You're most likely to be left or right if.....

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Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
You're practical

You're independent

You work, at home and on the clock.

You're middle class, but there's a twist, which comes to....

You're wise, comes with age.

You're resourceful.

You're responsible.

You don't talk about charity and take action instead.

You don't give a flying fuck what color a person is.

You're white.

You're white supremist and/or proud of your race. Some insecurity plays into some.

You're Christian.

You respect tradition.

You're blue collar, law enforcement, private sector

You love our founding fathers

You have children

You live within moral boundaries, try or a con. Anyone can be a con, I know "conservatives" who are trash, they just talk.

You're a conspiracy theorist. These days that's a solid trait.

You have a legal gun.

You're an asshole.

You're impractical, and often react emotionally.

You're dependent, mentally and/or physically lazy.

You're hip to what's going on, status within a crowd is important, and tend to believe with mainstream opinion. You live in a big city where things are trendy & progressive.

You enjoy services for manual labor and/or receive welfare. You enjoy being pampered.

You're very poor or mega-wealthy.

You're young and/or were (child) or are probably spoiled.

You're self absorbed and needy. Status within crowds is important. It's important to demonstrate your originality, even if it means having no taste :p You don't live within your means well, and you might be selfish.

The government needs to take care of us at all means possible.

You talk about charity and such because you're a good person.

You believe a person's color is important. Our society is very racist, and certain people are owed a debt by our society and it's reasonable to treat people differently when their color is a disadvantage.

Victimhood is a good thing to be educated on. Such for example victims of sexual offense, as proposed by the Democrats against Clarence Thomas, and Brett Kavanaugh.

You're black. How'd that happen anyway, the math makes no sense when you consider the balance has nothing to do with race. Especially considering the Democrat's history of things, never mind the state of the black communities within cities run by Democrats.

You dislike Christianity or have the least respect for it of all religious & non-religious types.

You believe in the Constitution, and as required changes are necessary in order to protect us.

You believe tradition requires change, especially when it offends someone.

You're in theatre, art, music, college, govt. employee or govt. funded program.

You question our founding fathers

You don't have children

Moral boundaries are important, especially when it applies to someone else, so long as it's not their own disrupting self-pretentiousness. Or moral boundaries are worth repeating, but sometimes I don't really follow. Or you're twisted and don't give a fuck.

You believe what the politicians and news says. Less Fox News anyway. With that exception what's in the news is probably the most important things going on today. I find MSM to be mostly honest.

You have a distaste for white pride, though you respect the pride of other races and where genitals are concerned.

You're a middle aged single woman.

You're a lesbian.

You frown a lot.

You have an illegal gun.

You're a dick.
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What is an illegal gun? Can I assume you are a Democrat since you believe there is such a thing?
I'm confused... An illegal gun is a gun that is not legal. o.0

I guess it would be dependent on where you live, but the statement makes sense.
Your confirmation bias is accepted and noted. You must be a right winger.
Oh yeah, being a conspiracy never a good thing. It just makes you look cray-cray. :)
What is an illegal gun? Can I assume you are a Democrat since you believe there is such a thing?
I'm confused... An illegal gun is a gun that is not legal. o.0

I guess it would be dependent on where you live, but the statement makes sense.

So you believe the government can over rule your second amendment right?
Your confirmation bias is accepted and noted. You must be a right winger.
Oh yeah, being a conspiracy never a good thing. It just makes you look cray-cray. :)
I have to hand it to you, you’ve got the “You’re a dick” part down pat.

Relax and go buy a sense of humor, click here to see the prices on
You are likely to be on the right if you or a loved one is beaten to a pulp by some of the thugs who are ruling our streets and public transportation nowadays and who are excused by the left for their brutality because they are supposedly victims of systemic racism.
Your confirmation bias is accepted and noted. You must be a right winger.
Oh yeah, being a conspiracy never a good thing. It just makes you look cray-cray. :)
I have to hand it to you, you’ve got the “You’re a dick” part down pat.

Relax and go buy a sense of humor, click here to see the prices on
Tough shit. It's in the Politics folder. Belongs in the basement.
There, now I got the asshole part down too! :)
What is an illegal gun? Can I assume you are a Democrat since you believe there is such a thing?
Silly wabbit, illegal guns are the kind the police use to shoot criminals with.

The legal ones are the ones carried by illegals, get with the program will ya.

Yes. Illegal ones. The ones that flow into cities from gun friendly states.
Get it? :)
Your confirmation bias is accepted and noted. You must be a right winger.
Oh yeah, being a conspiracy never a good thing. It just makes you look cray-cray. :)
I have to hand it to you, you’ve got the “You’re a dick” part down pat.

Relax and go buy a sense of humor, click here to see the prices on
Tough shit. It's in the Politics folder. Belongs in the basement.
There, now I got the asshole part down too! :)
There ya go, there’s that sense of humor emerging from the deep, dark recesses of your mind to smack you upside the head and say “Hey I need some love too!”.
Your confirmation bias is accepted and noted. You must be a right winger.
Oh yeah, being a conspiracy never a good thing. It just makes you look cray-cray. :)

You mean like the China flu and circumstances since revealed, that conspiracy was all BS? How about the conspiracy the Demonicrats assaulted Trump for political reasons exercised by the justice dept., FBI, CIA and courts, was that a conspiracy too or did we discover the Demonicrats are dirty?

How about the conspiracy the Demonicrats raise riots via their media and politicians, that a conspiracy too?

Speak of conspiracies, how about Trump's assault on January 6th, that still riding inside a PROG-head?
Your confirmation bias is accepted and noted. You must be a right winger.
Oh yeah, being a conspiracy never a good thing. It just makes you look cray-cray. :)
You are nothing but dependent Group Thinking imbeciles not capable of independence.

You're always trying to impress the next dildo sucking group thinker by gobbling their dicks better than the next guy. If you dare even have an independent thought about which ass wipe to use. you are disgraced, removed, and cancelled

Until you fuckers figure out this gender issue with yourselves, it does not matter.
What is an illegal gun? Can I assume you are a Democrat since you believe there is such a thing?
Silly wabbit, illegal guns are the kind the police use to shoot criminals with.

The legal ones are the ones carried by illegals, get with the program will ya.

Yes. Illegal ones. The ones that flow into cities from gun friendly states.
Get it? :)
Those illegal guns illegally crossing the border....and TAKING OUR JOBS!!!!
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