Manchin and Schumer reach deal on voting laws


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?
I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?
The constitution says elections are the business of each individual state. This is BS
That is one of the items in Missouri you can use to prove identify along with social security cards and birth certificates. The utility bill lets them know you actually do live there.
I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?

They've already stated that blacks are too stupid at everything.
I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?
The constitution says elections are the business of each individual state. This is BS
and Congress has the ability to codicil or addendum state laws on elections and make rules for federal elections.
I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?
The constitution says elections are the business of each individual state. This is BS
Article 1 section 4
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day.
I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?
The constitution says elections are the business of each individual state. This is BS
Guess you've never read the 17th amendment
That is one of the items in Missouri you can use to prove identify along with social security cards and birth certificates. The utility bill lets them know you actually do live there.

Unless I borrowed my friends. Or stole my neighbor's.
I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?

They've already stated that blacks are too stupid at everything.

They could also rise up against it because some may not be able to afford utilities because...racism.
I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?
The constitution says elections are the business of each individual state. This is BS
and Congress has the ability to codicil or addendum state laws on elections and make rules for federal elections.
It's already been posted.
I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?

Democrats never said that. Democrats realize that many live on the margins of society, in dire poverty, with no access to the things we take for granted. They don't deserve to lose their right to vote.
I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?

Democrats never said that. Democrats realize that many live on the margins of society, in dire poverty, with no access to the things we take for granted. They don't deserve to lose their right to vote.
Like basic identification you need for damn near everything in this country? Or using the internet? Or having lawyers? Jesus Christ, what else have you condescending assholes told blacks they are incapable of doing?

The difference is that Mr. Manchin’s bill wouldn’t require photo ID. Anyone would be permitted to vote by showing a utility bill, a form of ID that only 15 states (including West Virginia) accept. Anyone with a color printer can forge a utility bill. In 2012 Patrick Moran, son of then-Rep. Jim Moran of Virginia, was forced to resign as his father’s field director after the filmmaker James O’Keefe caught him on videotape saying: “They can fake a utility bill with ease.” (Patrick Moran told Politico he thought Mr. O’Keefe was “joking” and quit to avoid becoming a “distraction.”)
A study by economist John Lott finds that 46 of 47

European countries require government-issued photo ID to vote. The exception is Great Britain (although not Northern Ireland): Last month Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government said it would make photo IDs mandatory in response to a 2016 Royal Commission report. As the BBC summarized it, “authorities are turning a blind eye to electoral corruption in the UK because of a desire for political correctness.”

The federal government has no business messing with states rights on elections...anything they pass and Joe signs will be challenged in court for years.....
That is one of the items in Missouri you can use to prove identify along with social security cards and birth certificates. The utility bill lets them know you actually do live there.

Unless I borrowed my friends. Or stole my neighbor's.

Its the republicans who want to suppress the minority vote.
Wish I could thread ban you and your retarded shit :rolleyes:
You can't, is that a problem for you? Suppression of the freedom of speech.
I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?
The constitution says elections are the business of each individual state. This is BS
Guess you've never read the 17th amendment
All I know kid is this is just a way to cheat.
guess you believed Dr Fauci and harmed your own GD relatives to do it. I wouldn't be able to live with myself because TDS is my life.My God


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