Mandatory COVID Vaccine Kamala Says Government Should Not Make Decisions About Your Body

Coercion to take an EXPERIMENTAL INJECTION or lose your CAREER is nothing short of EVIL, carrion crow.
GTFOH :eusa_hand:
Awwwww... I don't think you liked my contribution... I'm crushed... my widdle feeewings are hurt... :laughing0301:


In extraordinary times of public health emergency, governments usually act in good faith about such things...

And if clinicians are telling authorities that Vaccine A or B will lessen the effects of a pandemic, authorities listen...

We lost over a million of our fellow countrymen to COVID-19 and it was necessary for us to achieve Herd Immunity...

One of the tools for doing this was to vaccinate the population and to minimize mortality for the infected...

Which is exactly what happened in the long run... on the macro level... despite various individual outcomes...

Vaccinations were voluntary amongst the population at large...

If you were in a healthcare setting you were mandated to get vaccinated... I was one of those... and it made perfect sense...

If you were in a military setting or educational setting, or any of several others... ditto... and it made sense there, as well...

Our people... including government at various levels... did the best they could with the situation and data at the time..

Enough of this Happy Hor$e$hit...

I am content that they acted in good faith for the greater good... as do very, very large numbers of our countrymen...

Time to put this in the rear view mirror and to stop pi$$ing and moaning and bitching about it like whiney crybabies.
Awwwww... I don't think you liked my contribution... I'm crushed... my widdle feeewings are hurt... :laughing0301:


In extraordinary times of public health emergency, governments usually act in good faith about such things...

And if clinicians are telling authorities that Vaccine A or B will lessen the effects of a pandemic, authorities listen...

We lost over a million of our fellow countrymen to COVID-19 and it was necessary for us to achieve Herd Immunity...

One of the tools for doing this was to vaccinate the population and to minimize mortality for the infected...

Which is exactly what happened in the long run... on the macro level... despite various individual outcomes...

Vaccinations were voluntary amongst the population at large...

If you were in a healthcare setting you were mandated to get vaccinated... I was one of those... and it made perfect sense...

If you were in a military setting or educational setting, or any of several others... ditto... and it made sense there, as well...

Our people... including government at various levels... did the best they could with the situation and data at the time..

Enough of this Happy Hor$e$hit...

I am content that they acted in good faith for the greater good... as do very, very large numbers of our countrymen...

Time to put this in the rear view mirror and to stop pi$$ing and moaning and bitching about it like whiney crybabies.
Aaaaaaaaaaand as it turned out, the mRNA POTIONS were NOT A FUCKING VACCINE AFTER ALL.

Fuck YOU and the rest of the authoritarian HACKS!!!!!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaand as it turned out, the mRNA POTIONS were NOT A FUCKING VACCINE AFTER ALL.

Fuck YOU and the rest of the authoritarian HACKS!!!!!!!
Thank you for your feedback, you silly little twat... :itsok:
Awwwww... I don't think you liked my contribution... I'm crushed... my widdle feeewings are hurt... :laughing0301:


In extraordinary times of public health emergency, governments usually act in good faith about such things...

And if clinicians are telling authorities that Vaccine A or B will lessen the effects of a pandemic, authorities listen...

We lost over a million of our fellow countrymen to COVID-19 and it was necessary for us to achieve Herd Immunity...

One of the tools for doing this was to vaccinate the population and to minimize mortality for the infected...

Which is exactly what happened in the long run... on the macro level... despite various individual outcomes...

Vaccinations were voluntary amongst the population at large...

If you were in a healthcare setting you were mandated to get vaccinated... I was one of those... and it made perfect sense...

If you were in a military setting or educational setting, or any of several others... ditto... and it made sense there, as well...

Our people... including government at various levels... did the best they could with the situation and data at the time..

Enough of this Happy Hor$e$hit...

I am content that they acted in good faith for the greater good... as do very, very large numbers of our countrymen...

Time to put this in the rear view mirror and to stop pi$$ing and moaning and bitching about it like whiney crybabies.

I have no problem with vaccinations as long as the dangers are known to the public. However, the govt allowed pharma to go ahead with its experimental injections without letting the public know how dangerous and deadly they were. Thats a big problem. These injections killed and injured millions but the govt just went along with it.
Yet the Repubs want to control the female uterus.

A minuscule segment of evangelicals want to do that.

You fucktards are such liars....

And besides, so what? You morons want to throw the righties into camps. So there. :p
I can tell yer wishin' pretty fastidiously.

Harris says she wouldn't trust Trump on any vaccine ...

View attachment 1010101
Politico › news › 2020/09/05 › kamal...

Sep 5, 2020 — Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris said she wouldn't take President Donald Trump's word on the reliability of any coronavirus vaccine released ...

And yet the drug, praised by the current admin, pharma, big gov, injured and killed millions. I dont trust one letter coming out of our filthy govt regardless of who's in charge. They're despicable.
So was I. Read it again, I guess.

I take this lane change by you as an implicit admission that I was right about the laws.
it was no lane change...your talking about people who said fuck it i will quit instead of the talking about those who maybe worked a long time for their benefits being told its the shot or the door....and im pretty sure you knew that ...thats called MANDATORY shots.....
it was no lane change...your talking about people who said fuck it i will quit instead of the talking about those who maybe worked a long time for their benefits being told its the shot or the door....and im pretty sure you knew that ...thats called MANDATORY shots.....

I would rather be unemployed than go through this.

COVID vaccine victims website Real Not Rare
OMG and this was only the first debate!

The height of hypocrisy. But, if we want to win, we need to quit talking about abortion because that is a losing issue for us. We need to talk about the fact that people can't afford to live anymore under the Democrats.
The difference is anti-vaxxers endanger others. Especially since 90% of them were also covid deniers and refused to take precautions against spreading the virus. That is completely different

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