Mandatory Masks Indoors/Outdoors in Washington State Until Cure Found

You know, in places where they had protests for BLM, there haven't been any spikes in reported cases.

In places where they did open up a bit early (TX, FL, CA), there have been spikes in the reported cases.

The difference between the 2? Protesters wore masks most of the time. In places where they opened up early, people didn't wear masks very often. So, the lesson to be learned here is understand that the virus is transmitted via the air, and masks are useful in helping to keep you safe.

Wear one or don't, but remember, those who wear them have a much less chance of catching this thing.

"You know, in places where they had protests for BLM, there haven't been any spikes in reported cases."

"The difference between the 2? Protesters wore masks most of the time. "

To answer the above comments of yours:

The below OP thread just posted by BlueGin

You linked to a USMB thread that is the OPINION of Blue Gin. In the article she posted, there is no mention of protesters being responsible for a spike.

The link that Blue Gin used...................................

They have been searching for a cure for Communism for over 100 years.
I think we have actually found the cure:

Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

Should be nation wide, and would be if we had a real president.

What should be nation wide in America and WORLD Wide for ALL Leftist Communist filth as ALL are unhinged, demented feral sub-animals is the below on the ugly faces:

View attachment 354995

^^^^ This:

View attachment 354996
Is that from your own collection you kinky little mind you?
The “I care” virtue signaling is far more important emotion than the fact that the masks do t do much other than look like things must be serious.
Plus, only 0.03% of population die from it, merely 1.25% of all infecteds are in serious to critical condition. And just 1 out of every 12 people even get it with 98.75% classified as mild down to dont know they have it.
It's America's favorite game...virtue signaling.

How are you going to prove you care more and are a better person than the other guy if you don't wear your mask?
You can double all social credit scores by wearing a BLM mask.
You can triple your scores by getting a Joe Biden yard sign. And as far as I can tell you can
be the only person in the Western United States to have a Biden bumper sticker at all.

That's a virtue signaling home run, bro!!
I don't understand why anyone needs to prove that they care about others? Virtue does have it's own rewards.

In my area, if you don't wear a mask in retail establishments and large groups, you are sending a pretty clear message as how much you care about others. I was in a store yesterday and four people came in without masks and the store owner ask them to wear masks or leave. In fact he offered them masks They abruptly left saying they would not shop there again. I thanked the store owner for doing the right thing even thou it cost him some business.

I think most people do care and are wearing masks, at least in Western Washington they seem to be. However, there are a few that will never put on mask because there is no personal benefit and then there are those that wear one if they remember to do so. This last group is one the governor is trying to reach.

Frankly I think an add campaign with a message, I wear a mask because I care about others would work just as well if not better than a mandate. Most people have moms, dads, spouses, sisters, brothers, grandparents, or close friends that they do care about and would certain suffer and possibly die if infected. These are the people the governor should try reach, people that really do care but are a bit complacent.

I notice most of the projections of deaths and new cases assumes 95% of the people will comply with the recommendations. I find that's interesting that they believe only 5% of the population is either too stupid, complacent, or just don't care about others.
You know, in places where they had protests for BLM, there haven't been any spikes in reported cases.

In places where they did open up a bit early (TX, FL, CA), there have been spikes in the reported cases.

The difference between the 2? Protesters wore masks most of the time. In places where they opened up early, people didn't wear masks very often. So, the lesson to be learned here is understand that the virus is transmitted via the air, and masks are useful in helping to keep you safe.

Wear one or don't, but remember, those who wear them have a much less chance of catching this thing.

"Rioters wore masks most of the time."

First thing I fixed the above for you from "Protestors" to "Rioters" Yes Antifa wear masks and in general cover their faces.

All you did was politicize my post. You didn't address the real point of what I said which was that masks are useful in preventing the spread of this thing.

There is no evidence that wearing a mask prevents anything. Also the majority of places where the feral THUGS were rioting and looting they were not wearing masks and also I saw footage from London, England of all the feral THUGS copying the America Hating THUGS who SQUAT in America and those in London also not many wearing masks.
A mask is your virtue signal that you are part of the compliant club of panic
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

When are people going to realize that masks are less than useless against this virus. Stupidty isn't about to cure anything.

Riddle me this then if masks are less than useless against the virus............

In places where they had protests and the protesters wore masks, they haven't had a spike in new cases.

In places where they opened a bit early (CA, FL, TX), but the people didn't wear masks in public, there has been a significant spike in new cases.

If masks don't work in your opinion, then why are the cases spiking in places where they didn't wear masks, but in other places where they did, there isn't really any spike in new cases?

The corona virus size is 30 - 100 nanometers in diameter. N95 mask designed to block 95% of micron sized particles or an entire order of magnitude larger. That's 1000 times larger than the virus. You may as well fashion a mask from cheese cloth you simple minded moron. And many of the idiotic masks and bandanas idiots like you are wearing are much much less effective than the N95. If there were a mask that could block the virus it would suffocate you.
Why don't you just put a plastic bag over your head and tape up around your neck good and tight so there's no leakage. Then get back to us in a couple of days and let us know how it worked out. That way you sure as hell won't die from the virus.
Can you provide a link to this info so I can show it to my daughter.

The governor did not say masks would be required until a cure is found. Those are your words. The governor csaid, “Until a vaccine or cure is developed, this is going to be one of our best defenses.”
It's highly unlikely Jay "Chops" Inslee would forgo one of his "best defenses" against Covid 19.
He's too much of a "people person", the people gunned down in the CHOP notwithstanding.
If the number of cases and hospitalizations drop, he said he will reduce restriction and I think he will do so. As a politician, I don't think you can be too much of a "people person" because that in the end is what it's all about, serving the community. Too bad all politicians don't see it that way.
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Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

What is interesting here is how the Ultralibs like this doofus Inslee are ramping up the Draconian controls at the same time as the Corona Panic is waning. The number of Kung Flu deaths is only a tiny fraction of what it was at the peak in April.

These little Kim Jong Un wannabes just feel this power being lost to them forever. So they are doubling down on the insanity.

The problem is that people aren't going to follow it. The traffic around here is rising exponentially, as the people are leaving their homes and enjoying life again. And the Police are going to be in no mood to enforce this bullshit, especially after all the liberal hate they've had to eat with the George Floyd riots.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

Should be nation wide, and would be if we had a real president.

Too many of us wouldn't. There would be NOTHING you could do about it.
The “I care” virtue signaling is far more important emotion than the fact that the masks do t do much other than look like things must be serious.
Plus, only 0.03% of population die from it, merely 1.25% of all infecteds are in serious to critical condition. And just 1 out of every 12 people even get it with 98.75% classified as mild down to dont know they have it.
It's America's favorite game...virtue signaling.

How are you going to prove you care more and are a better person than the other guy if you don't wear your mask?
You can double all social credit scores by wearing a BLM mask.
You can triple your scores by getting a Joe Biden yard sign. And as far as I can tell you can
be the only person in the Western United States to have a Biden bumper sticker at all.

That's a virtue signaling home run, bro!!
I don't understand why anyone needs to prove that they care about others? Virtue does have it's own rewards.

In my area, if you don't wear a mask in retail establishments and large groups, you are sending a pretty clear message as how much you care about others. I was in a store yesterday and four people came in without masks and the store owner ask them to wear masks or leave. In fact he offered them masks They abruptly left saying they would not shop there again. I thanked the store owner for doing the right thing even thou it cost him some business.

I think most people do care and are wearing masks, at least in Western Washington they seem to be. However, there are a few that will never put on mask because there is no personal benefit and then there are those that wear one if they remember to do so. This last group is one the governor is trying to reach.

Frankly I think an add campaign with a message, I wear a mask because I care about others would work just as well if not better than a mandate. Most people have moms, dads, spouses, sisters, brothers, grandparents, or close friends that they do care about and would certain suffer and possibly die if infected. These are the people the governor should try reach, people that really do care but are a bit complacent.

I notice most of the projections of deaths and new cases assumes 95% of the people will comply with the recommendations. I find that's interesting that they believe only 5% of the population is either too stupid, complacent, or just don't care about others.
People wear masks because they’re elitist sheep. Misguided elitist sheep.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

When are people going to realize that masks are less than useless against this virus. Stupidty isn't about to cure anything.

Riddle me this then if masks are less than useless against the virus............

In places where they had protests and the protesters wore masks, they haven't had a spike in new cases.

In places where they opened a bit early (CA, FL, TX), but the people didn't wear masks in public, there has been a significant spike in new cases.

If masks don't work in your opinion, then why are the cases spiking in places where they didn't wear masks, but in other places where they did, there isn't really any spike in new cases?

The corona virus size is 30 - 100 nanometers in diameter. N95 mask designed to block 95% of micron sized particles or an entire order of magnitude larger. That's 1000 times larger than the virus. You may as well fashion a mask from cheese cloth you simple minded moron. And many of the idiotic masks and bandanas idiots like you are wearing are much much less effective than the N95. If there were a mask that could block the virus it would suffocate you.
Why don't you just put a plastic bag over your head and tape up around your neck good and tight so there's no leakage. Then get back to us in a couple of days and let us know how it worked out. That way you sure as hell won't die from the virus.
Can you provide a link to this info so I can show it to my daughter.

What he's not telling you is the tiny virus particles are spread by means of large moisture filled droplets being propel when coughing, sneezing, and talking. These droplets can be stopped by the person emitting them by wearing any mask or any bandanna made of closely woven materiel. Will it stop all partials and droplets? Of course it won't but neither will a N95 mask. The idea is to reduce the concentration of the virus and velocity that it's being expelled so that infection is very unlikely.

Unless you're working with Covid 19 patients, you should leave the N95 masks for people who really need them. For an N95 mask to really be effective it needs to be changed often. The CDC recommends every 4 hours. For the filter material to work properly it has to be dry. Moisture from exhaling and sweat reducing it's effectiveness. Without having the N95 mask being properly fitted so you draw in all air thru the filtering and not from the sides of the mask, it will not provide any significant protection for the wearer. In addition the CDC recommends plastic clear shields be worn in front on mask.

In other words if you're not working with covid 19 patients, just get any mask that's made of a fine woven material and is comfortable and don't forget to wash it often.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

When are people going to realize that masks are less than useless against this virus. Stupidty isn't about to cure anything.

Riddle me this then if masks are less than useless against the virus............

In places where they had protests and the protesters wore masks, they haven't had a spike in new cases.

In places where they opened a bit early (CA, FL, TX), but the people didn't wear masks in public, there has been a significant spike in new cases.

If masks don't work in your opinion, then why are the cases spiking in places where they didn't wear masks, but in other places where they did, there isn't really any spike in new cases?

The corona virus size is 30 - 100 nanometers in diameter. N95 mask designed to block 95% of micron sized particles or an entire order of magnitude larger. That's 1000 times larger than the virus. You may as well fashion a mask from cheese cloth you simple minded moron. And many of the idiotic masks and bandanas idiots like you are wearing are much much less effective than the N95. If there were a mask that could block the virus it would suffocate you.
Why don't you just put a plastic bag over your head and tape up around your neck good and tight so there's no leakage. Then get back to us in a couple of days and let us know how it worked out. That way you sure as hell won't die from the virus.
Can you provide a link to this info so I can show it to my daughter.

What he's not telling you is the tiny virus particles are spread by means of large moisture filled droplets being propel when coughing, sneezing, and talking. These droplets can be stopped by the person emitting them by wearing any mask or any bandanna made of closely woven materiel. Will it stop all partials and droplets? Of course it won't but neither will a N95 mask. The idea is to reduce the concentration of the virus and velocity that it's being expelled so that infection is very unlikely.

Unless you're working with Covid 19 patients, you should leave the N95 masks for people who really need them. For an N95 mask to really be effective it needs to be changed often. The CDC recommends every 4 hours. For the filter material to work properly it has to be dry. Moisture from exhaling and sweat reducing it's effectiveness. Without having the N95 mask being properly fitted so you draw in all air thru the filtering and not from the sides of the mask, it will not provide any significant protection for the wearer. In addition the CDC recommends plastic clear shields be worn in front on mask.

In other words if you're not working with covid 19 patients, just get any mask that's made of a fine woven material and is comfortable and don't forget to wash it often.
I work in construction so I don't wear anything but thanks for the informative response.
You know, in places where they had protests for BLM, there haven't been any spikes in reported cases.

In places where they did open up a bit early (TX, FL, CA), there have been spikes in the reported cases.

The difference between the 2? Protesters wore masks most of the time. In places where they opened up early, people didn't wear masks very often. So, the lesson to be learned here is understand that the virus is transmitted via the air, and masks are useful in helping to keep you safe.

Wear one or don't, but remember, those who wear them have a much less chance of catching this thing.

"Rioters wore masks most of the time."

First thing I fixed the above for you from "Protestors" to "Rioters" Yes Antifa wear masks and in general cover their faces.

All you did was politicize my post. You didn't address the real point of what I said which was that masks are useful in preventing the spread of this thing.

There is no evidence that wearing a mask prevents anything. Also the majority of places where the feral THUGS were rioting and looting they were not wearing masks and also I saw footage from London, England of all the feral THUGS copying the America Hating THUGS who SQUAT in America and those in London also not many wearing masks.
A mask is your virtue signal that you are part of the compliant club of panic

There are people more susceptible to this than others. The only thing they are signaling is an abundance of precaution.

I don't wear a mask BUT, I'm certainly not going to condemn others who do because I am not aware of their situation.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

What is interesting here is how the Ultralibs like this doofus Inslee are ramping up the Draconian controls at the same time as the Corona Panic is waning. The number of Kung Flu deaths is only a tiny fraction of what it was at the peak in April.

These little Kim Jong Un wannabes just feel this power being lost to them forever. So they are doubling down on the insanity.

The problem is that people aren't going to follow it. The traffic around here is rising exponentially, as the people are leaving their homes and enjoying life again. And the Police are going to be in no mood to enforce this bullshit, especially after all the liberal hate they've had to eat with the George Floyd riots.
What I find interesting is why the president and his followers are so adamant about disregarding the guidelines set by the Trump administration to reduce the number of cases when Trump says the spread of virus will hurt him at the polls. That just doesn't make sense.

The time to shut the gate is before the horses bolt. When each week the percent of positive cases grow along with the number of hospitalizations, it is time for action. You don't wait until the hospitals are full and the number of deaths are setting records to act.
Last edited:
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

What is interesting here is how the Ultralibs like this doofus Inslee are ramping up the Draconian controls at the same time as the Corona Panic is waning. The number of Kung Flu deaths is only a tiny fraction of what it was at the peak in April.

These little Kim Jong Un wannabes just feel this power being lost to them forever. So they are doubling down on the insanity.

The problem is that people aren't going to follow it. The traffic around here is rising exponentially, as the people are leaving their homes and enjoying life again. And the Police are going to be in no mood to enforce this bullshit, especially after all the liberal hate they've had to eat with the George Floyd riots.
What I find interesting is why the president and his followers are so adamant about disregarding the guidelines set by the Trump administration to reduce the number of cases when Trump says the spread of virus will hurt him at the polls. That just doesn't make sense.

The time to shut the gate is before the horses bolt. When each week the percent of positive cases grow along with the number of hospitalizations, it is time for action. You don't wait until the hospitals are full and the number of deaths are setting records to act.
Masks are bullshit. The virus needs to manifest itself naturally in order to kill it. Deaths are dropping and the rate is significantly lower.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

What is interesting here is how the Ultralibs like this doofus Inslee are ramping up the Draconian controls at the same time as the Corona Panic is waning. The number of Kung Flu deaths is only a tiny fraction of what it was at the peak in April.

These little Kim Jong Un wannabes just feel this power being lost to them forever. So they are doubling down on the insanity.

The problem is that people aren't going to follow it. The traffic around here is rising exponentially, as the people are leaving their homes and enjoying life again. And the Police are going to be in no mood to enforce this bullshit, especially after all the liberal hate they've had to eat with the George Floyd riots.
What I find interesting is why the president and his followers are so adamant about disregarding the guidelines set by the Trump administration to reduce the number of cases when Trump says the spread of virus will hurt him at the polls. That just doesn't make sense.

The time to shut the gate is before the horses bolt. When each week the percent of positive cases grow along with the number of hospitalizations, it is time for action. You don't wait until the hospitals are full and the number of deaths are setting records to act.
Masks are bullshit. The virus needs to manifest itself naturally in order to kill it. Deaths are dropping and the rate is significantly lower.
The low death rate we've seen in June which is likely to be about 25000 for the month is due to the precautions we've take over the last month or so. Believing it will continue as we abandon those precautions is lunacy.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

What is interesting here is how the Ultralibs like this doofus Inslee are ramping up the Draconian controls at the same time as the Corona Panic is waning. The number of Kung Flu deaths is only a tiny fraction of what it was at the peak in April.

These little Kim Jong Un wannabes just feel this power being lost to them forever. So they are doubling down on the insanity.

The problem is that people aren't going to follow it. The traffic around here is rising exponentially, as the people are leaving their homes and enjoying life again. And the Police are going to be in no mood to enforce this bullshit, especially after all the liberal hate they've had to eat with the George Floyd riots.
What I find interesting is why the president and his followers are so adamant about disregarding the guidelines set by the Trump administration to reduce the number of cases when Trump says the spread of virus will hurt him at the polls. That just doesn't make sense.

The time to shut the gate is before the horses bolt. When each week the percent of positive cases grow along with the number of hospitalizations, it is time for action. You don't wait until the hospitals are full and the number of deaths are setting records to act.
Masks are bullshit. The virus needs to manifest itself naturally in order to kill it. Deaths are dropping and the rate is significantly lower.
The low death rate we've seen in June which is likely to be about 25000 for the month is due to the precautions we've take over the last month or so. Believing it will continue as we abandon those precautions is lunacy.
The death rate drop is natural. Any increase will be due to lockdowns delaying the natural process.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

What is interesting here is how the Ultralibs like this doofus Inslee are ramping up the Draconian controls at the same time as the Corona Panic is waning. The number of Kung Flu deaths is only a tiny fraction of what it was at the peak in April.

These little Kim Jong Un wannabes just feel this power being lost to them forever. So they are doubling down on the insanity.

The problem is that people aren't going to follow it. The traffic around here is rising exponentially, as the people are leaving their homes and enjoying life again. And the Police are going to be in no mood to enforce this bullshit, especially after all the liberal hate they've had to eat with the George Floyd riots.
What I find interesting is why the president and his followers are so adamant about disregarding the guidelines set by the Trump administration to reduce the number of cases when Trump says the spread of virus will hurt him at the polls. That just doesn't make sense.

The time to shut the gate is before the horses bolt. When each week the percent of positive cases grow along with the number of hospitalizations, it is time for action. You don't wait until the hospitals are full and the number of deaths are setting records to act.
Masks are bullshit. The virus needs to manifest itself naturally in order to kill it. Deaths are dropping and the rate is significantly lower.
The low death rate we've seen in June which is likely to be about 25000 for the month is due to the precautions we've take over the last month or so. Believing it will continue as we abandon those precautions is lunacy.
The death rate drop is natural. Any increase will be due to lockdowns delaying the natural process.
Don't think much of science do you
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

What is interesting here is how the Ultralibs like this doofus Inslee are ramping up the Draconian controls at the same time as the Corona Panic is waning. The number of Kung Flu deaths is only a tiny fraction of what it was at the peak in April.

These little Kim Jong Un wannabes just feel this power being lost to them forever. So they are doubling down on the insanity.

The problem is that people aren't going to follow it. The traffic around here is rising exponentially, as the people are leaving their homes and enjoying life again. And the Police are going to be in no mood to enforce this bullshit, especially after all the liberal hate they've had to eat with the George Floyd riots.
What I find interesting is why the president and his followers are so adamant about disregarding the guidelines set by the Trump administration to reduce the number of cases when Trump says the spread of virus will hurt him at the polls. That just doesn't make sense.

The time to shut the gate is before the horses bolt. When each week the percent of positive cases grow along with the number of hospitalizations, it is time for action. You don't wait until the hospitals are full and the number of deaths are setting records to act.
Masks are bullshit. The virus needs to manifest itself naturally in order to kill it. Deaths are dropping and the rate is significantly lower.
The low death rate we've seen in June which is likely to be about 25000 for the month is due to the precautions we've take over the last month or so. Believing it will continue as we abandon those precautions is lunacy.
The death rate drop is natural. Any increase will be due to lockdowns delaying the natural process.
Don't think much of science do you
All I have alluded to is science and data.

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