Mandatory Masks Indoors/Outdoors in Washington State Until Cure Found

You know, in places where they had protests for BLM, there haven't been any spikes in reported cases.

In places where they did open up a bit early (TX, FL, CA), there have been spikes in the reported cases.

The difference between the 2? Protesters wore masks most of the time. In places where they opened up early, people didn't wear masks very often. So, the lesson to be learned here is understand that the virus is transmitted via the air, and masks are useful in helping to keep you safe.

Wear one or don't, but remember, those who wear them have a much less chance of catching this thing.
Protestors wore masks?
Desperation flailing to keep hoax alive. Required on Mt Shasta also with nobody within 10 miles?
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

When are people going to realize that masks are less than useless against this virus. Stupidty isn't about to cure anything.

Riddle me this then if masks are less than useless against the virus............

In places where they had protests and the protesters wore masks, they haven't had a spike in new cases.

In places where they opened a bit early (CA, FL, TX), but the people didn't wear masks in public, there has been a significant spike in new cases.

If masks don't work in your opinion, then why are the cases spiking in places where they didn't wear masks, but in other places where they did, there isn't really any spike in new cases?

The corona virus size is 30 - 100 nanometers in diameter. N95 mask designed to block 95% of micron sized particles or an entire order of magnitude larger. That's 1000 times larger than the virus. You may as well fashion a mask from cheese cloth you simple minded moron. And many of the idiotic masks and bandanas idiots like you are wearing are much much less effective than the N95. If there were a mask that could block the virus it would suffocate you.
Why don't you just put a plastic bag over your head and tape up around your neck good and tight so there's no leakage. Then get back to us in a couple of days and let us know how it worked out. That way you sure as hell won't die from the virus.
Your link is from March, 2020. That was almost 4 months ago.
Every link I've seen from that retard Inslee is from this month, 23rd.
Washington continues to sink like a turd in a toilet bowl.

I weep for my beloved state.
By the way grocery stores here were supposed to require people as of yesterday to wear a mask inside.
It's not happening. Unless they send cops in to arrest people there is no way such an ignorant thing can be
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

When are people going to realize that masks are less than useless against this virus. Stupidty isn't about to cure anything.

Riddle me this then if masks are less than useless against the virus............

In places where they had protests and the protesters wore masks, they haven't had a spike in new cases.

In places where they opened a bit early (CA, FL, TX), but the people didn't wear masks in public, there has been a significant spike in new cases.

If masks don't work in your opinion, then why are the cases spiking in places where they didn't wear masks, but in other places where they did, there isn't really any spike in new cases?

The corona virus size is 30 - 100 nanometers in diameter. N95 mask designed to block 95% of micron sized particles or an entire order of magnitude larger. That's 1000 times larger than the virus. You may as well fashion a mask from cheese cloth you simple minded moron. And many of the idiotic masks and bandanas idiots like you are wearing are much much less effective than the N95. If there were a mask that could block the virus it would suffocate you.
Why don't you just put a plastic bag over your head and tape up around your neck good and tight so there's no leakage. Then get back to us in a couple of days and let us know how it worked out. That way you sure as hell won't die from the virus.
My mask for stores requiring one.
Your link is from March, 2020. That was almost 4 months ago.
Every link I've seen from that retard Inslee is from this month, 23rd.
Washington continues to sink like a turd in a toilet bowl.

I weep for my beloved state.
By the way grocery stores here were supposed to require people as of yesterday to wear a mask inside.
It's not happening. Unless they send cops in to arrest people there is no way such an ignorant thing can be
Burn businesses down - no cops
Go into a shoe store without a mask - SWAT
The name Washington should be removed from that state because they don’t deserve it.
Great! Take the eastern portion of Washington and slap it onto Idaho.
Or take the eastern half of Washington and Oregon and upper California and create the new state of Columbia.
Suits me.
The name Washington should be removed from that state because they don’t deserve it.
Great! Take the eastern portion of Washington and slap it onto Idaho.
Or take the eastern half of Washington and Oregon and upper California and create the new state of Columbia.
Suits me.
That new state should be called Washington and the western remnants of Washington should be called the NewSSR.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

There is lot of exceptions. Outdoors you only need to wear masks it you don't maintain social distancing. Most office workers are excluded, construction worker, etc... IMHO, it will not help much because most people that are going to wear a mask are doing so.

The only sure way to reduce the number of cases is to reduce testing and Trump is working on that.
The “I care” virtue signaling is far more important emotion than the fact that the masks do t do much other than look like things must be serious.
Plus, only 0.03% of population die from it, merely 1.25% of all infecteds are in serious to critical condition. And just 1 out of every 12 people even get it with 98.75% classified as mild down to dont know they have it.

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