Mandatory Masks Indoors/Outdoors in Washington State Until Cure Found

If the number of cases and hospitalizations drop, he said he will reduce restriction and I think he will do so. As a politician, I don't think you can be too much of a "people person" because that in the end is what it's all about, serving the community. Too bad all politicians don't see it that way.
Like the way Inslee "served" the people and businesses of Capital Hill?
If the number of cases and hospitalizations drop, he said he will reduce restriction and I think he will do so. As a politician, I don't think you can be too much of a "people person" because that in the end is what it's all about, serving the community. Too bad all politicians don't see it that way.
Like the way Inslee "served" the people and businesses of Capital Hill?
It appears Chop is going to end very soon. Most of the protesters have packed up their tents and left the area and there's only a small number left. Heavy equipment was moved to the barriers this morning with only several protesters blocking the way. They may hold out through the weekend as there will be more protests but I expect the area will open up by next week

The mayors approach of waiting out the protesters is looking like a much better strategy than Trump's offer to send in troops and risk turning the whole neighborhood into a blood bath in the name of law and order.
Required clothing

It's happened before...


3.5 on the Godwin Scale.
If the number of cases and hospitalizations drop, he said he will reduce restriction and I think he will do so. As a politician, I don't think you can be too much of a "people person" because that in the end is what it's all about, serving the community. Too bad all politicians don't see it that way.
Like the way Inslee "served" the people and businesses of Capital Hill?
It appears Chop is going to end very soon. Most of the protesters have packed up their tents and left the area and there's only a small number left. Heavy equipment was moved to the barriers this morning with only several protesters blocking the way. They may hold out through the weekend as there will be more protests but I expect the area will open up by next week

The mayors approach of waiting out the protesters is looking like a much better strategy than Trump's offer to send in troops and risk turning the whole neighborhood into a blood bath in the name of law and order.
I think sending in troops would have been a legit response once warranted. The mayor changed her tune and implemented a planned forced evacuation. Not quite the patience you suggest. If I lived in or owned a business in that ‘district’, justified violence would have already ensued.
It appears Chop is going to end very soon. Most of the protesters have packed up their tents and left the area and there's only a small number left. Heavy equipment was moved to the barriers this morning with only several protesters blocking the way. They may hold out through the weekend as there will be more protests but I expect the area will open up by next week

The mayors approach of waiting out the protesters is looking like a much better strategy than Trump's offer to send in troops and risk turning the whole neighborhood into a blood bath in the name of law and order.
Three or four deaths, a big lawsuit from Capital Hill merchants (despite your assurances everyone was all
on board with the CHOP love in), barriers cannot be removed by cops because the mob won't let them.....
yeah, the mayor's approach has been a real winner.
If the number of cases and hospitalizations drop, he said he will reduce restriction and I think he will do so. As a politician, I don't think you can be too much of a "people person" because that in the end is what it's all about, serving the community. Too bad all politicians don't see it that way.
Like the way Inslee "served" the people and businesses of Capital Hill?
It appears Chop is going to end very soon. Most of the protesters have packed up their tents and left the area and there's only a small number left. Heavy equipment was moved to the barriers this morning with only several protesters blocking the way. They may hold out through the weekend as there will be more protests but I expect the area will open up by next week

The mayors approach of waiting out the protesters is looking like a much better strategy than Trump's offer to send in troops and risk turning the whole neighborhood into a blood bath in the name of law and order.
I think sending in troops would have been a legit response once warranted. The mayor changed her tune and implemented a planned forced evacuation. Not quite the patience you suggest. If I lived in or owned a business in that ‘district’, justified violence would have already ensued.
Had troops been sent in there would very likely have been people shot because many of the protesters had armed themselves. From your previous posts I believe you would consider that just fine. I doubt most the city's residents would.
Had troops been sent in there would very likely have been people shot because many of the protesters had armed themselves. From your previous posts I believe you would consider that just fine. I doubt most the city's residents would.
People were getting shot anyway, or doesn't that count for anything in your mind?
It's not at all clear to me that a show of force by troops would have caused the CHOP geniuses to begin a shooting war they absolutely could not win in an act of assisted suicide.

At any rate it's all moot and the plan you opted for wound up with dead people anyway and there is no reason not to think that a longer standoff wouldn't have resulted in even more dead bodies.

You were wrong about the reason to also assume you wouldn't be otherwise wrong about other stuff.
If the number of cases and hospitalizations drop, he said he will reduce restriction and I think he will do so. As a politician, I don't think you can be too much of a "people person" because that in the end is what it's all about, serving the community. Too bad all politicians don't see it that way.
Like the way Inslee "served" the people and businesses of Capital Hill?
It appears Chop is going to end very soon. Most of the protesters have packed up their tents and left the area and there's only a small number left. Heavy equipment was moved to the barriers this morning with only several protesters blocking the way. They may hold out through the weekend as there will be more protests but I expect the area will open up by next week

The mayors approach of waiting out the protesters is looking like a much better strategy than Trump's offer to send in troops and risk turning the whole neighborhood into a blood bath in the name of law and order.
I think sending in troops would have been a legit response once warranted. The mayor changed her tune and implemented a planned forced evacuation. Not quite the patience you suggest. If I lived in or owned a business in that ‘district’, justified violence would have already ensued.
Had troops been sent in there would very likely have been people shot because many of the protesters had armed themselves. From your previous posts I believe you would consider that just fine. I doubt most the city's residents would.
I think local merchants would have applauded.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

Should be nation wide, and would be if we had a real president.

Too many of us wouldn't. There would be NOTHING you could do about it.

Well.... it’s very simple my dear. If we continue to have people like you that are part of the problems this will not go away.

Look at Arizona as an example. Did you check the percentage of hospitalization capacity since last week? Look at Texas and Florida.
Here is a republican governor of Texas Abbott shutting down bars and other establishments because of resurgence of COVID-19.

Update (June 26, 2020): On Friday morning, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order requiring bars to close and putting restrictions on outdoor gatherings. Abbott also scaled back restaurant dining, the most dramatic reversals yet as confirmed coronavirus cases surge.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

Should be nation wide, and would be if we had a real president.

Too many of us wouldn't. There would be NOTHING you could do about it.

Well.... it’s very simple my dear. If we continue to have people like you that are part of the problems this will not go away.

Look at Arizona as an example. Did you check the percentage of hospitalization capacity since last week? Look at Texas and Florida.
Here is a republican governor of Texas Abbott shutting down bars and other establishments because of resurgence of COVID-19.

Update (June 26, 2020): On Friday morning, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order requiring bars to close and putting restrictions on outdoor gatherings. Abbott also scaled back restaurant dining, the most dramatic reversals yet as confirmed coronavirus cases surge.

I won't wear a mask. Deal with it.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

When are people going to realize that masks are less than useless against this virus. Stupidty isn't about to cure anything.

Riddle me this then if masks are less than useless against the virus............

In places where they had protests and the protesters wore masks, they haven't had a spike in new cases.

In places where they opened a bit early (CA, FL, TX), but the people didn't wear masks in public, there has been a significant spike in new cases.

If masks don't work in your opinion, then why are the cases spiking in places where they didn't wear masks, but in other places where they did, there isn't really any spike in new cases?

*** The corona virus size is 30 - 100 nanometers in diameter. N95 mask designed to block 95% of micron sized particles or an entire order of magnitude larger. That's 1000 times larger than the virus.

You may as well fashion a mask from cheese cloth you simple minded moron. And many of the idiotic masks and bandanas idiots like you are wearing are much much less effective than the N95. If there were a mask that could block the virus it would suffocate you.
Why don't you just put a plastic bag over your head and tape up around your neck good and tight so there's no leakage. Then get back to us in a couple of days and let us know how it worked out. That way you sure as hell won't die from the virus.

***The least you can do is provide a link where you got that information. I’m sure it didn’t come from you.

Since you are an anti mask. What’s the point?

Are you saying that scientists are wrong in recommending a mask and people like YOU is right??

You may want to research a little further the size of Covid-19 virus why they float on air and other virus don’t. You may want to look at kilobase in billions small. Not this nano nano nanometer.
The “I care” virtue signaling is far more important emotion than the fact that the masks do t do much other than look like things must be serious.
Plus, only 0.03% of population die from it, merely 1.25% of all infecteds are in serious to critical condition. And just 1 out of every 12 people even get it with 98.75% classified as mild down to dont know they have it.

125,000 of Americans died that don’t need to die and numbers are still climbing up. You may want to think about that in November 3.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

Should be nation wide, and would be if we had a real president.

Too many of us wouldn't. There would be NOTHING you could do about it.

Well.... it’s very simple my dear. If we continue to have people like you that are part of the problems this will not go away.

Look at Arizona as an example. Did you check the percentage of hospitalization capacity since last week? Look at Texas and Florida.
Here is a republican governor of Texas Abbott shutting down bars and other establishments because of resurgence of COVID-19.

Update (June 26, 2020): On Friday morning, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order requiring bars to close and putting restrictions on outdoor gatherings. Abbott also scaled back restaurant dining, the most dramatic reversals yet as confirmed coronavirus cases surge.

I won't wear a mask. Deal with it.

I know you are tough. Tough means nothing if you catch one...... You are just lucky.....

I’m sure you don’t have health insurance either.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

Should be nation wide, and would be if we had a real president.

Too many of us wouldn't. There would be NOTHING you could do about it.

Well.... it’s very simple my dear. If we continue to have people like you that are part of the problems this will not go away.

Look at Arizona as an example. Did you check the percentage of hospitalization capacity since last week? Look at Texas and Florida.
Here is a republican governor of Texas Abbott shutting down bars and other establishments because of resurgence of COVID-19.

Update (June 26, 2020): On Friday morning, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order requiring bars to close and putting restrictions on outdoor gatherings. Abbott also scaled back restaurant dining, the most dramatic reversals yet as confirmed coronavirus cases surge.

I won't wear a mask. Deal with it.

I know you are tough. Tough means nothing if you catch one...... You are just lucky.....

I’m sure you don’t have health insurance either.

Too funny. I am a Health Insurer Consultant on contract with a major mid western carrier.Look son, the stats don't add up.
Wearing a mask takes NO effort. ZERO. That is a FACT. Every last private business here requires it. Otherwise you are turned away as it should be.
The macho it's only a cold virus garbage is the height of ignorance. Hold on and get ready for the new normal.
Leftardism in full glory.
They’ve been searching for a cure for HIV for over five decades now.

Should be nation wide, and would be if we had a real president.

Too many of us wouldn't. There would be NOTHING you could do about it.

Well.... it’s very simple my dear. If we continue to have people like you that are part of the problems this will not go away.

Look at Arizona as an example. Did you check the percentage of hospitalization capacity since last week? Look at Texas and Florida.
Here is a republican governor of Texas Abbott shutting down bars and other establishments because of resurgence of COVID-19.

Update (June 26, 2020): On Friday morning, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order requiring bars to close and putting restrictions on outdoor gatherings. Abbott also scaled back restaurant dining, the most dramatic reversals yet as confirmed coronavirus cases surge.

I won't wear a mask. Deal with it.

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