Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg funded by anti-American extremist Soros

The fact is that the Democrats are on the side of the criminals.

Insofar as criminality in the White House, the opposite is true, and these stats are not up to date, to wit;

They defunded the police, and they elected far left extremist DAs.
That's a meme, no evidence for it.

The high crime areas in the 'red states' are in the Democrat parts.

Like I said, both facts are true, feel free to cherry pick your facts, and I won't mention that meth labs are in rural areas.

the point is, crime has no political slant, crime exists where it can ply it's trade, convenience, not politics, is the operative word.

But, when it comes to the white house, all bets are off. Republicans win that pissing contest, in spades.
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Insofar as criminality in the White House, the opposite is true, and these stats are not up to date, to wit;
View attachment 767622

That's a meme, no evidence for it.

Like I said, both facts are true, feel free to cherry pick your facts, and I won't mention that meth labs are in rural areas.

the point is, crime has no political slant, crime exists where it can ply it's trade, convenience, not politics, is the operative word.

But, when it comes to the white house, all bets are off. Republicans win that pissing contest, in spades.

But, to harbor such a view would require honesty. Just sayin'.
That’s not a chart of criminal activities. It is a chart of alleged criminal activities. If an Administration has a ton of actual criminal activity but no charges criminal activities, the “chart” will report a zero.

That doesn’t mean much since a corrupted liberal Democrat infested DOJ isn’t likely to go after Democrap Administrarions.
WASHINGTON — The chairmen of the House Oversight and Judiciary committees on Monday demanded that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg hand over documents and testify about “what plainly appears to be a politically motivated” prosecution of former President Donald Trump.

Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) wrote to the Democratic Manhattan DA that his plans to charge Trump would be “an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority.”

How billionaire George Soros funded DA Alvin Bragg with $1million

5 hours ago · Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is one of at least 75 liberal district attorneys who have received millions in funding from George Soros-backed political …

Cities Will Set Murder Records Because of 'Soros Effect'

Soros-backed DAs in major U.S. cities have instituted brazenly lax enforcement policies that have helped unleash an unprecedented wave of crime across urban America.

Should Alvin Braggs resign for taking donations from the anti-American extremist George Soros?
Soros has said that working for the Nazis was a "happy exhilarating experience" and he also said that he "had no feelings of guilt".
Soros is funding the Democrat DAs who are releasing violent criminals onto the public.
This is why we are seeing this crime surge.
He is getting innocent Americans killed.
Are Democrats incapable of feeling shame?
BTW, Soros is "fact checked" by left wing media and Big Tech cleanses the web of criticism of him.
Jordan has never taken the BAR exam & has never prosecuted a criminal case in his life so his knowledge about "prosecutorial authority" is shit.

He should stick to planting his face in Trump's ass when called upon & leave the rest of this stuff to people with a brain.
Insofar as criminality in the White House, the opposite is true, and these stats are not up to date, to wit;
View attachment 767622

That's a meme, no evidence for it.

Like I said, both facts are true, feel free to cherry pick your facts, and I won't mention that meth labs are in rural areas.

the point is, crime has no political slant, crime exists where it can ply it's trade, convenience, not politics, is the operative word.

But, when it comes to the white house, all bets are off. Republicans win that pissing contest, in spades.

But, to harbor such a view would require honesty. Just sayin'.
Hm. Interesting.

To get anything done you have to skirt the law?

Or, if you stay within the law, you won't get anything done and everything will fall apart.
It's OK that you don't pay attention to what people say. It goes hand and glove with what passes for conservatism these days.
No, you simpleton. I pay a great deal of attention to what people say.

The thing is, I don’t give you established hacks much credibility. You don’t deserve any.

Modern American Liberalism is more akin to fascism than anything that used to be considered “liberal.” You’re one of the offenders.
Jordan has never taken the BAR exam & has never prosecuted a criminal case in his life so his knowledge about "prosecutorial authority" is shit.

He should stick to planting his face in Trump's ass when called upon & leave the rest of this stuff to people with a brain.
So, no liberals then?
No, because the whole intent is to smear Trump, and that is what they are doing.
It is a malicious prosecution.

I don't support the hush money indictments, but on bigger crimes, I do believe Trump needs to be held accountable, and if you think that is smearing, either he did, or didn't do the crimes. No prosecutor is going to indict Trump unless that prosecutor is darn sure he or she has the goods on him. You know the old saying ,' "when you aim at the king, you'd better not miss'. The point is, the stakes are as high as they could possibly be. It will take a lot of courage for a prosecutor to indict Trump. He'll have his day in court and the prosecutor will have to suffer a barrage of hate, death threats, from his unruly fans. But, of course, that doesn't seem to bother you, eh, TroglocratsRdumb?

But, if speaking ill of people bothers you, one must wonder why you defend Trump, who speaks ill of people, wantonly.

Speaking of ill will, it literally is your avatar. You're not fooling anyone.
That’s not a chart of criminal activities. It is a chart of alleged criminal activities. If an Administration has a ton of actual criminal activity but no charges criminal activities, the “chart” will report a zero.

That doesn’t mean much since a corrupted liberal Democrat infested DOJ isn’t likely to go after Democrap Administrarions.

Column #3 are convictions. Look again, and each of the convictions can be substantiated, it's all in the court record. Evidence supplied on request.

Your last line assumes a claim against liberal Democrats. Please substantiate that claim. You are entitled to your opinion, but if you want to debate facts, at least with me, I ask that you substantiate your claim, but from reputable sources. If all you want to do is voice your opinion, then clarify and we'll end this discussion (that is, with you, at least as far as I'm concerned).
Insofar as criminality in the White House, the opposite is true, and these stats are not up to date, to wit;
View attachment 767622

That's a meme, no evidence for it.

Like I said, both facts are true, feel free to cherry pick your facts, and I won't mention that meth labs are in rural areas.

the point is, crime has no political slant, crime exists where it can ply it's trade, convenience, not politics, is the operative word.

But, when it comes to the white house, all bets are off. Republicans win that pissing contest, in spades.
Yea, corrupt Democrat Politicians rarely are prosecuted for their crimes.
They almost always get away with their crimes.
Like when Hillary Clinton illegally destroyed evidence.
I don't support the hush money indictments, but on bigger crimes, I do believe Trump needs to be held accountable, and if you think that is smearing, either he did, or didn't do the crimes. No prosecutor is going to indict Trump unless that prosecutor is darn sure he or she has the goods on him. You know the old saying ,' "when you aim at the king, you'd better not miss'. The point is, the stakes are as high as they could possibly be. It will take a lot of courage for a prosecutor to indict Trump. He'll have his day in court and the prosecutor will have to suffer a barrage of hate, death threats, from his unruly fans. But, of course, that doesn't seem to bother you, eh, TroglocratsRdumb?

But, if speaking ill of people bothers you, one must wonder why you defend Trump, who speaks ill of people, wantonly.

Speaking of ill will, it literally is your avatar. You're not fooling anyone.
It is a politically motivated malicious prosecution.
The Corrupt Democrat Party practices banana republic politics.
The Democrat Politicians exploit the hate and ignorance of their crazy cult.
Column #3 are convictions. Look again, and each of the convictions can be substantiated, it's all in the court record. Evidence supplied on request.

So? A politically motivated prosecution can still yield convictions. But if that same prosecutor’s office chooses not to prosecute someone (say a liberal Democrat’s Administration official), then there won’t be any conviction since there is no prosecution.
Your last line assumes a claim against liberal Democrats. Please substantiate that claim. You are entitled to your opinion, but if you want to debate facts, at least with me, I ask that you substantiate your claim, but from reputable sources. If all you want to do is voice your opinion, then clarify and we'll end this discussion (that is, with you, at least as far as I'm concerned).
No no. I have seen plenty of corruption and criminality. Things like what President Potato bragged about in getting a Ukrainian prosecutor fired; things like what Shrillary did with her emails and devices, etc etc etc.

I don’t care who you end discussions with. You need to learn something. You’re not significant.

Also, finally, I’m not saying that none of the prosecutions brought by the deep state DOJ were invalid. Maybe they were all valid. What I am saying is that partisan political considerations go into who gets prosecuted. Ironically, that chart is indirect evidence of that.
This is already blowing up in the Dems faces. Editorial boards are now ripping this idiot DA a new one. Dems have lost the battle. Another swing and a miss Dems you punks.
How many of those editorials come from liberal media outlets? Also, if you can, I’d like to see some kid the editorials. Can you link a few?/
Yea, corrupt Democrat Politicians rarely are prosecuted for their crimes.
Well, Given that Republican administrations occupy the white house for quite a few administrations, namely, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, HW Bush, G Bush, and Trump, either Republican administrations are:

1. Incompetent for not prosecuting criminal Democrats, assuming crimes are evenly committed in both demographics
2. Committing most of the crimes.

It's one or the other, take your pick.

They almost always get away with their crimes.
If that is true, and I doubt it, then #1 is correct, Republican administrations are incompetent for letting Democrats 'get away with it'.

But, in truth, your contention is a rationalization, you can't handle the fact that the court records show:


Truth hurts, I know.

Like when Hillary Clinton illegally destroyed evidence.

There is no evidence for either of those contentions. Deleting files that are not pertinent to business are routine for members of executive staff and cabinet members, she ordered her files to be deleted two weeks in advance of the subpoena. A Republican director of the FBI ruled that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute her.

In short, you are tall on claims, short on evidence.

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