Manhunt On for Road Rage Shooter

I see big truck guys, and that rolling coal stuff. Huge puffs of diesel efflux and nothing else. Smoke and no mirrors. usually poorly hung white guys with a big inferiority complex and a gun in the rack and aggression issues.
What are the odds that this shooter has a criminal record and that gun was illegally possessed?

I'm saying 3:1

Doesn't matter. I mean good luck with your betting and all, hope you win lotsa money, but it doesn't bring the victim back does it.
People kill people
People have always killed people
People will always kill people

I find it funny that you don't really care about the people who are beaten to death stabbed or strangled and only those that are shot
>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".


Nice story cherry picked for your political convenience. An alleged white man killing a black girl. It doesn't change the fact that thugs pull the trigger.
>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".

I never expected you to take a tragedy and make it political.
The conversation needs to be had. People would like to prevent these tragedies.
i tried having it and pogo got upset n just kept being an ass. i gave up.
I see big truck guys, and that rolling coal stuff. Huge puffs of diesel efflux and nothing else. Smoke and no mirrors. usually poorly hung white guys with a big inferiority complex and a gun in the rack and aggression issues.
Stereotype much? :lol:
>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".


Nice story cherry picked for your political convenience. An alleged white man killing a black girl. It doesn't change the fact that thugs pull the trigger.

I didn't bring up anybody's race -- nor did I know them when I happened upon the story.
But you did, which tells us something else about you. Can't say I'm surprised.

So sure, a thug pulled the trigger (although I'm not sure why you'd try to sanitize "murderer" into "thug", one is left to assume it's got something to do with the above). And that "trigger" was connected to a what?

There isn't any relevant "race" here, and no one, including the victim's family or friends, has made that suggestion. The point here is not and has never been "who was white and who was black". The point has always been the idea of using a gun as a driving technique. And the cultural values that lead to that kind of thinking being even thinkable. This obsessive narrowminded compulsion that "the way to deal with my problems is to shoot my way out of them".

So yeah I'd say that is a problem. A bigly one.
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What are the odds that this shooter has a criminal record and that gun was illegally possessed?

I'm saying 3:1

Doesn't matter. I mean good luck with your betting and all, hope you win lotsa money, but it doesn't bring the victim back does it.
People kill people
People have always killed people
People will always kill people

I find it funny that you don't really care about the people who are beaten to death stabbed or strangled and only those that are shot

Hey, feel free to show us a story of a motorist beating up, stabbing or strangling another motorist while they're both moving.

As usual summa y'all don't get that the point is not "murder", but "shooting". Not the end result but the action.
>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".

I never expected you to take a tragedy and make it political.
The conversation needs to be had. People would like to prevent these tragedies.
i tried having it and pogo got upset n just kept being an ass. i gave up.

All you've done here is troll. You're ignoring everything I've posted in the thread, even in the nest of your own quotes, and insisting I re-post it all over again so you can ignore that too. If you had a specific question or point on any part of it you would have thought of it by now. You're doing a Peewee Herman "I know you are but what am I" routine, and it's unbecoming.
I see big truck guys, and that rolling coal stuff. Huge puffs of diesel efflux and nothing else. Smoke and no mirrors. usually poorly hung white guys with a big inferiority complex and a gun in the rack and aggression issues.
Stereotype much? :lol:

Fair point, it is kind of a broad brush. It's well known that some of these trucks run on gas, not Diesel. :tongue:
What are the odds that this shooter has a criminal record and that gun was illegally possessed?

I'm saying 3:1

Doesn't matter. I mean good luck with your betting and all, hope you win lotsa money, but it doesn't bring the victim back does it.
People kill people
People have always killed people
People will always kill people

I find it funny that you don't really care about the people who are beaten to death stabbed or strangled and only those that are shot

Hey, feel free to show us a story of a motorist beating up, stabbing or strangling another motorist while they're both moving.

As usual summa y'all don't get that the point is not "murder", but "shooting". Not the end result but the action.
Oh so you only care about people who are killed while driving.

Thanks for clearing that up
Now onto the breaking news: the local police have captured what they believe is the truck and have a suspect in custody. They only say he's 28, no name or other details given. Story here.

In their usual narcissistic-media way the local TV station crows that "only Action News was there!" as the cops came in with the Chevy Silverado truck. Because what's important is not a murder of a young lady, not road rage, not having a gun problem --- what matters is "only Action News was there!"

Also kind of typical before you can watch the raw video (which only shows the truck being towed in) ---- you have to watch two insipid actors in an ice cream commercial. Because what matters is that Action News makes money. And that's why they got there first.
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>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".

I never expected you to take a tragedy and make it political.
The conversation needs to be had. People would like to prevent these tragedies.

If you just banned people then you wouldn't have these problems :smoke:
"Guns are completely safe..." "Guns are inanimate objects..." "People kill people."
Pressure cooker bombs are completely safe, too, until detonated by a person. Doesn't mean we sell them in WalMart. Guns are killing machines. That is their purpose. You can kill a person with a gun driving your car with nary a scratch, and sometimes you don't even get caught. Drive by shootings and this road rage incident are examples. Yes, a person operated the gun. Of course that's how it works and the person is responsible for using that killing machine. Without the gun, the person would have had the messy option of banging up his own truck in order to force her off the road. Drive by knifings? How well do those work? Walking into the Bronx hospital and stabbing six selected ex-coworkers on two floors? I don't think he would have gotten that far.
Harm reduction, Lucy.
Sure murderers will always be with us. They'll be slowed down a lot without guns.

And more to my point, they'd be slowed down a lot without the continuous fetish-glorification of them, which appears to be the motivation of some wags here who want to take an obvious social sickness and make it "political" or "guns shooting themselves" or whatever other lunacy nobody brought up.

This is the same issue that was flaring the day I joined this site, being just after the Bob Costas Monday Night Football commentary on Jovan Belcher, and a few days before Adam Lanza punctuated the entire issue with twenty exclamation points in Connecticut.

Costas' commentary has been uploaded literally thousands of times on YouTube. Nearly every one of these uploads describes it as a "gun control rant".....

----- DESPITE the naked fact that Costas never once mentions "gun control", never once alludes to any laws, never once makes any mention of Second Amendment rights. The entire commentary is centered on the illness of a society that thinks the solution to everybody's problem is "a gun". Football player Jovan Belcher had just shot his wife and infant, then drove to his football practice and blew his own brains out in front of his coaches. A week before that a driver in Jacksonville Florida had shot into a car parked next to him objecting to its loud music (and killed a kid). Then just after that, the commentary was pushed off the front pages by Lanza, and a week after that, William Spegler ambushing firefighters in Webster New York.

All different shootings, all different motivations, with one thing in common --- "I can deal with this problem by shooting at it" THAT is, and always was, the issue. That's what the Costas commentary addressed, and yet all these YouTubers and commenters here, and elsewhere, desperately tried to morph it into "gun control" apparently because they can't stand to face the social-values issue this actually IS.

Oh no, we don't DARE talk about that. Engage deflector shields!

That's been my message the entire time I've been here at USMB (and before). And here five years later, Ignorami are still here going :lalala:

The issue of gun violence can be addressed absent the regulation of firearms.
Now onto the breaking news: the local police have captured what they believe is the truck and have a suspect in custody. They only say he's 28, no name or other details given. Story here.

In their usual narcissistic-media way the local TV station crows that "only Action News was there!" as the cops came in with the Chevy Silverado truck. Because what's important is not a murder of a young lady, not road rage, not having a gun problem --- what matters is "only Action News was there!"
The Eagles Dirty Laundry comes to mind........

"We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blond who
Comes on at five
She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam
In her eye
It's interesting when people die
Give us dirty laundry"
>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".

I never expected you to take a tragedy and make it political.
The conversation needs to be had. People would like to prevent these tragedies.
i tried having it and pogo got upset n just kept being an ass. i gave up.

All you've done here is troll. You're ignoring everything I've posted in the thread, even in the nest of your own quotes, and insisting I re-post it all over again so you can ignore that too. If you had a specific question or point on any part of it you would have thought of it by now. You're doing a Peewee Herman "I know you are but what am I" routine, and it's unbecoming.
bullshit. i tried in good faith to talk about this,n you just kept getting mad. now i seecyou saying what makes you frustrated but you dont see yourself doing it.
I never expected you to take a tragedy and make it political.
The conversation needs to be had. People would like to prevent these tragedies.

If you just banned people then you wouldn't have these problems :smoke:
"Guns are completely safe..." "Guns are inanimate objects..." "People kill people."
Pressure cooker bombs are completely safe, too, until detonated by a person. Doesn't mean we sell them in WalMart. Guns are killing machines. That is their purpose. You can kill a person with a gun driving your car with nary a scratch, and sometimes you don't even get caught. Drive by shootings and this road rage incident are examples. Yes, a person operated the gun. Of course that's how it works and the person is responsible for using that killing machine. Without the gun, the person would have had the messy option of banging up his own truck in order to force her off the road. Drive by knifings? How well do those work? Walking into the Bronx hospital and stabbing six selected ex-coworkers on two floors? I don't think he would have gotten that far.
Harm reduction, Lucy.
Sure murderers will always be with us. They'll be slowed down a lot without guns.

And more to my point, they'd be slowed down a lot without the continuous fetish-glorification of them, which appears to be the motivation of some wags here who want to take an obvious social sickness and make it "political" or "guns shooting themselves" or whatever other lunacy nobody brought up.

This is the same issue that was flaring the day I joined this site, being just after the Bob Costas Monday Night Football commentary on Jovan Belcher, and a few days before Adam Lanza punctuated the entire issue with twenty exclamation points in Connecticut.

Costas' commentary has been uploaded literally thousands of times on YouTube. Nearly every one of these uploads describes it as a "gun control rant".....

----- DESPITE the naked fact that Costas never once mentions "gun control", never once alludes to any laws, never once makes any mention of Second Amendment rights. The entire commentary is centered on the illness of a society that thinks the solution to everybody's problem is "a gun". Football player Jovan Belcher had just shot his wife and infant, then drove to his football practice and blew his own brains out in front of his coaches. A week before that a driver in Jacksonville Florida had shot into a car parked next to him objecting to its loud music (and killed a kid). Then just after that, the commentary was pushed off the front pages by Lanza, and a week after that, William Spegler ambushing firefighters in Webster New York.

All different shootings, all different motivations, with one thing in common --- "I can deal with this problem by shooting at it" THAT is, and always was, the issue. That's what the Costas commentary addressed, and yet all these YouTubers and commenters here, and elsewhere, desperately tried to morph it into "gun control" apparently because they can't stand to face the social-values issue this actually IS.

Oh no, we don't DARE talk about that. Engage deflector shields!

That's been my message the entire time I've been here at USMB (and before). And here five years later, Ignorami are still here going :lalala:

The issue of gun violence can be addressed absent the regulation of firearms.

EXACTLY, thank you. And that's been my thrust forever. I thought Costas was spot-on in his perspective back then, and still is. Treat the disease, don't just cover up the symptom.

Perhaps what confirms his observation is all those commenters, YouTube and elsewhere, insisting on characterizing the commentary as a "gun control rant" even though he never mentions or alludes to any kind of gun control in any way at all. People hear what they want to hear and disregard or even fabricate the rest -- at least invested people seem to. It's as if nobody knows how to listen.

Several did the same thing here. All one can do is keep repeating until it starts to sink in.
Now onto the breaking news: the local police have captured what they believe is the truck and have a suspect in custody. They only say he's 28, no name or other details given. Story here.

In their usual narcissistic-media way the local TV station crows that "only Action News was there!" as the cops came in with the Chevy Silverado truck. Because what's important is not a murder of a young lady, not road rage, not having a gun problem --- what matters is "only Action News was there!"
The Eagles Dirty Laundry comes to mind........

"We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blond who
Comes on at five
She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam
In her eye
It's interesting when people die
Give us dirty laundry"

Thanks, never knew the lyrics.
It's true, that's what I keep saying about commercial media. Sometimes it coincides that a story they can milk for profit is also one that's important, as here, but they'll still find a way to make it about themselves. One of several filters we have to engage just to be informed.

We used to call it "Fraction News". In fact one of its talking heads years ago would sign off "Don Tollefson, for Action News" but he'd run "for" and "Action" together so they came out "fraction". I think he was having a sly wink.
Now onto the breaking news: the local police have captured what they believe is the truck and have a suspect in custody. They only say he's 28, no name or other details given. Story here.

In their usual narcissistic-media way the local TV station crows that "only Action News was there!" as the cops came in with the Chevy Silverado truck. Because what's important is not a murder of a young lady, not road rage, not having a gun problem --- what matters is "only Action News was there!"
The Eagles Dirty Laundry comes to mind........

"We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blond who
Comes on at five
She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam
In her eye
It's interesting when people die
Give us dirty laundry"

Thanks, never knew the lyrics.
It's true, that's what I keep saying about commercial media. Sometimes it coincides that a story they can milk for profit is also one that's important, as here, but they'll still find a way to make it about themselves. One of several filters we have to engage just to be informed.

We used to call it Fraction News.
The wife likes watching the local news followed by national news in the evening. Sometimes I listen (not watch) the national news and listen to how something is being said, inflections and where the vocal emphasis is laid. It's fairly pathetic to listen to it at times as they always put a heavy emphasis on words like "explosion, bombing, shooting, blow up, etc". Also in listening only one can pick up occasional subtle biases in the reporting.
Now onto the breaking news: the local police have captured what they believe is the truck and have a suspect in custody. They only say he's 28, no name or other details given. Story here.

In their usual narcissistic-media way the local TV station crows that "only Action News was there!" as the cops came in with the Chevy Silverado truck. Because what's important is not a murder of a young lady, not road rage, not having a gun problem --- what matters is "only Action News was there!"
The Eagles Dirty Laundry comes to mind........

"We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blond who
Comes on at five
She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam
In her eye
It's interesting when people die
Give us dirty laundry"

Thanks, never knew the lyrics.
It's true, that's what I keep saying about commercial media. Sometimes it coincides that a story they can milk for profit is also one that's important, as here, but they'll still find a way to make it about themselves. One of several filters we have to engage just to be informed.

We used to call it Fraction News.
The wife likes watching the local news followed by national news in the evening. Sometimes I listen (not watch) the national news and listen to how something is being said, inflections and where the vocal emphasis is laid. It's fairly pathetic to listen to it at times as they always put a heavy emphasis on words like "explosion, bombing, shooting, blow up, etc". Also in listening only one can pick up occasional subtle biases in the reporting.

Bingo. And they'll write the script so that the word "explosion" forms a coda and hangs in the air.

Being a commercial news talking head is more about being an actor, certainly not a reporter. Those stories are put together by somebody else anyway, and their job is diction.

It used to be said of one prominent local news anchor (I think it was John Facenda, who was also an early narrator for NFL films) that if you asked him immediately after the news show concluded what the news actually was that he just reported --- he'd have no idea. That's probably true in general The Ted Baxter stereotype isn't that far off. They're just there to enunciate, to literally present, in the most emotional-yet-gravitas way they can.

Another way to watch the Phony ---- when there are two anchors in the picture frame and one is talkng --- watch the other one not talking, and all the stupid completely unnatural body gestures they go through. It's hilarious.
Here's the alleged shooter ---

Hats off to the police, and the citizens who helped them find him.

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