Manhunt On for Road Rage Shooter

>> Tips continued to pour in Saturday to the West Goshen Police Department in its search for the pickup-truck driver who shot and killed 18-year-old Bianca Roberson in an apparent road-rage attack on Wednesday.

The department has now logged at least 1,000 tips, dispatcher Jackie Badman said Saturday morning. Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan said investigators were interviewing witnesses and tipsters who had called in about the suspect, driving a faded red pickup truck, who killed Roberson on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday.

Around 11 a.m. Saturday, the police department parking lot was nearly empty. The TV cameras and satellite trucks that had camped out there Friday afternoon were gone. But inside the station, dispatchers were busy at work. They answered phone call after phone call with “Do you have a tip for us?” << --- Police Flooded with Tips

They won't say how many shots were fired but they do say Bianca died from "a single shot to the head".

But we "don't have a gun problem"............

Oh and STILL no mention of any "multiple children from different males living off government welfare" either.

No...I brought up the single teenage mothers raising young males....that is the cause of the impulse control problem, asswipe......they aren't being shown how to be adult men.......

And it is happening in Britain too...

Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass: Theodore Dalrymple: 9781566635059: Books
>> Tips continued to pour in Saturday to the West Goshen Police Department in its search for the pickup-truck driver who shot and killed 18-year-old Bianca Roberson in an apparent road-rage attack on Wednesday.

The department has now logged at least 1,000 tips, dispatcher Jackie Badman said Saturday morning. Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan said investigators were interviewing witnesses and tipsters who had called in about the suspect, driving a faded red pickup truck, who killed Roberson on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday.

Around 11 a.m. Saturday, the police department parking lot was nearly empty. The TV cameras and satellite trucks that had camped out there Friday afternoon were gone. But inside the station, dispatchers were busy at work. They answered phone call after phone call with “Do you have a tip for us?” << --- Police Flooded with Tips

They won't say how many shots were fired but they do say Bianca died from "a single shot to the head".

But we "don't have a gun problem"............

Oh and STILL no mention of any "multiple children from different males living off government welfare" either.

No...I brought up the single teenage mothers raising young males....that is the cause of the impulse control problem, asswipe......they aren't being shown how to be adult men.......

And it is happening in Britain too...

Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass: Theodore Dalrymple: 9781566635059: Books

Links to Amazon Books have exactly what to do with why Bianca Roberson is dead?
Did she die from a single book thrown at her head from a moving car, or what?

What about Lanza and Roberts? Did they hurl "Amazon Books" at thirty schoolchildren?

they aren't being shown how to be adult men.......

Ah, you mean the way you're showing "how to be adult men" by calling anybody who flags your fallacies "asswipe" and "moron" and "shit head? And by post after post after post trying desperately to derail a thread into "Amazon Books"?
Of course he is. No one has suggested otherwise.
That's why there's a manhunt on for him, the first word in my title. What are you even talking about?

Keep yer head down a few more days and it'll all be forgotten.
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Of course he is. No one has suggested otherwise.
That's why there's a manhunt on for him, the first word in my title. What are you even talking about?

Keep yer head down a few more days and it'll all be forgotten.

The tragedy is, you may be right. Which in fact underscores my whole point here -- we're desensitized.

Here's an innocent teenage girl gunned down and posters flock in to defend the murder instrument..... it does boggle the mind, but it's also the central issue.
So a pair of rude hoodlums who each tried to cut in front of traffic, creating a bottleneck and stealing time from motorists behind them, settled their falling-out through darwinism with the one with the gun winning.
That is the fault of a gun, how? Shouldn't it be the fault of the cars and the road merge design, too?

Link / quote to anywhere anyone suggested "it's the fault of the gun"?

What's the first word in the title here Einstein?

A gun cannot initiate an action and therefore cannot be "at fault". Nor can it "win" for the same reason. What "won" here is the gun culture. Again --- the idea that "I can get to this ramp one car faster by shooting at that car".

Why is this sailing over your tiny little head?
You mean the first post on the thread doesn't have a sarcastic reference to there being a gun problem? I must be seeing things

Yeah it sure does. And a link to the thread where that idea came from and a calling out of the guy that made it yesterday. He hasn't shown up.

In the same way the very next post will mock another klown who would have us believe this is the result of "having multiple children from different males living on governmet welfare". Even though the shooter was (as always) a male.

When a point is mockable, I mock. So sue me.
You needed to be clearer on the gun thing. As for the unstructured family issue, it's still the source of the problems. That won't change until that is changed. It won't be changed as long as lefty agendas deflect and excuse.
:uhh: Of course he is. No one has suggested otherwise.
That's why there's a manhunt on for him, the first word in my title. What are you even talking about?
"But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".

We have had guns since our inception. But since the advent of the automobile, we haven't always been aiming guns at other motorists. Why not?
They have been making gun racks for trucks for a long time. But we did not have drive by shootings with the advent of the gun rack. Why not? It must be something else at the heart of this problem. Road RAGE might be a good place to start.

I have guns.
Explain to me why you think my guns are problematic for you. They have never injured anyone. Mine only shoot pigeons. The reason I got the well behaved ones and the killer ended up with the bad gun, has nothing to do with guns and everything to do with mental health. Taking my guns will not solve your problem. You are screaming no guns because the Soros.orgs, and the UN are telling you what to think, and THEY want us unarmed for a reason.
RESIST the urge to step on my rights....

Ummm.... I don't think that's NLT's point.

Actually he didn't make a point -- all he did was quote a part of my OP, link and all.
So a pair of rude hoodlums who each tried to cut in front of traffic, creating a bottleneck and stealing time from motorists behind them, settled their falling-out through darwinism with the one with the gun winning.
That is the fault of a gun, how? Shouldn't it be the fault of the cars and the road merge design, too?
It would be an insult to the poster to take this comment as anything but a joke.
So a pair of rude hoodlums who each tried to cut in front of traffic, creating a bottleneck and stealing time from motorists behind them, settled their falling-out through darwinism with the one with the gun winning.
That is the fault of a gun, how? Shouldn't it be the fault of the cars and the road merge design, too?

Link / quote to anywhere anyone suggested "it's the fault of the gun"?

What's the first word in the title here Einstein?

A gun cannot initiate an action and therefore cannot be "at fault". Nor can it "win" for the same reason. What "won" here is the gun culture. Again --- the idea that "I can get to this ramp one car faster by shooting at that car".

Why is this sailing over your tiny little head?
You mean the first post on the thread doesn't have a sarcastic reference to there being a gun problem? I must be seeing things

Yeah it sure does. And a link to the thread where that idea came from and a calling out of the guy that made it yesterday. He hasn't shown up.

In the same way the very next post will mock another klown who would have us believe this is the result of "having multiple children from different males living on governmet welfare". Even though the shooter was (as always) a male.

When a point is mockable, I mock. So sue me.
You needed to be clearer on the gun thing.

I put a link to the reference AND a name. If it's not your name, don't put the shoe on. Ain't rocket surgery.
Besides --- it successfully raised the issue, which is absolutely essential as a first step to addressing a societal illness --- to "admit we have a problem". So yeah I know exactly what I'm doing.

As for the unstructured family issue, it's still the source of the problems. That won't change until that is changed. It won't be changed as long as lefty agendas deflect and excuse.

Again, there's absolutely ZERO "unstructured family" involved anywhere here --- unless you have info on the shooter that no one else has, in which case you need to be in touch with the police department in my links.

Sorry that they don't have a "lefty agenda". They're simply law enforcement. But do us a favor and don't waste their time with dichotomous bullshit --- they' have a lot on their plate.
morons like you turned that school into a gun free zone.....

Uh HUH. And a link to my posts on this is ---- where?

A quote is -------------------- where?

You've been called out on this shit before when I challenged you (yes YOU directly) to show any such evidence.

You FAILED. And I knew before going in that you would fail because no such posts exist. Anywhere.

And I know that because I know full well everything I've posted and I stand behind them. That's my choice -- to be consistent and honest in my positions.

Your choice has been to pull shit out of your ass and then when challenged, run away and hide. Or as here, try to deflect the thread somewhere else.

We all get choices. I choose straightforward and consistent. You choose making shit up.
I'm eminently comfortable with my choice. How 'bout you?
>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".

This is yet another example of the violence inherent in American culture, and that in America violence is a sanctioned means of conflict resolution.
so if he ran them off the road into a tree do we have a faded red truck problem or a tree problem?

No, he shot her while she was driving. That's why she crashed.

I'm beginning to think I'm writing for an audience of Illiterati.
you know my point. lets not get insulting.

people are being killed in thousands of ways these days. i see that as a bigger issue than trying to ban just one of them.
>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".


That's because we don't. As sad as her death is...and it is truly tragic, had she just let the asshole in front she would still be alive. And when the prick is found he will no doubt have an extensive violent criminal history and lo and behold we will find yet another example of the government not doing its job.
>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".


we don't have a gun problem. We have a behavior problem.

Was the girl who got shot involved in the "cat and mouse" idiot driving?

if she was she could have just as easily have killed another innocent motorist

If a fucking idiot wants to pass you let the fucking idiot pass you
What are the odds that this shooter has a criminal record and that gun was illegally possessed?

I'm saying 3:1
we don't have a gun problem. We have a behavior problem.

We do indeed. And it involves guns.

Was the girl who got shot involved in the "cat and mouse" idiot driving?

Don''t know. From the description of her it doesn't sound like it, but we don't know.

if she was she could have just as easily have killed another innocent motorist

If a fucking idiot wants to pass you let the fucking idiot pass you

----- "or I'll shoot you". Yeah again, that's the problem.
NO ONE should ever have to go around intimidated at the thread of a gunshot.
What are the odds that this shooter has a criminal record and that gun was illegally possessed?

I'm saying 3:1

Doesn't matter. I mean good luck with your betting and all, hope you win lotsa money, but it doesn't bring the victim back does it.
so if he ran them off the road into a tree do we have a faded red truck problem or a tree problem?

No, he shot her while she was driving. That's why she crashed.

I'm beginning to think I'm writing for an audience of Illiterati.
you know my point. lets not get insulting.

people are being killed in thousands of ways these days. i see that as a bigger issue than trying to ban just one of them.

Where do you see anything about "banning" anything?

See what I mean about reading comprehension?
so if he ran them off the road into a tree do we have a faded red truck problem or a tree problem?

No, he shot her while she was driving. That's why she crashed.

I'm beginning to think I'm writing for an audience of Illiterati.
you know my point. lets not get insulting.

people are being killed in thousands of ways these days. i see that as a bigger issue than trying to ban just one of them.

Where do you see anything about "banning" anything?

See what I mean about reading comprehension?
oh im sorry. where do we usually go after we say there,is a gun problem? since i overstepped the bounds,of normal please tell me what your next steps were.
>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".


It is not the gun but the retardation of the person behind the gun. Also I am willing to bet he would have ran her off the road if he did not have a gun seeing he did not care about her life.

In the end monsters will kill and hope they drag him behind his truck when they find his worthless ass...

Zackly That's what this thread is about at root, the "retardation". Although I call it mass societal illness. And that illness is the idea that "I can get to the ramp faster by shooting at this car" --- or whatever the objective is... loud music, inability to face one's various personal problems, or most dangerously, challenges to one's personal inadequacies and expectations of masculinity.

And the instrument of choice to shoot at all those personal problems is the firearm, by tradition. If we were a culture with a poison-dart-shooting tradition, then we'd have a poison-dart-shooting problem. And it "wouldn't be the darts" in that case either but rather the mass retardation that drove people to repeatedly abuse the dart-shooting technology. No difference.

But good luck shooting a poison dart at another car while you're both moving.
so since i was wrong to ASSUME you were banning them in some form, what would your plan be?

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