Manchin Screws 36 million poor and middle class

I'm not quite sure what he's up to.

I don't think it would be surprising at all if they still ended up with a similarly-sized bill that he "blessed".

Who knows with politicians. Any of them. Their priorities are questionable, at best.
If you read the bill, you'd see that most of it is trash. The have sections to build housing about 5 different places. The same goes for several other items. It was a slush fund for Democrat vote buying. The bill is a threat to the democracy you claim to defend.
Of course Republicans did as well.
Not a single one would vote for this bill.
Not Romney. Not Collins. Not Murkowsky
None of them care about working families
Of course they do.
They just disagree with your inane, bigoted nottion that ony the federal government can help working families, and only Democrats know how to make it happen.
"Rip off his state"?

He's screwing the poor and middle class in his well as miners with black lung.

Yea...there was help for them in the bill he's killing
The poor and the middle class are the biggest victims of Biden's inflation. No reason to make things worse by adding monster debt onto an already debt saturated balance sheet. Anyway, you already know this BBB debacle has no intention of helping needy people. It's all about grabbing power by making everyone totally dependent on government. It's totalitarianism. And while we're on the topic, let's not forget the huge tax cut (SALT) for the rich. This has always been about grabbing money and power for Democrats.
What you are saying is that helping out less fortunate folks is popular

Ohhh no. We can’t have that!
If a woman has five children from multiple men or a man has fathered a dozen kids with multiple women and all from this has very little taxes paid, what do I owe? this is not something that began a few years ago.
Oh please…..everyone knows that once the Democrats devise a program to give certain people “free money,” (meaning it’s paid for by others), it is a political impossibility to remove it. They only call it temporary in order to ram in through.

Everyone in my family - who worked for what we have - is relieved that inflation won’t be driven even higher in order to give away money to people capable of earning it themselves.

It's all about buying votes. Anytime a commie says it's for the children, you know the nation is gonna get screwed. And Manchin knows it as well.

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Of course Republicans did as well.

Not a single one would vote for this bill.

Not Romney. Not Collins. Not Murkowsky

None of them care about working families
Emergency measures should not be eternal.

The federal government has flooded the economy with so much money for the past 13 years we are on the verge of runaway inflation, and that hurts the poor more than any other group.

As it is, the Fed is going to have to step in and crush inflation with higher interest rates, and that will trigger a recession. And that will hurt the poor the most, too.
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Billionaires pay most of taxes!

republicans say the same idiotic statement.
“Most Taxes” ??
As a percentage of income, the rich pay less than half of what
the majority of working stiffs in America pays.
FICA, tax collection stops ar 149k income.


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It's all about buying votes. Anytime a commie says it's for the children, you know the nation is gonna get screwed. And Manchin know it as well.

Yup. And the dumb liberals keep falling for it - and voting for it.
republicans say the same idiotic statement.
“Most Taxes” ??
As a percentage of income, the rich pay less than half of what
the majority of working stiffs in America pays.
FICA, tax collection stops ar 149k income.
That's bullshit. the top 10% of taxpayers pay 80% of all income taxes.
It must be interesting to live a totally black and white existence where YOU are always correct and the "other" is always evil.
it isn't that it's correct, it's within compliance to the nutjobs.

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