone including FBI.
I dunno. I sometimes wonder if the FBI are really "the good guys." Their ends sometimes justify their means.

Although Trump engaged the Russian's help, and he's disgusting.

Just so you understand what happened:

Flynn asked Russians to hold off responding to Obama's sanctions (and they did). He then lied about this ever happening. He admits that in his guilty plea.

That's not a stand up guy thing to do.

Do you have a link to his guilty please?

Michael Flynn Pleads Guilty to Lying to the F.B.I. and Will Cooperate With Russia Inquiry

Flynn enters guilty plea, will cooperate with Mueller
Interviewed by Peter Strokz
Why is MewLOLer sealing the exculpatory evidence but leaking the illegally obtained Flynn conversations?

How are the Flynn conversations illegally obtained?
Imo, what dreams are made of, but......

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption

Even assuming there's a kernel of something beyond utter bs to this, Flynn got a sweetheart deal. Guilty to one count of lying. He could possibly be prosecuted for something by the DOJ, but ...... if he is able to withdraw it, the legal bills will bankrupt him.
Flynn is a standup guy.
I despise Mueller for attacking a guy who he knew wouldn't have enough money to defend himself.

Stand up guys do not lie to everyone including FBI.
I dunno. I sometimes wonder if the FBI are really "the good guys." Their ends sometimes justify their means.

Although Trump engaged the Russian's help, and he's disgusting.

Got anything else stupid to say?

no, it's your turn

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