You're most likely to be left or right if.....

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What is an illegal gun? Can I assume you are a Democrat since you believe there is such a thing?
Silly wabbit, illegal guns are the kind the police use to shoot criminals with.

The legal ones are the ones carried by illegals, get with the program will ya.

Yes. Illegal ones. The ones that flow into cities from gun friendly states.
Get it? :)
Those illegal guns illegally crossing the border....and TAKING OUR JOBS!!!!

Drugs cross the border. Guns???..come from gun friendly states.
The people??..are just looking for work. And they're doing the jobs you'd never
lower yourself to do in a million years.
What is an illegal gun? Can I assume you are a Democrat since you believe there is such a thing?

Indeed. I was in Lowes the other day and I wanted to purchase a screwdriver, but since people have been stabbed with one, obviously I don 't want that evil "killing machine" in my home. :)
Your confirmation bias is accepted and noted. You must be a right winger.
Oh yeah, being a conspiracy never a good thing. It just makes you look cray-cray. :)

You mean like the China flu and circumstances since revealed, that conspiracy was all BS? How about the conspiracy the Demonicrats assaulted Trump for political reasons exercised by the justice dept., FBI, CIA and courts, was that a conspiracy too or did we discover the Demonicrats are dirty?

How about the conspiracy the Demonicrats raise riots via their media and politicians, that a conspiracy too?

Speak of conspiracies, how about Trump's assault on January 6th, that still riding inside a PROG-head?

1) Still yet to be determined.
2) I'm guessing you meant "race riots". However, none of these were an attempted insurrection seeking to overturn the results of a free and fair
3) Not a conspiracy. Actually happened. Oh yeah, here's what the big guy said...and then pussied out and went back to the White House.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
What is an illegal gun? Can I assume you are a Democrat since you believe there is such a thing?

Indeed. I was in Lowes the other day and I wanted to purchase a screwdriver, but since people have been stabbed with one, obviously I don 't want that evil "killing machine" in my home. :)
FYI: screwdrivers don’t kill people, people that use hammers in the place of screwdrivers do.

Write that down.
IIRC, a stolen gun(firearm) would be an illegal one.
How does that make the gun illegal? The gun didn’t have anything to do with it being stolen.

How come we’re always blaming the guns for what people do?
I don't "always" and never have! Obviously you don't know me, and never have.
I'm very pro second amendment.

In fact just got off the phone to confirm legalities of transferring a Mossberg 500 to my younger son.

BTW (By The Way), IIRC = If I Recall Correctly; and implication of my statement was inferred to the person whom uses a firearm that has been stolen is also often (per jurisdiction and local laws) using what is considered an "illegal" firearm. This often on top of them likely a felony or other without a local right to possess a firearm.

Furthermore, FWIW (For What It's Worth) the 2nd is a right to "bear arms" which could include the sabre hanging on my wall, other swords and blade weapons, crossbows, and some would claim artillery pieces, etc.
IIRC, a stolen gun(firearm) would be an illegal one.
How does that make the gun illegal? The gun didn’t have anything to do with it being stolen.

How come we’re always blaming the guns for what people do?
I don't "always" and never have! Obviously you don't know me, and never have.
I'm very pro second amendment.

In fact just got off the phone to confirm legalities of transferring a Mossberg 500 to my younger son.

BTW (By The Way), IIRC = If I Recall Correctly; and implication of my statement was inferred to the person whom uses a firearm that has been stolen is also often (per jurisdiction and local laws) using what is considered an "illegal" firearm. This often on top of them likely a felony or other without a local right to possess a firearm.

Furthermore, FWIW (For What It's Worth) the 2nd is a right to "bear arms" which could include the sabre hanging on my wall, other swords and blade weapons, crossbows, and some would claim artillery pieces, etc.
Yeah, if you’re so pro-Second Amendment, then how come you were so quick to try to pin the theft on the poor, innocent gun?

I would expect a TRUE supporter of the 2nd Amendment to place the blame where it clearly belongs.. on the bullets, after all if they had done their job the poor gun wouldn’t have been stolen in the first place.
IIRC, a stolen gun(firearm) would be an illegal one.
How does that make the gun illegal? The gun didn’t have anything to do with it being stolen.

How come we’re always blaming the guns for what people do?
I don't "always" and never have! Obviously you don't know me, and never have.
I'm very pro second amendment.

In fact just got off the phone to confirm legalities of transferring a Mossberg 500 to my younger son.

BTW (By The Way), IIRC = If I Recall Correctly; and implication of my statement was inferred to the person whom uses a firearm that has been stolen is also often (per jurisdiction and local laws) using what is considered an "illegal" firearm. This often on top of them likely a felony or other without a local right to possess a firearm.

Furthermore, FWIW (For What It's Worth) the 2nd is a right to "bear arms" which could include the sabre hanging on my wall, other swords and blade weapons, crossbows, and some would claim artillery pieces, etc.
Yeah, if you’re so pro-Second Amendment, then how come you were so quick to try to pin the theft on the poor, innocent gun?

I would expect a TRUE supporter of the 2nd Amendment to place the blame where it clearly belongs.. on the bullets, after all if they had done their job the poor gun wouldn’t have been stolen in the first place.
What you smokin'~inhaling there ?
Or do you usually have a score of synapses disconnected?
IIRC, a stolen gun(firearm) would be an illegal one.
How does that make the gun illegal? The gun didn’t have anything to do with it being stolen.

How come we’re always blaming the guns for what people do?
I don't "always" and never have! Obviously you don't know me, and never have.
I'm very pro second amendment.

In fact just got off the phone to confirm legalities of transferring a Mossberg 500 to my younger son.

BTW (By The Way), IIRC = If I Recall Correctly; and implication of my statement was inferred to the person whom uses a firearm that has been stolen is also often (per jurisdiction and local laws) using what is considered an "illegal" firearm. This often on top of them likely a felony or other without a local right to possess a firearm.

Furthermore, FWIW (For What It's Worth) the 2nd is a right to "bear arms" which could include the sabre hanging on my wall, other swords and blade weapons, crossbows, and some would claim artillery pieces, etc.
Yeah, if you’re so pro-Second Amendment, then how come you were so quick to try to pin the theft on the poor, innocent gun?

I would expect a TRUE supporter of the 2nd Amendment to place the blame where it clearly belongs.. on the bullets, after all if they had done their job the poor gun wouldn’t have been stolen in the first place.
What you smokin'~inhaling there ?
Or do you usually have a score of synapses disconnected?
I’m just having some fun with this thread, lighten up, just a joke, don’t shoot me.
IIRC, a stolen gun(firearm) would be an illegal one.
How does that make the gun illegal? The gun didn’t have anything to do with it being stolen.

How come we’re always blaming the guns for what people do?
I don't "always" and never have! Obviously you don't know me, and never have.
I'm very pro second amendment.

In fact just got off the phone to confirm legalities of transferring a Mossberg 500 to my younger son.

BTW (By The Way), IIRC = If I Recall Correctly; and implication of my statement was inferred to the person whom uses a firearm that has been stolen is also often (per jurisdiction and local laws) using what is considered an "illegal" firearm. This often on top of them likely a felony or other without a local right to possess a firearm.

Furthermore, FWIW (For What It's Worth) the 2nd is a right to "bear arms" which could include the sabre hanging on my wall, other swords and blade weapons, crossbows, and some would claim artillery pieces, etc.
Yeah, if you’re so pro-Second Amendment, then how come you were so quick to try to pin the theft on the poor, innocent gun?

I would expect a TRUE supporter of the 2nd Amendment to place the blame where it clearly belongs.. on the bullets, after all if they had done their job the poor gun wouldn’t have been stolen in the first place.
What you smokin'~inhaling there ?
Or do you usually have a score of synapses disconnected?
I’m just having some fun with this thread, lighten up, just a joke, don’t shoot me.
I'll tell the bullets to go wide ...
I can say neither the left nor right offers me one thing I agree with enough to vote for them. Stuff it. Losers.
You're butthurt.

Oh so very butthurt.

Butthurt controls your life. Butthurt is what gets you out of bed in the morning. Butthurt drives you to spend your life on the internet, making up long butthurt posts.

Also, you have a very tiny weewee.
Closed. Copying and pasting an email you received is not a source nor does it qualify as personal content and baiting threads do not belong in Politics anyway
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