Mandatory Masks Indoors/Outdoors in Washington State Until Cure Found

The “I care” virtue signaling is far more important emotion than the fact that the masks do t do much other than look like things must be serious.
Plus, only 0.03% of population die from it, merely 1.25% of all infecteds are in serious to critical condition. And just 1 out of every 12 people even get it with 98.75% classified as mild down to dont know they have it.
It's America's favorite game...virtue signaling.

How are you going to prove you care more and are a better person than the other guy if you don't wear your mask?
You can double all social credit scores by wearing a BLM mask.
You can triple your scores by getting a Joe Biden yard sign. And as far as I can tell you can
be the only person in the Western United States to have a Biden bumper sticker at all.

That's a virtue signaling home run, bro!!
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Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

The governor did not say masks would be required until a cure is found. Those are your words. The governor said,
“Until a vaccine or cure is developed, this is going to be one of our best defenses.”

Actions like these by the states would not be necessary if the president supported his administration's guidelines and actually showed some leadership. The administration declares a healthcare emergency and created guidelines to follow to reduce the spread of the virus and the president not only does not follow his own guidelines but encourages his follows not to. Then he wants to reduce testing for the virus. This is just plain nuts.
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The governor did not say masks would be required until a cure is found. Those are your words. The governor csaid, “Until a vaccine or cure is developed, this is going to be one of our best defenses.”
It's highly unlikely Jay "Chops" Inslee would forgo one of his "best defenses" against Covid 19.
He's too much of a "people person", the people gunned down in the CHOP notwithstanding.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

There is lot of exceptions. Outdoors you only need to wear masks it you don't maintain social distancing. Most office workers are excluded, construction worker, etc... IMHO, it will not help much because most people that are going to wear a mask are doing so.

The only sure way to reduce the number of cases is to reduce testing and Trump is working on that.
There are very few exceptions and even 6 feet apart masks are required even outdoors.
Hide in your closet, coward.
I care so much about your health obsession that I’m going to wear a burka and mask so you will feel safe space cozy.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

When are people going to realize that masks are less than useless against this virus. Stupidty isn't about to cure anything.

Riddle me this then if masks are less than useless against the virus............

In places where they had protests and the protesters wore masks, they haven't had a spike in new cases.

In places where they opened a bit early (CA, FL, TX), but the people didn't wear masks in public, there has been a significant spike in new cases.

If masks don't work in your opinion, then why are the cases spiking in places where they didn't wear masks, but in other places where they did, there isn't really any spike in new cases?
The increase in "cases" is because we are testing more people and nothing to do with wearing a mask. The death rate has dropped by 65% since April.


Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

When are people going to realize that masks are less than useless against this virus. Stupidty isn't about to cure anything.

Riddle me this then if masks are less than useless against the virus............

In places where they had protests and the protesters wore masks, they haven't had a spike in new cases.

In places where they opened a bit early (CA, FL, TX), but the people didn't wear masks in public, there has been a significant spike in new cases.

If masks don't work in your opinion, then why are the cases spiking in places where they didn't wear masks, but in other places where they did, there isn't really any spike in new cases?
The increase in "cases" is because we are testing more people and nothing to do with wearing a mask. The death rate has dropped by 65% since April.


Facts just spoil a fantasy feelings frenzy
Notice how the narrative has shifted from "deaths" to "cases"?

Why? Ask this guy ....

You know, in places where they had protests for BLM, there haven't been any spikes in reported cases.

In places where they did open up a bit early (TX, FL, CA), there have been spikes in the reported cases.

The difference between the 2? Protesters wore masks most of the time. In places where they opened up early, people didn't wear masks very often. So, the lesson to be learned here is understand that the virus is transmitted via the air, and masks are useful in helping to keep you safe.

Wear one or don't, but remember, those who wear them have a much less chance of catching this thing.
That's not true. Have seen stories on increases in some of em.
Notice how the narrative has shifted from "deaths" to "cases"?

Why? Ask this guy ....

As the hoax faded the goalposts were moved from not
overcrowding hospitals to decreasing the curve to making sure that nobody infects anybody else to reducing deaths to reducing positive cases to finding a cure.
The excessive fluidity of overreactive hoaxes always shows itself
You know, in places where they had protests for BLM, there haven't been any spikes in reported cases.

In places where they did open up a bit early (TX, FL, CA), there have been spikes in the reported cases.

The difference between the 2? Protesters wore masks most of the time. In places where they opened up early, people didn't wear masks very often. So, the lesson to be learned here is understand that the virus is transmitted via the air, and masks are useful in helping to keep you safe.

Wear one or don't, but remember, those who wear them have a much less chance of catching this thing.
The mask has been pretty well debunked as anything more than a minor factor in preventing the spread. So, it's not the re-opening. It's MORE TESTING that makes it APPEAR like there is a resurgence, which the commie Democrats are politicizing like a MOTHERFUCKER.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

Should be nation wide, and would be if we had a real president.
You know, in places where they had protests for BLM, there haven't been any spikes in reported cases.

In places where they did open up a bit early (TX, FL, CA), there have been spikes in the reported cases.

The difference between the 2? Protesters wore masks most of the time. In places where they opened up early, people didn't wear masks very often. So, the lesson to be learned here is understand that the virus is transmitted via the air, and masks are useful in helping to keep you safe.

Wear one or don't, but remember, those who wear them have a much less chance of catching this thing.

"Rioters wore masks most of the time."

First thing I fixed the above for you from "Protestors" to "Rioters" Yes Antifa wear masks and in general cover their faces.

All you did was politicize my post. You didn't address the real point of what I said which was that masks are useful in preventing the spread of this thing.

There is no evidence that wearing a mask prevents anything. Also the majority of places where the feral THUGS were rioting and looting they were not wearing masks and also I saw footage from London, England of all the feral THUGS copying the America Hating THUGS who SQUAT in America and those in London also not many wearing masks.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

Should be nation wide, and would be if we had a real president.

What should be nation wide in America and WORLD Wide for ALL Leftist Communist filth as ALL are unhinged, demented feral sub-animals is the below on the ugly faces:


^^^^ This:

Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

They have been searching for a cure for Communism for over 100 years.
Progs lost any validity when they arrested people surfing or alone in the wilderness while letting their constituents riot. Anyway more guns were purchased. I have to keep saying that to you. Because a major party in our nation that is sworn to protect its citizens, has reneged on it. And we pay high taxes. So even if a person does not vote for that is taxation without representation!
You know, in places where they had protests for BLM, there haven't been any spikes in reported cases.

In places where they did open up a bit early (TX, FL, CA), there have been spikes in the reported cases.

The difference between the 2? Protesters wore masks most of the time. In places where they opened up early, people didn't wear masks very often. So, the lesson to be learned here is understand that the virus is transmitted via the air, and masks are useful in helping to keep you safe.

Wear one or don't, but remember, those who wear them have a much less chance of catching this thing.

"You know, in places where they had protests for BLM, there haven't been any spikes in reported cases."

"The difference between the 2? Protesters wore masks most of the time. "

To answer the above comments of yours:

The below OP thread just posted by BlueGin


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