Manhattan DA convenes "special" grand jury in Trump criminal probe

MSNBC is reporting that this "special" grand jury will be meeting three time a week for six months. Wow...
And when Donnie gets called to testify, he can’t bring an attorney..
Excellent - The man is a Lie Machine :D
The accused doen't testify before the grand jury, moron
Your a complete know-nothing and should be embarrassed.
They can ask him to testify, but he doesn't have to, moron. It's purel voluntary if he is the target of the investigation.

Sorry to spoil all your sordid fantasies.
Prosecutors in New York have convened a grand jury to hear evidence against President Donald Trump and potentially decide whether he will face charges, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Trump and his businesses, including top executives, have been under investigation in the state for more than two years. Jurors were convened “recently,” the paper said, citing two people familiar with the probe, and will be expected to sit three days a week for three months.

This story is developing...

Prosecutors Convene Grand Jury To Weigh Potential Trump Charges

Sounds like things are heating up.
Grand Juries can indict a ham sandwich. LOL

Wow, who told you that? Has that ever happened? They can also indict Trump and his family and his cronies.
Why persecute just one? Communists can multi-task.

Aren't the fantasies of these baboons utterly amazing?
Prosecutors in New York have convened a grand jury to hear evidence against President Donald Trump and potentially decide whether he will face charges, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Trump and his businesses, including top executives, have been under investigation in the state for more than two years. Jurors were convened “recently,” the paper said, citing two people familiar with the probe, and will be expected to sit three days a week for three months.

This story is developing...

Prosecutors Convene Grand Jury To Weigh Potential Trump Charges

Sounds like things are heating up.
I hope they throw dumb Don in Supermax because then, just maybe, they’ll then realize W and O should be there too. Biden probably.
You're too pathetic to go to a supermax. A playpen is about your speed.
Why would I go to Supermax? I’m just a law abiding citizen. Do you want me imprisoned for disagreeing with you?
MSNBC is reporting that this "special" grand jury will be meeting three time a week for six months. Wow...
And when Donnie gets called to testify, he can’t bring an attorney..
Excellent - The man is a Lie Machine :D

He will fight that all the way to the Supreme Court.

He will do anything he can to not testify. Especially without a lawyer with him.

It will be interesting to see how this goes.
The accused doesn't testify, dumbass. Anyone with a brain would fight it all the way to the Supreme Court. However, there will never be a trial. The NY DA has nothing.

How do you expect people to take you seriously when you can't even get the basic details correct?

I couldn't get past the extremely stupid statement in your first sentence.

trump hasn't been accused or indicted for anything. That's what the grand jury is for.

Of course trump can and will be compelled testify before a grand jury if a subpoena is issued.

Clinton did in August 1998. He was the first sitting president to do so.

Thank you republicans for setting the opening the door in the Clinton years.

Do you like showing all of cyberspace just how down right idiotic and lazy you are?

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The purpose of this is to intimidate those of us who won't go along with the leftist takeover of our nation.
So was Babbitt's murder.
“Murder” is a joke. You come bust out my window and start crawling in & see what happens.
I’m overdue for a lil target practice! :)
So you would commit murder?
Not the first time he has said it. The Left is violent. They have no ethics, no boundaries. Sad that they think that is how to live.
Prosecutors in New York have convened a grand jury to hear evidence against President Donald Trump and potentially decide whether he will face charges, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Trump and his businesses, including top executives, have been under investigation in the state for more than two years. Jurors were convened “recently,” the paper said, citing two people familiar with the probe, and will be expected to sit three days a week for three months.

This story is developing...

Prosecutors Convene Grand Jury To Weigh Potential Trump Charges

Sounds like things are heating up.
Grand Juries can indict a ham sandwich. LOL
The first charge will be the fact that trump kept two books. One was for paying taxes and the other was for getting loans on his properties. That is the civil part of the case. But there is a criminal side. That will be the zinger....

Keeping two sets of books is not uncommon.

You have to meet certain regulatory requirements in one set. That is spelled out.

The other set is likely more germane to the actual business.
Taking bets now...NOTHING will come of this.

I know exactly why......and you are too stupid to know why.
Sure Permanent exodus from USMB if this comes to nothing *Reminder - Cy Vance Jr has many years of taxes! :)
The Dems should avoid doing the happy dance, though. Assumptions are dangerous.

We dance when we can! It surely looks like one or more people will be indicted.
I'm just not convinced that it would effect Trumpism to any significant degree. The alternate reality never really been about him, and it's much bigger than him. He just knows how to leverage it.
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Prosecutors in New York have convened a grand jury to hear evidence against President Donald Trump and potentially decide whether he will face charges, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Trump and his businesses, including top executives, have been under investigation in the state for more than two years. Jurors were convened “recently,” the paper said, citing two people familiar with the probe, and will be expected to sit three days a week for three months.

This story is developing...

Prosecutors Convene Grand Jury To Weigh Potential Trump Charges

Sounds like things are heating up.
Grand Juries can indict a ham sandwich. LOL
The first charge will be the fact that trump kept two books. One was for paying taxes and the other was for getting loans on his properties. That is the civil part of the case. But there is a criminal side. That will be the zinger....

Keeping two sets of books is not uncommon.

You have to meet certain regulatory requirements in one set. That is spelled out.

The other set is likely more germane to the actual business.
So you're saying that purposely under-valuing property for tax treatment and purposely over-valuing the same property for insurance underwriting is legal?

Is that what you're saying?
Prosecutors in New York have convened a grand jury to hear evidence against President Donald Trump and potentially decide whether he will face charges, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Trump and his businesses, including top executives, have been under investigation in the state for more than two years. Jurors were convened “recently,” the paper said, citing two people familiar with the probe, and will be expected to sit three days a week for three months.

This story is developing...

Prosecutors Convene Grand Jury To Weigh Potential Trump Charges

Sounds like things are heating up.
Lol,you said the same thing about the Mueller report.
I'll just stand over here an LMAO.

It should keep the looney left in NYC occupied for a time. Wonder if they will hold a grand jury on the idiot who put Chines virus people in old folks homes??

Now that was a crime.

It will be interesting to see how this goes.
I'll be watching it for the sheer, embarrassing spectacle. But the larger and more important problem remains: The alternate universe remains, they'll defend and deny and attack for him no matter what, and this whole thing could end up just making it more intense. It may shrink a bit, but I don't know how much effect that will have.
Trump lost in a landslide last time, which was more than he lost the popular vote by in 2016. Trump has never won ANY election,,,He won the Republican nomination with 44.9% of the vote. More than half the Republicans voted for someone else.
A hat tip to the poster Dragonlady.
The poster succinctly and perceptively shows us all that king Trump has no clothes.

"He will do anything he can to not testify. Especially without a lawyer with him."
Indeed. The guy himself is a self-set perjury trap.

The accused doen't testify before the grand jury, moron...........The accused doesn't testify, dumbass..........It's difficult to believe that turds like you are stupid....."
First, seriously ----poster 'bripat', let us ask:
who is the accused you mention?
and what is he, or they.....accused of?
And, how do you know?
Second, what's with the epithet 'moron' in many of your responses, or "turds", or "stupid".

Really, son......just how old are you?
The avatar you have communicating for you does not present the real person favorably, whatsoever. In fact, makes him appear rather repellant.

No offense intended.

I'm just not convinced that it would effect Trumpism to any significant degree. The alternate reality never really been about him, and it's much bigger than him. He just knows how to leverage it.
Yes x3.
Little effect on Trumpism....check. :thup:

Not really about him.....check. :thup: It is the nature of celebrity worship and the HoneyBooBoo demographic.

Knows how to leverage it.....check.:thup: That is the defining characteristic or tradecraft of the con-man/ grifter. He recognizes the pigeons, the marks, the suckers. Be it Don Trump, Bernie Madoff, of Charles Ponzi
Sy Vance would not have convened a "special" grand jury if he didn't believe he has enough evidence for a criminal indictment.
I'm sure as hell no lawyer, but his phone calls to Georgia are a bigger deal to me.

They'll have to prove both clear intent and explicit approval with this stuff. They have tapes of the Georgia calls.

Oh well, sit back for another circus.
MSNBC is reporting that this "special" grand jury will be meeting three time a week for six months. Wow...
And when Donnie gets called to testify, he can’t bring an attorney..
Excellent - The man is a Lie Machine :D
The accused doen't testify before the grand jury, moron
Your a complete know-nothing and should be embarrassed.
They can ask him to testify, but he doesn't have to, moron. It's purel voluntary if he is the target of the investigation.

Sorry to spoil all your sordid fantasies.
He can claim the Fifth. That or answer questions. Those are his only options "counselor"
Otherwise known as deep state revenge. Take your two tier justice system and shove it.
Trump tried to drain the swamp at the Deep State. Now the Deep State wants revenge.

Funny. Trump is the swamp and the Deep State. Your projection is amusing...
No one is swallowing that horseshit.
Angry lil boy is a lil stressed out this evening it would appear. :itsok:
MSNBC is reporting that this "special" grand jury will be meeting three time a week for six months. Wow...
And when Donnie gets called to testify, he can’t bring an attorney..
Excellent - The man is a Lie Machine :D
The accused doen't testify before the grand jury, moron
Your a complete know-nothing and should be embarrassed.
They can ask him to testify, but he doesn't have to, moron. It's purel voluntary if he is the target of the investigation.

Sorry to spoil all your sordid fantasies.
He can claim the Fifth. That or answer questions. Those are his only options "counselor"
Maybe he could take the 5th with respect to certain questions, but not all.

It will be interesting to see how this goes.
I'll be watching it for the sheer, embarrassing spectacle. But the larger and more important problem remains: The alternate universe remains, they'll defend and deny and attack for him no matter what, and this whole thing could end up just making it more intense. It may shrink a bit, but I don't know how much effect that will have.
They’re losing their minds over this. Even if their Donald is convicted and sent to Club Fed, they’ll call it a Deep State witch hunt and start planning a prison break to free him.
Cuz Cult ;)

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