Zone1 Mandelbrot Sets -- Proof of God?

Whether or not one agrees with grumblenuts as it pertains to his conclusion, I gotta give the devil his due:

That was a meritorious OP. Very interesting stuff.
for paradisians as jesus and those others, your easter is the day jesus was murdered ... by criminals.

Jesus was legally executed as a criminal, as a terrorist. He was guilty to be a self-made "king of the Jews" what means a rebell against the authority of the politics of the Roman Empire. The Romans defined who is allowed to be king under their own command. Btw: All over the Roman Empire bloomed crosses. This was a racist symbol. Citizens of Rome had not been executed in this cruel way - this was only a method to excute not-Romans. The Romans had been civilized anti-barbars.

- for what became christianity to substitute their religion for the reason jesus was willing to give their life ... liberation theology, self determination. the repudiation of judaism.

Let it be to try to discuss this nonsense with me. I have not any lousy idea what you try to say with this words. What are you looking for - and why such stupid "answers" which are far from any form of reality and spirituality? "Liberation theology" is for me not a positive thing on personal reasons which I do not like to say now. Or should I? Transparence is important. First let me say that no one is able to bring a piece of paper between me and the Holy Catholic Church. I love my church. So listen to my reason now: I do not like to think about the modern "liberation theology" because of cardinal Dr. Gerhard Ludwig Müller who said he is inspired from this theology. I do not know this man personally but I have the feeling he is very far from many things which are spiritually important for me.
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First let me say that no one is able to bring a piece of paper between me and the Holy Catholic Church. I love my church
it’s not your Church sitting with the Republican majority on the US Supreme doing the damage to America. It is the six white Christian nationalists who were coincidentally all raised from childhood as Catholics and who now betray American Civil religion with decisions such as Dobbs on abortion where they ignored women’s rights in favor of a white Christian nationalist political agenda.
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it’s not your Church sitting with the Republican majority on the US Supreme doing the damage to America. It is the six white Christian nationalists who were coincidentally all raised from childhood as Catholics and who now betray American Civil religion with decisions such as Dobbs on abortion where they ignored women’s rights in favor of a white Christian nationalist political agenda.

Why do you say this to me?
Read it with an open mind if you are capable of doing such a thing. Thank you.
Eh? You said nonsense - that's all. I've not any idea what you try to speak about. If you don't know: I am a German. I never visited the USA and I have not the intention to visit the USA and also not the intention to live in the USA.
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why is that more important what allegedly jesus claimed about himself - which was for them never the issue - rather what the prevailing religion said about itself, hereditary idolatry and the false commandments of the liar moses among them which is the true events of the 1st century, jesus's refutation of judaism.
Sorry, not sure I'm clear what is being asked. But I'll try.

IMO, the Moses and all the authors of the OT, missed the mark on the characteristics of God. I believe God was never to be a war monger, child murdering, God as the Jews represented. I believe the Jews mischaracterized God in many ways. This is why Jesus is the antithesis of their view of Yaweh during his life.

This is why the OT and the NT should not be canonized together and the claim that the Bible is the infallible word of God. By doing so, this creates obvious contradictions between the NT Jesus/God and the OT View of God. Yet, Christians jump through amazing hoops to try and explain and harmonize the two.

Because the view of the OT is now just a historical document of the Jews, we don't allow the OT to create doctrine, explain creation, or did Noah really build the Ark? IT DOESN"T MATTER. What does matter is the ministry, life and claims by Christ.

Is Jesus who he says he is? That's it.
Eh? You said nonsense - that's all. I've not any idea what you try to speak about. If you don't know: I am a German. I never visited the USA and I have not the intention to visit the USA and also not the intention to live in the USA.
The Catholic Church is in the USA and there is that connection to you. As it is true that Catholicism had absolutely nothing to do with the founding of America do you believe it is correct for any honest human being to insist that America was founded as a Christian nation
Jesus was legally executed as a criminal,
False. Even Pontius Pilate found no crime.

as a terrorist.

False. You can find no evidence of any terrorism or terrorist act ever committed by Jesus.
He was guilty to be a self-made "king of the Jews"
False. Not a claim He ever made.
what means a rebell
Did you mean “rebel?”
against the authority of the politics of the Roman Empire.
False. He never urged anyone to rebel or to violate the law.
The Catholic Church is in the USA and there is that connection to you. As it is true that Catholicism had absolutely nothing to do with the founding of America

America is a continent.

do you believe it is correct for any honest human being to insist that America was founded as a Christian nation

The USA - the United States of [the continent] America - was founded because ...

ah - I found a good summary for German pupils in the age of about 11-12 years. Source Amerikanische Revolution - Die Entstehung der USA einfach erklärt!

1664 endete die niederländische Kolonialzeit in Nordamerika. Aus Neu-Amsterdam wird New York. Noch vor dem Siebenjährigen Krieg zwischen verschiedenen europäischen Mächten 1754 begannen die britisch-französischen Auseinandersetzungen in Nordamerika und Indien. Der Frieden von Paris beendete 1763 den Siebenjährigen Krieg und damit auch den britisch-französischen Kolonialkrieg. Frankreich musste seine nordamerikanischen Kolonien und Stützpunkte an England abgeben. Kanada wurde britisch.

Die Kolonisten unterstanden britischem Recht und waren zu Steuern an Großbritannien verpflichtet, durften jedoch keine Repräsentanten ins britische Parlament entsenden. Die Kosten aus dem Krieg der Briten gegen die Franzosen um die Vorherrschaft in Nordamerika von 1756 bis 1763 sollten über Steuern aus den Kolonien beglichen werden.
Die Unabhängigkeitsbewegung

Der Stempelsteuerkongress 1765 mit Vertretern aus neun britischen Kolonien protestierte gegen die von der Londoner Regierung verfügte Stempelsteuer. Die Forderung „No taxation without representation“ (keine Steuer ohne Mitwirkung) machte die Runde, denn die Kolonien hatten keine Sitze im britischen Parlament. Die Kolonisten boykottierten britische Waren.

Aus Protest gegen die Besteuerung durch das englische Mutterland warfen als Indianer verkleidete Kolonisten 1773 eine Ladung Tee im Bostoner Hafen über Bord (Boston Tea Party). England verhängte über die Kolonien den Ausnahmezustand.

1775 begann der Unabhängigkeitskrieg. Im Unabhängigkeitskrieg standen sich die britische Kolonialarmee und die Siedlerarmee unter George Washington (*1732, †1799, amerikanischer General und 1. Präsident der USA von 1789 bis 1797) gegenüber. Am 4.7.1776 erklärten Delegierte aus allen 13 englischen Kolonien in Philadelphia die Unabhängigkeit von der englischen Krone (bis heute der Nationalfeiertag der USA, der Independence Day). Erstmals in der Geschichte wurden in der amerikanischen Verfassung Menschenrechte verkündet, die jedoch Frauen, Sklaven und Indianer nicht einschlossen.

Frankreich erkannte 1778 als erstes Land die Unabhängigkeit der USA an. 1781 kapitulierten die britischen Truppen. Die Siedler erhielten nach einigen Niederlagen militärische Unterstützung aus Frankreich, Spanien und den Niederlanden. 1783 erkannte Großbritannien nach dem Krieg mit den Siedlern die Unabhängigkeit der 13 Kolonien an (Frieden von Paris). 1789 wurde George Washington erster Präsident der USA.



The Dutch colonial period in North America ended in 1664. New Amsterdam became New York. Even before the Seven Years' War between various European powers in 1754, the British-French conflicts in North America and India began. The Peace of Paris ended the Seven Years' War in 1763 and with it the British-French colonial war. France had to surrender its North American colonies and bases to England. Canada became British.

The colonists were subject to British law and were obliged to pay taxes to Great Britain, but were not allowed to send representatives to the British Parliament. The costs of the British war against the French for supremacy in North America from 1756 to 1763 were to be paid through taxes from the colonies.

The independence movement

The Stamp Duty Congress of 1765, with representatives from nine British colonies, protested against the stamp duty imposed by the London government. The demand "No taxation without representation" made the rounds, as the colonies had no seats in the British Parliament. The colonists boycotted British goods.

In protest against taxation by the English mother country, colonists dressed as Indians threw a cargo of tea overboard in Boston harbour in 1773 (Boston Tea Party). England declared a state of emergency in the colonies.

The War of Independence began in 1775. The War of Independence pitted the British colonial army against the settler army under George Washington (*1732, †1799, American general and 1st President of the USA from 1789 to 1797). On 4 July 1776, delegates from all 13 English colonies declared independence from the English crown in Philadelphia (still the bank holidays of the USA today, Independence Day). For the first time in history, human rights were proclaimed in the American constitution, although these did not include women, slaves and Native Americans.

In 1778, France was the first country to recognise the independence of the USA. The British troops surrendered in 1781. After several defeats, the settlers received military support from France, Spain and the Netherlands. In 1783, after the war with the settlers, Great Britain recognised the independence of the 13 colonies (Peace of Paris). In 1789, George Washington became the first president of the USA.

So the essence of the USA is the declaration of independence which begins with the words:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


I see in the centre of the USA the god made unalienable natural human rights and the right - even a duty - of the people USA to intstitute a government who serves the people. The Catholic church indeed did not found the USA - and also not any other Christian church founded the USA - but nevertheless comes the basic of the USA from the Christian religion. Specially the base "that all men are created equal" is a typical Christian thought. Realized is this in the rule "one man one vote".
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False. Even Pontius Pilate found no crime.

But this was totally unimportant.

False. You can find no evidence of any terrorism or terrorist act ever committed by Jesus.

Nevertheless he was crucified under "INRI" = "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum" = "Jesus from Nazareth king of the Jews" as a deterrent to any anti-Roman independence movement.

False. Not a claim He ever made.

Did you mean “rebel?”

False. He never urged anyone to rebel or to violate the law.

I don't know what this is what you argue. What do you like to say?
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The USA - the United States of [the continent] America - was founded because ...
I know the “because” / I asked “do you believe it is correct for any honest human being to insist that America was founded as a Christian nation”

It is not a history question.

As a Catholic, I would think you would be quite dismissive of the idea that America was founded as a Christian nation, or as a white Anglo Saxon Protestant Nation as such they were the chosen people of God.

Thats what the Republican Party pushes and it’s a big lie.
But this was totally unimportant.
Obviously, you’re wrong. Rome officially deferred to the crowd who preferred to save Barabas. But significantly, Jesus had committed no crime even according to the Roman official who presided.
Nevertheless he was crucified under "INRI" = "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum" = "Jesus from Nazareth king of the Jews" as a deterrent to any anti-Roman independence movement.
Actually, they were merely mocking him since some had proclaimed him the King of the Jews.
I don't know what this is what you argue.
Ok. I can’t help your lack of comprehension.
What do you like to say?
I like to say that you are unclear and error prone.
I know the “because” / I asked “do you believe it is correct for any honest human being to insist that America was founded as a Christian nation”

It is not a history question.

As a Catholic, I would think you would be quite dismissive of the idea that America was founded as a Christian nation, or as a white Anglo Saxon Protestant Nation as such they were the chosen people of God.

Thats what the Republican Party pushes and it’s a big lie.
The GOP makes no such claim.

Why do you find it so necessary to make shit up?
Is Mike Johnson a Republican?
Yes. And even if he says we began as a Christian nation, that doesn’t mean it is the position of the GOP.

Thanks for playing.

By the way, we did kind of begin as a predominantly Christian nation. But our First Amendment means that we aren’t a “Christian Nation,” now.

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