Manchin and Schumer reach deal on voting laws

Never. In fact democrats have all along said that utility bill or bank statement is good and it was. Until the bush boy years when the republicans went on a crusade to make it harder to vote by not allowing a utility bill or bank statement or state college ID as ID. They reduced what they would take as ID.

That is what democrats were upset about. Not the ID but only allowing one or two forms of ID making it harder to obtain that ID and vote.

The difference is that Mr. Manchin’s bill wouldn’t require photo ID. Anyone would be permitted to vote by showing a utility bill, a form of ID that only 15 states (including West Virginia) accept. Anyone with a color printer can forge a utility bill. In 2012 Patrick Moran, son of then-Rep. Jim Moran of Virginia, was forced to resign as his father’s field director after the filmmaker James O’Keefe caught him on videotape saying: “They can fake a utility bill with ease.” (Patrick Moran told Politico he thought Mr. O’Keefe was “joking” and quit to avoid becoming a “distraction.”)

I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?
The constitution says elections are the business of each individual state. This is BS
Guess you've never read the 17th amendment

What has the 17th amendment got to do with anything here ?
It really doesn't matter as there is no way it's getting 60 votes.
From what I understand the bipartisan bill has 11 Repubs.

The only thing I've read on it.

Under the deal, Manchin will provide a 50th Democratic vote on advancing the For the People Act, though it will still fail to overcome Tuesday's procedural hurdle because of a GOP filibuster that requires 60 votes. But being unified, Democrats hope, will keep the focus on GOP opposition to the bill.
While Manchin's vote won't save the bill, the unified Democrat vote will both help the party's political messaging that the GOP is stonewalling them and likely intensify progressives' push to end the filibuster.
I guess Manchin doesn't care about getting more pressure to end the filibuster, nor does he care about helping the dems' messaging that the GOP is stonewalling them. Which BTW is the same fucking thing they were doing when Trump was in office and they were the minority party in the Senate.

In the end I don't think it'll mean much, cuz at this point the Dems won't get the 60 votes to open debate on the Election Reform Bill, cuz it ain't going anywhere. All this crap is to allow the dems to play to their base and blame the GOP, which they were going to do anyway. It's all about appeasing the Far Left so they won't primary the more moderate dems out of office next year, they've gotta make it look like they're fighting like hell to pass the Biden agenda, knowing full well it ain't going to happen.

Sooner or later though, the Dems are going to have a dem prez and a dem Senate with enough votes (50+1) to abolish the filibuster, and when that happens we will all learn what "tyranny of the majority" really means.
The GOP will not support this legislation no matter what Manchin proposes…
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?

So, all those old stereotypes from old cartoons were true after all.

I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?

Democrats never said that. Democrats realize that many live on the margins of society, in dire poverty, with no access to the things we take for granted. They don't deserve to lose their right to vote.
Voting is not an absolute right. When will you far Left retards get that?
I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?
None of my utility providers required me to prove I was a citizen. . . strange.

Do your utility providers require you to prove you are a citizen?
That is one of the items in Missouri you can use to prove identify along with social security cards and birth certificates. The utility bill lets them know you actually do live there
how does a piece of paper identify the person who lives at the address?
unless you have to photo ID any one can take that piece of paper and use as an ID to vote.
That is one of the items in Missouri you can use to prove identify along with social security cards and birth certificates. The utility bill lets them know you actually do live there
how does a piece of paper identify the person who lives at the address?
unless you have to photo ID any one can take that piece of paper and use as an ID to vote.
So you were born with a photo ID?

If not born with an ID in hand then you had to prove yer ID without a photo ID...Did you not?
That is one of the items in Missouri you can use to prove identify along with social security cards and birth certificates. The utility bill lets them know you actually do live there
how does a piece of paper identify the person who lives at the address?
unless you have to photo ID any one can take that piece of paper and use as an ID to vote.
So you were born with a photo ID?

If not born with an ID in hand then you had to prove yer ID without a photo ID...Did you not?
and what does that have to do with anything?
do you think you can get a social security card replacement without a photo ID?
While Manchin's vote won't save the bill, the unified Democrat vote will both help the party's political messaging that the GOP is stonewalling them and likely intensify progressives' push to end the filibuster.

I hope they do get rid of the filibuster AND then lose the Senate.
I dont have much of a problem with most of it. This part caught my eye though
Manchin is proposing voter ID requirements with the possibility of alternatives such as a utility bill to provide proof of identity in order to vote.
When will democrats start saying blacks are too stupid to bring a utility bill?
None of my utility providers required me to prove I was a citizen. . . strange.

Do your utility providers require you to prove you are a citizen?
Good point MB!
I dont understand why people say its unconstitutional. I posted the the relevant part of the constitution that gives congress the power to regulate federal elections.
Some things could be challenged. Perhaps the gerrymandering.. but the rest?
Could someone explain?
I dont understand why people say its unconstitutional. I posted the the relevant part of the constitution that gives congress the power to regulate federal elections.
Some things could be challenged. Perhaps the gerrymandering.. but the rest?
Could someone explain?
Perhaps if folks skimmed a quick list of bullet points of the main Manchin compromise. It is only two pages of large font. It really isn't that hard to be informed.

Voting Legislation For the People Act Compromise
Point 8 concerns me.

Are they saying, provide for penalties if the state fails to send out a ballot, or provide for penalties if someone withholds voting for any of the crooks and thieves offered before the electorate for representation?

. . . b/c I have always firmly felt that the Australian system of fining people for not voting is bullshit.

Folks should have the right to not vote, as a vote of no confidence in the entire system.

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